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Sipis guide to meeting a partner in Thailand. It has worked for me and a lot of friends.

1. Fly to Thailand.

2. Get off plane.

3. Smile and be friendly.

I don't smile much and I can't say I'm terribly friendly. Honestly I think this is a big part of my problem.


Sipis guide to meeting a partner in Thailand. It has worked for me and a lot of friends.

1. Fly to Thailand.

2. Get off plane.

3. Smile and be friendly.

I don't smile much and I can't say I'm terribly friendly. Honestly I think this is a big part of my problem.

Once you sort that out you will find lovely honest ladies everywhere. When you get a haircut, go to the chemist, buy groceries, catch a bus........


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.


Nope, they're all total flakes (the fat girls included).

Have sex with Thai the women, make friends and chat with foreign guys.

Compartmentalize your life.

It works for me.


At 35, you're finished in the free sex lottery.

You're already too old.

Just pay like everyone else, it's not like you can't afford to pay.

I agree with a lot of your posts mate, but your kidding when you say he is too old at 35 for the free sex lottery..right?

He is in his prime and if he has a bit of mongrel in him and smarts, he can have a lot of unpaid sex.

Anyone here who is 30 - 50, half a brain, has some smarts, has a personality and a bit of time and money to at least act like a gentlemen (go on a proper date, movies, dinner etc) never has to pay for sex in this city.

OP, becareful your choice of words when you call women fat on TV. You end up offending a lot of the guys here.. tongue.png


the Elephant man could get a date in Thailand.

What are you doing.

Yes anyone can get a date here.

But finding the girl who is girlfriend material and marriage material, that is way way harder. Unless you don't have any specific requirements and you will accept any girl.

Imagine for a moment that you are an atheist and under no circumstances would you entertain being in a relationship with someone who has any religious beliefs, no matter how hot she is, how good her English is, or how wealthy her family are.

If she believes for one second in religious, superstitious rubbish you couldn't be in a relationship with her. <deleted> her for a bit of fun sure, but have her as a girlfriend or wife? Not a chance.

Apply that to criteria such as - her family's wealth, her parent's English language ability, her weight, her height, her English language ability, etc etc and perhaps you'll understand that yes it's easy to date but hard to find a partner.


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.

I'm a brit and I use trash for rubbish and sidewalk sometimes instead of pavement and I refer to all trousers as pants.

The world is pretty international and people use different words depending how much time they've spent around people from other countries.


the higher level gals are least likely to be on dating sites. i have discussed these things with such gals because my condo complex is 99% thai upper level and i have made friends and read thai.

nightlife venues where you have a chance to make friends with higher level gals are RCA where you can meet asian non thais that live in bkk as well as thai's. rca has a minimum of hookers as opposed to nana, silom, etc even big name hotels.

Sorry, but I disagree:

There are many, many high quality girls on the dating sites... but of course there are many of the opposite as well... You need to use your sense while filtering through them. If it walks like a duck, it just might be a duck... if you sleep with dogs, you might get fleas, caveat emptor, etc etc etc

I also found RCA to be full of freelancers and party girls, sponsored attention hoes with their glittery baseball caps and shortest of the shorts in that awesome thai style gyrating around (I can't stand these types)...

For 'high quality' (subjective) girls, I think the OP would be better off in Thong Lor district. There are many upper end night clubs jam packed full of quality Thai (and western) girls. There are great restaurants and it's a lot of fun as well!

i find if you put thai language info on your dating site profile rather than gals being interested they tend to be dissuaded even if you are slim, trim, not ugly and have a high education. my theory about this is many gals, even so called high quality ones, feel they cannot manipulate you if you know the ropes of the culture-society. sure you may find freelancers at rca but relatively very few compared with many other venues. thonglau is ok also as you say. badoo seems to better than say thaifriendly.


Ladies and Gentlemen.... We have a Sex God among us.

How did you know I was here?

I asked Obama.....

Ah, the curse of wide-spread fame.


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.

i say and write "ciao", "no worries", "cest la vie" often and instinctively but i am not from italy, australia or france. also use some old english as in shakespearean english but i am not that old.


the higher level gals are least likely to be on dating sites. i have discussed these things with such gals because my condo complex is 99% thai upper level and i have made friends and read thai.

nightlife venues where you have a chance to make friends with higher level gals are RCA where you can meet asian non thais that live in bkk as well as thai's. rca has a minimum of hookers as opposed to nana, silom, etc even big name hotels.

