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Former Foreign Legion commander arrested at anti-foreigner protest


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Former Foreign Legion commander arrested at anti-foreigner protest


CALAIS: -- One of the protesters arrested in Calais yesterday when far-right anti-Muslims clashed with police who prevented them entering the port’s makeshift refugee camp is the former commander-in-chief of the Foreign Legion, General Christian Piquemal. Protesting under the Pegida banner, most of the 150 demonstrators were known far-right activists, some from as far away as Berlin.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-08

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When the political winds change, the most severe punishments(and i do mean Severe) will be meted out to those who used the law to stifle any honest discussion of the muslim invasion taking place. It is just unspeakable evil to not allow the issue to be discussed without pulling the hate crime card at every opportunity. If the issues were debated openly and honestly, and none of this cover-up all and any crimes carried out by muslims, we wouldn't be having any of this "migrant crisis" at all. If the lemming understood that his cliff leap would kill him, well he wouldn't jump at all.

This foreign legion commander has the absolute right to protest the muslim invasion whether the loony left like it or not.

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When the political winds change, the most severe punishments(and i do mean Severe) will be meted out to those who used the law to stifle any honest discussion of the muslim invasion taking place. It is just unspeakable evil to not allow the issue to be discussed without pulling the hate crime card at every opportunity. If the issues were debated openly and honestly, and none of this cover-up all and any crimes carried out by muslims, we wouldn't be having any of this "migrant crisis" at all. If the lemming understood that his cliff leap would kill him, well he wouldn't jump at all.

This foreign legion commander has the absolute right to protest the muslim invasion whether the loony left like it or not.

It goes beyond just an honest discussion. It does not matter what group it involves, very few, if any, countries are capable of dealing with a large influx of people without a great deal of planning and preparation.

The greater the cultural differences, the more difficult the situation is to deal with.

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Note the o.p used the usual thought terminating buzzwords 'far right' in the very first sentence. The former general in his speech was scathing about this cynical falsehood. Either left leaning multicultural ideologues will get turfed out of power or there will be civil war as they fight their own populations in favour of a hostile outsider.

Here is a transcript of his speech in English.


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Note the o.p used the usual thought terminating buzzwords 'far right' in the very first sentence. The former general in his speech was scathing about this cynical falsehood. Either left leaning multicultural ideologues will get turfed out of power or there will be civil war as they fight their own populations in favour of a hostile outsider.

Here is a transcript of his speech in English.


Gen Piquemal represents 'France Debout' who are aligned with Front National. FN are often described as right wing / leaning towards the far right.

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The key word here is 'foreign'. Many of the legion are just that. The comments by the current commander are valid.

Whilst I hate admitting this, it is a fact that the old world values now rest with the old.

I constantly consider why we get old and die and the only answer that I can find is, because we make way for the young.

It is their world now.

Gosh, deep inside I do not want to agree with you but... this is a brilliant observation.

However, the mechanics at work at the world today may be acted upon by the young but they are entirely engineered by the old you refer to.

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This OP is exactly how it will play out. In an uncoordinated, stumbling gait, various outbursts of frustration and rage will cause people to gravitate toward others with similar frustration. Most will voice their frustration, a few will act out violently, but all will be tarred as the worst as the worst among them to silence the legitimacy of their protest. This fact will push them all into a cycle of further disconnect from their government and render the people who protest their abuse the new stories of the day. Governments will act not upon what the people protest but the protesters themselves. Europe in for a tragic divorce now they have taken a new bride.

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This OP is exactly how it will play out. In an uncoordinated, stumbling gait, various outbursts of frustration and rage will cause people to gravitate toward others with similar frustration. Most will voice their frustration, a few will act out violently, but all will be tarred as the worst as the worst among them to silence the legitimacy of their protest. This fact will push them all into a cycle of further disconnect from their government and render the people who protest their abuse the new stories of the day. Governments will act not upon what the people protest but the protesters themselves. Europe in for a tragic divorce now they have taken a new bride.

The protest was banned under the current French National Emergency laws. The group refused to disperse after being instructed to do so and some were arrested, some of the arrested were carrying unlicensed firearms. The general had a leading role in organising a prohibited event. The current crackdown on protests is not part of some grand conspiracy by the French government.

The French government has responded to concerns expressed regards refugees / asylum seekers. e.g. last year approx 90% of refugee / asylum applications were declined, the challenge is to enforce deportation of the declined applications, an issue that all EU governments are working on by strengthening legislation / negotiations with source countries to accept returnees, some source countries have already agreed to do so.

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simple1, on 10 Feb 2016 - 07:04, said:
arjunadawn, on 10 Feb 2016 - 00:17, said:

This OP is exactly how it will play out. In an uncoordinated, stumbling gait, various outbursts of frustration and rage will cause people to gravitate toward others with similar frustration. Most will voice their frustration, a few will act out violently, but all will be tarred as the worst as the worst among them to silence the legitimacy of their protest. This fact will push them all into a cycle of further disconnect from their government and render the people who protest their abuse the new stories of the day. Governments will act not upon what the people protest but the protesters themselves. Europe in for a tragic divorce now they have taken a new bride.

