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District Chief: Prosecution of Pattaya Bridge Players will continue as planned


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OMG, so lets look at this; in a game of bridge you require 52 cards no jokers except on 4 chairs.Deal 13 cards to each player = 52 cards. if there is a spare pack present = 102 cards. Then if you have 4 more players at another table then they have to sit in another room, have i got this right? Have Thais ever heard of Canasta or pinocle. Lots of cards here, need a permit. My experience of thai lawenforcement is not by moral law issue, more so what is under the table, and how much of a donation available to their welfare. I suppose we need a blitz on dominos now.

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It would be nice if some of the bridge players that actually were there could comment about this latest news.

We know that they all got back their bail money , minus 1000 baht in lawyer fees..

It's not legal to sell alcohol between 2 and 5 pm so if that was going on at the same time , maybe the owner will be punished.

But again , lets hear it from the people who were involved.

Edited by balo
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What a dick this guy is , If they were not English this would be a non starter, Thais really have it in for us.

You seem to believe it is anti-English, well the English have been accused of breaking many laws in Thailand--look at the TV forums to see.

However I see it, really makes no difference either. The chief is maintaining the card players were violating Thai laws. It seems a rather easy claim violation on exceeding the limit of playing cards allowed, he suspects gambling was being done, and it may be arguable that the host was running a business. If either of those last two charges sticks, then there may be many other charges which could be applied.

Let it come to trial; there are enough of them to hire a good lawyer, and it seems to be an easy case to acquire outside financial support for a good legal defense. I think it will simply be swept under the covers after some fanfare of exhibiting an effort to uphold Thai law--and save loss of face.

Sorry, I don't understand. Why should it even come to a court case when it is clear a massive mistake has been made? Is this about saving face or saving a##e for the person who made the decision to raid?

Given the unpredictability of Thai law, a good lawyer may not be enough.

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Is this bridge "club" a business or a private organized group of people who get together to play cards...is liquor sold at these gatherings...do they have a liquor license...do they adhere to the alcohol sale laws...do they also sell fags...they may have many questions to answer for.

This has been covered by club members, apparently there were no alcohol/beer sales.

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After the raid did they bother to investigate the game of bridge,nowhere does it say this was a open to the general public, if they had drinks did they bring them in themselves ?

I wonder how many police commanders and officers frequent gambling dens ,, but this guy could be digging a bighole for himself I hope that is the case if these folk are found not guiltyor the case diemissed,because how can you trust an officer who dies not understand the law.

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It's actually quite simple. They have the confessions, and the money. They are trying to

hang onto the money by any means. Delay, maybe people don't show up to court,

re-schedule if they do. They are thinking the media coverage will pass, the bridge

players will loose interest and just walk away from there 5k baht each. whistling.gif

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Hello readers,

From one of the apprehended -

I am not surprised about this latest news, although I hasten to point out that we did get our bail money back last Wednesday. Everyone has been telling us that there is still a possibility that we may have to go to Court but it was highly unlikely. Of course, being in Thailand, nothing is quite straight forward or logical and now DOPA have advised the media that they are continuing in their attempt to prosecute those at the Bridge Club last Wednesday.

So we continue to wait for notification of our appearance in Court, our bridge has been on hold since the raid and doesn't look likely to continue until everyone involved (and I mean EVERYONE) is satisfied that no laws, however archaic, are being broken. Life continues, meanwhile we have time to reflect on our actions and await our punishment, with our wallets re-imbursed for the time being!!!!

The Land of Smiles has tarnished its image for all involved and, possibly most around the World that watched the News, an amazing incident that beggars belief, but we can only sit and wait and hope that common sense prevails, but will it?


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Somewhat wonder how many of these nice elderly retired people visit Thailand next winter again?

I think you will find most of those involved are long time residents, Pattaya is not exactly a 2 hour flight Spanish winter getaway... cheesy.gif

Thankfully none were under age or failed the p__ test... though I suspect two or more are veterans of Pattaya's night life having the wisdom an knowledge to slip down the back stairs to freedom at the earliest opportunitygigglem.gif

Edited by Basil B
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A number of restaurants were hit by I believe these same district officials here in Pattaya over the holidays. A rather big fine for selling alcohol in their restaurant between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. Easy money maker for them.

The alcohol law is a law of which everyone is aware, so if you get caught breaking that law it's not easy money, it is stupid money thrown away.

The Bridge debacle is a completely different story though.

I thought it was only shops that were not allowed to sell alcohol between the hours of 2 and 5pm. If it is a country wide ban I shall inform the authorities that every bar on Sukhumvit along with every restaurant is selling alcohol.

Look out for a raid near you soon.

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A number of restaurants were hit by I believe these same district officials here in Pattaya over the holidays. A rather big fine for selling alcohol in their restaurant between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. Easy money maker for them.

The alcohol law is a law of which everyone is aware, so if you get caught breaking that law it's not easy money, it is stupid money thrown away.

The Bridge debacle is a completely different story though.

I thought it was only shops that were not allowed to sell alcohol between the hours of 2 and 5pm. If it is a country wide ban I shall inform the authorities that every bar on Sukhumvit along with every restaurant is selling alcohol.

Look out for a raid near you soon.

Don't worry, properly licensed afternoon restaurants and bars are fine.

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As pointed out before the police in this country and nearly everywhere they are have far more important matters to take care of.

