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Simon vs 10-wheel truck ==> 1:0


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I had a fortuitous incident with a heavily-laden truck early this morning at 05.30am, as I drove my motorbike the short, 600 metre distance to my resort.

The fortunate part is that I am alive to recite this tale.

After leaving home, I was driving my motorbike up the small, country soi. I saw a truck approaching in the dark - it was one of the trucks which transports Burmese construction workers from their camp to the international airport, new terminal site.

I was driving slowly, because many of these trucks use this small road. As the truck neared me, its multi-headlights completely blinded my vision. I struggled to keep to the left side of the road, but was also aware of the cement pylons on that side.

There was an abrupt crash, I head-butted the road and then I found myself lying on my back in the road, with my limbs all tangled up and - happily - no immediate sign of blood or producing bones. The truck stopped, and some Thai workers who had been walking down the road immediately said 'farang mao', since they had seen me weaving erratically just before the crash, as I was blinded by the headlights.

'Mai mao, mai mao' was all I could say.

Happily, the best of Thai assistance leapt into action. A nice man untangled my limbs (ouch!) and another stuck a ya dong up my nose. Having done that, they all retreated to 10 metres away to await proceedings.

No-one seemed to have considered dialling 1669! After lying in the road for 10 minutes, I decided that I wasn't going to die (that day), and so I struggled to sit up, and then stand up. I didn't seem badly hurt. I went in a taxi to Siriroj Hospital for a check up and x-ray of my head, since bruises were now appearing. Happily, since my brain is on the smaller size, there seemed to be no internal injuries.

I'm now resting at home. I had to pay 5,000 baht to the truck driver for damaging his truck, (this was the best deal that my insurance could agree to, and yes I know that it was not a fair deal). Another 5,000 baht for hospital treatment and maybe another 5,000 baht to replace the broken plastic on my bike.

What lessons did I learn from this?

- Live every day to the full, because it could be your last

- Always wear a full-face crash helmet, (at least when riding your motorbike). I did not have my crash helmet on because I was travelling 2 minutes from my house to my resort on a small, country road. That was a stupid error

- Keep your phone charged up. My phone battery was flat and I could not call friends to assist

- One's obituary may read 'drunk farang killed in crash', even though I was stone-cold sober

- If you are going to have a serious accident, pray that a competent ambulance crew reaches you before the locals do...

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X-ray in government hospital is 100-200bht.

Consultation with doctor 60bht.

What was the other 4,740bht for?


Highway code says, If an oncoming vehical blinds you with it's lights, you should slow down and stop.

No where does it suggest riding blinded until you crash or fall off.

Your fault!

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Ah, always the same, unhelpful comments on this forum :) TV forum is certainly not as it was a decade ago...

- My bike is insured, I can claim money back for my costs

- Government hospital? You mean Thalang hospital? It would give me little comfort to consult a doctor at that facility

- As for riding when blinded, I had about 2 seconds between being blinded and being hit by the truck.

- I'll try to mention my resort a few more times :)

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I am also surprised your bike is insured. Do you ride a "big bike?" I was under the belief there was no insurance here for motor scooters.

"- Always wear a full-face crash helmet" - yes, and preferably one with a tinted visor. smile.png

"I drove my motorbike the short, 600 metre distance to my resort." - why not walk?

Edited by NamKangMan
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As for riding when blinded, I had about 2 seconds between being blinded and being hit by the truck.

OP says .... you were driving slowly ..... truck with blinding multi headlights .......

But you couldn't stop??

Only 2 seconds??

The only explanation is you were drunk or driving with your eyes closed.

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Ah, always the same, unhelpful comments on this forum smile.png TV forum is certainly not as it was a decade ago...


What did you expect here Simon ...

No helmet, you seem to admit fault ...

Would have been better if you had not bothered to post.

edit// but I'm very glad you survived ...

Edited by LivinginKata
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I drove my motorbike the short, 600 metre distance to my resort." - why not walk?

Good question. Since renting my house near to DELETED, I was walking the short trip about 6 times each day/night. But all the locals kept stopping and offering me a lift on their motorbikes. So I decided to rent a bike by the month just for this short journey.


Edited by seedy
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The only explanation is you were drunk or driving with your eyes closed.

LoL, you seem to want to deliberately berate me. Troll

No helmet, you seem to admit fault ...

Well, it wasn't my fault that the accident occurred. I was riding slowly on the left side of the road, suddenly blinded by the truck lights and hit the truck on the offside. I see from some photos of the accident that the truck was well over the centre line of the road. It was just bad luck.

But as for not wearing a helmet, that would not have stopped the accident, but it would have saved a few thousand baht on x-ray costs, and my minor head injuries. For that, I onlyl have myself to blame.

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Never care about comments from some of the A@%e holes on here, some members just love to gloat at others misfortune.

Take care Simon and be happy.

Thanks very much Colin for your good words. Unfortunately, over the years, I have noticed an increase in the number of 'bitter' members on this forum.

I'm happy to live another day. I had a good chat with the truck driver just now and promised to avoid him like the plague when I see him driving tomorrow morning. No hard feelings :)

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