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Two bits of advice,

- see a Dr and ask, I would not bet my life on any answer you get on the forum

- get a new dog

Advice noted, and discarded.


Two bits of advice,

- see a Dr and ask, I would not bet my life on any answer you get on the forum

- get a new dog

Sound advice.

Goes to validate the expression about leading horses and drinking......

You're Welcome!! smile.png


Never ever go near a dog when they are eating no matter how well trained and well behaved they are normally.

Yes, never go near someone else's dog when they're eating but their own dog. Train it, it will only take a couple of weeks. i have an 18 month old GS and he is trained, he can be chewing into a bone,meat, any type of food and anyone in the family can tell him, leave it, and then take it off him, never a problem. This dog sounds like it's the pack leader, it needs to be shown it's not. We also trained our boy so he understand commands in English and Thai, helps with the family who do not speak English.


Rabies is a feared disease,no doubt about that,chances of catching it are about as remote as catching the black death in a rabies free environment,soon as one detection is found mass panic will evolve


I would get a Tetanus shot from the local doctor / hospital

A Tetanus shot was combined with the rabies vaccination 12 months ago.


Rabies is a feared disease,no doubt about that,chances of catching it are about as remote as catching the black death in a rabies free environment,soon as one detection is found mass panic will evolve

Similar situation to you a few months ago, bit by our rabies vaccinated dog. Had my first ever series of rabies jabs.

I have it on good authority that there were 4 human deaths from rabies late last year including 2 in my NE province.


Rabies is a feared disease,no doubt about that,chances of catching it are about as remote as catching the black death in a rabies free environment,soon as one detection is found mass panic will evolve

Similar situation to you a few months ago, bit by our rabies vaccinated dog. Had my first ever series of rabies jabs.

I have it on good authority that there were 4 human deaths from rabies late last year including 2 in my NE province.

Obviously the bites were either from non vaccinated dogs or monkeys. I've never heard of anyone contracting rabies from a vaccinated dog.


Your dog and your family need some training. Go to You Tube and watch Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer videos about how to understand dogs and people together. Excellent if you will take the time, PM me if you would like some help. I was a dog trainer in the US for a number of years. Or, you can go on and let your dog think he runs your household.

He's very obedient with me, but unfortunately the missus treats him like a baby. He loves her, follows her everywhere, but she spoils him too much, and no matter how many videos she watches, she'll still do it her (the Thai) way.

Your dilemma is not uncommon. It is difficult to get the Thai partner to change their way of thinking about how to deal with dogs. That being said, I worked with a Brit and his Thai girlfriend over the same issue last week, There are three dogs in the household. One is quite mellow and laid back and the other two are small toy dogs with (formerly) bad attitudes. Feeding time used to be bedlam. No longer. The wife does the feeding now and everyone is very well behaved and stays back until she allows them near the food. She was skeptical at first, but now she loves the way they behave. If you allow it, a chihuahua will take over your house and keep you prisoner while you pay for everything. It's all about communication and you never have to be physical with the dog.


Never ever go near a dog when they are eating no matter how well trained and well behaved they are normally.

Load of kods wollop.

We have a Doberman and we can take her food off her at any time shes eating. We can put our hand in her food and touch her face and she doesnt bat an eye lid. She just looks up at us as if to say come on Mam and Dad Im trying to have my dinner in peace here.

Its all about the way you bring them up.


Your dog and your family need some training. Go to You Tube and watch Cesar Milan's Dog Whisperer videos about how to understand dogs and people together. Excellent if you will take the time, PM me if you would like some help. I was a dog trainer in the US for a number of years. Or, you can go on and let your dog think he runs your household.

He's very obedient with me, but unfortunately the missus treats him like a baby. He loves her, follows her everywhere, but she spoils him too much, and no matter how many videos she watches, she'll still do it her (the Thai) way.

Your wife is not the pack leader. You've already told us that your dog has bitten your wife, thats why you started this post.

The dog needs to know whos the boss and if not trained correctly the dog will rule the roost.

My wifes Thai too and she can control our Doberman because the dog respects her. Our dog wouldnt dare bite my wife because shes been brought up correctly and was tought right from wrong from an early age.


Not going near a dog when eating is OK advice if you don't know the dog, or acquired as an adult.

I've always handled my dogs, fiddled with their food, etc., whilst eating to show them I'm no threat, not interested in taking their food.

If you do that from acquisition as a pup, biting whilst eating won't be a problem. I'm sure even an adult dog can be trained.....with a lot of careful handling.

The key to success in training an animal is consistency, food, and kindness.


Several off topic posts have been removed.

this is the health forum and the topic is whether there is a risk of rabies from the bite. Not the merits of dogs as pets etc.


You need to sit your dog down and explain to it.

" Don't bite the hand that feeds you ! "

He's not an aggressive dog, I think it was just some primal instinct that kicked in.


as much as i love dogs,my primal instinct would have kicked in too,right up the dogs arse.

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