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refund / cancel policy from in pattaya.


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i ordered a fridge from DELETED last week, i have since bought another cheaper better one elsewhere. paid in full to DELETED last week but today called to cancel and get refund and they refuse to give money back.

ok it is thailand but in uk ,europe or probably anywhere else you would be entitled to your money back if you have reciept for payment.

anyone else had this in thailand or from DELETED

i shoud add 4 years ago i did same thing with index on a sofa i ordered and paid for and i got refund no issue.

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Read the small print on the DELETED receipt? I doubt anyone here has had this issue recently. And stop being an impulse buyer. If you already had a fridge on order, you should have waited to make sure of DELETED cancellation policy before forking out for the cheaper and better one.

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THis is a classic example of the state of customer service in Thailand. It is not just DELETED, it is a NATIONAL DISGRACE. Time and again they fail to take in the effect this can have on their customer base by just sticking to the letter of what they perceive to be a legal contract (whether it is or isn't is really irrelevant).

Why on earth do they want to create so much agro when a simple smile "of course here you are sir" will sort the situation and leave everybody happy.

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DELETED will be waiting quite a while before they get any of my business..

A couple of months ago they had a widely (signs everywhere featuring various items) advertised sale.. I made my way there early on the first day to purchase one of these advertised items only to be informed... that it was a time special (eg. 2:00pm, 4:30pm. etc.) and at the specified time I would be invited to compete in a draw to find out if I was a lucky purchaser!

Needless to say, after expressing my disapproval of their marketing practices to their Market Manager, I informed them that it would be a cold day in **ll before I returned.

Hmmm.. I wonder if today would be a good day to go back...

To the OP... You bought out of sequence! whistling.gif But I feel your pain...

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You would not be entitled to a refund anywhere for change of mind after ordering. Few if any countries would apply this. It may however in some countries be possible to get a part refund after ordering, cancelling and loss of profit was deducted.


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You would not be entitled to a refund anywhere for change of mind after ordering. Few if any countries would apply this. It may however in some countries be possible to get a part refund after ordering, cancelling and loss of profit was deducted.


Pathetic! Entitlement/schmitelment.......... the point is the ahop fell foul on CS. ....and on price.........it really doesn't matter what the law says, it is what you can get and what they as reasonable people are prepared to offer. If one takes the attitude that everything is written down in black and white then you will get nowhere and businesses will walk all over you.

(BTW - under FTA in UK just about anything is possible....so you can forget any b&w pronouncements there.

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fine and the point is they can get away with giving you nothing...and did

If they can identifify who you are they can also get a lot more more from you.....ever heard of defamation.

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fine and the point is they can get away with giving you nothing...and did

If they can identifify who you are they can also get a lot more more from you.....ever heard of defamation.

If you let them, they will....the thing it to persuade them this is not in their interest.........and it can be done, but it is up to the customer here to make it happen.

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I have bought several high ticket items from DELETED and just went into my files and looked at my receipts and the one thing that is prominently displayed on all of them in English is this:


Many stores in the West may have "price match" guarantees but I don't know of any that will give you your money back because you find an item cheaper somewhere else

A sale is a contract and as such you are ruled by their receipt the contract

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I can't see what case the OP has He made a contract with DELETED and that's it. In most promotions on price, in the UK at least, the normal 'blurb' is 'If you find the item cheaper elsewhere, we'll refund the difference".

I suspect most posters have had numerous examples of buying something, then seeing it cheaper elsewhere. I would be disappointed that I did not shop around enough, but that's my fault.

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Yes - Most stores in Thailand have that on there receipts - means nothing. You negotiate.

If it means nothing than why is it on the receipt ? Negotiate all you want but at the end of the day you bought it, it is yours and no amount of whining is going to get you our of your money back. Defective product maybe, but because you found it cheaper, not a chance

But the OP can always appeal to The Office of the Consumer Protection Board and see what they say:


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..See what the store says - they are the ones with your money. I get refunds all the time. Thousands of baht a year and compensations discounts whatever......

