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Donald Trump falls to 2nd place in new national poll


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Gone Old Party, heading toward complete irrelevance. After HRC 1 and 2, it will have been 16 years since they even smelled the oval office.

But they can always mucky-muck up Congress where their top guys bail to be corporate prostitutes (lobbyists).

No the GOP sucks, massively, anyone who votes strictly on party lines is a moron.

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How could anyone who was personally and always opposed to the war in Iraq possibly win the White House? How does that leave any room for the military-industrial complex to make any money? The DC establishment is panicking.

"personally and always" - strange wording

Anyways if you are referring to Trump, he never came out against the war during the lead-up - he only voiced opposition after it was already underway and going poorly.

In fact, during a 2002 Howard Stern interview, he came off more pro-war than anti.


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Strange how Trump is crushing his competition when his only base consists of a few low information blabbermouths on Twitter.

Top secret info just in that David Duke and his KKK have spread out to voting booths and are FORCING people to vote for Trump at gunpoint. whistling.gifgigglem.gif

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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Fun and enjoyment is one thing, hyper and all over the place is something else. wai.gif

It's not whether you win it's how you accept the loss tongue.png

That's true, so let's see how HRC handles defeat in the general 555555555555.

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I think we can congratulate the democrats again , the next president will not be Donald Trump, thats for sure. The world is laughing right now.

The Mexicans aren't laughing. They know Trump will be the next president and under the current non-enforcement policies of Hussein Obama, they're moving back in while they can.


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From FB:

More on post-Super Tues. This is getting funny. The Dem establishment is in a panic (maybe worse than the GOPe) over Trump. According to a Sanders strategist, Trump would beat Hillary "like a tied up billygoat." (Not sure I like that image)

Due to Trump, GOP turnout in VA was up 380% over 2012. He won the Hispanic dominated city of Laredo Texas (interesting, not Cruz).

Says another Dem strategist: "One thing that scares me the most about Trump is the fact that every one of these Republican primaries to date has record turnout. And I think a large part of that, though not all of that, but a large part of that is that Trump is bringing out people who don’t normally vote, and adding to the Republican mix on those things and so I worry that in the general election along with the traditional Republican voters that he has the opportunity to bring out a chunk of voters that don’t normally vote in those elections and in some elections that could tip the scales.”

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Think that is going to be one of the bigger issues...

In a normal boring election cycle ... Everyone knows the rough numbers and how things will play out..

Dems vote for Dems and Republicans vote for Republicans ... There are a few % in the middle that may break either way..

Everyone knows the red and blue states and the few that are normally up for grabs

If a bunch of non voters start voting on either side , that could throw things off..

Of course if Dems want their own excitement and new voters, there is a candidate on their side that can do the same..

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I propose this topic be closed because there are already several threads about Trump, and this one is older and out-of-date. Trump was only 2nd for a brief period. Since then he's been the top Republican candidate.

Whatever. Trump is winning on whatever thread is used.

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Even Republicans are saying Trump will lose to Clinton.



The millions of Republicans voting for Trump are not the establishment RINOs saying that ( wishful thinking ). The ones that don't want Trump to win know that if he gets in they are in for a good kicking.

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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Fun and enjoyment is one thing, hyper and all over the place is something else. wai.gif

It's not whether you win it's how you accept the loss tongue.png

That's true, so let's see how HRC handles defeat in the general 555555555555.

Lame and lazy post.

Youse guyz ought to make your own posts or replies rather than keep on with the banal and glib turning of the table stuff cause it's self gratification only along with self-entertaining.


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When the sense of humor departs from the opposition I know they are shit scared. I'm having fun. How about you? whistling.gif

Fun and enjoyment is one thing, hyper and all over the place is something else. wai.gif

It's not whether you win it's how you accept the loss tongue.png

That's true, so let's see how HRC handles defeat in the general 555555555555.

Lame and lazy post.

Youse guyz ought to make your own posts or replies rather than keep on with the banal and glib turning of the table stuff cause it's self gratification only along with self-entertaining.


Are you serious? 555555555555555

This whole election is just entertainment and no one can take it seriously- FGS a reality show entertainer against a proven liar that is a bought and sold tool of the establishment. The only thing to do is mock the entire debacle.

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Today's bumper sticker:

On every thread, Trump is ahead.

I read that the GOP establishment's only hope now is to keep him from getting a majority of delegates and stealing the nomination at conference to give to ( presumably ) Rubio.

If that happens I'd say it really will be the end of the GOP, and the guys at the big table better be really fast runners.

It's looking more and more likely that Nova Scotia is going to be getting a lot of new people living there 55555555555555555.

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The millions of Republicans voting for Trump are not the establishment RINOs saying that ( wishful thinking ). The ones that don't want Trump to win know that if he gets in they are in for a good kicking.

Are you saying if Trump wins, he will punish the people who didn't vote for him?

Are you serious? 555555555555555

This whole election is just entertainment and no one can take it seriously- FGS a reality show entertainer against a proven liar that is a bought and sold tool of the establishment. The only thing to do is mock the entire debacle.

I agree there's a lot of entertainment value. See this site for lots of satire.

Yet, there are some groups of people who are well-advised to take this election seriously, with the possibility of Trump becoming president: People from countries which could get bombed if Trump gets angry - and he gets angry often and quickly. Child immigrants who could all be kicked out of the US. Muslims visiting the US (they could be viewing the Lincoln Memorial Washington Mall and get lynched by a mob, and Trump could just say, "they probably deserved it."). Women who get raped and want legal abortions, but Trump and his buddies not allowing it - thereby forcing the women to get it done in a back alley with a coat hanger.

Yet, as bad as Trump would be, I cringe when I think of either Cruz or Rubio being president (or even VP).

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The debate has concluded and the winner is Trump. He is showing he will be an excellent commander-in-chief. America is on the brink of a new dawn, where no longer will we be lackeys to a muslim/communist president who is a disciple of Saul Alinsky and puppet of George Soros.. Trump will destroy ISIS and lead us on the path to prosperity.

One of the best lines was from Trump: "I haven't even started on Hillary yet."

Debate results: https://polldaddy.com/poll/9333030/?view=results

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