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Merkel warns asylum seekers that German refuge is 'temporary'


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I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

What numbers of Syrian refugees has Thailand and the wider Asian community took in.

You live in a country where they make fathers and husbands of Thai nationals disclose their whereabouts every 90 days,don't start with all the heart strings diatribe,the world is a tough place.

You even to go onto mention the Geneva Convention,you should focus on the troubles closer to where you reside if you want to start talking about human rights and the like.

I'm sorry, my answer was meant for "lostmebike:

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

I think you will find your facts are completely incorrect.

The UK is taking "mothers with children" and it is going direct to the source and accepting them from refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey.

You are factually incorrect on a second point. The overwhelming majority of migrants are unaccompanied young men not from Syria. Upon registration they claim to be 17 or 16 but many are in their twenties. This entitles them to priority housing and social worker care as they are classed as unaccompanied children. It also allows them to immediately apply for their relatives to be flown over to join them.

I don't think for a moment that I will change your simplistic and naive thinking. However I do believe thinking like yours has greatly helped create a $4billion a year people trafficking industry, enriching organised criminals beyond anything imaginable and massively increasing the drownings, other deaths and exploitation of those who believe the sales pitch of these traffickers.

Edited by Briggsy
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I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!


Why are the Arab countries in the Arab Gulf area NOT accepting any refugees.

After all, most of them are rich, they share the same culture, similar food, language and religion.

There is plenty of spare land in Saudi Arabia with better benefits (for SA citizens only) and paid work if they want it.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

It's not an answer, merely a rant.

What sort of leftie-loony-world do you come from?

The uk is letting in women and children (or will do) and helps more than you will ever know.

Why should the UK let in mostly young men (surely even you know this to be true from reading and seeing the news) to create more problems on an already over-populated, little island? Because some loony-lefties said so?? Wait a minute, cos some silly, old man said so on web forum, right? Amazing!

Open your eyes, read the news a little more. Just opening your borders to all sorts is the answer, is it? Or maybe the current racial problems happening in said countries, according to you isn't really happening, right?

'Begging at the borders' ... again most of those in Callais (if that's what you're ranting over) are young men.

The way you refuse to hear, understand or even accept that others might even have a different point of view to you, mirrors that of a certain religion that believes that all non-believers are inferior to them.

You are the arrogant one my friend, refusing to accept others opinions. You are also extremely ignorant to what's happening in your European utopia.

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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

I don't think Merkel cares. She screwed up big time, underestimated what she created in Germany with her "all welcome" and then miscalculated her ability to dictate to other EU countries.

Now she's in the cack so anything goes to try and get out of it before election time.

Of course, as usual, this statement will be simply more lies that are never intended to be actioned.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

Nonsense. Factually wrong and hyperbolic nonsense.

The UK will take genuine refugees from Syria and war torn areas. It will not publish an "All Welcome here" stupid statement and then be overran by economic migrants from Pakistan, North Africa etc., most of whom are lawless aggressive single young men.

Merkel maid a massive mistake and then tried to get over it by dictating what other EU countries must do to clean her mess up. When will you Germans realize you don't dictate to anyone? German doesn't run Europe, manage Europe, and is certainly not in a position to judge other countries.

Now she back tracks and tries to save face so she can regain popularity with her own electorate.

The UK will manage things properly, something which Germany demonstrates time and again it just can't do. Never been a world player or power, despite misguided attempts, and never will.

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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

I think she also knows very well that a large proportion of those arriving are actually "economic migrants", comprising lots of young, arrogant anti-everything males and have gone to the countries they have for many reasons, including all the free handouts they were promised by those that encouraged them to leave their home countries and cause the problems they are now creating.

A large proportion of the migrants see it as a religious duty to both antagonize and weaken their host society, pending their numbers being sufficient to begin conquest and ethnic cleansing. The notion you can assimilate an invader is indeed nonsensical, as ghettoes full of second and third generation Muslim migrants demonstrate.
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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

I am not sure if all UK born are so arrogant. You (UK) reject a mother with a little child, just escaped bombs and terror in Syria? You don't want to give asylum in your wealthy country? Not giving shelter, food and education for at least 3 years? You do not want to share with them? But you agree to let them die outside in front of your border like beggars?

You are the most worst evil in Europe. But enjoy your day far away from poverty and death!