If you look at a little bit of paper and simply accept it...well more fool you. If I have a vlid complaint I get it resolved and more often than not to my advantage.

people are just fat too timid or gullible - they just obey a little piece of paper.. Up to you if you want to roll over and take it.

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Off Topic / Libel / Defamation / Troll / Flaming post removed

Forum Rule - 6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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Lets assume for a moment that you have a business selling high value electrical items and have, say, 400 different items. You only have a limited stock in addition to showroom display items (which is normal in Thailand).

A customer orders an item and pays for it. As "Langsuan Man" correctly states, the receipt is the contract. It is, therefor, reasonable to assume that he/she actually wants to take delivery of this item. So you order it from the manufacturer, Probably payment in advance knowing Thailand. They can deliver next week. Customer walks in five day later and says he/she does not want it anymore. You are stuck with the item. Imagine this happened 20 times a week.

Some large national chains in the UK offer a "Price Match" service, but it does not override the contract of sale and is addition to the consumers statuary rights.

Different ballgame!

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Lets assume for a moment that you have a business selling high value electrical items and have, say, 400 different items. You only have a limited stock in addition to showroom display items (which is normal in Thailand).

A customer orders an item and pays for it. As "Langsuan Man" correctly states, the receipt is the contract. It is, therefor, reasonable to assume that he/she actually wants to take delivery of this item. So you order it from the manufacturer, Probably payment in advance knowing Thailand. They can deliver next week. Customer walks in five day later and says he/she does not want it anymore. You are stuck with the item. Imagine this happened 20 times a week.

Some large national chains in the UK offer a "Price Match" service, but it does not override the contract of sale and is addition to the consumers statuary rights.

Different ballgame!

precisely - imagine if that didn't happen - you get your money back. Imagine if you are a chain store with branches all over the country it's in another store and they haven't even sent out for the thing....get your money back...imagine if the store is a little concerned how they may look to prospective customers - get you money back......basically if you don't ask you don't get, if you accept their first word or little bits of paper, then you'll never know.....quite frankly even if your scenario was correct, with a company like Numchai, I couldn't care less about how inconvenient it is for them; they'll get over it.......just gently and firmly get your money back. It sounds like they were undercut by another shop that offered better value....they should acquiesce ....and be gentlemanly about it.

I can't believe that anyone in their right mind could sit down and suggest that you can't ask for a refund...in any circumstances.

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..See what the store says - they are the ones with your money. I get refunds all the time. Thousands of baht a year and compensations discounts whatever......

If you look at a little bit of paper and simply accept it...well more fool you. If I have a vlid complaint I get it resolved and more often than not to my advantage.

people are just fat too timid or gullible - they just obey a little piece of paper.. Up to you if you want to roll over and take it.

Saying you don't want it anymore because you found another item somewhere else (cheaper, better, different colour etc) is not a "valid complaint".

Who hasn't found/seen an item cheaper somewhere else AFTER they've already bought? It's part of life and it's called "buyer's remorse".

You pay the full purchase price, you've already bought it. That's when you stop looking around.

Maybe it's only me, but I'd be embarrassed to go back and ask for a refund. It's just not right IMO.

Now if there was a valid complaint, for example the item was faulty, that's a different story. I've never had problems with stores here offering replacement for defective items. I've even changed to different items. I'm sure the DELETED store would be happy to offer the OP a different item.

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My last comment.

I've just booked a return flight to the UK for June. I think the price is very reasonable compared with the other airline quotes.

Now, suppose, over the next four months I find a cheaper flight on line, am I entitled to my money back from my airline who confirmed my booking last week?. I think not!

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My last comment.

I've just booked a return flight to the UK for June. I think the price is very reasonable compared with the other airline quotes.

