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Israeli academics face growing boycott pressures


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Nonsense. the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign is neither anti Semitic nor does it oppose the right of Israel to exist.

BDS uses non-violent punitive measures against Israel until it complies with international law.

Its goals are

"1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;

2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

Whether those who are in favor of BDS are antisemitic or not may vary according to the individual. But the goals are clearly a passive-aggressive's argument for the denial of the right of Israel to exist as the State would cease to exist if the three goals were all met.

But it is the height of hypocrisy to deny free speech and the transmission of ideas based upon one's government's policies. This is the same pseudo-liberal crap that has infected the American universities where those whose opinions one disagrees with are not be tolerated. The US college students occupy what I refer to as the shallows, where shallow thought reigns supreme, a result of a mediocre education based upon technology that results in the "flickering mind" syndrome.

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I can see a lot of Israeli and Jewish are now taxed with antisemitism as they support the boycott movement...

Supporters of the far-right Israel government here and everywhere tend to forget that their opinion is not THE opinion and the racist card is their single answer.

-Still not have any real evidence that any leader of the movement want Israel to be gone or destroyed as a Jewish country.

The only ones who will work for this (Israel as a non Jewish country) are the ones in charge : with their illegal settlements the population will be mostly muslim in 2 or 3 generations...so go thanks Bibi for this

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How any rational person can argue BDS are a racist organization seeking to eliminate the state of Israel is beyond comprehension.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1454593062.814344.jpg

StandWithUs is hardly an unbiased source.

Crude propaganda is what it is.

All large organizations such as BDS have extremists.

Zionism has more than its fair share.

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How any rational person can argue BDS are a racist organization seeking to eliminate the state of Israel is beyond comprehension.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1454593062.814344.jpg

StandWithUs are not quoting themselves. They are quoting the supporters of the BDS movement. BDS is a racist movement and neo-Nazis such as David Duke promote the same propaganda that they do. The same stuff that appears regularly on Thai Visa as "evidence" against the Jews.
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How any rational person can argue BDS are a racist organization seeking to eliminate the state of Israel is beyond comprehension.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1454593062.814344.jpg

StandWithUs are not quoting themselves. They are quoting the supporters of the BDS movement. BDS is a racist movement and neo-Nazis such as David Duke promote the same propaganda that they do. The same stuff that appears regularly on Thai Visa as "evidence" against the Jews.

Quoting the unsubstantiated chant of what someone allegedly said in a crowd is hardly proof that BDS is a racist movement. In fact the absurdity of such an assertion undermines the credibility of anti BDS supporters.

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Do you ever tire of making excuses and justifications for terrorists and anti-Semites - trying to muddy the waters? BDS supporters have made what they are very obvious.

Of course it is legitimate to criticize the policies of a government, but the BDS movement goes far beyond legitimate criticism, and in essence calls for the dismantling of the Jewish state. How to fight against anti-Semitism when incitement to hatred of Israel and Jews is rapidly spread by globalization and social media?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Do you ever tire of making excuses and justifications for terrorists and anti-Semites - trying to muddy the waters? BDS supporters have made what they are very obvious.

Of course it is legitimate to criticize the policies of a government, but the BDS movement goes far beyond legitimate criticism, and in essence calls for the dismantling of the Jewish state. How to fight against anti-Semitism when incitement to hatred of Israel and Jews is rapidly spread by globalization and social media?


I think it is you who is attempting to muddy the waters. Conflating any criticism of Israel by BDS or posters on TV as anti semitic.
I am a BDS supporter and I dont want to shoot a Jew. I want a just two state solution...quote me, rather than unsubstantiated chanters.
It is the current right wing Israeli government who will destroy the Jewish state, if one day they find themselves in a one state solution having to absorb millions of Palestinians.
BDS and the boycotters of academics are actually friends of Israel. They will put pressure on Israel to see sense before it shoots itself in the foot.
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I see that some people wish to discuss various sources and various other posters. I hope you are prepared for the holiday you will be gettring.

This topic is about the boycott of Israeli Academics.

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Of course the biggest irony is that Omar Barghouti, the founder of BDS studied at Tel Aviv university, presumably educated by Jewish Israeli teachers. Not surprisingly someone who calls for boycotts of Israel, including their academics refuses to answer questions on this stunning hypocrisy. Little wonder BDS supporters try and change the subject. Despite a large petition to have him expelled Barghouti was allowed to complete his studies going to show yet again that in every area Israel has higher principles and superior morals to her detractors.

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Here you go.

