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Lazada payment problems


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Not sure where to post this exactly, so I'll try it here.

I decided to try online shopping with Lazada.co.th two days ago. I wanted one of those electrical tyre pumps that run off the cigarette lighter socket (or iPad socket as it's styled these days) with digital settings. I haven't been able to find one in the shops in Pattaya but Lazada had just what I was looking for.

I ordered it and my preferred payment option would have been cash-on-delivery, but the website said that was not an option for this item. So I chose the next option, paying via a convenience store. Lazada's payment agents, 1-2-3, send you a bill which you take to your chosen store and pay it. Once payment is received they will start the dispatch process. That all sounded nice and simple so I printed out the bill with bar code and took it to the nearest Family Mart as that was the store I'd selected.

The guy in Family tried without success and then told me to go to 7-eleven. They had the same amount of luck and told me to go to Tesco Lotus Express. It didn't work there either, and the manager suggested that the bar code was too dark. OK, sounds reasonable, so I went home and printed it out again, this time twice the size and with the print resolution set to high. When I returned to the three convenience stores it was the same story, they couldn't process the payment. I tried two different Family Marts, another 7-eleven and Tesco Lotus again. The manager there said they'd had the same problem a few days ago when another farang had brought along a bill for payment and they hadn't been able to process it.

So I went home and sent an e-mail to Lazada's customer service e-mail address explaining the problem and asking what to do? The next morning all I had was what looked like an automatic reminder saying that I only had one day left to pay or the order would be cancelled. I re-sent the e-mail to them, but still have not received any reply.

Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada? It's ludicrous when they can't even be bothered to help you with the bill payment, what chance is there of ever getting any customer service support in the event that something goes wrong with the order itself once you've paid? It might be 1-2-3 that's too blame, but surely if so then Lazada should have passed my problem on to them for resolution? All I can say is that Jeff Bezos can sleep soundly, he's got nothing to worry about from Lazada.

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Yeah, the pay at local store rarely works.

Pay at the post office only works if the staff in that post office know how to do it (most don't).

Paypal is the next best option to pay on delivery.

Pay online is OK if you have a Thai Bank account with online options.

Nothing else works reliably.

Order it again and pay using Paypal.

Forget trying to correct your original order, nobody cares.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Yeah, the pay at local store rarely works.

Pay at the post office only works if the staff in that post office know how to do it (most don't).

Paypal is the next best option to pay on delivery.

Pay online is OK if you have a Thai Bank account with online options.

Nothing else works reliably.

Order it again and pay using Paypal.

Forget trying to correct your original order, nobody cares.

Thanks for the reply. I've got a Paypal account but I've only ever used it once, and that was about ten years ago. I've no idea how to use it any more. Anyway, given Lazada's inability or unwillingness to provide even a basic level of customer service, I think I'll spend my money elsewhere.

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Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada?

Not particularly impressed with them or better their delivery agent. I bought something at their website and paid by credit card, which was not a problem.

Getting the item was a completely different story. Their carrier called "Kerry" was next to useless. I have a PO Box in a post office to which the delivery was directed and which I routinely use of parcel deliveries.

The staff at Kerry seemed not able to grasp the concept of a PO Box. A driver phoned me at 8pm and told me that he is "here". "Where?" I asked... "At the post office" he said. I informed him that the post office is closed at this time and asked him whether he didn't know that. "You live at the post office?" he replied. facepalm.gif "Nope, please try during the day when the post office is open", I said. Over the next four days and several phone calls later --with drivers supposedly waiting at the post office for me during the day, I became convinced they are either running some elaborate joke or are really stupid. sad.png

In the end, after I had given up and was about to phone Lazada for a refund, a delivery guy turned up at my office! Apparently he had asked the post office master how to get hold of me, but refused to hand over the parcel to them. I "polity" declined the photo opportunity the driver ask for: me holding my parcel. whistling.gif

Edited by Morakot
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Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada?

Not particularly impressed with them or better their delivery agent. I bought something at their website and paid by credit card, which was not a problem.

Getting the item was a completely different story. Their carrier called "Kerry" was next to useless. I have a PO Box in a post office to which the delivery was directed and which I routinely use of parcel deliveries.

The staff at Kerry seemed not able to grasp the concept of a PO Box. A driver phoned me at 8pm and told me that he his "here". "Where?" I asked... "At the post office" he said. I informed him that the post office is closed at this time and asked him whether he didn't know that. "You live at the post office?" he replied. facepalm.gif "Nope, please try during the day when the post office is open", I said. Over the next four days and several phone calls later --with drivers-- supposedly waiting at the post office for me during the day, I became convinced they are either running some elaborate joke or are really stupid. sad.png

In the end, after I had given up and was about to phone Lazada for a refund, a delivery guy turned up at my office! Apparently he had asked the post office master how to get hold of me, but refused to hand over the parcel to them. I "polity" declined the photo opportunity the driver ask my for: me holding my parcel. whistling.gif

At least it sounds like you got a laugh out of it! :)

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Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada?

