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I fear you may be right, but why do you think this will happen. The problems in the EU overall?

The Euro will be at parity to the dollar or even below the dollar this year! Some predict as low as 0.97 Euro to $1.00 US

The US Federal Reserve has been supporting the EU with keeping the dollar weak during the Socialist Obama's Agenda. Obama

wants the US to become more Socialist like the EU Countries, so he supports the weak dollar, which in turns maintains

the Euro at a steady rate. This is at the expense of the US Citizens, especially retirees that have cash and can only

earn 1-2% returns on their savings! Obama's era is coming to the end and the Federal Reserve is starting to act non-political,

although for the last 7 years they have been political. Now they must increase interest rates, although slightly, but continually.

2-3 more interest rate hikes this year will push the dollar higher and the Euro weaker. If the US Elects

a non-socialist and

a conservative for President in November, two things will happen. The US economy and jobs will take off and government spending

will take a major hit! Growth will be in the private sector and not in the growth of the government.[/quote

Yeah right. A great idea like how Bush did a number on the economy. No regulation in these times is a great idea??

The economy did better under Democrats Clinton and Obama.

Don't watch so much Fox News.

Edited by bkk6060
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Of course the THB is linked to the USD. The THB is a pure follower of the USD.

Just compare the swings, USD goes up against EUR, THB goes up against EUR and vice versa. And instead of EUR you can put any other currency in it, CAD, RUB, etc. it is always the same



And the because I enjoy the RUB, here is the graphical example:



THB is a follower, it does what the USD does. No self-initiative.

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I fear you may be right, but why do you think this will happen. The problems in the EU overall?

The Euro will be at parity to the dollar or even below the dollar this year! Some predict as low as 0.97 Euro to $1.00 US

The US Federal Reserve has been supporting the EU with keeping the dollar weak during the Socialist Obama's Agenda. Obama

wants the US to become more Socialist like the EU Countries, so he supports the weak dollar, which in turns maintains

the Euro at a steady rate. This is at the expense of the US Citizens, especially retirees that have cash and can only

earn 1-2% returns on their savings! Obama's era is coming to the end and the Federal Reserve is starting to act non-political,

although for the last 7 years they have been political. Now they must increase interest rates, although slightly, but continually.

2-3 more interest rate hikes this year will push the dollar higher and the Euro weaker. If the US Elects a non-socialist and

a conservative for President in November, two things will happen. The US economy and jobs will take off and government spending

will take a major hit! Growth will be in the private sector and not in the growth of the government.

There will be NO Fed rate rise. They will have to cut and introduce QE4.

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I fear you may be right, but why do you think this will happen. The problems in the EU overall?

The Euro will be at parity to the dollar or even below the dollar this year! Some predict as low as 0.97 Euro to $1.00 US

The US Federal Reserve has been supporting the EU with keeping the dollar weak during the Socialist Obama's Agenda. Obama

wants the US to become more Socialist like the EU Countries, so he supports the weak dollar, which in turns maintains

the Euro at a steady rate. This is at the expense of the US Citizens, especially retirees that have cash and can only

earn 1-2% returns on their savings! Obama's era is coming to the end and the Federal Reserve is starting to act non-political,

although for the last 7 years they have been political. Now they must increase interest rates, although slightly, but continually.

2-3 more interest rate hikes this year will push the dollar higher and the Euro weaker. If the US Elects a non-socialist and

a conservative for President in November, two things will happen. The US economy and jobs will take off and government spending

will take a major hit! Growth will be in the private sector and not in the growth of the government.

There will be NO Fed rate rise. They will have to cut and introduce QE4.

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I agree the USD has been stronger against the Euro Pound Yen,all the on s should say the Baht should be at 37! Hanky Panking to me. This isTIT

Every currency in the world has dropped against the USD. Thai baht did hit 37 baht about 4-5 months ago. And has settled 35.5 -36.

Forget the Hanky Panking Mr. Please Spank Me !

And there are no little green men; stored at Area 51 in the USA !

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I agree the USD has been stronger against the Euro Pound Yen,all the on s should say the Baht should be at 37! Hanky Panking to me. This isTIT

Aussie is even worse.............

Because of the exchange rate AU - Baht is so low for Australians, people are more inclined to holiday at home now because it's almost cheaper, no big airfare costs, quicker to get where you want to go and no language problems. You can still get the occasional rip-off and hanky panky.
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I see nothing out of the ordinary. I think the Thai Baht and US dollar are linked.My Canadian dollar is linked to US dollar.and I check the rates the % change of exchange for Canadian to Us is the same as the % of change Canadian to Thai Baht.constantly. If my Canadian dollar drops against Us it drops the same % against Thai baht. Seems to be a pattern there.

