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Five migrants saved from channel after trying to sail to Britain from Calais


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Five migrants saved from channel after trying to sail to Britain from Calais

By Robert Hackwill


It is not often that migrants attempt to get into Britain the hard way, by crossing the channel from France on their own.

However conditions are so bad in Calais’ migrant “jungle” that some are prepared to risk their lives to get out of it.

Five migrants attempted the crossing in a three-metre boat on Saturday, but one of them swam back to shore for help after taking on water. The men had a lucky escape, but still needed treatment for hypothermia.

“They wouldn`t have held out for much longer, one of them had severe hypothermia. They were just exhausted and mostly scared by their misadventure,” said the President of the Calais branch of the French National Rescue at sea association Bernard Barron.

The jungle continues to grow despite the French authorities opening other facilities, and at its busiest was home for some 5000 people.

Less crowded now, it remains a place of despair with inadequate sanitation and poor protection from the elements.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-07

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Glad the attempt to get across failed miserably as it may at least prevent others from trying. Had they succeeded then every boat owner in France would have become rich overnight as thousands try to buy anything that floats !

It's a lovely time of year to cross in a small boat.

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No place for a fool, some of the busiest waterways in the world, even in fair weather, good light it is not for the feint of heart.

If they continue to try this they will be washing up on the shores of Europe.

However I am sure there are already plenty of smugglers charging who knows what to bring them over in small boats, 5k a time 10 immigrants, and hundreds of miles of coastline to leave from and drop off to.

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How many are refugees, how many economic migrants ... and how many terrorists?

The first only should be given sanctuary, and not necessarily in Britain, which is not their first port of call. And while they're waiting, they can think on whether they were better off before, or not.

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