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Threat of deportation of baby girl to offshore migrant centre sparks Brisbane protest


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Threat of deportation of baby girl to offshore migrant centre sparks Brisbane protest


Protesters have turned out in support of medical staff in Australia, who are refusing to release a baby girl facing repatriation to an offshore immigration detention camp.

She has been treated for serious burns in the city of Brisbane and hospital officials say she won’t be discharged until a “suitable home environment” is found.

“We’ve heard terrible reports about the situation on Nauru for children and for adults. And certainly the doctors are very concerned about what would happen to Asha, if she was released back into detention,” said campaigner Ellen Roberts.

“We’re here today, standing in solidarity, in support with the family and with the doctors and the hospital.”

The detention centre on the South Pacific island of Nauru houses more than 500 people and has been widely criticised for harsh conditions. There are also reports of systemic child abuse.

The Australian government has a policy of sending asylum seekers, who attempt to reach the country by boat, to camps on Nauru, or on Manus island in Papua New Guinea. They are not offered resettlement in Australia.

It says the approach is necessary to stop asylum seekers downing aboard unseaworthy vessels, used by people smugglers to ship them from Indonesia to Australia.

The number of asylum seekers trying to reach Australia is small compared to the influx seen in Europe. But border security is a big political issue in Australia, which is scheduled to hold national elections later in the year.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-14

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A vexed question of how to deal with illegal immigrants, who may well be asylum seekers. Whichever way the Gov't goes it's damned if has strict controls & damned if has an open border policy same as EU!

Though, it's policy of turning back the boats seems to stemmed the number of boats/ people taking the risky journey from Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand.

It's when an issue related to a child's health is at stake, the policy seems cruel.

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A vexed question of how to deal with illegal immigrants, who may well be asylum seekers. Whichever way the Gov't goes it's damned if has strict controls & damned if has an open border policy same as EU!

Though, it's policy of turning back the boats seems to stemmed the number of boats/ people taking the risky journey from Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand.

It's when an issue related to a child's health is at stake, the policy seems cruel.

I love kids, have five of my own, but can't stand the lefties using them to get sympathy for their open door immigration propaganda.

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Doctors should be patching people up not interfering in politics.

Reports elsewhere say the injuries were MINOR scalding burns, now healed.

Alll reports avree the child Iis ready for release.

If the hovernment shoes the slightest weakness here, those currently in detention will be harming their children to achieve the same end, and the boats will start arriving again, this time with injured children.

Left wing morons will trash the country as they do elsewhere.

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Doctors should be patching people up not interfering in politics.

Reports elsewhere say the injuries were MINOR scalding burns, now healed.

Alll reports avree the child Iis ready for release.

If the hovernment shoes the slightest weakness here, those currently in detention will be harming their children to achieve the same end, and the boats will start arriving again, this time with injured children.

Left wing morons will trash the country as they do elsewhere.

This is the best sum up of the situation, I have seen so far....The problem is that most of the People protesting at the rally with Doctors, DONT know who they are really dealing with as far as these so called Refugees are concerned....Beware Australia, dont let your guard down now.

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All over impoverished Asia, from Kabul to Kandy, parents will be planning to inflict injuries on their children just as the Australian patrol boats prepare to intercept. A precedent is being set. These moronic doctors are playing right into to the hands of people traffickers and child abusers who destroy many more lives in any given year than the Australian government does in a millenium.

And if you think people will not injure children if it gives them a greater chance of getting a free pass around Australian immigration policy, think again.

Australia accepts thousands of migrants every year through a variety of routes. If it accepts illegal immigration as a new way, then it is a massive slap in the face to all those who paid the proper fees and abided by the regulations and it will encourage tens of thousands of others to jump in the boats and claim asylum too.

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The last election was a plebiscite on Muslim immigration (asylum seekers), and the party saying yes was massacred at the polls, neither side is going down that road again. Still it doesn't stop the lefties (or progressives as they like to be called these days) from trying to open the gates again.

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If the baby is alone why cannot it be adopted?

