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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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So much anger towards Mr. Sanders, a good and wise man suspicious of international trade agreements and entangling treaties abroad.. Were I one of his supporters, I would get even with Clinton, Inc., which stole my vote, and elect Trump in the fall.

Several polls have show that 20% of Sanders' voters would vote for Trump. They both have in common, jobs. Bernie is opposed to exporting jobs. They both insist the system is rigged for insiders who don't care about the middle class. They are both opposed to outsourcing jobs to other countries.

"We need trade policies that are fair for the American worker, fair for poor people around the world, and not just designed to make the CEOs of multinational corporations even richer than they are today."

Bernie Sanders
Jan. 2 in Worcester, Mass.
"We need fair trade, not free trade. We need fair trade. It’s gotta be fair."
Donald Trump
June 18, 2015, on Morning Joe
This election is going to be about JOBS. "It's the economy, stupid." Look at the dissing Hillary got from people in W. Virginia. Coal miners. They stood along the parade route, booed her and flipped her off. She had promised to shut down the use of coal and break the mining companies. Those people are hurting. Many Americans are hurting.
Hillary can offer nothing about jobs or the economy because not only does she know nothing, but she's anti-business to the max.
President Trump.
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Brilliant strategy if it happens

For both of them...

Hillary is hopefully kicking her self ... She is her own worst enemy

No, only for the vile monster. Bernie has lost the plot.
Completely disagree... If Bernie shows his strength against Trump in debate, he could get a bounce in CA

Also may open the eyes of Super Delegates before convention

No downside for Bernie

To be honest only Trump has any real downside.. As if he hits Bernie too hard, could turn off those that may vote for him once Bernie is out

And if he is too soft, then could hurt him as well

Although if he does it just right , could help him with General election voters

Regardless of what happens.. Makes Hillary look bad as only possible because she backed out of debate that has earlier promised to hold

Also because she is sitting on side lines ..

Hope they don't back out and this happens

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

Edited by Jingthing
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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

So, that's the script, huh? Blame Bernie. If Clinton goes down to Trump you won't have to go any further than a mirror to know who to blame. You and the millions like you that have tried to shove a horribly flawed candidate down the throat of the American voting public, thereby helping the "vile monster" , to borrow a phrase.

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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

Disagree... Yes it is an almost certainty that Hillary will be the nominee, but it is not 100% certainty

Talking about pledged delegates.. It's 1768 to 1497...

So Bernie down by only 271... Super delegates can change their mind until they cast their vote.

There are still 764 delegates left in primaries yet to vote ...

So why should Bernie give up? It would be tough and nearly impossible for him to catch up but not impossible

The only reason for him to give up is if it is actually fixed and no chance for Super Delegates to vote for the best candidate

So is the fix in?

If not, he should keep fighting until Hillary has enough PLEDGED delegates to have the nomination

And if it is fixed.. Then he should continue to fight to highlight that point

As the Super Delegates should be weighing the candidates and choose the Best candidate at the convention...

After all isn't that what the Super delegates are supposed to do? On paper at least....

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

So, that's the script, huh? Blame Bernie. If Clinton goes down to Trump you won't have to go any further than a mirror to know who to blame. You and the millions like you that have tried to shove a horribly flawed candidate down the throat of the American voting public, thereby helping the "vile monster" , to borrow a phrase.

What's your logic? Remember Ralph Nader and the idiots that voted for him giving the presidency to W. Bush over a very decent Al Gore? Yes, if it's close, and Bernie doesn't go all in to help Hillary, yes, he would be culpable.

BTW, trump will use a debate against Bernie to attack hillary. He wouldn't be there for Bernie. He knows Bernie is his PAWN. He loves to do that to people. ANOTHER Trump victim. So trump who could be presidents help himself to be president, and bernie gets nothing except the disdain of people who understand he has LOST and the focus now MUCH be on defeating the vile monster.

Edited by Jingthing
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If Hillary looses to Trump... That's not Bernie's fault...

That's Hillary and the DNC's fault

They have a much stronger candidate in Bernie and a candidate much more in line with the Democratic Party's platform on every issue... But it's supposed to be Hillary's turn regardless of everything else..

That is not Bernie's fault

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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

So, that's the script, huh? Blame Bernie. If Clinton goes down to Trump you won't have to go any further than a mirror to know who to blame. You and the millions like you that have tried to shove a horribly flawed candidate down the throat of the American voting public, thereby helping the "vile monster" , to borrow a phrase.