Now, suppose, over the next four months I find a cheaper flight on line, am I entitled to my money back from my airline who confirmed my booking last week?. I think not!

I think comments like this just go to show how little people understand about getting good service from retailers.

If you cannot assess the situation and don't know how to tackle it then you haven't a hope in hell, but your own personal observations are clearly not up to the mark....in reality yoiu can get all sorts of stuff pout of retailers if you know how to do it....if you start with false syllogisms like above then you are on a hiding to nothing.

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..See what the store says - they are the ones with your money. I get refunds all the time. Thousands of baht a year and compensations discounts whatever......

If you look at a little bit of paper and simply accept it...well more fool you. If I have a vlid complaint I get it resolved and more often than not to my advantage.

people are just fat too timid or gullible - they just obey a little piece of paper.. Up to you if you want to roll over and take it.

Saying you don't want it anymore because you found another item somewhere else (cheaper, better, different colour etc) is not a "valid complaint".

Who hasn't found/seen an item cheaper somewhere else AFTER they've already bought? It's part of life and it's called "buyer's remorse".

You pay the full purchase price, you've already bought it. That's when you stop looking around.

Maybe it's only me, but I'd be embarrassed to go back and ask for a refund. It's just not right IMO.

Now if there was a valid complaint, for example the item was faulty, that's a different story. I've never had problems with stores here offering replacement for defective items. I've even changed to different items. I'm sure the DELETED store would be happy to offer the OP a different item.

"Saying you don't want it anymore because you found another item somewhere else (cheaper, better, different colour etc) is not a "valid complaint"." - Really - I doubt if you get many refunds do you?

" I'd be embarrassed to go back and ask for a refund" - there's the REAL reason! man up and ask.....

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..See what the store says - they are the ones with your money. I get refunds all the time. Thousands of baht a year and compensations discounts whatever......

If you look at a little bit of paper and simply accept it...well more fool you. If I have a vlid complaint I get it resolved and more often than not to my advantage.

people are just fat too timid or gullible - they just obey a little piece of paper.. Up to you if you want to roll over and take it.

Saying you don't want it anymore because you found another item somewhere else (cheaper, better, different colour etc) is not a "valid complaint".

Who hasn't found/seen an item cheaper somewhere else AFTER they've already bought? It's part of life and it's called "buyer's remorse".

You pay the full purchase price, you've already bought it. That's when you stop looking around.

Maybe it's only me, but I'd be embarrassed to go back and ask for a refund. It's just not right IMO.

Now if there was a valid complaint, for example the item was faulty, that's a different story. I've never had problems with stores here offering replacement for defective items. I've even changed to different items. I'm sure the DELETED store would be happy to offer the OP a different item.

"Saying you don't want it anymore because you found another item somewhere else (cheaper, better, different colour etc) is not a "valid complaint"." - Really - I doubt if you get many refunds do you?

" I'd be embarrassed to go back and ask for a refund" - there's the REAL reason! man up and ask.....

"Really - I doubt if you get many refunds do you?"

I do my homework before I pay for stuff, so by the time I pay for an item (in full) I've finished my shopping and I'm happy with my decision, and even more importantly, I live with it. What do you do? Do you throw your money around, expecting that if you complain enough you can get it back.

"there's the REAL reason! man up and ask..."

I expected such an insult - It's nothing to do with being a man and many shoppers are female... It's about doing the right thing and not being a ***k about it. If I was the shop manager I'd show you the door...

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Tell you what cumgranosalum, why don't you PM the OP and offer your specialist negotiating skills and go with him to the shop to obtain a refund.

Do let us know how you got on.

Sent from my KFASWI using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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why would anyone order something and expect to be entitled to cancel ?

Maybe because it's consumer law?

If I buy anything, except food items, at Big C , Tesco or home pro I have the right to return it within 7 days to get a full refund. I don't even have to give a reason, but the item has to be in the same condition as when I bought it.

Home pro even has this extended to 14 days.

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