Not particularly impressed with them or better their delivery agent. I bought something at their website and paid by credit card, which was not a problem.

Getting the item was a completely different story. Their carrier called "Kerry" was next to useless. I have a PO Box in a post office to which the delivery was directed and which I routinely use of parcel deliveries.

The staff at Kerry seemed not able to grasp the concept of a PO Box. A driver phoned me at 8pm and told me that he is "here". "Where?" I asked... "At the post office" he said. I informed him that the post office is closed at this time and asked him whether he didn't know that. "You live at the post office?" he replied. facepalm.gif "Nope, please try during the day when the post office is open", I said. Over the next four days and several phone calls later --with drivers supposedly waiting at the post office for me during the day, I became convinced they are either running some elaborate joke or are really stupid. sad.png

In the end, after I had given up and was about to phone Lazada for a refund, a delivery guy turned up at my office! Apparently he had asked the post office master how to get hold of me, but refused to hand over the parcel to them. I "polity" declined the photo opportunity the driver ask for: me holding my parcel. whistling.gif

Why are you blaming Kerrys driver for your mistake?

When they deliver a signature is required, so how bloody stupid getting it delivered to a p.o. box.

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Delivering to a PO Box would seem to be the problem. It is not acceptable for anything I have ordered online, signature would seem to be the problem. I see Amazon now have a locker system for deliveries to Australia which allows you to pick up your delivery from numerous locations at your convenience rather than waiting around all day for a van to turn up.

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Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada?

Not particularly impressed with them or better their delivery agent. I bought something at their website and paid by credit card, which was not a problem.

Getting the item was a completely different story. Their carrier called "Kerry" was next to useless. I have a PO Box in a post office to which the delivery was directed and which I routinely use of parcel deliveries.

Why are you blaming Kerrys driver for your mistake?

When they deliver a signature is required, so how bloody stupid getting it delivered to a p.o. box.

No one said anything about a signature. I didn't sign anything and nothing like this was stated on the website.

Even if a signature were required, the post office master can sign.

Edited by Morakot
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Next time you pop in to your local post office, have a chat with the postmaster and ask if he signs for deliveries from Lazada when asked to...

That's precisely the problem. One would except an online shop to take care of such questions in the first place, what arrangement they have with their delivery agents down the distribution line.

Nil points from me for Lazada.

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Lazada just sent me an official e-mail saying that my order has been cancelled for non-payment. If they can't be bothered setting up a decent payment system, or providing a customer service system that bothers replying to you, then it's their loss, not mine. I'm with Morakot, Lazada null points.

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It's not only Lazada that has silly problems. I wanted to buy something online from Australia, using an Australian credit card, for delivery in Australia from a well known retailer. Must have flagged my Thailand IP as I kept getting a message my order was rejected due to attempting a fraudulent payment. After the third rejection I changed to PayPal using the same card and the order was accepted immediately and delivered a few days later.

Amazon are happy to accept my orders from their US or UK stores and deliver to me in the US, UK or Australia. It's really no surprise Amazon have become as big as they are.

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Must have flagged my Thailand IP as I kept getting a message my order was rejected due to attempting a fraudulent payment.

Might be the credit card company/bank.

You should contact them.

Unlikely as I've used the same card online from Thailand many times to buy Australian domestic airline tickets, pay overseas utility bills, make Amazon purchases, buy US software etc. etc. I could understand maybe if I was ordering something to be delivered outside of Australia but seems the Thailand IP alone flags an attempt to purchase from the company I used as fraudulent. Most of their customers would be Australian based. It was only a one-off purchase which PayPal did allow so I didn't ask what the problem was as usually my cards work fine.

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frankly if it is not COD on Lazada I would not buy it. This means it is not a Lazada transaction but a transaction with a reseller with much worse gurantee and delivery terms than Lazasa itself.

That said I have had no problem with Lazada for their products or those sold on Lazada for IT City or Tesco. But in all cases COD.

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frankly if it is not COD on Lazada I would not buy it. This means it is not a Lazada transaction but a transaction with a reseller with much worse gurantee and delivery terms than Lazasa itself.

That said I have had no problem with Lazada for their products or those sold on Lazada for IT City or Tesco. But in all cases COD.

I agree with Harrry on this. Unless it's cash on delivery I do not touch it. I have used Lazada about 5 times and so far I have never had a problem apart from them actually being too early on delivery. The reason of this being a problem is because I am working Mon-Fri and so I time my purchase so it falls on a weekend and many times because of them coming early I have had to quickly nip out of school to get home to collect, sign and pay for the products. Apart from that, their service has been great. Even the Kerry delivery guys have been good, quick chat, about how you are and so forth and usually I let them keep the change if I do not have the exact amount for the product, nothing big but a few baht but it just makes it easier.

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COD was my first choice but it wasn't available on the item I wanted, I've no idea why. Given their apparently non-existent customer support I wouldn't risk using anything else now.

Almost certainly the item was not from Lazada but a reseller. This is where most of the problems seem to come.

