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10-year-old raped by Iraqi migrant at swimming pool in Vienna


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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

It's hard to take your post seriously.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

So, this is all a Whitemans fault, Putin .

If Putin would have bombed Syria, this wouldnt have happened ?

Really ?

The rapist left a wife and child back home and he was working and sending money home

If it was safe enough for his wife and child to stay in Iraq, it would have been safe enough for him to stay.

A man rapes a ten year old boy, BUT the man is really the victim here

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


OK. Lets say that a European Christian man raped a ten year old Thai boy in a public swimming pool .

Would you then say

"and of course, no one has ever heard of any Thai man raping little boys..oh wait"

Would people also be posting here that the European Christian "shouldnt be sent back to Europe , just incase someone murderers him , let him stay in Thailand forever "

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Source of OP originated from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right local news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Even so, other, but unbiased austrian media outlets. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

Note : Breitbart has no local reporters.

Are you saying that a newspaper made this story up ?

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Jingthing, on 08 Feb 2016 - 17:02, said:

Well, that's an appalling crime but it's also unreasonable to blame Islam, all Muslims, and all Muslim migrants on his crime or the crimes of other Muslim migrants.

Also keep in mind when considering Islamic matters, that Islamic teaching is one thing and CULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

It's hard to take your post seriously.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

So, this is all a Whitemans fault, Putin .

If Putin would have bombed Syria, this wouldnt have happened ?

Really ?

The rapist left a wife and child back home and he was working and sending money home

If it was safe enough for his wife and child to stay in Iraq, it would have been safe enough for him to stay.

A man rapes a ten year old boy, BUT the man is really the victim here

What a boatload of hooey. I never said any of that. Please play your strange games elsewhere. Welcome to my ignore list.

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rULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

So, this is all a Whitemans fault, Putin .

If Putin would have bombed Syria, this wouldnt have happened ?

Really ?

The rapist left a wife and child back home and he was working and sending money home

If it was safe enough for his wife and child to stay in Iraq, it would have been safe enough for him to stay.

A man rapes a ten year old boy, BUT the man is really the victim here

What a boatload of hooey. I never said any of that. Please play your strange games elsewhere. Welcome to my ignore list.

You quite clearly asked why the rapist fled to Austria in the first place and you gave the name of Putin in reply to your own question .

You did write in am ambiguous manner, but between the lines you implied that the rapist left Iraq because of Putin .

Fair enough, you didnt say it outright, but that is your implication

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rULTURES of Islamic nations and peoples is another. For example, the typical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

So, this is all a Whitemans fault, Putin .

If Putin would have bombed Syria, this wouldnt have happened ?

Really ?

The rapist left a wife and child back home and he was working and sending money home

If it was safe enough for his wife and child to stay in Iraq, it would have been safe enough for him to stay.

A man rapes a ten year old boy, BUT the man is really the victim here

What a boatload of hooey. I never said any of that. Please play your strange games elsewhere. Welcome to my ignore list.

You quite clearly asked why the rapist fled to Austria in the first place and you gave the name of Putin in reply to your own question .

You did write in am ambiguous manner, but between the lines you implied that the rapist left Iraq because of Putin .

Fair enough, you didnt say it outright, but that is your implication

actually if he mentioned Putin, he is not wrong.

if fascist Assad lapdog Putin did not bomb the civilians or Asad opposition just to kiss the ass of Assad, i am sure many Syrians stayed where they were.

right now Russia is continuing bombing civilians and only 10 percent of their bombs are going to ISIS. 90 percent is going to Assad opposition and civilians.

so, yes, Putin Russia is also responsible for this migrant crises. read a bit.

right now, around 100 000 migrants waiting at Turkish border due to the recent bombings of Russia at the city of Aleppo. Civilians are running to Turkey and Europe again and EU told Turkey to open the borders recently!

not sure what EU wants. last month they blamed Turkey for opening their borders and now, they are blaming them for not opening! with this stupid politics, i am sure there will be more migrants in Europe soon. Hypocrites!

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Source of OP originated from islamophobic Breitbart. And was later 'confirmed' by extreme right local news outlet Kroner Zeitung. Previously owned by an WW2 ex-Kriegsmariner and after his death his newspaper became very popular, but criticised for support to Kurt Waldheim, Jorg Haider and Barbara Rosenkranz.

Moreover, photoshopped pictures were published in the beginning of the Syrian civil war.


