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I need a new key fob/key for a 2011 Vauxhall Astra thats in the UK.

Ive the original key here, wondering if its possible or any cheaper getting this done in Thailand and if so where in BKK or Pattaya?

Quoted 150GBP in England.


The problem is probably the RFID chip in the key. Not so many people around here who can copy that one. Without chip you can open the doors, but not start the engine.


yeap, it's the chip in your key that makes getting replacement/new keys usually limited to the dealership or specially equipped/bonded shops...and it ain't usually cheap.


There are two basic types of transponders. The first are the electric coupled transponder systems. Electric coupled transponder systems are not limited to small areas for transmission but can transmit messages or signals for different ranges of distance including several inches to miles, as used in satellites and airplanes. These systems require large amounts of constant electricity to operate. The second type is what automobile manufacturers are using and they are called magnetic coupled transponder systems. Magnetic coupled transponder systems are passive in nature. This means they do not require constant electricity and thus do not need a power source of their own. They operate in the frequency range area of 125 kHz. Since magnetic coupled transponders do not have their own power source they are very limited in range of communication and generally operate in the range of 1 cm to 15 cm. Since this is a radio frequency it can penetrate materials that would make the transponder not directly visible, such as the plastic or rubber in the bow of a key.

The process of key identification is similar in most automotive transponder systems. Once a key is inserted into the ignition lock and turned to one of the 'on' or 'run' positions, the induction coil that is mounted around the ignition lock sends out an electromagnetic field of energy. The windings in the transponder chip absorb that energy and power the electronic chip to emit a signal. The signal is usually an alphanumeric sequence which is considered the identification code. The induction coil reads the signal and sends it to some type of computer device to recognize the signal. If the signal is recognized as being already in the computer’s memory the signal is accepted and other electronic components in the vehicle are set into motion to allow the starting of the vehicle or the continuation of the engine running.

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