Support BDS if you want (haters gonna hate), but please know what you are supporting:

Boycotting Israel is bigotry, plain and simple. It’s an attempt to economically strangle the only Jewish state in the world.
This economic war on Israel is just the latest attempt to destroy the Jewish state. Israel’s enemies have tried massacres, war, and terrorism. Now, they are trying economic and cultural strangulation and sanctions — what they call "BDS".
The hate behind boycotting Israel is no secret. Even the founder of BDS, Omar Barghouti, admits the end goal of the BDS movement is not peace — it’s the destruction of the state of Israel as a Jewish state.



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Here you go.

Support BDS if you want (haters gonna hate), but please know what you are supporting:

Boycotting Israel is bigotry, plain and simple. It’s an attempt to economically strangle the only Jewish state in the world.
This economic war on Israel is just the latest attempt to destroy the Jewish state. Israel’s enemies have tried massacres, war, and terrorism. Now, they are trying economic and cultural strangulation and sanctions — what they call "BDS".
The hate behind boycotting Israel is no secret. Even the founder of BDS, Omar Barghouti, admits the end goal of the BDS movement is not peace — it’s the destruction of the state of Israel as a Jewish state.




This topic is about the boycott of Israeli Academics.
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Do you ever tire of making excuses and justifications for terrorists and anti-Semites - trying to muddy the waters? BDS supporters have made what they are very obvious.

Of course it is legitimate to criticize the policies of a government, but the BDS movement goes far beyond legitimate criticism, and in essence calls for the dismantling of the Jewish state. How to fight against anti-Semitism when incitement to hatred of Israel and Jews is rapidly spread by globalization and social media?


I think it is you who is attempting to muddy the waters. Conflating any criticism of Israel by BDS or posters on TV as anti semitic.
I am a BDS supporter and I dont want to shoot a Jew. I want a just two state solution...quote me, rather than unsubstantiated chanters.
It is the current right wing Israeli government who will destroy the Jewish state, if one day they find themselves in a one state solution having to absorb millions of Palestinians.
BDS and the boycotters of academics are actually friends of Israel. They will put pressure on Israel to see sense before it shoots itself in the foot.

A "Just" two state settlement will never be achieved whilst the Palestinian "leadership" is committed to the annihilation of Israel.

It is not possible to negotiate with a fundamentalist, terrorist organization like Hamas.

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

No they threaten them of legal action after a huge lobbyism from the right winged jewish organizations...Hope you don't listen to Pink Floyd too much by the way

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

That, and a stand against anti-semitism, as the core of the BDS movement is about ending the state of Israel. Somehow, to these obsessive Israel demonizing haters, Jews specifically (only Jews, of all the peoples in the world) don't deserve one nation state to demographically dominate. Most of the more civilized nations see the true motives of the BDS movement. It's true some clueless BDS supporters don't ... they should be educated. Evidence has already been supplied about the true motives of the BDS movement. It's not a two state solution ... it's for the end of Israel. If you're for that, by all means, support BDS.

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

That, and a stand against anti-semitism, as the core of the BDS movement is about ending the state of Israel. Somehow, to these obsessive Israel demonizing haters, Jews specifically (only Jews, of all the peoples in the world) don't deserve one nation state to demographically dominate. Most of the more civilized nations see the true motives of the BDS movement. It's true some clueless BDS supporters don't ... they should be educated. Evidence has already been supplied about the true motives of the BDS movement. It's not a two state solution ... it's for the end of Israel. If you're for that, by all means, support BDS.

You make me think of Murray in groundhog Day, always writing the same lyings and puttin the term "antisemitism" on everything which does not follow the right wing Israel government mentality

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Looking at it from the other side of the fence, there is enormous pressure from the pro Israeli lobby to prevent academics and artists from standing up and being counted. I admire the boycotters' courage.

Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why his fellow musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel

"American musicians who support boycotting Israel over the issue of Palestinian rights are terrified to speak out for fear their careers will be destroyed, according to Roger Waters.

The Pink Floyd star – a prominent supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel since its inception 10 years ago – said the experience of seeing himself constantly labelled a Nazi and anti-Semite had scared people into silence."

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

That, and a stand against anti-semitism, as the core of the BDS movement is about ending the state of Israel. Somehow, to these obsessive Israel demonizing haters, Jews specifically (only Jews, of all the peoples in the world) don't deserve one nation state to demographically dominate. Most of the more civilized nations see the true motives of the BDS movement. It's true some clueless BDS supporters don't ... they should be educated. Evidence has already been supplied about the true motives of the BDS movement. It's not a two state solution ... it's for the end of Israel. If you're for that, by all means, support BDS.