All other news outlets repeated the same texts almost word by word.

No austrian official made a press conference. Even so, other, but unbiased austrian media outlets. Which I would look forward to read to make any conclusions.

At least I did my homework...

Note : Breitbart has no local reporters.

Are you saying that a newspaper made this story up ?

I only believe direct witnesses of those who were in the swimming pool on the 2nd of December 2015 of Theresienbad, Vienna.

As I've posted before, I'm not in favour to follow or believe explicitly Islamophobic and ultra right political media outlets, better known as tabloids. It works perhaps for the mass people, I just need more credible sources, read offical Austrian declarations.

Lawfare and media warfare are nowadays frequently used.

To be clear : I won't defend any criminal, and I won't support any form of punishment to any innocent.

Cheers !

Edited by Thorgal
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Are you saying that a newspaper made this story up ?

I only believe direct witnesses of those who were in the swimming pool on the 2nd of December 2015 of Theresienbad, Vienna.

Do you believe that an Iraqi raped a boy in the swimming pool or not ?

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ezzra, on 08 Feb 2016 - 10:49, said:

She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....


It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

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Are you saying that a newspaper made this story up ?

I only believe direct witnesses of those who were in the swimming pool on the 2nd of December 2015 of Theresienbad, Vienna.

Do you believe that an Iraqi raped a boy in the swimming pool or not ?

The Iraqi suspect is still in investigative custody. He still hasn't been sentenced yet by the court. Police didn't make any statement because the case is still under investigation. It's not wise to speculate or request to speculate without official declarations from Austrian law enforcement.

A 13-year old girl from Berlin came forward and confessed false rape accusations not so long ago in a similar case. Furthermore, an Austrian police authority admitted in 2011 that 4 of 5 sexual abusers cases were false after police investigation in his Southern district.

Perhaps you will have more success with your question on Facebook and/or Twitter. Latest news articles of Kronen Zeitung told that the Austrian police made some declarations over there...which they used in their latest biased news articles....

Cheers !

Edited by Thorgal
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Are you saying that a newspaper made this story up ?
I only believe direct witnesses of those who were in the swimming pool on the 2nd of December 2015 of Theresienbad, Vienna.

Do you believe that an Iraqi raped a boy in the swimming pool or not ?
The Iraqi suspect is still in investigative custody. He still hasn't been sentenced yet by the court. Police didn't make any statement because the case is still under investigation. It's not wise to speculate or request to speculate without official declarations from Austrian law enforcement.

A 13-year old girl from Berlin came forward and confessed false rape accusations not so long ago in a similar case. Furthermore, an Austrian police officer admitted in 2011 that 4 of 5 sexual abusers cases were false after police investigation in his Southern district.

Perhaps you will have more success with your question on Facebook and/or Twitter. Latest news articles of Kronen Zeitung told that the Austrian police made some declarations over there...which they used in their news articles....

Cheers !
also, and most people glossed over this, but the lad was in an emergency situation. An emergency. What other choice did he have please?
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ezzra, on 08 Feb 2016 - 10:49, said:

She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....


It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

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ical Saudi covering for women is NOT mandated by Islamic teaching. That's CULTURAL.

Don't hate on people based on their labels. Deal with criminals (and preventing crime) based on the criminal behaviors.

Out of 33 posts on this thread, you have managed, in 1 post, to mention Muslim and Islam more than the other 32 posts combined.

I did not see hate against any labels. I did see plenty of vitriol against a child rapist.

We all know there's going to Islamophobic backlash based on this crime.

We already saw some posts of that nature here.

You don't have to distort reality to make your point.

Of course there are going to be lots of challenges and a right wing backlash absorbing a large group of refugees from a very different culture and given most of the migrants are Muslim, those friction issues are going to have to be dealt with openly and with HONESTY.

Another question is why are so many refugees needing to flee to western Europe in the first place? (Some say it's Putin's tactic.)

So, this is all a Whitemans fault, Putin .

If Putin would have bombed Syria, this wouldnt have happened ?

Really ?

The rapist left a wife and child back home and he was working and sending money home

If it was safe enough for his wife and child to stay in Iraq, it would have been safe enough for him to stay.

A man rapes a ten year old boy, BUT the man is really the victim here

What a boatload of hooey. I never said any of that. Please play your strange games elsewhere. Welcome to my ignore list.