Sorry, but I disagree:

There are many, many high quality girls on the dating sites... but of course there are many of the opposite as well... You need to use your sense while filtering through them. If it walks like a duck, it just might be a duck... if you sleep with dogs, you might get fleas, caveat emptor, etc etc etc

I also found RCA to be full of freelancers and party girls, sponsored attention hoes with their glittery baseball caps and shortest of the shorts in that awesome thai style gyrating around (I can't stand these types)...

For 'high quality' (subjective) girls, I think the OP would be better off in Thong Lor district. There are many upper end night clubs jam packed full of quality Thai (and western) girls. There are great restaurants and it's a lot of fun as well!

i find if you put thai language info on your dating site profile rather than gals being interested they tend to be dissuaded even if you are slim, trim, not ugly and have a high education. my theory about this is many gals, even so called high quality ones, feel they cannot manipulate you if you know the ropes of the culture-society. sure you may find freelancers at rca but relatively very few compared with many other venues. thonglau is ok also as you say. badoo seems to better than say thaifriendly.

Not so long ago when I was active on one site, some seemed more interested when they learned they could text me in Thai. Also, saying you can speak Thai did not seem to scare many away in the beginning (I assume, maybe wrongly, that they thought "speak" meant the very basic Thai spoken by many foreigners living here), however, when you actually get to speak to them and they realize you are really fluent, a good percentage quickly disappear. Some, perhaps, because in addition to dating they are looking to improve their English, while others because they have less than honourable intentions in hooking up with a foreigner.

I think more than anything, as a number of posters have said, both you and the women involved need to filter what you really want (and be realistic) if you are going to use the sites.


the higher level gals are least likely to be on dating sites. i have discussed these things with such gals because my condo complex is 99% thai upper level and i have made friends and read thai.

nightlife venues where you have a chance to make friends with higher level gals are RCA where you can meet asian non thais that live in bkk as well as thai's. rca has a minimum of hookers as opposed to nana, silom, etc even big name hotels.

Sorry, but I disagree:

There are many, many high quality girls on the dating sites... but of course there are many of the opposite as well... You need to use your sense while filtering through them. If it walks like a duck, it just might be a duck... if you sleep with dogs, you might get fleas, caveat emptor, etc etc etc

I also found RCA to be full of freelancers and party girls, sponsored attention hoes with their glittery baseball caps and shortest of the shorts in that awesome thai style gyrating around (I can't stand these types)...

For 'high quality' (subjective) girls, I think the OP would be better off in Thong Lor district. There are many upper end night clubs jam packed full of quality Thai (and western) girls. There are great restaurants and it's a lot of fun as well!

i find if you put thai language info on your dating site profile rather than gals being interested they tend to be dissuaded even if you are slim, trim, not ugly and have a high education. my theory about this is many gals, even so called high quality ones, feel they cannot manipulate you if you know the ropes of the culture-society. to the contrary, the juristic manager at condo (thai chinese accountant mahidol grad) likes it alot and opens up to someone that with thai language ability. i get invited out with her and friends. my experience on dating sites with scant notable exceptions is as previously stated.

sure you may find freelancers at rca but relatively very few compared with many other venues. thonglau is ok also as you say. badoo seems to better than say thaifriendly.


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.

i say and write "ciao", "no worries", "cest la vie" often and instinctively but i am not from italy, australia or france. also use some old english as in shakespearean english but i am not that old.

Yeah... I'm a Serb and I write in English on this forum. Imagine that!


In my single days, I saw a lovely doctor entering her office. I made an appointment for a physical. We enjoyed a two-year relationship.

I tried that once, but before the physical took place she looked me in the eye and advised me that masturbation was not good for me and that i should stop. Thinking that i cracked it, I ask her why and she replied "because i am waiting to examine you!"

We enjoyed a two-minute relationship. wink.png


Its Chinese new year, he just has to look for the Thai/Chinese hi-so birds in their red dresses. Its like they have a target on their backs...lol. Just remember to put 5-10 million aside for future sinsod.


So you want a woman with no superstitious beliefs, ha ha haaaaaaa, good luck but that's part of what makes them interesting.

Her parents must speak English you say, news for you buddy your in Thailand not London.

My wife's father speaks English, her mum does not, I like her mum more.

If you want marriage you need to date first


Heres a brief story.

