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Insurance options for British professional traveller.


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I have a friend from the Uk who is a professional traveller living off rent from back home. She is currently based in Indonesia and spends a lot of time in Malaysia also. She has visited the LOS many times.

It is my understanding that her annual travel insurance policy is expiring soon. Her concern is

''as a non resident of the UK i don't think I'll be able to get another travel insurance unless I live there for at least 6 months!''

Is this correct?

If so, can you recommend a solution for her. It is my understanding that when applying for a travel ins policy one has to be in the country when applying i.e. apply before departure.

Personally, I believe that she should be able to contact them and ask for an extension. I don't think that being a non resident should matter? Its a question for the underwriter of her policy.

Any thoughts?

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World Nomads - the best ever cover for professional travellers. Have different levels of cover involving sports and adventure tourism. Highly recommended by me.

I and my son have made several claims, mine was in excess of 200k Baht.

Hassle free process.

Can renew the policy from abroad, no restrictions about taking out a policy before you leave your country of residence. Priced attractively.

The only serious restriction they have is that you cannot stay at a "residential address" abroad for more than three months continuously. Which should be no problem for your friend, and there are ways to beat that rule anyway.

EDIT: for clarity, World Nomads can be purchased by any nationality from anywhere in the world, at any time. It's designed for those who are travelling or even working extensively abroad over long periods of time - and I mean years, not months.

As an aside, if she's doing a lot of travelling in SE Asia, suggest she gets her bike licence before she leaves home - otherwise a claim resulting from a bike accident won't be entertained (not just by Nomads, but all insurance companies).

Edited by Gsxrnz
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