You quite clearly asked why the rapist fled to Austria in the first place and you gave the name of Putin in reply to your own question .

You did write in am ambiguous manner, but between the lines you implied that the rapist left Iraq because of Putin .

Fair enough, you didnt say it outright, but that is your implication

actually if he mentioned Putin, he is not wrong.

if fascist Assad lapdog Putin did not bomb the civilians or Asad opposition just to kiss the ass of Assad, i am sure many Syrians stayed where they were.

right now Russia is continuing bombing civilians and only 10 percent of their bombs are going to ISIS. 90 percent is going to Assad opposition and civilians.

so, yes, Putin Russia is also responsible for this migrant crises. read a bit.

right now, around 100 000 migrants waiting at Turkish border due to the recent bombings of Russia at the city of Aleppo. Civilians are running to Turkey and Europe again and EU told Turkey to open the borders recently!

not sure what EU wants. last month they blamed Turkey for opening their borders and now, they are blaming them for not opening! with this stupid politics, i am sure there will be more migrants in Europe soon. Hypocrites!

The rapist was Iraqi though, NOT Syrian .

Two different Countries

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only believe direct witnesses of those who were in the swimming pool on the 2nd of December 2015 of Theresienbad, Vienna.

Do you believe that an Iraqi raped a boy in the swimming pool or not ?

The Iraqi suspect is still in investigative custody. He still hasn't been sentenced yet by the court. Police didn't make any statement because the case is still under investigation. It's not wise to speculate or request to speculate without official declarations from Austrian law enforcement.

A 13-year old girl from Berlin came forward and confessed false rape accusations not so long ago in a similar case. Furthermore, an Austrian police authority admitted in 2011 that 4 of 5 sexual abusers cases were false after police investigation in his Southern district.

Perhaps you will have more success with your question on Facebook and/or Twitter. Latest news articles of Kronen Zeitung told that the Austrian police made some declarations over there...which they used in their latest biased news articles....

Cheers !

The Iraquii rapist has admitted raping the boy .

The hospital has stated the boy had been raped .

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We all know it is a huge amount of rapes each year, in Thailand alone.

Is it 15 000+ ?

Have a feeling this case is news worthy purely based upon where the swine (rapist) is from.

This wasnt in Thailand ,

This is news because it was a 10 year old boy at a public swimming pool in a random attack and the rapist just carried on swimming, as usual, if nothing had happened .

This would have been news anyway, but as this rape tried to get covered up, this made it even more newsworthy

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...and OF COURSE, no one has ever heard of any European or Christian, raping little boys...


Oh well, then that makes it all right then does it? I guess child abuse by Roman Catholic priests makes it acceptable for Iraqi refugees who are being supported by the European taxpayer to rape 10 year old boys, does it?

In my opinion European governments need to 1) control the flow of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere into their territory, limiting it to the truly deserving (prioritizing women and children might be good first step) and 2) vigorously prosecute the corrupt Catholic church for its crimes (as well as any other religious organizations who exploit people).

actually put them into camps and keep them until the trouble is over in their countries of origin and send them right back there

Bit late there smedly. I and others have been calling for that ever since this crisis started, but what do we know????

IMO the politicians that allowed that guy into Austria should be prosecuted as accomplices.

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ezzra, on 08 Feb 2016 - 10:49, said:

She must have been wearing provocative clothing and walking about half naked, giving the

Iraqi rapist the com'on.... apparently, this is what the German ladies are

doing and that's is why they're getting raped and molested in that city in Germany

according to a mayor of that German city,....


It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

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It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

Post edited for space.

Earlier I made a similar point about such practices being religiously/culturally practiced but actually mentioned the location I noted it; I did not include Iraq. Scott then added an example of where such behavior is actually not tolerated, Iraq. He is correct. So, though such behavior might exist in numerous places there really are places where, if discovered, they would beat someone to death for it. Of all my years in Iraq it was not among the places where such behavior was common, or a blind eye turned. The place where I noticed it worst was Kabul.

On paydays the presidential guard would bring young men over the walls to the Presidential Palace (Yellow House) dressed as women. They would then... and they were known as Pleasure Boys. I saw similar behavior in other countries as well, though not in Jordan and Iraq.

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Flying back from Bangkok wit Kuwait air i was stuck in Kuwait city because they went on strike. We were put up in 4 star hotels which was pleasant for three days, what was unpleasant was when five of us men decided to illegally explore the surroundings ( our passports were taken from us, we were to stay in the hotel) we were constantly molested by Kuwait men who wanted to pay us large sums of money for group sex, not once or twice but seemingly continually, we returned to the hotel after an hour and stayed there the three days.

