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Merkel warns asylum seekers that German refuge is 'temporary'


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Merkel warns asylum seekers that German refuge is 'temporary'
By Justin Huggler in Berlin

Chancellor Angela Merkel says she expects most refugees from Syria and Iraq will go home when conflicts over

BERLIN: -- Angela Merkel has warned asylum seekers that they are only in Germany temporarily and cannot stay long-term.

In a significant change of tone, the German chancellor said even genuine refugees from Syria and Iraq would have to go home once the conflicts there had ended.

“If there is peace in Syria and Isil is defeated in Iraq, we expect you to return to your homelands, with the knowledge of what you have received from us,” she said.

Mrs Merkel and senior ministers sought over the weekend to reassure German voters that her government had the refugee crisis under control after a record 1.1 million asylum seekers arrived last year.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/12132657/Merkel-warns-asylum-seekers-that-German-refuge-is-temporary.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-02-01

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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

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I think it is time for Merkel to resign.

First she invites these people who (whether migrant or refugee) go through great expense, hardship and danger to come to her country, now she tells them them, "oh, but you can't stay long"?

She should resign or be fired. Maybe she could call for early elections then Putin can offer her a high paying job as some kind of consultant. That seems to be part of a Chancellor's retirement plan these days.

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Meaningless words to try to bolster her own political position and stem her rising unpopularity.

These migrants ain't leaving ever. They're in now and they're here to stay and get as much off the German taxpayers as they can by any means possible and bring as many "family" members over as they can get away with to join the free lunch.

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I have predicted these outcomes In my many earlier posts that is happening now,

this is the results of being PC, and acting without weighing all the consequences first,

and what sane PM or a president will take in 1.1 million aliens from another planet

hoping that it will all go smooth?......

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Oh dear mummy's getting upset but it will take more than this to reverse the damage she's done.

An Afghan migrant is Sweden facing removal asked just how the country intended to move them out and that they they would protest.

Very prophetic about the protest part and that will be Europe wide, the blue touch paper has been lit.

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"Time will tell" for sure very few of these economic migrants will return to their homes,although many may move to different countries within the EU,after they've received their EU passport.

Edited by nontabury
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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

I think she also knows very well that a large proportion of those arriving are actually "economic migrants", comprising lots of young, arrogant anti-everything males and have gone to the countries they have for many reasons, including all the free handouts they were promised by those that encouraged them to leave their home countries and cause the problems they are now creating.

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Meaningless words to try to bolster her own political position and stem her rising unpopularity.

These migrants ain't leaving ever. They're in now and they're here to stay and get as much off the German taxpayers as they can by any means possible and bring as many "family" members over as they can get away with to join the free lunch.

in the meantime they will be breeding like rabbits

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she expects .... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

pure stupidity again, another try to deceive her voters

If she meant what she said she would prepare to force them out when time comes, by registering them observing them

and impeding their free travel - and make them earn their livelihood (instead of making German taxpayers work for aliens) - there are enough jobs that Germans don't want to do

Living in a guarded camp in Germany with curfew would be paradise for those who would suffer violence in their countries,

but not for those who only came for free lunch - and it would protect German people from imported violence, which is the duty of a chancellor

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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

Germany should use all its power to stop the war in Syria. There could be an amnesty for those that opposed Assad, this could be part of a Peace Treaty. Then many refugees would rather go back than stay in cold Germany. Those who want to stay as immigrants would not be a threat to anyone really.

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Typical Merkel bla bla.
The major immediate measures are:
1. Immediate border security and recovery of state border sovereignty.
2. Immediate deportation of non-war refugees from Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Arab Countrys, East and West Africans.
3. Quick asylum procedures for real war refugees with temporary residence permits.
4. Compliance with the European Treaties, that means where a refugee enters first European soil, there has to take place the asylum procedure.
5. Quoted and decent accommodation of recognized refugees of war.
Europe must determine where each confirmed refugee receives asylum and not like now, where the asylee determined the destination country itself!

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

What you perceive to be stubbornness and stupidity on the part of the U.K. Is actually what I perceive to be quite the opposite,it's about time they left the EU and closed our borders to stop this invasion.

Economic immigrants need not apply.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

What you perceive to be stubbornness and stupidity on the part of the U.K. Is actually what I perceive to be quite the opposite,it's about time they left the EU and closed our borders to stop this invasion.

Economic immigrants need not apply.

B.S. We are speaking of refugees according Genever Convention! And UK does not take any. Cruel anyway. And if you go back in history remember what happened to all the "walls", "castles", "Limes", "West Wall" and many others. Did any of them prevented anything? So think first before you quote.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

so you think that UK is entitled to step on Genever Convention and close the border for refugees? Humanity doesn't count? (do you think a border will help? How long your so called empire existed? And why it was eradicated?)

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

so you think that UK is entitled to step on Genever Convention and close the border for refugees? Humanity doesn't count? (do you think a border will help? How long your so called empire existed? And why it was eradicated?)

I don't normally respond to irritated, grumpy men but your aggressive attitude should be questioned...

'so you think that UK is entitled to step on Genever Convention'

The UK has a right to protect itself and its citizens first regardless of what Brussels, Merkel or even you say.

How long your so called empire existed?

I never had an empire.

And why it was eradicated?

Do you mean ... Why WAS it eradicated???

Well I'll answer anyway, it's all about evolution my friend ... just wikipedia it. It'll all be there for you brush up on.

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I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

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I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

What numbers of Syrian refugees has Thailand and the wider Asian community took in.

You live in a country where they make fathers and husbands of Thai nationals disclose their whereabouts every 90 days,don't start with all the heart strings diatribe,the world is a tough place.

You even to go onto mention the Geneva Convention,you should focus on the troubles closer to where you reside if you want to start talking about human rights and the like.

Edited by stoneyboy
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