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Obama takes on Donald Trump


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Exactly! He's never had a proper job in all his life - just like HR Clinton, Tony Blair and other useless "professional" politicians. bah.gif

Right! Because teaching is not a "proper job" (in your clearly uneducated opinion as you didn't think any of your teachers were actually working).

None of my teachers ever ran a business and had to meet a payroll or have a board meeting or make executive decisions on which hinged the entire enterprise.

Some things you get only from experience and not in a classroom.

You obviously have never taught.

As the saying goes, "Those that can, do......".

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Is Trump the right man for the job? Honestly, I don't know. There are things about him I like, and things about him I don't like.

Hillary? A proven liar, and someone who has switched horses in the middle of the stream so many times she now has saddle sores.

Bernie? Only if you want a dyed in the wool, confessed Socialist.

Cruz? Sorry, but he's got too much "religious baggage" for me.

Of all of them, I'd be inclined to go with Trump. He's not "beholding" to anyone, or any special interest groups, and maybe, just maybe, he has the right attitude to change things around.

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Great to see 'argument' on TV not about Thailand/Thais :)

My 2c worth is that Trump is doing a fantastic service - to both USA and the World. While he probably wont be elected President, he is moving the political pendulum. The USA has in the last 20 years become far too 'accomodating' of the views of other Nations (especially the EU), and it has involved itself in problems that it should not have. Both the Republicans and the Democrats have got it very very wrong - both parties Presidents have been elected on the promise to make things better and to change things ('Yes we can' - etc etc etc). Meaning - everything is pharrked and I am going to fix it - it is an oldy, but it is a goody: if it aint broke dont fix it.

Obama stated that he would withdraw American troops from Iraq and elsewhere around the world, and he made several left-wing 'pollyanna' promises that the US public bought - particularly universal health care, and illegal immigration and racial 'changes' to improve the life of minorities. GeorgeW said he would win the war on terrorism - he had the right idea about responding to the 9/11 event, but he got it very very wrong. Both of them have failed both internationally and domestically - their meddling in overseas issues has resulted in ISIS and so many other problems.

The reality of that approach is that the USA has become 'watered down' by a myriad of economic and social changes that suit the vested interests and minorities, but they have not made it a better place to live economically or socially, for the majority of US citizens. The involvement of the USA in the world's affairs has by and large been an expensive disaster. Meanwhile the EU has gone so far 'left' that the Pollies there opended their own people's homes to millions of illegal immigrants - and the UK is probably going to vote to leave just for that reason alone. Many countries in the EU are now starting to swing the political pendulum to the right - hopefully not too far. The world's politics are undergoing a change - something well overdue - the UN experiment has failed.

Because of the popularity of Trump, and his refusal to accept the neo-liberal views of the current political elite and his refusal to be 'owned' by any of them, he is forcing the entire political 'system' in the USA to change. They are beginning to see that making promises that reflect what they see as the way to be elected, but never being held accountable for not delivering them, has created a political climate where the people are sick of all the bulldust. They are responding positively to a direct no-bulldust approach that is offering what is obviously needed to be done - issue by issue. What Trump is saying is not 'politically correct', but it is mainly (IMO) exactly what needs to be done. Trump says - if it benefits USA and the people, then I will do it - but if it does not, then I will stop it. If that means building a wall - he will do it, if that means withdrawing UISA troops/money from 'solving' all the world problems, then he will do it.

So far he hasn't fallen flat on his face with that approach, because he has not said he will nuke Mecca - but time will tell. Hopefully he stays in the race long enough that he makes the whole system change. The USA needs to be changed so that anything and everything the USA President/Govt does, are ONLY for the benefit of USA and its people. Trying to do what is best for every other Nation who needs help, as if they are the policeforce/nanny for the world, is sucking the life and drive out of what was once the greatest country on earth. Trump's politics (if not himself) will hopefully take the USA back to where it should be. The USA needs to take the approach of 'leading' the free world - that is what they have always done best. The USA does not work well when trying to 'influence and manage' by imposing their military might to solve problems (from Vietnam onwards). Trump basically takes that approach - either come with us or stay where you are - up to you.

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Go Donald!

Yeah you're brash, and playing your own game, but hell, you have a surprised the idiots of Washington, the media, and just about everyone else.

If a guy like Obama was smart enough to get elected and screw up so much ever since, why can't someone do it in reverse?

You might be a wild-card, but jokers win games!

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Exactly! He's never had a proper job in all his life - just like HR Clinton, Tony Blair and other useless "professional" politicians. bah.gif

Right! Because teaching is not a "proper job" (in your clearly uneducated opinion as you didn't think any of your teachers were actually working).