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COD was my first choice but it wasn't available on the item I wanted, I've no idea why. Given their apparently non-existent customer support I wouldn't risk using anything else now.

Almost certainly the item was not from Lazada but a reseller. This is where most of the problems seem to come.

Maybe, the estimated delivery date was ridiculous, a full month in the future, so I wasn't too optimistic to start with.

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Got the 3rd part of my 3 part shipment that I ordered last Friday today. That's my 4th or 5th transaction with Lazada, and I'm very satisfied.

I always use the ATM pay now. Tried the COD and it worked, but I get my goodies delivered to my office and it was a pain for our receptionist. I never leave exact change because I tip. She won't (not even with my money) so the change thing doesn't work smoothly.

Even had 2 small shipments come in from China in about a week and no problems whatsoever. Good tracking, and Lazada sent me updates via email every day or so.

I know back home, UPS and Fed-Ex won't (can't or couldn't?) deliver to a PO box, so that may be similar with Kerry.

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I know back home, UPS and Fed-Ex won't (can't or couldn't?) deliver to a PO box, so that may be similar with Kerry.

That's the difference, I guess, they are explicitly stating this.

Neither Lazada nor Kerry say this, but leave the customers puzzled to what is going on and take the order anyway. I certainly wouldn't have ordered from Lazada had they made this clear that PO Box delivery is not possible.

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COD was my first choice but it wasn't available on the item I wanted, I've no idea why. Given their apparently non-existent customer support I wouldn't risk using anything else now.

Almost certainly the item was not from Lazada but a reseller. This is where most of the problems seem to come.

Maybe, the estimated delivery date was ridiculous, a full month in the future, so I wasn't too optimistic to start with.

Probably because shipping from China or Hong Kong etc.

Always chose an Item shipping from Thailand.

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Next time you pop in to your local post office, have a chat with the postmaster and ask if he signs for deliveries from Lazada when asked to...

That's precisely the problem. One would except an online shop to take care of such questions in the first place, what arrangement they have with their delivery agents down the distribution line.

Nil points from me for Lazada.

Strange. I've had about a dozen deliveries by Kerry's, all via Lazada. All were COD. Never had a problem, other than them being super quick on one or two with the courier turning up, by van or motorbike at the same time the SMS did. Once they know your address the regular drivers are helpful, call when near and are friendly when they arrive.

That's my experience so far.

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Wait until the payment period is overdue.... The order will be cancelled.

Make another order and print the payment slip again. Maybe this time the bar code will work.

I used Tesco or 7-11 to pay Lazada and never had problem to pay.

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Anybody else have a problem like this with Lazada?

Not particularly impressed with them or better their delivery agent. I bought something at their website and paid by credit card, which was not a problem.

Getting the item was a completely different story. Their carrier called "Kerry" was next to useless. I have a PO Box in a post office to which the delivery was directed and which I routinely use of parcel deliveries.

The staff at Kerry seemed not able to grasp the concept of a PO Box. A driver phoned me at 8pm and told me that he is "here". "Where?" I asked... "At the post office" he said. I informed him that the post office is closed at this time and asked him whether he didn't know that. "You live at the post office?" he replied. facepalm.gif "Nope, please try during the day when the post office is open", I said. Over the next four days and several phone calls later --with drivers supposedly waiting at the post office for me during the day, I became convinced they are either running some elaborate joke or are really stupid. sad.png

In the end, after I had given up and was about to phone Lazada for a refund, a delivery guy turned up at my office! Apparently he had asked the post office master how to get hold of me, but refused to hand over the parcel to them. I "polity" declined the photo opportunity the driver ask for: me holding my parcel. whistling.gif

Did you bother to read their terms and instructions ? I think not, then you would see that they will only deliver to a post office box if the person at the post office has a signed authorization from you:

What if I am not at home when the package arrives?

You will need to sign a letter of authorization as a confirmation and indicate a second party at the point of purchase to identify the person.

You can also contact our customer service at www.lazada.co.th/contact immediately after purchasing to inform us. The third party should present a valid ID along with the letter of authorization from you.

The are also pretty up front that they cannot guarantee that delivery will be exactly at the time you wan't it to be:

How can I know exact date and time of the delivery?

We apologize that we are unable to give you an exact date and time of delivery. You may track your order with the Order Tracking Tool www.lazada.co.th/order-tracking. Usually the delivery time for your Order depends on the seller(s) you have ordered from. You will receive the order within 2 - 4 workings days if you have ordered from a Local seller and may vary from 10 - 25 working days if you have ordered from an overseas seller. You will receive email notifications for all orders from our system keeping you informed of the status of the order.

I have never had a problem with Lazada. I ordered a USB keyboard on a Friday and got it the next day before noon, in fact every order I have made from them has arrived early

Like most things in life, read the instructions and you won't be surprised

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As some mentioned above, if COD then I've never had a problem and always happy with the service, but if COD not an option then it usually means it's from an international supplier and I wouldn't touch it, normally somewhere in the product info if I remember correctly it tells whether international or local

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