So the recent Syrian arrivals who are now living in local authority housing (my brother did the plastering) in Newcastle are merely a figment of the imagination, are they? Edited by baboon
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And for those who opposed the Assad regime will go where if Assad is still in power?

I think Ms. Merkel is getting mixed up between what constitutes a refugee/Asylum seeker and what a displaced person is. People who cannot return to their home country because of a well-founded fear of persecution are refugees. Those who have left because it is a war zone, but who can return once the area is safe are displaced people.

I think she also knows very well that a large proportion of those arriving are actually "economic migrants", comprising lots of young, arrogant anti-everything males and have gone to the countries they have for many reasons, including all the free handouts they were promised by those that encouraged them to leave their home countries and cause the problems they are now creating.

A large proportion of the migrants see it as a religious duty to both antagonize and weaken their host society, pending their numbers being sufficient to begin conquest and ethnic cleansing. The notion you can assimilate an invader is indeed nonsensical, as ghettoes full of second and third generation Muslim migrants demonstrate.

My old home town had many of these second and third generation Muslims,not only have they not assimilated,but if anything they are more insular now , and we are not welcome in their areas

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

At the top of the page, you said the UK did not take in any. Now it is less than 500. Sounds to me like you are just making stuff up as you go along.
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Of course the UN should have made it clear decades ago that refugee migration is

a 3-4-5 year temporary stay visa program that can be extended if necessary. Those

on a refugee visa who have babies in there host countries should not be given host country

citizenship but citizenship of the country they have left. Of course if the host country

wants to open up its immigration process to refugees that would be up to them.

The UN should have a basic, safe harbor refugee program and not push a refugee

migration/immigration agenda. As for Merkel she is as usual on this issue a day late

and a dollar short. The great migration to Europe is in full swing with Merkel the catalyst.

Expect 3-5 million this year and 20-30 million when family reunification comes into full

swing in a couple of years. coffee1.gif

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The UN and the UNHCR are not in a position to dictate to countries who they should take or for how long. If countries wish to give temporary asylum/visas, that is up to the country. The problem when children are born is that you cannot force another country give them citizenship.

As far as millions coming under family reunification, again it is up to the host country to decide how many immigrants will be allowed to enter. Germany is under no obligation to provide family reunification above the immigrant quotas the gov't sets.

I know that when I was working in the former Yugoslavia, Germany had hosted many, many refugees during the war, but they were being returned after the war. Part of the program was to make sure that the returnees had suitable places to live, services were available to the needy and jobs were available.

Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are logistically and culturally not as easy to deal with, nor are some of the African countries.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

Don't forget Thailand......spot on....

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I think you will find your facts are completely incorrect.

The UK is taking "mothers with children" and it is going direct to the source and accepting them from refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey.

You are factually incorrect on a second point. The overwhelming majority of migrants are unaccompanied young men not from Syria. Upon registration they claim to be 17 or 16 but many are in their twenties. This entitles them to priority housing and social worker care as they are classed as unaccompanied children. It also allows them to immediately apply for their relatives to be flown over to join them.

I don't think for a moment that I will change your simplistic and naive thinking. However I do believe thinking like yours has greatly helped create a $4billion a year people trafficking industry, enriching organised criminals beyond anything imaginable and massively increasing the drownings, other deaths and exploitation of those who believe the sales pitch of these traffickers.

Actually you will not see the reality: ALL your so called facts are wrong! You are right almost 60% of the refugees are men. Indeed. But what about the rest of 300000 to 400000 (Germany)?

Look I can't change your mind nor your brain. And I'm not responsible for your education. You know by yourself that there is a big lack of everything. But I hope you can read. I give you 3 sources to read and then ask you to shut up. To take 216 refugees within ONE year IS A SHAME. No doubt about it.

1. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/actions/bring-refugee-families-back-together-asylum-uk-reunion

2. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/how-many-refugees-should-britain-take-middle-east-syria- migrants

3. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/refugees-welcome-uk-germany-compare-migration

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

For your biased information the UK is taking in 20,000 Migrants/refugees. Do try and get some semblance of your facts right, the UK is only a small Island,and we have many immigration problems of our own,the world owes nobody a living !

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

And do tell us what your Country of birth has done for the Economic Migrants/ Refugees,the last I heard about Ireland they were Bankrupt and living off the EU state just like Greece,Spain and Portugal. while the UK supports them !

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

At the top of the page, you said the UK did not take in any. Now it is less than 500. Sounds to me like you are just making stuff up as you go along.