None of my teachers ever ran a business and had to meet a payroll or have a board meeting or make executive decisions on which hinged the entire enterprise.

Some things you get only from experience and not in a classroom.

You obviously have never taught.

And clearly the business acumen did not help his predecessor one iota.

Also the lame cliche about those that can't do end up as teachers is hogwash, where would any educated person be without having been taught, oh wait I'll answer that, campaigning for Trump maybe?

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I love the passion you guys have. It's just like the last time and the time before. The elections do seem to be just about slinging insults on both sides of the fence. Wouldn't it be nice if both sides tried winning with good viable policies instead of empty threats and accusations. I guess it just shows the quality of the candidates yet again!

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"Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


Quite the Democrat, aren't you NS ? biggrin.png It's nice and re-assuring to see how high your arguments fly and how subtle they are ...

Edited by Yann55
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I would vote to give you a third term to run against Trump. You have no respect for the country or the American people. That is why you are rushing to get the illegals free health insurance Social security and give them a rite to vote. Obama you have no balls when talking to foreign countries. Putin made you look like his bitch. And your Iran friends made are sailors look like shit with parades and photos. America is great but not with you as a leader!

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I would vote to give you a third term to run against Trump. You have no respect for the country or the American people. That is why you are rushing to get the illegals free health insurance Social security and give them a rite to vote. Obama you have no balls when talking to foreign countries. Putin made you look like his bitch. And your Iran friends made are sailors look like shit with parades and photos. America is great but not with you as a leader!

He would easily win again, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Fracking has brought Russia to it's knees, we are on the best terms with Iran in a long time.

Maybe you should have been listening to your teachers.

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I would vote to give you a third term to run against Trump. You have no respect for the country or the American people. That is why you are rushing to get the illegals free health insurance Social security and give them a rite to vote. Obama you have no balls when talking to foreign countries. Putin made you look like his bitch. And your Iran friends made are sailors look like shit with parades and photos. America is great but not with you as a leader!

Yeah right, wasn't America soooo much better off when George W. was in charge !!

Everyone around the world now loooooves America thanks to this great Republican hero who never misses an occasion to say that he would do it all again : set the middle East on fire for decades, jeopardize world peace, turn Christians against Muslims and vice versa ... all for the benefit of his weapon-making and oil-drilling friends, and for the sake of being re-elected of course ... which worked thanks to brainwashed nincompoops like you !

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Is Trump the right man for the job? Honestly, I don't know. There are things about him I like, and things about him I don't like.

Hillary? A proven liar, and someone who has switched horses in the middle of the stream so many times she now has saddle sores.

Bernie? Only if you want a dyed in the wool, confessed Socialist.

Cruz? Sorry, but he's got too much "religious baggage" for me.

Of all of them, I'd be inclined to go with Trump. He's not "beholding" to anyone, or any special interest groups, and maybe, just maybe, he has the right attitude to change things around.

Sure, because 5 years ago he was a Democrat, you were referring to Trump there right?

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Without Trump spliting the republican vote the democracts would lose the presidential election. Trump is th joker in the deck of cards.Not used much in most card games but trumps an Ace. A historic conspiracy well executed... The repiblicans will never know what hit them in November.This presidential vote will not only decided the presidency but also the taking back of the House and retaining the Senate...

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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"Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


Obama had 'done' exactly nothing when he became POTUS? Define nothing. In the interim here's a Cliff Notes recap: Prior to becoming President, Obama served four years in the U.S. Senate. Before that, he was a state senator for eight years. As a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School Obama taught Constitutional Law - Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process. Prior to that he graduated from Columbia University. Then after a stint as a finserv analyst he became a community organizer in Chicago before going to Harvard Law School. At Harvard he became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Out of all that all you see is 'community organizer'. How Sarah Palin of you - birds of a feather.

True, but we don't know what he did in those positions. All of his records have been sealed. Why did he lose his Law License?

We don't know! The records have been sealed. Why did his wife lose her Law License. We don't know because the records have been

sealed! Why did Bill Clinton lose his Law License? Because he lied under Oath! But we do know Obama's record has President. A Big Loser and a Political Hack and part-time Dictator! And A Racist!

You're slipping, as you forgot to add the standard cuckoo-right rant that President Obama is a Marxist-Muslim-Commie-Kenyan (cuckoos love a good oxymoron). That said your last two school-yard sentences require you take another Zanax and meet Trump's spokesperson at Area 51 for your next assignment.


"You're slipping, as you forgot to add the standard cuckoo-right rant that President Obama is a Marxist-Muslim-Commie-Kenyan (cuckoos love a good oxymoron). "

You forgot the most important thing; uppity negro.

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"Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


HUH ??