Not that this would make any difference in politics.

Because it would create a massive new criminal industry in which traffickers focused on selling their services to families who would pay thousands of dollars to send their unaccompanied children as asylum seekers.

Don't believe me? Look at the figures of unaccompanied children claiming asylum in Sweden and Germany. You won't believe what you are seeing.

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Doctors should be patching people up not interfering in politics.

Reports elsewhere say the injuries were MINOR scalding burns, now healed.

Alll reports avree the child Iis ready for release.

If the hovernment shoes the slightest weakness here, those currently in detention will be harming their children to achieve the same end, and the boats will start arriving again, this time with injured children.

Left wing morons will trash the country as they do elsewhere.

This is the best sum up of the situation, I have seen so far....The problem is that most of the People protesting at the rally with Doctors, DONT know who they are really dealing with as far as these so called Refugees are concerned....Beware Australia, dont let your guard down now.

I am 100% sure the 'Left wing morons' referred to above have no idea how ruthless people smugglers can be. facepalm.gif

If it came to pass that an injured illegal immigrant child was granted the right to remain in Australia(and hence the child's family can come over because of the human right of the child to enjoy a family life) then people smugglers would be scolding, burning and disfiguring babies and young children by the thousand in order to exploit this new loop hole.

Australians - stand fast. Process your illegal immigrant invaders in humane conditions offshore - the courts have recently upheld your rights to do so, and you have made it abundantly clear to everyone of your intention to act in this manner

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Before we go to far into this the child and parents are not refugees they come from Nepal, a free christian area and can return any time they want, Nauru is not a prision camp, in fact 50% of the people there live outside the centre and many have already set hop their own businesses.

These doctors are basing their facts on information that has been sent from Indonesia and believe to be People Smugglers trying to start of the whole thing again, and yes once the door is opened how many other kids will be harmed by sick parents who want to use this open door.

But more important somewhere is a small Australian child who needs help but can not get it as this child is taking up a hospital bed that should be available to someone who needs it

If your really interested read the full story here http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/index.php/heraldsun/comments/real_refugees_would_just_buy_a_jumper/

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Doctors should be patching people up not interfering in politics.

Reports elsewhere say the injuries were MINOR scalding burns, now healed.

Alll reports avree the child Iis ready for release.

If the hovernment shoes the slightest weakness here, those currently in detention will be harming their children to achieve the same end, and the boats will start arriving again, this time with injured children.

Left wing morons will trash the country as they do elsewhere.

This is the best sum up of the situation, I have seen so far....The problem is that most of the People protesting at the rally with Doctors, DONT know who they are really dealing with as far as these so called Refugees are concerned....Beware Australia, dont let your guard down now.

Thanks arjuna. Next time I'll proof read before posting. I was rushing to go out!!

The left wing idiots protesting outside do not know who they are dealing with, and they are mostly bottom of the barrel. Even Saudi Arabia won't take them "because there could be terrorists among them"!!! I KNOW there are terrorists among them, and one doesn't need to be a Rhodes Scholar to see that. Terrorism incidents in several countries have already been perpetrated by these so called 'refugees'(Oops, 'migrants'is the current politically correct term it appears), biting the hand that feeds them.

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It's not going to be an issue in the election as both main parties support off-shore processing. However the way the govt has dealt with the issue of children at risk is nothing short of shameful.

At one stage, there were over 2000 children in offshore camps.....now there are less than 100!! What's shameful about that??

The problem for a government is setting precedents. If they allow kids to live in Australia while undergoing processing, their parents will also be in Australia. You see where that's going? 50,000+ arrived under labor, 1200+ drowned trying to get here. The Libs have stemmed that to almost zero, and those who have arrived, will not be resettled in Australia. That is a good policy.

We are a nation of 24 million people, with less than half that paying tax. Everything has a bottom line, although labor and the idiot greens aren't aware of that concept it appears. Australia cannot afford the have unauthorized arrivals, unless those in favor are prepared to a LOT more tax to support them, and even then, they are not wanted because of who they are.

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