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Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

Post edited for space.

Earlier I made a similar point about such practices being religiously/culturally practiced but actually mentioned the location I noted it; I did not include Iraq. Scott then added an example of where such behavior is actually not tolerated, Iraq. He is correct. So, though such behavior might exist in numerous places there really are places where, if discovered, they would beat someone to death for it. Of all my years in Iraq it was not among the places where such behavior was common, or a blind eye turned. The place where I noticed it worst was Kabul.

On paydays the presidential guard would bring young men over the walls to the Presidential Palace (Yellow House) dressed as women. They would then... and they were known as Pleasure Boys. I saw similar behavior in other countries as well, though not in Jordan and Iraq.

I never said it wasn't illegal to practice homosexuality in Saudi ( if the religious police caught one it was off to jail ), but it certainly went on. I knew a western guy that had loads of Saudi "boyfriends", but eventually he went to jail.

When I walked to work, I got propositioned so many times by Arabic men that I started taking the bus.

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It was a 10 your old BOY that was raped.

This migrant must have been of the bi-sexual variety, he had a wife and kids tucked up safely at home in Iraq.

Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

nonsense again.

you were In Saudi Arabi and they told you that? or you experienced that? or seen with your eyes? man, they kill you for that in Saudi Arabia sure(they kill even the spectators) and if they want sex, they go to BAE or other a bit less bigot Muslim countries and buy sex there from foreign hoes.

and anyway, lest say what you say is true, is it same as priests molesting kids at the churches? just bc they cant have girlfriends too?

Edited by Galactus
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there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

it same as priests molesting kids at the churches? just bc they cant have girlfriends too?

You keep trying to change the subject to Child abuse in Christian Chruches, if that is what you want to talk about, why dont you start a thread about it ?

What is your point anyway ?

"Because there are some Christian church leader pedos, then its OK for Iraqi Asylum seekers to be pedos as well" ?

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I wish any convicted kiddie fiddler to get the same treatment in prison that they were convicted of meting out.

In fact, worse.

although if the rapist turns out to be muslim, we should respect his human rights, emotional needs and different cultural norms, and find some way to blame the victim instead. Right? I've read your posts.
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Homosexuality, especially with young boys, is an accepted cultural norm in many middle eastern muslim societies...but it's all kept on the down-low. There have been many documentaries on this phenomenon. I bet the European who welcomed all these muslim migrants to their countries didn't know child sex would also accompany them.

really? there is no such a thing or have you experienced that there when you were a boy?

but i can say it is a cultural norm at the Christian societies and churches and orphanages hence hundreds of thousands abused kids by priests and staff. but all kept on the down-low as as you said.

and that is why Christian countries has the most child abuse offenders? because they are more civilized than Muslim?

please check the facts before brainwashed discriminate comments.

there is no such a thing

I was in Saudi and it is apparently normal for boys to have sex with each other because they can't have girlfriends. I would expect the same to apply in any country that has similar restrictions, like Iraq.

nonsense again.

you were In Saudi Arabi and they told you that? or you experienced that? or seen with your eyes? man, they kill you for that in Saudi Arabia sure(they kill even the spectators) and if they want sex, they go to BAE or other a bit less bigot Muslim countries and buy sex there from foreign hoes.

and anyway, lest say what you say is true, is it same as priests molesting kids at the churches? just bc they cant have girlfriends too?

You apparently haven't been in Saudi.

I lived in the same apartment as a western homosexual ( allocated housing by the company ) and he had loads of Saudi boyfriends he had sex with. Plenty of alcohol in Saudi too. It's only if the mutawa catch you that you have a problem.

BTW, I don't care if you believe me or not, so I won't be replying to anything else you post along those lines.

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Flying back from Bangkok wit Kuwait air i was stuck in Kuwait city because they went on strike. We were put up in 4 star hotels which was pleasant for three days, what was unpleasant was when five of us men decided to illegally explore the surroundings ( our passports were taken from us, we were to stay in the hotel) we were constantly molested by Kuwait men who wanted to pay us large sums of money for group sex, not once or twice but seemingly continually, we returned to the hotel after an hour and stayed there the three days.

Are you good looking, or were they after a 'bit of rough'?

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