Well, I don’t know how on earth a core of or even all of BDS are going to destroy nuclear armed Israeli. Pure hyperbole. Once Israel makes a just peace with its neighbors, who am I from the comfort of my armchair or BDS to disagree with the Palestinians and other Arab countries on the front line who have borne the brunt of the struggle for decades? The BDS movement will just fade away. Or if there are anti Semites among them they will be exposed for what they are and be ignored.
If Israel does not make a just peace with its neighbors, it will destroy itself in a one state solution encompassing historic Palestine, where Palestinians are still the majority and growing. It will become a secular multi cultural state. Only Israel itself to blame.
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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

Governments are not necessarily the arbiters of morality when it comes to supporting sanctions or otherwise, especially British Conservative governments.

"Mrs Margaret Thatcher has maintained her solitary stand against economic sanctions against South Africa...

She is opposed to economic sanctions in any form, and even to the threat of sanctions, because she believes that they would not work and would damage Britain's extensive economic interests."

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

Governments are not necessarily the arbiters of morality when it comes to supporting sanctions or otherwise, especially British Conservative governments.

"Mrs Margaret Thatcher has maintained her solitary stand against economic sanctions against South Africa...

She is opposed to economic sanctions in any form, and even to the threat of sanctions, because she believes that they would not work and would damage Britain's extensive economic interests."

"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." (Harper Lee.)

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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

Governments are not necessarily the arbiters of morality when it comes to supporting sanctions or otherwise, especially British Conservative governments.

"Mrs Margaret Thatcher has maintained her solitary stand against economic sanctions against South Africa...

She is opposed to economic sanctions in any form, and even to the threat of sanctions, because she believes that they would not work and would damage Britain's extensive economic interests."

I would agree that governments make policy decisions for reasons having little to do with morality, though arguing BDS is moral shows ones compass is completely broken. Leaving this aside for a second there seems to be a concerted effort to shut BDS down, quite rightly so in my view.


The consistent reason given for recent BDS setbacks suggest their hateful nature is being recognized as anything but conducive to a peace process.

Edited by Steely Dan
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There have been recent rulings against BDS in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. These rulings are at a national level, far more important than the piecemeal isolated boycotts from academia. Governments are basically telling their student activists and loopy professors to grow up.

Governments are not necessarily the arbiters of morality when it comes to supporting sanctions or otherwise, especially British Conservative governments.

"Mrs Margaret Thatcher has maintained her solitary stand against economic sanctions against South Africa...

She is opposed to economic sanctions in any form, and even to the threat of sanctions, because she believes that they would not work and would damage Britain's extensive economic interests."

"The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." (Harper Lee.)

Good one from Harper Lee... or was it really Truman Capote?

Whoever it was, it is relevant to the topic.

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A non-hate tainted alternative to joining the cult of BDS is presented here:


Before you join the BDS movement, read this

I realize that the hardcore BDS crowd is animated by the kind of Jew hatred that is impervious to reason. However, there are others, especially college students, who might consider aligning themselves with BDS to fulfill a noble intention — justice for Palestinians — without understanding how radical and hate-filled the BDS agenda truly is.


Reject the one-sided blame game that lies at the heart of BDS.

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The boycott is not about leveraging the Israeli government to concede to desired political ends. This is a continuation of civilization warfare on Jews, and Israel incidentally. Realizing, as all of planet earth does, that Israel produces geniuses at nearly the same rate as opponents of Israel conduct terror, academia is targeted to effect a civilization disability on Israel; a generational vacancy of intellect; to defeat Israel by vacuum within their own ranks. We should deeply fear the violent, intellectually bankrupt, emotional world that is coming. You can support or rally against this current boycott under whatever pretense you think is involved. My point is the entire argument is rooted in deep hatred, and academia is but a reflection of this antipathy toward jews. A picture is not always worth a thousand words, however in this case I think it is.


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As has been well demonstrated here, not all supporters of the BDS movement are motivated by Jew hatred, indeed many have good intentions, but the movement itself has Jew hatred at its core. That's why potential cult of BDS converts need to be informed. Obsessive Israel demonizers are beyond hearing that message.

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The boycott is not about leveraging the Israeli government to concede to desired political ends. This is a continuation of civilization warfare on Jews, and Israel incidentally. Realizing, as all of planet earth does, that Israel produces geniuses at nearly the same rate as opponents of Israel conduct terror, academia is targeted to effect a civilization disability on Israel; a generational vacancy of intellect; to defeat Israel by vacuum within their own ranks. We should deeply fear the violent, intellectually bankrupt, emotional world that is coming. You can support or rally against this current boycott under whatever pretense you think is involved. My point is the entire argument is rooted in deep hatred, and academia is but a reflection of this antipathy toward jews. A picture is not always worth a thousand words, however in this case I think it is.

That's one of the weirdest conspiracy theories I have heard..the academic boycott is some sort of western professional jealousy designed Canutelike to halt Israeli intellectual growth??
And the attached photoshop is just transparent Islamophobic hateful propaganda. Tells us exactly where you are coming from.
Edited by dexterm
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