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Farang men who have a problem with farang women in Thailand.

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Please put the rudeness of the restaurant goers in the rear view mirror.

What I'm dying to hear are your thoughts on Cold Play's new Bollywood video. biggrin.png

I've managed to successfully avoid Coldplay for some time now, and I'm afraid I'd like to keep it that way, so I haven't seen the video in question.

The post from the guy who thought you were Indian apparently got removed, which unfortunately makes my post nonsensical. I was just using the Bollywood reference to tease you about being Indian; I don't care for Cold Play's music either.

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I do like a nice Masala Dosa, if that helps?

It obviously depends where you are eating it.

I am not sure you would have liked it in that small 'unnamed' city, away from your perfect comfort zone of Bangkok.


Pretty ironic use of the word 'judgemental' there, considering the way you're roundly passing judgement on what you see as my flaws.

As it happens, the place was empty when we arrived, and as I've said we were simply minding our own business and sitting in a quiet corner eating and drinking by the time the other customers turned up. My wife isn't the type to 'size up' other women - despite what you seem to think, this isn't a universal female trait. To be fair to them, the other women present didn't seem at all interested in her, either. It was the men they were with giving her the stink eye.

A lot of farang men here in Thailand have a big problem with western women.

These are the guys who never got laid in college, the men who struggled to find attractive girlfriends in their twenties or thirties, and the older guys who got cleaned out in the divorce courts.

Bitterness abounds!

To see examples of this, check out some of the comments leveled at Nancy during the POTY contest. Better still, PM Nancy and discuss this with her.


I get that some guys have had bad experiences. But why take that out on every other farang woman?

Because there's so few of them.

If the number were greater, the resent would be diluted.

Fear is something else you should consider. Lots of farangs speak a kind of "baby talk" with their wives / GFs and dislike being overheard by western women.

Anyway, I see that Sheryl has also agreed with your observations, so you can accept that what you encountered is pretty much the norm.


Judging from your behavior on TVF, it is hard for me to accept what you say at face value. I suspect your attitude comes through in person as well as it does in print.

Though perhaps only when he speaks. I'm guessing the story took place in Norwich.

A friend of mine went up to work in the Far North of Scotland. He went to a local barn dance. Shortly into the evening, a fight broke out.

"Is it always like this?" He asked the chap next to him.

"are you no' fi' Thurso? Here, these boys areni' fi' Thurso", and despite a sharp exit, a short pursuit across the fields ensued.

In-bred parochials can be found the world over, and what SoiBiker has shown is that the ignorant xenophobia we normally associate with ignorance of the outside world and intimate relationships with cousins can be learnt, as well as bred.



I get that some guys have had bad experiences. But why take that out on every other farang woman?

Because there's so few of them.

If the number were greater, the resent would be diluted.

Fear is something else you should consider. Lots of farangs speak a kind of "baby talk" with their wives / GFs and dislike being overheard by western women.

Anyway, I see that Sheryl has also agreed with your observations, so you can accept that what you encountered is pretty much the norm.

I guess this does happen - as nonsensical as it seems among adults.....

For myself - I really don't pay that much attention to anyone unless they are behaving oddly/badly......

Whether real or perceived I can relate to the discomfort level .....The other day our two girls and I went to Makro.....Our 15 y/o daughter is strikingly tall and beautiful....On this day she had

been cheerleading and still had the makeup on - but not the outfit....The Thai men were leaning/looking/leering and slobbering over her so much she was uncomfortable wanted to go back and wait in the car - I didn't let it intimidate her - just changed our walking pattern ..... A different type of unwanted attention - but still an unwelcome intrusion none the less.....


In your mind or your Wife's Mind ???? stigma creating further stigma ?

Sometimes eyes wonder, we all look around at others etc...

Could it be that the Older Western chappy's with their younger Thai Ladies felt they were being judged by your Western Wife ?

I find it difficult to comprehend anyone felling uncomfortable with anyone else, whoever they are, unless they are outwardly being inappropriate, behaving

poorly etc..

I think you have just about nailed it.

Normally it is the other way round.

I run a restaurant and I see that many Caucasian ladies looking down on their Thai counterpart. While some of the local lasses can raise eye brows if looked at together with their male companions, quite a few other ones are "just friends", girlfriends or married spouses, with or without children.

So, don't pay more attention to the subject than it deserves and carry on with whatever you're doing thumbsup.gif


I understand why some falang women might feel uncomfortable. A while ago a few mates met at a local bar that has a lot of working girls, one of the guys was on holiday with his wife and wanted to bring her along. He was advised that this might not be a good idea, but he brought her anyway because I think she wasn't going to let him out of her sight. Anyway, she sat there through the whole afternoon with this sour, disapproving look on her face and made everyone feel very uncomfortable. There were obviously guys flirting with the girls and vice-versa and she must have found this distasteful. We said to the guy later, "don't say we didn't warn you"!