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Next November when Hillary is elected in a landslide, far worse than the beating Romney took, all the Teapublicans will be scratching their ass trying to figure out where it all went so wrong. Poor candidates with a far right agenda will be the death of them.

By the number of gross comments here about Obama, you'd think that he done a terrible job. It isn't true. The economy? The ending of two wars. 20 million Americans with health insurance? Bin Laden dead. Unemployment cut in half. He's been a remarkable President with many accomplishments in the face of dedicated opposition to any success he has had. The Republicans don't have a single accomplishment in that time. They're a laughing stock.

What you do have here is many old bitter failed white guys, i.e. the Republican base. People who get ALL their misinformation from Fox News.

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

Think Trump has a prayer of ever being President? cheesy.gif

Oh yeah, cheers back at ya.

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"Obama also appeared to raise the question of whether Trump was prepared to be commander-in-chief."

Well, Obama thought a community organizer was. He'd never done 1/10 of what Trump's done including internationally when he was the green pea. Obama had done exactly NOTHING when he became POTUS and it's showed embarrassingly for 7+ years.


Obama had 'done' exactly nothing when he became POTUS? Define nothing. In the interim here's a Cliff Notes recap: Prior to becoming President, Obama served four years in the U.S. Senate. Before that, he was a state senator for eight years. As a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School Obama taught Constitutional Law - Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process. Prior to that he graduated from Columbia University. Then after a stint as a finserv analyst he became a community organizer in Chicago before going to Harvard Law School. At Harvard he became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review.

Out of all that all you see is 'community organizer'. How Sarah Palin of you - birds of a feather.

And just what senior management experience is found on your list? None. BTW Sarah Palin was the governor of a state - executive experience. This is why guys like Jeb Bush don't get knocked on experience even when they get knocked personally. Grean peas like Cruz and Rubio and Bernie and all just don't have it. Clinton doesn't get knocked on experience because she was Sec. of State and I doubt that living in the WH hurt anything. With Bush and Clinton and Palin it's their POLICIES that some people don't like.


HUH ??

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Donald Trump plays to Americans baser feelings and instincts. Americans are fed up with their government and the power elite as well as the inability to elect someone who can actually change what is wrong with the US. Trump is not the one who can lead a revolution. He is part of the money elite that will actually maintain the elites status quo. Trump could never understand the misery of a falling middle class and the poor. The real revolutionary among all the candidates is Bernie Sanders. He outlines exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. The elite and Wall Street gang are scared of him and the millions he can get to rally for his cause. If only he could be elected but he is up against the Clinton Machine- money and power.I would love to see a Trump- Sanders debate but I suspect it will be a Kasich-Clinton one.

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...he's one to talk....

...cannot let there be a semblance of clean and clear procedure....

...very serious though.....

...people are saying that he will declare martial law and stay a 3rd term.....

...as a dictator essentially.....

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...he's one to talk....

...cannot let there be a semblance of clean and clear procedure....

...very serious though.....

...people are saying that he will declare martial law and stay a 3rd term.....

...as a dictator essentially.....

Have you been listening to Alex Jones?

You forgot "Obama had Scalia killed".


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Faith: "Complete trust or confidence in someone or something." http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/faith

Without question Obama directs the OP toward his "faith." "I have a lot of faith in the American people," and "I continue to believe.." It is therefore appropriate to consider what Obama means by "faith" and "believe."

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race."

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

"You're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my muslim faith."

Obama on what is sin? "Being out of alignment with [my] values."

"The only people who do not want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide."

"The Constitution in an imperfect document and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American culture..."

"...it’s not surprising then they (Americans) get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

"I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."

"I think when you spread the wealth around its good for everybody."

When Obama says he has "faith" or "belie[ves]" in something/someone is it really the same meaning as it is for the Americans he uses as his prop? Obama using the same language as your boss, crazy uncle Joe, your wife, your pastor, your children, or nearly anyone you know, most definitely does not mean the same thing that it means for the vast majority of Americans.

Obama and his wife most definitely do not believe and have faith as most Americans do.

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I could care less what Obama thinks about religion. philosophy or any other topic . At this point he has no power to do anything of substance and therefore he is now a note in the History books. What I care about is who is going to lead Americans out of their morass; provide paid universal health care as a right; provide a no cost education as a right and stand up to the thieves on Wall Street and the lawyers who are trying to continue to steal the American dream. The only candidate who who I see that espouses the truth on what must be done is Bernie Sanders. Call him an Independent; call him a Socialist; call him ultra left wing-I don't care. I want change and another American Revolution. Elect him and let's see what happens when the Congress balks and he brings millions of Americans to Washington, DC in support of his reformist agenda.

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