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Inside the world of Luuk Thep: Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind


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Superstitious , that's being kind. Every one of those little houses you see everywhere, the ones where they put a little food out everyday and some incense and have a little prayer...that's got nothing to do with Buddhism, that's just to make happy the spirits that occupy that block of land or dwelling....yes, they are extremely superstitious people....and it does them no favors.

Does anyone realize how superstitious Westerners are?

You need something to believe in, something unquestionable, otherwise you run mad in a state of sensory overload.

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When oh when will Thais become rational like Westerners? Bleeding statues, trips to Lourdes for "healing waters etc", St Chris medals, players crossing themselves before being subbed into game. Pots and kettles. Some cast iron, some teflon

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What is really needed is a pill to help with chronic logic deficiency.

It's as logic as taking home the dead in a coffin.

I guess if you believe that then it is true for you. I think giving a respectful departure to someone you loved and spent your life with is a step higher on the rational scale.

But you obviously see it as equal. Did you have parents?

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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

I respectfully disagree with your statement. I think a large percentage of Thai people believe in this. Superstition reigns in their lives. Case in point. After my gf's mother died more than a year ago, none of her family members except my gf will go near her house because the mother's ghost lives in the house.

Well you didn't read what I wrote. I am only talking about gooman thong, not ghosts or other superstitions.

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What is really needed is a pill to help with chronic logic deficiency.

It's as logic as taking home the dead in a coffin.

I guess if you believe that then it is true for you. I think giving a respectful departure to someone you loved and spent your life with is a step higher on the rational scale.

But you obviously see it as equal. Did you have parents?


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What is really needed is a pill to help with chronic logic deficiency.

Does a pill like that help Muslims, Jews, Christians and others too.. I mean why would one unproven religion be more foolish as an other ?

It's an inanimate object which is factory made. It has less chance of having feelings than a tin of beans. Not exactly a contender to a major world view.

Same same.. both are unproven, there is absolutely no proof for any of them. Yes god is invisible.. and he does not make himself known because he wants us to have free will. Just as unlikely bull story as this. But i guess your religious and have to defend your kind of crazy.

Religion is nothing more as a kind of crazy and that is a fact until someone comes up with proof. If I start talking about an imaginary friend and speak to him they will lock me up in padded room. How is that different from speaking to an unproven god of any religion.Just because a lot of people are crazy does not make them right.. facts and proof do.. so far.. nothing on that front.

So i stick with my opinion that all religion is equally crazy.

Not the same, for example the Judeo Christian moral ethic is the basis for much of civilized worlds legal system. Signifying there is something to this world view other than good luck. Some profound wisdom and positive applications can be found in the tomes when used selflessly do make the world a better place. For example love your neighbour - do not steal...

The doll thing is just monopolizing on peoples greed and laziness.

But perhaps you feel this is equal.

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Does a pill like that help Muslims, Jews, Christians and others too.. I mean why would one unproven religion be more foolish as an other ?

It's an inanimate object which is factory made. It has less chance of having feelings than a tin of beans. Not exactly a contender to a major world view.

Same same.. both are unproven, there is absolutely no proof for any of them. Yes god is invisible.. and he does not make himself known because he wants us to have free will. Just as unlikely bull story as this. But i guess your religious and have to defend your kind of crazy.

Religion is nothing more as a kind of crazy and that is a fact until someone comes up with proof. If I start talking about an imaginary friend and speak to him they will lock me up in padded room. How is that different from speaking to an unproven god of any religion.Just because a lot of people are crazy does not make them right.. facts and proof do.. so far.. nothing on that front.

So i stick with my opinion that all religion is equally crazy.

Not the same, for example the Judeo Christian moral ethic is the basis for much of civilized worlds legal system. Signifying there is something to this world view other than good luck. Some profound wisdom and positive applications can be found in the tomes when used selflessly do make the world a better place. For example love your neighbour - do not steal...

The doll thing is just monopolizing on peoples greed and laziness.

But perhaps you feel this is equal.

Nice deflection.. but no sigar.

We were talking about proof for either of them and proof for god. As long as there is no proof for either both are equally crazy.