What's your logic? Remember Ralph Nader and the idiots that voted for him giving the presidency to W. Bush over a very decent Al Gore? Yes, if it's close, and Bernie doesn't go all in to help Hillary, yes, he would be culpable.

BTW, trump will use a debate against Bernie to attack hillary. He wouldn't be there for Bernie. He knows Bernie is his PAWN. He loves to do that to people. ANOTHER Trump victim. So trump who could be presidents help himself to be president, and bernie gets nothing except the disdain of people who understand he has LOST and the focus now MUCH be on defeating the vile monster.

Bernie is not going to run as a third party candidate, so not the same at all

By your logic... If Dems loose, I would say it's Hillary's fault for not getting behind Bernie

All polls show he is a much stronger democratic candidate in the general election

Hillary is within margin of error in all polls and slipping daily

If the real goal was to beat Trump at all costs.. Then she and all other democrats should be backing Bernie for the nomination... Right?

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If he's so strong, he wouldn't have lost. He had a one on one and it isn't even close. Bye bye Bernie. Nice to know you.

Sure ... Couldn't have anything to do with DNC head and all other establishment folks telling everyone that Bernie has no chance from beginning

Or getting so many super delegates to come out early showing support for Hillary to try and push voters to think no chance for Bernie to win

They have been calling for Bernie to drop out since day 1...

but regardless ... It ain't over yet...

Fight till the last vote is cast both in Primaries and in the convention

No need to throw in the hat... Give the super delegates a chance to not just say who they support but actually force them to vote between the two at the convention

This way if Hillary looses... Is clear for all to see who voted for the weaker candidate to be the democratic nominee

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

You call him a vile monster....maybe so or maybe not but , from a character standpoint, he's head and shoulders above Clinton.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

Disagree... Yes it is an almost certainty that Hillary will be the nominee, but it is not 100% certainty

Talking about pledged delegates.. It's 1768 to 1497...

So Bernie down by only 271... Super delegates can change their mind until they cast their vote.

There are still 764 delegates left in primaries yet to vote ...

So why should Bernie give up? It would be tough and nearly impossible for him to catch up but not impossible

The only reason for him to give up is if it is actually fixed and no chance for Super Delegates to vote for the best candidate

So is the fix in?

If not, he should keep fighting until Hillary has enough PLEDGED delegates to have the nomination

And if it is fixed.. Then he should continue to fight to highlight that point

As the Super Delegates should be weighing the candidates and choose the Best candidate at the convention...

After all isn't that what the Super delegates are supposed to do? On paper at least....

California is a huge wild card. Bernie owes it to himself and his supporters to stick it out to the end. He is 74 and this is his last hurrah. He's not like Clinton who get's thrashed, goes and climbs back under her rock and then re-appears 8 years later.

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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

So, that's the script, huh? Blame Bernie. If Clinton goes down to Trump you won't have to go any further than a mirror to know who to blame. You and the millions like you that have tried to shove a horribly flawed candidate down the throat of the American voting public, thereby helping the "vile monster" , to borrow a phrase.

What's your logic? Remember Ralph Nader and the idiots that voted for him giving the presidency to W. Bush over a very decent Al Gore? Yes, if it's close, and Bernie doesn't go all in to help Hillary, yes, he would be culpable.

BTW, trump will use a debate against Bernie to attack hillary. He wouldn't be there for Bernie. He knows Bernie is his PAWN. He loves to do that to people. ANOTHER Trump victim. So trump who could be presidents help himself to be president, and bernie gets nothing except the disdain of people who understand he has LOST and the focus now MUCH be on defeating the vile monster.

If Nader were 10 years younger I'd prefer him to Bernie. That "least worst" voting mentality is a loser's game.

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Dont blame Nader....or SCOTUS...or Bill Clinton...or the Boogeyman for Gore losing. He lost because he had less personality than a cigar store wooden indian and couldn't even win his home state despite being a sitting VP for 8 years. Dubya was an unknown quantity outside of Texas but he came across as likable in late 2000 and personality goes a long way.

Besides, only once in the last 70 + years has a party held the White House for more than 2 terms and that was Reagan/Bush....which means it's the GOP's turn and another reason why Clinton will lose thumbsup.gif

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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

Your #Whorin'forHillary posts are making you look a bit silly JT.

ego trip?

last stand?

doesn't care if he helps the vile monster?

oh please.