How can you watch the $USD:THB fall from 28 to 36.5 in 3 years time and believe they are linked?

linked ? some no not what they say , and care not . those are people going thru life with eyes closed . the baht is overvalued due to corrupt internal figures of the state bank . this practice is called "cover thy own ass first" syndrome . used by many banana republic's and now apparently "junta's" .

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Of course the THB is linked to the USD. The THB is a pure follower of the USD.

Just compare the swings, USD goes up against EUR, THB goes up against EUR and vice versa. And instead of EUR you can put any other currency in it, CAD, RUB, etc. it is always the same



And the because I enjoy the RUB, here is the graphical example:



THB is a follower, it does what the USD does. No self-initiative.

linked ? again you know not what you speak . follow ? yes , there is a difference . your charts are gobbledygook. the exchange rate set by a person in the thai government , not by the buy/sell markets like the rest of the world uses . such is the life of a ..........

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The various "takes" on the currency markets are very interesting.

To add my two cents worth, currency markets most certainly do reflect "market thinking" of the relative economic strengths of countries. That is why forex is traded in pairs, one country's currency versus another's.

One poster mentioned that the currency trade is "valued" at $5.3 trillion. Whilst this is correct, what he failed to mention is that this is daily trade, and not annual trade, as some may think.

Once put in perspective, comments to the effect that the market is being manipulated do not represent actuality. Even the biggest banks and financial institutions in the world, with perhaps billions of dollars to trade at any one time, can only cause a blip in the value of any particular currency.

Governments who try to "defend" the value of their country's currency, by entering in the market, largely fall short, although some still continue to try, from time to time.

I believe the main reason for dollar weakness has been the continued printing of money over the past few years, the so-called QE (Quantitative Easing). US debt is currently $ 17 trillion dollars. It cannot escape the Law of supply and demand. The more that is printed, the less value it will have. Interest rate rises will help strengthen the dollar, but the Fed (and the new POTUS) will have a fine balancing act to perform here.

And those who believe that there is some "Mandarin" sitting in the Thailand Treasury, and busy manipulating its value from moment to moment, are delusional at best!

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I have always believed that the Baht is manipulated by the Bank Of Thailand. The elite in Bangkok have a lot to say about the value of the Baht.

My understanding is the Thai baht has an unofficial peg against the US dollar.

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I fear you may be right, but why do you think this will happen. The problems in the EU overall?

The Euro will be at parity to the dollar or even below the dollar this year! Some predict as low as 0.97 Euro to $1.00 US

The US Federal Reserve has been supporting the EU with keeping the dollar weak during the Socialist Obama's Agenda. Obama

wants the US to become more Socialist like the EU Countries, so he supports the weak dollar, which in turns maintains

the Euro at a steady rate. This is at the expense of the US Citizens, especially retirees that have cash and can only

earn 1-2% returns on their savings! Obama's era is coming to the end and the Federal Reserve is starting to act non-political,

although for the last 7 years they have been political. Now they must increase interest rates, although slightly, but continually.

2-3 more interest rate hikes this year will push the dollar higher and the Euro weaker. If the US Elects a non-socialist and

a conservative for President in November, two things will happen. The US economy and jobs will take off and government spending

will take a major hit! Growth will be in the private sector and not in the growth of the government.

There will be NO Fed rate rise. They will have to cut and introduce QE4.
Glad to see someone who has some economic knowledge.

I think you are right they may even go to a negative rate.

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I see nothing out of the ordinary. I think the Thai Baht and US dollar are linked.My Canadian dollar is linked to US dollar.and I check the rates the % change of exchange for Canadian to Us is the same as the % of change Canadian to Thai Baht.constantly. If my Canadian dollar drops against Us it drops the same % against Thai baht. Seems to be a pattern there.

Yes there is definitely a pattern. I often wonder if they are not backstopping the baht. When I look around at all the debt in vehicles and buildings something has to give somewhere sometime. Forget about government news and figures believe what guys living out in the hinterland tell you the life blood of the country flows there. Read the article on the girl with 6 credit cards maxed out. Her story is taking place over and over again here. If Thailand ever wants to join the TPP they will definitely have to clean up their act a whole lot. This country exists on cheap labor and sunshine. Both of which are hard to <deleted>.

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I see nothing out of the ordinary. I think the Thai Baht and US dollar are linked.My Canadian dollar is linked to US dollar.and I check the rates the % change of exchange for Canadian to Us is the same as the % of change Canadian to Thai Baht.constantly. If my Canadian dollar drops against Us it drops the same % against Thai baht. Seems to be a pattern there.

Yes there is definitely a pattern. I often wonder if they are not backstopping the baht. When I look around at all the debt in vehicles and buildings something has to give somewhere sometime. Forget about government news and figures believe what guys living out in the hinterland tell you the life blood of the country flows there. Read the article on the girl with 6 credit cards maxed out. Her story is taking place over and over again here. If Thailand ever wants to join the TPP they will definitely have to clean up their act a whole lot. This country exists on cheap labor and sunshine. Both of which are hard to <deleted>.

