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First time in Phuket/Thailand - advice please


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I've only been to Phuket a handful of times, but my impression is that there are many really nice (simple, by the beach type places) if you can find the means to get away from the tourist places - probably places people don't want to advertise for fear of them being overrun. There are also hills that are of a gradient that makes it difficult for a car to get up if you like that style of walking/biking activity.

It's also not 'that' expensive if you're not an obvious tourist. Maybe a little more than other places, but little enough to tolerate without really noticing (I am presuming that your budget is in the middle range and not quite 'squeaky' for want of a better word).

Would you name such places worth to visit?

As far as for budget (stepping aside transportation costs) I am fine to pay 600-800THB for a meal for two on a street (without drinks) or pay 400THB for 1h massage.

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3 days is not a lot of time, though I would suggest a day trip to Similan Islands (travelled with Rak Talay Travel, www.discoverkhaolak.com although based 1 hour north of Phuket), since you have a love of the water.

Outside that, Enjoy the nightlife at the outside clubs, the falling sunset from the point, and getting to know some of the locals at the market.

Be aware of buying food from open roadside vendors/sellers, being vigilant about hygiene, and as stated in other posts, be aware of certain scammers, especially with possible taxi drivers ( always check the meter is working properly) and jet ski/water craft and motorcycle hire (making sure of any notable damage prior to use). The beach resorts don't like non-guests sitting in front of their land, though normally happy to sell you food and drinks.

Although I personally haven't had any of these problems, other's have, so just use common sense of which is sadly missed.

Also, please stay alert around the roads as road sense/common sense of drivers and abiding by the transport laws can be seen as a joke.

There are many helpful and friendly Thais, and hopefully you will love the country of smiles.

Enjoy your stay.

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Be aware of buying food from open roadside vendors/sellers,

Really? What is the problem? I think eating street food one of the most enjoyable moments, as long as you can see that food is well cooked.

I've travelled in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos eating street food everywhere and never had a problem. That makes street food in Phuket dangerous?

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If you worry about car hire insurance then go with Avis at the airport. I always use Avis in Thailand when away from Phuket. I expect to pay about 1,000 baht/day. I just tried for a booking of 3 days in Phuket for days and the web site came up with 4,400 baht including full insurance. Bit pricey but there are special promotions always on offer. And I have never had an insurance problem, even when I wrecked the tyre driving over a sharp rock, I expected to pay, but no charge, they even gave me another car when all I wanted was a new spare wheel.

Are you looking at some specific site? Just looked at avis.com and the only thing it gives me is full size van for 7477THB.


But now 27 minutes later is showing 5,400 baht for 3 days (Toyota Altis) ... on 8 Feb

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Hire a car, go to Phang Na town, go to bus station, see Mr Keen, if still there, any way , do a tour of the bay in a long tail, visit the monkey temple place, rubber raft through Chang Mountain, go into the jungle to see the cave full of ancient sea life, a great days outing. Koh Loy is also a great outing, hot springs, beautiful beaches.

P.S. Dont take any notice of the phuket haters,( commonly called the phuket pewkers) the're just a bunch of miserable lonely people. There are so many beautiful sights around that area and things to do, instead of propping oneself up on a bar stool all day and knocking everything. Live today as if it your last, because, one day it will be.

Edited by sandgroper2
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Invisible 999.If you are intent on going to Phuket,then please be careful.As first timers to the island and Thailand,you will be open to scams of every type.I am guessing that the both of you don't speak Thai.That will immediately alert the taxi driver's,food vendor's,and the bike/car rental people that you are open game.

Please,if you rent anything,bike,car,do not let them have your passport,insist they take a copy if it.There is also some problem with a lot of the hotels not being registered in Phuket and charging rates that suit themselves.

As for street food,try not to eat the food that is carried around on the back of a bike and is kept warm by a small charcoal burner on the back.a few tourists have been caught out with food poisoning due to the constant change of temperature of the food on these so called BBQ bikes.

Do you carry an international drivers license?because i hear that there are police charging you a instant fine,if you only have a license from your country of origin.And be advised that,under Thai law,hotels now have to register with immigration,that you are staying with them.There is also a scam where you pay a deposit to the hotel receptionist,that you might not get back.Phuket,like any other coastal resort survives on the fact that they believe in the circulation of money,from you to them.

There is a very stupid law here that you must carry your passport on you at all times.Please do not do this.The RTP raids several places looking for over stayers and fake passports.You really should carry an I.D type card with your front page on one side and your visa status on the other.A photographic shop will do this for you for a few baht,and i think it has to be in colour.If you are stopped and asked for your PP and its in the hotel safe,you can explain this at the police station and i think there is a period of grace to produce it.Remember,Tourism is at an all time low in this country right now and the need for money(to support drug and alcohol need's)is at a high.