I can understand that these guys have received a few disapproving looks in the past - I've certainly seen a few dished out - but that wasn't the case here.

Maybe they've come to automatically assume that any farang woman disapproves of their relationship, which seems rather a shame.


.....absolutely no idea....

...glaring angrily.......???

...makes no sense.....

...unless you did something to offend them.....

...maybe you ignored them from the get-go......

...maybe you were overdressed.......???


.....absolutely no idea....

...glaring angrily.......???

...makes no sense.....

...unless you did something to offend them.....

...maybe you ignored them from the get-go......

...maybe you were overdressed.......???

I wasn't wearing my tux.


A lot of men who have been here for a while (I mean for 20 years or more ) came here to "escape" farang women for various reasons. So when they see a farang woman in their "territory" it triggers a mildly hostile reaction at their mere presence. Many years ago %90 of the farang people here were male. Now it seems more like a 50/50 split. The presence of so many has changed the atmosphere in many subtle ways not to the liking of many old timers.

It is an unreasonable reaction but it has little to nothing to do with your wife specifically.


"""We were just quietly sitting in the corner minding our own business. No inappropriate behaviour or judging involved."""

Guess if you really were minding your own business only, how could you have noticed their "weird" looks ?

You were watching them, they were watching you. That's it. Nothing wrong with it.


I can understand that these guys have received a few disapproving looks in the past - I've certainly seen a few dished out - but that wasn't the case here.

Maybe they've come to automatically assume that any farang woman disapproves of their relationship, which seems rather a shame.

Most western women don't approve of guys either living in or going to Thailand for holidays. They know Thailand has a reputation for cheap sex and they automatically assume that's the only reason a guy would go there. When they see middle-aged or elderly guys bouncing 20 year old Thai girls on their knees, it tends to get right up their noses. These are western women well past their prime who realise they that they can't compete in Thailand.


"""We were just quietly sitting in the corner minding our own business. No inappropriate behaviour or judging involved."""

Guess if you really were minding your own business only, how could you have noticed their "weird" looks ?

You were watching them, they were watching you. That's it. Nothing wrong with it.

It's pretty obvious when someone is staring at you repeatedly. You tend to notice it even if you're minding your own business.


I am with a lovely Thai lady who is 22 years younger than me.

A 60 year old quite handsome foreigner with a 65 year old not so pretty foreign wife

made a silly remark about the age difference between my girl and me.

I just told him I wouldn't want to swap a single day, much less a night with him.

Should have seen his wife's face.


I can understand that these guys have received a few disapproving looks in the past - I've certainly seen a few dished out - but that wasn't the case here.

Maybe they've come to automatically assume that any farang woman disapproves of their relationship, which seems rather a shame.

Most western women don't approve of guys either living in or going to Thailand for holidays. They know Thailand has a reputation for cheap sex and they automatically assume that's the only reason a guy would go there. When they see middle-aged or elderly guys bouncing 20 year old Thai girls on their knees, it tends to get right up their noses. These are western women well past their prime who realise they that they can't compete in Thailand.

Whilst I'm sure that happens, I don't know about 'most'. I know quite a few western women here, and they generally have enough going on in their lives that they don't really care what other people are doing with theirs.


the men obviously had a bad experience with their foreign mates before--most thai girls on the other hand usually like the foreign women --just ignore the negative

Yeah, the girls didn't seem at all bothered.


I am a farang female and that happens to me in Bangkok. The tourists treat me well but some farang expats have been disdainful with me for no apparent reason. Going as far as to wrinkle their face in disgust and make a "yuck" sound. And I'm not fat or ugly. I'm a bikini model and in the United States I am considered very attractive looking, but The very sight of me in Bangkok makes some expats' stomachs churn. I think it's because they had past issues with farang women and are projecting their ill feelings about their past relationships onto the entire female farang population. Also if they dated in Thailand the original excitement of being in a new and different place with women of different customs, the excitement feels heightened, and they might be enjoying themselves so much that they reason in their minds that their source of happiness is Thai women and so they must be superior to farang women. It's obvious by the contemptuous looks on their faces.

Doesn't bother me any. I just chalk it up to the fact that they don't know how to do dating well, and their feeble minds can't handle it so they take it out on faring women. I typically ignore them but occasionally I have to laugh at them, as was the case with the guy with the "yuck" face. Full grown men throwing toddler tantrums. Also I think many falsely assuming that I secretly disapprove of them dating younger Thai women, but it doesn't bother me any. I'm into Asian men anyway.


I personally am a bit annoyed by non thai, non-working women coming to places where hos congregate, just to get a frisson of pleasure at their own naughtiness. They are not there for barfining per se...just for the thrill of seeing prostitutes and thinking theyre being quite edgy.

But ive learnt to live with it.

I am a white women living in Thailand. There is hardly a restaurant left where these old men don't show off their young 'bar ladies'. Or with other words, you old men force us 'regular' women to interact with these prostitutes. Really guys, think about it.

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