Sounds like an Irishman having a contra UK rant, and as you say, making it up as he goes along. Obviously ignoring reality.

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It's surprising how politicians suddenly have a change of policy when their own livlihood is under threat at the next Election !

It's not about next election (which is 2 years ahead) but the stubborness and stupidity of other European countries to take refugees, particularly UK.

Stupidity of the UK? How?

I think with recent events in Sweden and Germany, the UK has acted spot on.

Some may say Sweden and Germany are the foolish ones.

so you think that UK is entitled to step on Genever Convention and close the border for refugees? Humanity doesn't count? (do you think a border will help? How long your so called empire existed? And why it was eradicated?)

The British Empire lasted than the Thousand Year Reich - and did a lot more for humanity than a barbarous murderous Nazi regime.

And what has Ireland done - kept quiet whilst thankful of the British handouts that kept them out of becoming another Greece.

What have all those rich Arab states done? They have plenty of land, plenty of cash and are even the same religion and closer cultures?

Me thinks you are more interested in displaying your bigotry and hatred to the UK than any welfare or humanity towards genuine refugees.

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

Shame on Germany (Merkel) for betraying her people

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I think you will find your facts are completely incorrect.

The UK is taking "mothers with children" and it is going direct to the source and accepting them from refugee camps in Lebanon and Turkey.

You are factually incorrect on a second point. The overwhelming majority of migrants are unaccompanied young men not from Syria. Upon registration they claim to be 17 or 16 but many are in their twenties. This entitles them to priority housing and social worker care as they are classed as unaccompanied children. It also allows them to immediately apply for their relatives to be flown over to join them.

I don't think for a moment that I will change your simplistic and naive thinking. However I do believe thinking like yours has greatly helped create a $4billion a year people trafficking industry, enriching organised criminals beyond anything imaginable and massively increasing the drownings, other deaths and exploitation of those who believe the sales pitch of these traffickers.

Actually you will not see the reality: ALL your so called facts are wrong! You are right almost 60% of the refugees are men. Indeed. But what about the rest of 300000 to 400000 (Germany)?

Look I can't change your mind nor your brain. And I'm not responsible for your education. You know by yourself that there is a big lack of everything. But I hope you can read. I give you 3 sources to read and then ask you to shut up. To take 216 refugees within ONE year IS A SHAME. No doubt about it.

1. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/actions/bring-refugee-families-back-together-asylum-uk-reunion

2. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/how-many-refugees-should-britain-take-middle-east-syria- migrants

3. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/02/refugees-welcome-uk-germany-compare-migration

Yes sure. Read the pc liberal left wing media and NGO's reports - they wouldn't lie would they? And ignore the fact your own country is doing f/all and don't comment on that.

Try to understand that reading from sources that support your view, your agenda and fuel your bigotry isn't actually research. Nor is a biased bigoted brain likely to pursue a balanced understanding.

Sweden and Germany are now rapidly back tracking - why do you think that is? I'd suggest a much higher proportion are unaccompanied men than you want to believe; and that many are not refugees but illegal immigrants hoping to get in under the radar and checks.

Presumably from your comments you expect all EU countries to simply open their borders and make benefits available to any who want them? The Swedish and German people have made it clear to their politicians they won't put up with such lunacy.

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Angela now realizes the cheap items she purchased from Walmart are poor quality, and she wants to return them.

Not that easy Chancellor.

She doesn't understand there is no returns on poor quality goods or special offers. Politicians never read the small print !

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Though I'm not German it's amazing what Germany did to help those who asked for asylum. UK took not even 500 refugees whereas Germany granted shelter to more than 1000000. Shame on all other countries refusing to fulfill humanitarian duty. Including my Irish countrymen.

At the top of the page, you said the UK did not take in any. Now it is less than 500. Sounds to me like you are just making stuff up as you go along.

Sounds like an Irishman having a contra UK rant, and as you say, making it up as he goes along. Obviously ignoring reality.

One did wonder why the likes of Poland and Denmark weren't named, just 'UK THIS! UK THAT! and others. BUT THE UK...' Edited by baboon
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As Douglas Murray observed in a recent Spectator article, does anyone really expect Sweden to repatriate 80,000 economic migrants, let alone Germany up to three quarters of a million, based on the EU's own figures as to who are migrants and who are genuine refugees? Anyway promises are cheap for those whose previous mistakes all but assure their removal from office the first opportunity the voters get.

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