The street rats are desperate for dosh and As newbies,you will be prime target's.Phuket has good and bad,the same as Pattaya Bangkok and all the other places that ferang's tend to inhabit.There are places that you might not want to go with your wife(depending on how broad minded she is) these are easily avoided.Also be aware,its not just the Thai people who will try to finagle out of you.There are ferang's who are down to their last few baht,been here too lnong,but dont want to go home.They will approach you and tell you they are desperate to get home and have to have 3000 baht for an emergency travel document from their embassy.They come across as being very plausible and in dire straight's.give them nothing.

You two sound like the hill walking,canoeing,exploration types.You sound like 'group people,simply looking for an experience.I wish you luck with that,but remember that there are other places that have this type of experience in rural Thailand.I have been here 15 years,Ilived in Pattaya for a long time and had a bar for many years,I've seen a lot of thing's.I now live in Khon Kaen,i retired with my wife to the house we built there and its the best thing i ever did.
Chock Dee Pouen pom.


Edited by metisdead
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Those food tours, wow.

Just take a taxi/grab taxi to weekend market in Phuket town on the weekend, or the sunday market in old phuket town.

They all speak basic food selling english and it's usualy in the top 40% of thai food.. From my experience, any street food that has to do with a tour company is in the bottom 10%

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To the OP.

Phuket has approx. 3 million tourist arrivals every year. The vast majority of these people enjoy their stay and return home without incident. As in any tourist destination on the planet, there are locals trying to get their hands on the tourist dollar by any means they can, which sometimes includes scams and theft. Using a little commonsense, there is no reason you should become a victim.

As you have been warned the biggest scam here is with transport, especially the dreaded tuk tuks who demand fees way above what is reasonable. They should be avoided wherever possible or budgeted for if you have to use them.

Over many years, various governments in Thailand have failed to curb the corruption which is rife throughout the country and reaches to the highest level. Unfortunately it is part of the culture here and not likely to go away anytime soon. Most of us are aware we are powerless to effect change, we avoid the pitfalls where possible, and learn to live within the culture.

Phuket is the most beautiful and richest province in Thailand. Many sad expats living in poorer areas of Thailand have developed quite weird jealousies and harbour resentment about this Island, and spend time on this forum trying to deter people planning to come here for a holiday. The guy from Koen Khan is an extreme example. He is trying to compare his little rural area with one of the most vibrant tourist destinations on the planet.

It's obvious some expats have so much time left over from watching the rice grow that they spend a lot of time reporting on every incident that occurs in this province in their efforts to convince others that their own life would be suitable for everyone.

Yes more things happen in Phuket than KK, I wonder why?

To each his own, but I think you would enjoy a holiday much more in a place set up for tourism.

Come and discover Phuket, no need to ask detailed questions about every aspect before arriving, just use that commonsense.

Perhaps on a future trip you can spend more time and include a tour of some of Thailand's beautiful rural countryside.

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Just something to add. Im a food snob like many and the good thing in Thailand is that thai food doesnt require fancy ingredient, it requires EXPERIENCE. Real street food, away from touristy place is amazing. Small in the hole restaurants in Phuket town will be 10x better than a 250b meal in any patong/surin/kata/karon restaurant

If you want to experience phuket in luxury, stay in cape panwa and hire yourself a car or bike, you'll be really close by phuket town and you wont have to go over the most dangerous roads in phuket.

Always makes me chuckle when i see people bragging about a 1200b+ bill per person for seafood when i eat 4-5 plates and bring some home for 600b/person in local's highest rated joints(with better scenery). Thailand is better experienced on the cheap. The best sumtam is from those 85yo women with 30+mins wait time even at 2:30pm when everybody is at work, i dont care if you have 20 michelin star to your name, your sum tam will suck balls compared to hers. My MIL made amazing sumtam and she stopped 3 years ago, we still get visits from people that we don't know(she moved a year ago) coming to order her for a random party here and there. That's how Thai food works.

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To the OP.

Phuket has approx. 3 million tourist arrivals every year. The vast majority of these people enjoy their stay and return home without incident. As in any tourist destination on the planet, there are locals trying to get their hands on the tourist dollar by any means they can, which sometimes includes scams and theft. Using a little commonsense, there is no reason you should become a victim.

As you have been warned the biggest scam here is with transport, especially the dreaded tuk tuks who demand fees way above what is reasonable. They should be avoided wherever possible or budgeted for if you have to use them.

Over many years, various governments in Thailand have failed to curb the corruption which is rife throughout the country and reaches to the highest level. Unfortunately it is part of the culture here and not likely to go away anytime soon. Most of us are aware we are powerless to effect change, we avoid the pitfalls where possible, and learn to live within the culture.