The protest was banned under the current French National Emergency laws. The group refused to disperse after being instructed to do so and some were arrested, some of the arrested were carrying unlicensed firearms. The general had a leading role in organising a prohibited event. The current crackdown on protests is not part of some grand conspiracy by the French government.

The French government has responded to concerns expressed regards refugees / asylum seekers. e.g. last year approx 90% of refugee / asylum applications were declined, the challenge is to enforce deportation of the declined applications, an issue that all EU governments are working on by strengthening legislation / negotiations with source countries to accept returnees, some source countries have already agreed to do so.

Despite the procrastinations of some of the esteemed members on this thread.

When a former General of a Military Unit has to organise a public demonstration / protest against the Government. It clearly shows the distinction between what is happening on the ground and what is being reported or ignored in the sanitized press.

All the new laws / strengthening of legislation / paying bribes to Turkey are not going to stop the flow.

Thanks to social media the word is being spread and it is being heard loud and clear.

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Grouse, on 10 Feb 2016 - 15:01, said:

Who is procrastinating?

Tell us tomorrow!

Let me be the 1st to congratulate you on the hours of thought that you clearly put into this well constructed, highly researched and educational off topic post.

Sorry, I should have realised that you would not have a sense of humour.

I just thought it was a great malaprop!


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This OP is exactly how it will play out. In an uncoordinated, stumbling gait, various outbursts of frustration and rage will cause people to gravitate toward others with similar frustration. Most will voice their frustration, a few will act out violently, but all will be tarred as the worst as the worst among them to silence the legitimacy of their protest. This fact will push them all into a cycle of further disconnect from their government and render the people who protest their abuse the new stories of the day. Governments will act not upon what the people protest but the protesters themselves. Europe in for a tragic divorce now they have taken a new bride.

The protest was banned under the current French National Emergency laws. The group refused to disperse after being instructed to do so and some were arrested, some of the arrested were carrying unlicensed firearms. The general had a leading role in organising a prohibited event. The current crackdown on protests is not part of some grand conspiracy by the French government.

The French government has responded to concerns expressed regards refugees / asylum seekers. e.g. last year approx 90% of refugee / asylum applications were declined, the challenge is to enforce deportation of the declined applications, an issue that all EU governments are working on by strengthening legislation / negotiations with source countries to accept returnees, some source countries have already agreed to do so.

Lets assume for a moment both posts are correct. It is possible for two seemingly contradictory things to coexist at the same time. It is because of this conflict in perceptions that the conflict we discuss will worsen. If I took each sentence you write above and began it with 1, 2, 3, etc., perhaps I could then add "true, true, true, true," etc. It can all be true; it could, from another point of view. A few things, however:

The notion that a crackdown or even the observation of this problem involves cloak and dagger is absurd, and misleading. I have no intel network and I know this is an intentionally sublimation* (replacing one population with an alien population without going through the investment/social contract phase of the natural steps of social evolution) of the French/EU people with a younger workforce. Why? Because its been discussed by EU elitists publicly for a generation. Hardly conspiracy.

Clearly the French government has not responded in a meaningful manner; the OP is evidence. Indeed, the responses to date seem eerily similar to the platitudes offered Austrians, Germans, Dutch, Finns, Swedish, etc in response to their own cultural oblivion. Its the government throwing more crap at the wall and seeing what sticks to silence the malcontents.

It makes no difference how many were migrants were rejected to date- a distraction; the OP/protests involve those that remain.

I am unaware of any source countries that have agreed to repatriate these peoples in reference. I am aware of people/country[ies] being paid, which renders the process still a burden upon the host- the French/EU- in any event, and no solution at all; just further abuse twice removed from the pocketbook.

Your post can be relatively true, yet totally unrelated to the OP. As these events increase, disparate violence, outrages, rapes, responses, and hostility escalate your points offered above will be increasingly proven irrelevant.

*I think this term fits perfectly. I typed "subsume" but this solid state/gas "sublimation" description popped up and yes, it is perfect description.

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Judging by is speech, he's almost calling for a second French Revolution.

Good observation! Yes the words were framed in a manner that painted the current ruling politicians in France as traitors. Though this may seem shocking now I sadly suspect posterity will merely judge his words as coming at a time shortly before events prove them prophetic. Anyone who has followed in depth the ongoing and accelerating disaster of the EU open borders policy will struggle not to suspect the current mess was foreseeable. If so those who foresaw it but did nothing to prevent it are indeed traitors.


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Here is the testimony of a resident of Calais. Local shops are shut down, there is a giant Muslim no go zone. Every evening thousands of them riot, walking into residential homes and helping themselves to the property of the residents whilst the police do nothing. Meanwhile the traitors in charge press for gun control to stop locals defending themselves. The residents of Calais have been abandoned to their fate, as have those in many European towns. Yet it's the far right who are supposedly the problem.


I'm not sure who I would shoot first the culture enrichers committing rape and burglary or the traitor elites who enabled them.

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