You would think that common sensibilities would take over here at some point and someone with half a brain would step up and tell them to drop this issue and drop it now as obviously you and your law enforcement associates are wasting valuable resources and time perusing extremely frivolous matters rather than taking care of far more urgent criminal matters needing to be addressed.

But nope...they let it run its course while smiling with a big stupid grin on their faces.

The mentality of all too many Thai people in positions of authority here in Thailand is all too often beyond comprehension.

Correct me if I am wrong but the correct English words to describe this whole farcical affair would be: Just Stupid Thinking ...That, or: Very Small Minded


Edited by gemguy
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A number of restaurants were hit by I believe these same district officials here in Pattaya over the holidays. A rather big fine for selling alcohol in their restaurant between the hours of 2pm and 5pm. Easy money maker for them.

The alcohol law is a law of which everyone is aware, so if you get caught breaking that law it's not easy money, it is stupid money thrown away.

The Bridge debacle is a completely different story though.

I thought it was only shops that were not allowed to sell alcohol between the hours of 2 and 5pm. If it is a country wide ban I shall inform the authorities that every bar on Sukhumvit along with every restaurant is selling alcohol.

Look out for a raid near you soon.

Don't worry, properly licensed afternoon restaurants and bars are fine.

That isn't true.

I know several licensed restaurants that stop selling alcohol at 2 pm.

I don't know about bars though.

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If the Thai "justice" system actually does proceed and find culpability of crimes they would become the laughing stock of the world. Even the idiots that are pursuing this will realize they are wrong. Maybe the PM will do "good" and intervene. Anyway... this isn't going anywhere for sure.

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contravened Section 8 of the Playing Cards Act of 1935

"Suspect Illegal Number of Playing Cards"...that's the best you got?

When Thais do something really asinine...instead of admitting making a mistake...they like to double-down...really show how divorced from reality they can become...

These people have way to much time on their hands...

How about a serious effort to rid the country of Thai Mafia...

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This is for local consumption, he could care less how foreigners feel, all Thais will rally behind this stupidity, just because it is Thainess

Not all Thais are behind this. My wife, her friends and family know about it and they think it's utter madness. They are also hugely in support of the B2. The problem is Thais are unable to confront these people and thus they get away with their gross stupidity.

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What's so telling about all this is not that a mistake was made, or even the extreme absurdity of it all. What it clearly demonstrates, on the world stage, is that Thailand is congenitally unable to recover from its mistakes. Mistakes are made all the time and by everyone at one time or another. But in this case, nobody to simply step in, override a simple-minded bureaucrat, and just put the whole thing to bed. Why? Because "thainess" simply prevents it. Call it conflict avoidance,or the 'face' thing, or whatever other aspect of the Thai mindset you want, Thais are simply incapable of it.

Which makes you wonder... If this kind of high-visibility error can't be corrected, what other Thai decision-making suffers from the same affliction? Construction decisions. Food safety decisions. Public safety and security decisions. Medical care decisions. Vehicle design decisions.

More than a lot of the other stuff that gets mentioned here on TV, IMO THIS is what being "backwards" and "third world" means.

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What's so telling about all this is not that a mistake was made, or even the extreme absurdity of it all. What it clearly demonstrates, on the world stage, is that Thailand is congenitally unable to recover from its mistakes. Mistakes are made all the time and by everyone at one time or another. But in this case, nobody to simply step in, override a simple-minded bureaucrat, and just put the whole thing to bed. Why? Because "thainess" simply prevents it. Call it conflict avoidance,or the 'face' thing, or whatever other aspect of the Thai mindset you want, Thais are simply incapable of it.

Which makes you wonder... If this kind of high-visibility error can't be corrected, what other Thai decision-making suffers from the same affliction? Construction decisions. Food safety decisions. Public safety and security decisions. Medical care decisions. Vehicle design decisions.

More than a lot of the other stuff that gets mentioned here on TV, IMO THIS is what being "backwards" and "third world" means.

I blame the parents.

Bad upbringing , across the board.wai2.gif

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Somewhat wonder how many of these nice elderly retired people visit Thailand next winter again?

I think you will find most of those involved are long time residents, Pattaya is not exactly a 2 hour flight Spanish winter getaway... cheesy.gif

Thankfully none were under age or failed the p__ test... though I suspect two or more are veterans of Pattaya's night life having the wisdom an knowledge to slip down the back stairs to freedom at the earliest opportunitygigglem.gif

The point is that these elderly farangs will pack up their bags and relocate to a country where they can peacefully play their bridge game.

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The only good that can come of this now is that this guy gets demoted when somebody outranking him steps in and orders the powers that be to cut the crap.

The correct action BUT I think it is wishful thinking, unfortunately.............sad.png

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One thing that concerns me, has anyone else noticed, no matter how stupid, idiotic, these "officials" are, they seem to be surrounded by underlings that seem to smile and agree with everything the fool says, and does, there simply seems no hope for a positive change. Ground hog day, day after day after day.

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Any game that involves playing cards is taking a risk, especially when played in groups. They knew the risks.

First question a lawyer would ask you, how would they have known the risk. You foolish comment is almost as foolish as the police prosecuting these people. The only thing the police have is an act forbidding any SINGLE person having more than 120 cards... in this game, NO SINGLE PERSON holds that many cards. We didn't see the police raid the Bridge championships, that were held in Thailand. I think you need to THINK before you post, Thailand has enough fools without you adding to it.

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