Last week , I met a friend in Starbucks. Sat on her own was a very good looking Thai lady around 30. (hard to be exact but she wasnt a kid).

A western fella sat close by had his eye on her, easy to see and i think most of the men in the shop did.

Anyway, he walked over and politely introduced himself and sat down. they appeared to get on extremely well. he was no great looker by the way.

I dont know if it progressed or not but the point is, he saw a pretty girl and got talking to her.

Try it. it worked for me when I first saw my wife and was hit by the proverbial thunder bolt.

Your last sentence would also apply to me.


Like the lady sang, girls just wanna have fun. Even the smart, classy ones like a guy who's fun to spend time with.

Obviously, it helps enormously if you actually enjoy the company of women, which doesn't really seem to be the case for a lot of guys who end up here, for whom they're just something to have sex with.

for whom they're just something to have sex with. Yes, that's the fat, tattoed, facial haired brigade with the very deep pockets who can't get laid in their own country.


Office attire's usually a major giveaway but, hey, why don't you come down with one of those stupid farang attitudes and offer a couple of them a grand.

Interesting how you can tell occupation by attire. Some people have 2 jobs as well don't they? Anyway i will just see if i get another insulting reply for a simple inoffensive question.

You have to see where CypressHill is coming from here, I just hate these Farangs who assume every lone Thai girl is a prostitute.

My own view is, if I wanted to pay for sex, even if I was one of the fat, tattoed brigade with deep pockets, I would never approach a girl first, not even on Beach Road, I

would always wait for them to approach me.

There is nothing worse than anybody assuming a girl is a prostitute when she is not, and the vast majority of Thai girls are not.


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.

I'm a brit and I use trash for rubbish and sidewalk sometimes instead of pavement and I refer to all trousers as pants.

The world is pretty international and people use different words depending how much time they've spent around people from other countries.

Yes, but you are simply doing what the majority of English speakers world-wide are doing--recognizing the superiority of American English.


I mentioned about to do not disclose yourself to any one, from dating websites simply for self protection, not as explained as to be liar or you will do any harm etc.

some type of gals, just after one ride she starts asking to pay her rented room, or her supporting her by a way or another,

some asking for gold necklace as she saw her friend just bought one,, !! and so cheap just 10,000 baht,

and the list can go much longer... some even start to threatening,

the person that had been exposed to such experiences will always avoid such unexpected stories,

Also, the guy said he is making a decent income of 4-5 million baht a year, what a great fortune for such greedy type one,

Ever read in this forum few times,, some sad stories of some foreigner guys got sucked nicely by some local ladies, built home, bought cars and having local partners... and the honest farang gentleman just realized it so late !!! ,,

I would insist again, do not disclose yourself to anyone, go for dating for a coup of dozens, get some real experiences, then your sensors will work well to identity whoth whom to be honest and with whom to put your mask, just to be in the safe corner no harm, call it lie or whatever,,


There is no way the OP is American. His last sentence used "snark" and "lads". At least troll better dude!

Exactly...no American would ever use these terms, especially in print.

i say and write "ciao", "no worries", "cest la vie" often and instinctively but i am not from italy, australia or france. also use some old english as in shakespearean english but i am not that old.

I use those words/ terms too. Has nothing to do with any American using the word " lads" it just does not happen

I mentioned about to do not disclose yourself to any one, from dating websites simply for self protection, not as explained as to be liar or you will do any harm etc.

some type of gals, just after one ride she starts asking to pay her rented room, or her supporting her by a way or another,

some asking for gold necklace as she saw her friend just bought one,, !! and so cheap just 10,000 baht,

and the list can go much longer... some even start to threatening,

the person that had been exposed to such experiences will always avoid such unexpected stories,

Also, the guy said he is making a decent income of 4-5 million baht a year, what a great fortune for such greedy type one,

Ever read in this forum few times,, some sad stories of some foreigner guys got sucked nicely by some local ladies, built home, bought cars and having local partners... and the honest farang gentleman just realized it so late !!! ,,

I would insist again, do not disclose yourself to anyone, go for dating for a coup of dozens, get some real experiences, then your sensors will work well to identity whoth whom to be honest and with whom to put your mask, just to be in the safe corner no harm, call it lie or whatever,,

If a girl starts asking you to pay her room, buy her a gold necklace or whatever, is it not easy to use the word NO ?

To lie about your name, place of residence etc. is just pathetic.

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