Phuket is the most beautiful and richest province in Thailand. Many sad expats living in poorer areas of Thailand have developed quite weird jealousies and harbour resentment about this Island, and spend time on this forum trying to deter people planning to come here for a holiday. The guy from Koen Khan is an extreme example. He is trying to compare his little rural area with one of the most vibrant tourist destinations on the planet.

It's obvious some expats have so much time left over from watching the rice grow that they spend a lot of time reporting on every incident that occurs in this province in their efforts to convince others that their own life would be suitable for everyone.

Yes more things happen in Phuket than KK, I wonder why?

To each his own, but I think you would enjoy a holiday much more in a place set up for tourism.

Come and discover Phuket, no need to ask detailed questions about every aspect before arriving, just use that commonsense.

Perhaps on a future trip you can spend more time and include a tour of some of Thailand's beautiful rural countryside.

One of the best posts I've seen on here in a while.

Could probably be cut and pasted into most of the threads especially posts by one certain member.

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First of all, thanks everybody for useful comments. Especially to Old Croc - sir, you have quite a wizdom.

I do understand that this is forum for expats and their views are quite different than visiting tourists and locals. But I came here exactly to hear and listen them. Thank you.

Regarding markets - which one of them? On Google Maps and TripAdvisor multiple places are coming up with confusing or similar names. What time it the best to visit for food? Also, will they be open on Monday? I've heard that on Sunday it would be close to impossible to find taxi back and if you want to guarantee your taxi to be there, you need to to hire for the full day so he is waiting for you.

Thanks again,

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So after much digging/reading I came down with following itinerary for the day trip either on Monday or Sunday. I am thinking to hire car with driver have the following trip:

1. Start at Surin

2. Drive south stopping at alongside to Kamala, Karon, Kata, Nai Harn (skipping/not interested at Patong) beaches and overlooks ending at Phromthep Cape, take photos, do short walks.

3. Drive to Phuket town, see Chaithararam Temple, Khao Rang, Old Phuket, walk around neighbourhoods.

4. Go to a market for street food

5. Drive back to the hotel.

Main point is to see the most interesting or scenic places, yet avoid typical tourist traps. As you've seen there are no plans for shopping of any kind.

My questions to experts and locals here:

- Is above plan reasonable? What would you add or remove?

- How much time this would take from start to back? what time is the best to start?

- Where would you suggest to have lunch before arriving at the town?

- Given the days are Sunday or Monday, which day would be better?

- How much should I expect to pay for car/driver hire?

Thanks again in advance.

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So after much digging/reading I came down with following itinerary for the day trip either on Monday or Sunday. I am thinking to hire car with driver have the following trip:

1. Start at Surin

2. Drive south stopping at alongside to Kamala, Karon, Kata, Nai Harn (skipping/not interested at Patong) beaches and overlooks ending at Phromthep Cape, take photos, do short walks.

3. Drive to Phuket town, see Chaithararam Temple, Khao Rang, Old Phuket, walk around neighbourhoods.

4. Go to a market for street food

5. Drive back to the hotel.

Main point is to see the most interesting or scenic places, yet avoid typical tourist traps. As you've seen there are no plans for shopping of any kind.

My questions to experts and locals here:

- Is above plan reasonable? What would you add or remove?

- How much time this would take from start to back? what time is the best to start?

- Where would you suggest to have lunch before arriving at the town?

- Given the days are Sunday or Monday, which day would be better?

- How much should I expect to pay for car/driver hire?

Thanks again in advance.

I had to Google Chaithararam Temple - we know it as Wat Chalong and a worthwile visit for sure.

I would add Big Buddha http://www.phuket-big-buddha.com/ on the way to Wat Chalong.

Yes, it's a reasonable plan, I would suggest Sunday as lighter traffic. Best start early like 08.00 and plan back hotel 17.00.

Cost of a car/driver for the day. 1,800 baht would be cheap, more like 2,400 baht. But beware the driver will want to take you to many tourist traps which pay him 'petrol money' whether you buy anthing or not.

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At or near the top of the hill between Surin and Kamala is a great lookout/view point deck built out over the cliff. Usually some places to park. Great photo op.

Yes, it right on the main road, worth a 5 minute stop. No facilities, eateries, etc ..

The Kata view point is much more worth while http://www.phuket.com/attractions/kata-viewpoint.htm

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Cost of a car/driver for the day. 1,800 baht would be cheap, more like 2,400 baht. But beware the driver will want to take you to many tourist traps which pay him 'petrol money' whether you buy anthing or not.

This is I want to avoid. I know about the practice - Siem Reap has the same.

If you have anybody to recommend, I'd be glad to know. I will need two way transfer service from airport as well, so I'd rather go with a single, reliable person.

Regarding the trip - suggesting to come back to hotel at 17:00 that means leaving Phuket down at 16:30 latests. If I understand correctly, night market start only after 18:00, right?