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Thailand is awash with cash, legal and not so legal, so there is plenty of liquidity in the market, no need for foreign funds , ergo falling exchange rates

All countries are awash with cash. Europe and the US afloat in funny money. If the shine ever wears off of the SET watch for cash to ebb in a big way. Hot money makes no friends.

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I was here during Vietnam war at U-Tapao, big US B-52 base owned bt Royal Thai Navy.

The baht was a constant 20.85 to the USD.

Hanky panky could be and is being played again.

1997 didn't just happen all by itself. When the IMF opened the cupboard door the cupboard was bare. Do you think the credit addiction we now have is exclusive to its citizens alone? Hardly.

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the facts are , exports down 5.7% not good no body buying their stuff. FDI- japanese are largest foreign investors in Thailand down 80%. last tool in the bag is let the baht get weaker that is the last rabbit Thailand can pull out . but they are waiting to see when the Chinese devalue, then they will have to let the baht go weaker. The Russian tourist are gone the last tourist are the Chinese when the devalue they will be gone , so Thailand will let it go 30% to 40% till that time every smart thai with cash is getting it out of the baht or paying off dollar based debt.

Now this makes sense. Interesting gold should shine then.

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I see nothing out of the ordinary. I think the Thai Baht and US dollar are linked.My Canadian dollar is linked to US dollar.and I check the rates the % change of exchange for Canadian to Us is the same as the % of change Canadian to Thai Baht.constantly. If my Canadian dollar drops against Us it drops the same % against Thai baht. Seems to be a pattern there.

How can you watch the $USD:THB fall from 28 to 36.5 in 3 years time and believe they are linked

I see the link because the rate change for Canadian to Us and the rate change for Canadian to Thai Baht is always the same.I Canadian drops 2 % it drops 2% to both currencies. at same time if it jumps 2% it jumps 2% to both currencies. Consistent as it gets.I have watched the Canadian dollar go from 64 cents to 1 dollar in 3 years also.

Canada has huge reserves of what will be the most precious commodity in the world. Nestle and other big business crooks are already getting it for next to nothing but that will all change. Flush out the oil tankers.

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The various "takes" on the currency markets are very interesting.

To add my two cents worth, currency markets most certainly do reflect "market thinking" of the relative economic strengths of countries. That is why forex is traded in pairs, one country's currency versus anothers.

One poster mentioned that the currency trade is "valued" at $5.3 trillion. Whilst this is correct, what he failed to mention is that this is daily trade, and not annual trade, as some may think.

Once put in perspective, comments to the effect that the market is being manipulated do not represent actuality. Even the biggest banks and financial institutions in the world, with perhaps billions of dollars to trade at any one time, can only cause a blip in the value of any particular currency.

Governments who try to "defend" the value of their country's currency, by entering in the market, largely fall short, although some still continue to try, from time to time.

I believe the main reason for dollar weakness has been the continued printing of money over the past few years, the so-called QE (Quantitative Easing). US debt is currently $ 17 trillion dollars. It cannot escape the Law of supply and demand. The more that is printed, the less value it will have. Interest rate rises will help strengthen the dollar, but the Fed (and the new POTUS) will have a fine balancing act to perform here.

And those who believe that there is some "Mandarin" sitting in the Thailand Treasury, and busy manipulating its value from moment to moment, are delusional at best!

You hit the nail on the head!

I'll tell you what's going on!

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2016-02-03 at 7.47.27 PM.png

Right-on! thumbsup.gif -

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I fear you may be right, but why do you think this will happen. The problems in the EU overall?

The Euro will be at parity to the dollar or even below the dollar this year! Some predict as low as 0.97 Euro to $1.00 US

The US Federal Reserve has been supporting the EU with keeping the dollar weak during the Socialist Obama's Agenda. Obama

wants the US to become more Socialist like the EU Countries, so he supports the weak dollar, which in turns maintains

the Euro at a steady rate. This is at the expense of the US Citizens, especially retirees that have cash and can only

earn 1-2% returns on their savings! Obama's era is coming to the end and the Federal Reserve is starting to act non-political,

although for the last 7 years they have been political. Now they must increase interest rates, although slightly, but continually.

2-3 more interest rate hikes this year will push the dollar higher and the Euro weaker. If the US Elects a non-socialist and

a conservative for President in November, two things will happen. The US economy and jobs will take off and government spending

will take a major hit! Growth will be in the private sector and not in the growth of the government.

Goodbye minimum wage you will be paid in Taco's. Do you really believe all that Trump trash about how jobs will come back to America? Frankly the government spending cannot afford another major hit.

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