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That's all, folks: Prayut declines to take media questions after last week's debacle


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I see someone broke their new years resolution already.....

And he will break this one too. His urge to speak will overwhelm him in due course. A year plus of silence from him who use to bark orders to his subordinates and like to hog the limelights will be too much for him to bear. Sooner rather than later he will be back in his usual silly self. We need his comedy to lighten up our lives in this time of despair.

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Was he born a general ? You would think that he would at least pay lip service to serving the people of Thailand, including reporters.

Nope, he was born a plank and he remains one to this day. In fact the company he keeps are mainly made up of born again planks. Better still, the majority of those in power here are thick as 2 short planks so you could say he was born to lead them.

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Was he born a general ? You would think that he would at least pay lip service to serving the people of Thailand, including reporters.

Nope, he was born a plank and he remains one to this day. In fact the company he keeps are mainly made up of born again planks. Better still, the majority of those in power here are thick as 2 short planks so you could say he was born to lead them.

Thank you for a good laugh wai.gif

Now I know why he barks so much...

Edited by CantSpell
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Well, the media could respond by not attending any press conferences then as it would be a total waste of time.

Just ignore him like he was ignored when doing his UN speech in an almost empty UN assembly hall.

Just publish all the mandatory press releases on the comics page, so you are complying to the whims of the junta.

Whenever there are TV statements of happiness from the general we always turn to Spongebob Squarepants, it is just as informative but much more entertaining.

Good points! After all, there's no point in asking anything really, if he is only going to answer "good questions". And as every film star and pop star knows, if you are a public figure, you need publicity to survive (even bad publicity, "as there's no such thing")

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He has only taken the same line as other world leaders in employing spin doctors to answer for themselves in times of stress and not being able to think quick enough.

The constant stress from the pests must cause him to become angry, maybe a nice holiday in Hawaii is on the cards.

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He has only taken the same line as other world leaders in employing spin doctors to answer for themselves in times of stress and not being able to think quick enough.

The constant stress from the pests must cause him to become angry, maybe a nice holiday in Hawaii is on the cards.

Yer, the week before the elections, with an open ended ticket.... Just in case.

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Maybe, just maybe if the media actually stuck to what it is supposed to do instead of deliberately going out of its way to goad, distort, misinterpret and report according to its own political agenda then it may get reasonable responses.

I can read or watch three different media interpretations of the one statement or event and get three different 'stories', none of which reflects or supports the other.

Media ethics is as much an oxymoron as is military intelligence or some of the 'logic' that comes from the barstool commandos on this forum.

Bob A. Relaxed in Lampang

Maybe, just maybe if the media stuck to what it is supposed to do ie ask only 'good' questions then the PM wouldn't be seen to be what he actually is, which is an inarticulate unskillede self appointed politician. He has no excuse for his petulant behaviour, including the 'Benito' hand gestures, when he disrespectfully dismisses others' questions as if they are insignificant lower class upstarts.

Maybe, just maybe the media are as inquisitive as the rest of the Thai population who keep hearing the monotonous words of Road map, Reforms, Constitution and elections, without anything substantive to see, yet alone digest and form an opinion on.

I applaud you if you can read and understand Thai media news in all it's forms, because for myself I have to rely on English translations, and as we are so often told and read, the actual 'message' is supposedly lost or distorted in the translation process.

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"ask good questions."

How about for once he provide good answers instead of the usual dribble.

I think the word's 'drivel' but surely the PM should answer questions regarding the constitution if nothing else as the issue seems to me fundamental and of great importance both to the Thai people and internationally. Understandably the work is tiresome but allocation in answering questions should be directed at present, in my view, to other issues.

I should imagine that people are frustrated as the process has taken longer than they expected; what are the new plans to rid both the voting system and the executive of corruption; is it a policing department of the military or what and what's being put in place regarding the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary?

Give your last question to some journalist to ask the PM next they meet. Gone on I dare you!

Edited by PlastikbinLina
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