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Dont blame Nader....or SCOTUS...or Bill Clinton...or the Boogeyman for Gore losing. He lost because he had less personality than a cigar store wooden indian and couldn't even win his home state despite being a sitting VP for 8 years. Dubya was an unknown quantity outside of Texas but he came across as likable in late 2000 and personality goes a long way.

Besides, only once in the last 70 + years has a party held the White House for more than 2 terms and that was Reagan/Bush....which means it's the GOP's turn and another reason why Clinton will lose thumbsup.gif

About 1 year after the 2000 election I happened to hear Al Gore give a speech on some topic that I forget now. He was on fire. A completely different personality. He had passion in this speech.

I thought.... where was this personality in 2000?

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For those you you who wish to dismiss the likes of Ralph Nader let me remind you that if you take away all of the media destroying his character you will find Ralph Nader has always been on your side. He has long fought for the citizen and not for paid political interests.

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Dont blame Nader....or SCOTUS...or Bill Clinton...or the Boogeyman for Gore losing. He lost because he had less personality than a cigar store wooden indian and couldn't even win his home state despite being a sitting VP for 8 years. Dubya was an unknown quantity outside of Texas but he came across as likable in late 2000 and personality goes a long way.

Besides, only once in the last 70 + years has a party held the White House for more than 2 terms and that was Reagan/Bush....which means it's the GOP's turn and another reason why Clinton will lose thumbsup.gif

Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

"No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


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Even if Clinton loses in California, she'll still definitely be nominated.

Bernie is on an ego trip now. It's his last stand, he is going down, and now it looks like he doesn't care if he helps the vile monster become president as well.

Sanders, the FOOL, if he does this, has allowed himself to be SUCKED into the vile monster's reality game show.

The vile monster played the republican reality game show that way, and this is his way of infecting the democratic contest.

Helping the vile monster .... inexcusable.

Plenty of time to take Trump down JT. Steady as she goes comrade.

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Dont blame Nader....or SCOTUS...or Bill Clinton...or the Boogeyman for Gore losing. He lost because he had less personality than a cigar store wooden indian and couldn't even win his home state despite being a sitting VP for 8 years. Dubya was an unknown quantity outside of Texas but he came across as likable in late 2000 and personality goes a long way.

Besides, only once in the last 70 + years has a party held the White House for more than 2 terms and that was Reagan/Bush....which means it's the GOP's turn and another reason why Clinton will lose thumbsup.gif

Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

"No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


"16 competitors" over egging that pudding a little. Worst line up in history.

Newton Leroy Gingrich is your 'go to man' in picking a winner. Not. If you want to lose the nomination race he'd be the guy to go too. Something wrong with Leroy his heads HUGE!!!!!

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Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

"No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


"16 competitors" over egging that pudding a little. Worst line up in history.

Newton Leroy Gingrich is your 'go to man' in picking a winner. Not. If you want to lose the nomination race he'd be the guy to go too. Something wrong with Leroy his heads HUGE!!!!!

Brilliant. Libtards like to attack the messenger, proving I won because they can't refute the facts.

Get used to saying "President Trump".


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Clinton will lose because she's a loser. She may get beaten in more primaries including California. Right now that's a virtual tie and even a tie with Bernie is a loss of face.

Bernie polls better against Trump than Hillary does. If the DNC starts panicking about Hillary's scandals and poor poll ratings against Trump, she might not get the nomination. Her superdelegates may be asked to vote for someone else.

The D party is in chaos. Trump has gotten more R votes in the primaries than any candidate in history and he had to split with 16 other candidates in the beginning. He blew away 16 competitors for the nomination (and some like Bush had powerful backing) and Hillary can't even shake Bernie.

"No one In American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority. Trump's achievement is remarkable." - Newt Gingrich.


"16 competitors" over egging that pudding a little. Worst line up in history.

Newton Leroy Gingrich is your 'go to man' in picking a winner. Not. If you want to lose the nomination race he'd be the guy to go too. Something wrong with Leroy his heads HUGE!!!!!

Brilliant. Libtards like to attack the messenger, proving I won because they can't refute the facts.

Get used to saying "President Trump".


Refute the facts that Leroy is a loser. Why would anyone listen to a loser. He ran for the Republican nomination and lost to Romney. Who cares what Leroy thinks lol

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