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Cost of a car/driver for the day. 1,800 baht would be cheap, more like 2,400 baht. But beware the driver will want to take you to many tourist traps which pay him 'petrol money' whether you buy anthing or not.

This is I want to avoid. I know about the practice - Siem Reap has the same.

If you have anybody to recommend, I'd be glad to know. I will need two way transfer service from airport as well, so I'd rather go with a single, reliable person.

Regarding the trip - suggesting to come back to hotel at 17:00 that means leaving Phuket down at 16:30 latests. If I understand correctly, night market start only after 18:00, right?

It's been years years since I recommended a driver - been burned too many times in the past.

I am sure you have googled trip-adviser for private driver in Phuket. Some glowing references there ... ??

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Regarding the trip - suggesting to come back to hotel at 17:00 that means leaving Phuket down at 16:30 latests. If I understand correctly, night market start only after 18:00, right?

Just noticed your edit. The main Phuket weekend night market is Naka Market - https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g1215781-d2032284-r127693648-Phuket_Town_Weekend_Night_Market-Phuket_Town_Phuket.html

Open 16.00 - 21.00. I assume that will also be your food market event ...

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At or near the top of the hill between Surin and Kamala is a great lookout/view point deck built out over the cliff. Usually some places to park. Great photo op.

Are you talking about this place? If yes, it should be within walking distance to my hotel.


Take a look at http://phuketshuttle.com/homes/vehiclerental for a car and driver/airport transfer. A bit more, but no BS.

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So one more question regarding life/activities near the place we stay. We will be at a hotel next Surin beach. If you are familiar with the area, could you help me please? I did look at google maps, but it is difficult to judge - how much time would it take to walk or bike from the hotel to Kamala beach or the the 'downtown' of Surin - I mean to the place where most of shops/etc are?

I would be delighted if you can recommend following in our hotel's vicinity (Surin/Kamala):

- where to eat local, tasty street food. I'm not travelling to Thailand to eat in restaurants with (non-tasty) Western food

- where to get a reasonably priced good massage. I checked couple of places came on Tripadvisor with websites and they have prices like 3000THB for 1h of massage. That 10x more I paid for massage in Bali and the same price the massage is in Tokyo. Can't believe that it can be THAT expensive.

I am looking for something nearby in hotel, because to get taxi which takes you 5km and charges 400THB on one way defeats the purpose.

Thanks again.

I know of a good, safe driver who has excellent English pm me and I will give you his number.

Kamala beach would be quite a walk from Surin, at least an hour, maybe closer to two, I would guess and much of it is steep hills, not for the novice hiker or out of shape, and with long stretches of nowhere to get refreshment, take water.

"Downtown Surin" is really not much of a downtown, really just a lot of over overpriced shops along the main route and is a short walk from Surin beach. The better hotels are off on the parallel to the beach road, but both are where you'll find lot's of food choices and massages though I cannot be more specific on which to use. Ask other guests at your hotel for where they recommend.

Those 3000 baht massages for an hour are at the upscale hotel spas. I think 400 baht is more like it for a smaller shop with oily, otherwise suspiciously grody sheets on the beds, etc.. There were masseuses on the beaches, sort of got run off, but a few may be back- pretty much a toss of a coin on what is allowed, and not allowed on the beaches these days.

Honestly, I think Phuket is now firmly for the trendy- young- tattoo frenzied set that want to drink drink drink- be seen, and hook up with each other although all kind of family sporting type amusements seem to be centered in the Chalong/Rawai/East of Patong areas. Go karts, zip line, pony treks, etc can be found.

Nature kayak tours and such- yes go to Krabi, and yes you'll will spend 1000's of baht on transport from Phuket for one trip, plus be putting your life at risk on Thai roads which feature notoriously bad drivers, the taxi minivans being the worst.

All Phuket transport is a rip off, you're gonna pay a taxi 500 baht both ways to get to Tesco lotus supermarket which is about 5-6 k from Surin. There are baht buses, but no regular schedules and between 7- 8 am and 2- 5 often too full of school children to take on any more passengers

Actually, I would recommend Langkawi and other points on the north west coast of Malaysia- you'll get a 90 entry on arrival, too with no visa needed.

Edited by Moonsterk
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Thanks everybody for suggestions. After some thought went and booked car rental at Thai Rent a Car. It would be pretty much the same price of two way Airport Transfer and 8 hours car/driver (1500THB + 2500 THB) rental vs. to rent a car for 4 days, including additional insurance (4400THB).

In this case I won't dependent on external transportation and we can go anywhere we want.

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Actually, I would recommend Langkawi and other points on the north west coast of Malaysia- you'll get a 90 entry on arrival, too with no visa needed.

Langkawi is 1h flight time from my home airport. :) Been there three times and agree - a good destination. Just wanted to see something different this time.

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