I guess I found out what kind of crazy you subscribe too.. Christianity.

I am an atheist, and I also don't steal not because some god told me not too but because its logical. Just because you claim its a christian thing does not make it true. Look all over the world and in all religions there are few that even allow stealing. Does that mean its from religion or because its logical.

I find it utterly stupid of religious people to attack other peoples religion. Just accept they are all equally unproven.

My crazy is good your crazy is bad. (kill murder maim) that is the way of religions.

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Evolution is the key word and in some, there appears to be a severe lack of it; it is well known that religion is only a form of controlling the population hence the conflict between the Crown & the Religious leaders which can be seen throughout history. Let's face it these are pure & simply dolls and anyone who cannot see this needs to check their family tree..!!

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Quote : However, since both a necromancer and a real, dead fetus are needed to make a kuman thong, a luuk thep (meaning ‘child angel’) is a more convenient and updated version of this ancient – and some might say morbid – practice to provide hope and confidence.

Yes, indeed, 'some' might.

'Some' might even add : gross, revolting, barbaric, stupid, pathetic, childish, disgusting.

But then, some people just refuse to understand the beauty of the word 'tradition', I suppose... Ah, tradition ... a word that is music to the ears of many, including people who are otherwise opposed, for example far-right integrists and tree-hugging hippies.

Personnally I see tradition as a river... neither good nor bad. Sometimes good sometimes bad. Destructive at times, fertilizing at others. It carries things from far away, and these things are also of contradictory nature. Live fish and dead fish, flowers or corpses, beautiful boats and ugly pollution.

Saying that something is good because it is 'traditional' is like saying that ancient lies are true because they're old. Excision, lapidation, male chauvinism, racism, are all as 'traditional' as music, poetry, Loy Krathong and the Carnival of Venice.

Edited by Yann55
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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Which religion were you born into? I'd bet I could say similar things about the people in your country!

We no longer think our emperor is God...since after WW2...evolved!

We no longer think our emperor is God...since after WW2...evolved!

That was close! You enjoy being a tight-rope dancer, don't you?

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Can I have a Luuk Thep Doll that looks like Mily Kunis whistling.gif

The name is Mila not Mily, actually, and, like many actresses nowadays, she looks so much like an artificial doll, that it shouldn't a problem for you to find a doll that looks like her.

Edited by Yann55
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Whoever got the idea of these dolls........it's brillant. There a lot of people in the world who will believe this B.S. And especially Thais with their belive in "Ghosts" are very sensitive and sensible.

It's all about business and making money. And if monks are involved it's a win-win situation?

Actually what will happen if the so called "parents" will die one day?

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this is misleading , I was expecting discussion /psychoanalysis of thai mind, why they have no common sense, occasional blindness to integrity and morality unless it happens to them. Then I read you are talking about dollies.

this is what is wrong with the country,

oh we are running out of fresh water supplies, a new product is leaked into market and everyone forgets.

please bring back the ones who done the rice scheme. at least they did not pretend it was not happening

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this is misleading , I was expecting discussion /psychoanalysis of thai mind, why they have no common sense, occasional blindness to integrity and morality unless it happens to them. Then I read you are talking about dollies. this is what is wrong with the country, oh we are running out of fresh water supplies, a new product is leaked into market and everyone forgets. please bring back the ones who done the rice scheme. at least they did not pretend it was not happening

now they pretend it did not happen ,

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Ah yeah right, and Jesus went around healing (just a few people) and this is taken so seriously that public holidays in the farang world for his birth and death, Santa Claus is real, Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and of course the big one "God" which is used in law courts to make sure that people are telling the truth. Swearing on the "bible", a book that was made up 400 years after Jesus had died and with the current day version hardly similar to the original. And Mary wasn't playing up with her gik, God got her pregnant! And Joseph believed her!

All totally believable and based on scientific evidence? Priests and nuns devoting there lives to it. The farang logic.

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Anyone remember "Cabbage Patch Dolls" and people queuing blocks away for them? wink.png

Yes,....exactly, almost the same phenomena. I wanted to post it to, but I forgot the name "Cabbage Patch Dolls" ...


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