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Save Milo: Online petition for orangutan at Phuket Zoo sparks probe

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Save Milo: Online petition for orangutan at Phuket Zoo sparks probe
The Phuket News


PHUKET: -- An online petition that gained more than 5,000 signatures in less than two weeks has highlighted the plight of 13-year-old orangutan Milo, housed at Phuket Zoo. Meanwhile, wildlife officials are investigating whether the zoo even has the legal right to keep Milo behind bars.

The #SaveMilo campaign, listed on Change.org, saw signatures skyrocket last week as the campaign gained international momentum, while as recently as Monday (Feb 15), a tourist visiting Phuket Zoo posted a photo of himself posing with Milo on his Facebook page.

Yet the campaign at this stage is aimed at only improving Milo’s health, and her living conditions, as regular visitors are concerned that she is unhealthy and depressed.

Key campaigner Vicki Kiely told The Phuket News, “I first visited her (Milo) years ago, but went back about five months ago, when I saw where she lived and how grossly overweight she was.

“She sleeps in a pitch black concrete cell under the steps of where the monkey show is and she gets limited hours to daylight… Her teeth are bad and you can see she is desperately depressed. She folds her arms in boredom and disgust at the tourists.”

Ms Kiely has attempted to bring Milo’s condition to the zoo management, but to no avail.

“I email the zoo frequently asking may I work with her to improve her conditions and in turn I hoped I could improve the conditions of all the animals in there. She is the priority now, however, for me, as she is in the worst state.

“Ideally I would love if I could sit down and talk with the zoo owners, perhaps getting them to retire Milo. We have a sanctuary that will take her immediately in Indonesia.”

In the email repeatedly sent to Phuket Zoo Manager, Surapong Chanthaweewong, Ms Kiely also explained expert advice would be available to assist the zoo in improving Milo’s state and offered help to build an improved enclosure.

Full Story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/save-milo-online-petition-for-orangutan-at-phuket-zoo-sparks-probe-56275.php

-- Phuket News 2016-02-18


Agreed. And how can the officials not know about this? They are either incompetent or bought. I mean it's not like the Zoo is particularly well hidden.


Agreed. And how can the officials not know about this? They are either incompetent or bought. I mean it's not like the Zoo is particularly well hidden.

Almost certainly both... bah.gif


Another example of Phuket lacking the foresight to see what a zoo with a good worldwide reputation could bring in the way of tourism. Instead all we read and hear about is stories of misery similar to poor Milo. Wake up Phuket before it’s too late.


This case is getting more and more interesting.

Now this.


Released? So she's dead.. sigh

The sad part in all those animal abuse case is that if you explain clearly to most semi-educated thais what happens to those animal and what they went through and how it is just as bad as aborting a child then they were completely behind any initiative to save any animal(even the dolphin show)

But those goddamn rich hisos just cant be beaten here.


"A female orangutan whose conditions in captivity were decried by activists vanished from the Phuket Zoo, just before wildlife officials arrived to see if it was keeping her legally."

"Methee Meechai, a local National Parks Department director, said Friday afternoon that the 13-year-old ape named Milo was missing when officials went to inspect the zoo this morning

after finding no record she was legally registered. Witnesses said she was last seen at the zoo Thursday."




the inspector said they have regular inspection and that they had no idea that milo was in the zoo

Today they are back and will not look into anything other than permits, they specify it: they will not look for anything bad, just permits


the inspector said they have regular inspection and that they had no idea that milo was in the zoo

Today they are back and will not look into anything other than permits, they specify it: they will not look for anything bad, just permits

No permit required for an ape that is not there.

the inspector said they have regular inspection and that they had no idea that milo was in the zoo

Today they are back and will not look into anything other than permits, they specify it: they will not look for anything bad, just permits

No permit required for an ape that is not there.

I just love the good burns of the corruption. :)

I'm hoping this would be the end of the Phuket 'zoo', but I guess it will not happen. If we look at the larger picture, the tiger temple has got a lot of heat during the past few weeks. National Geographics started a campaign, which can not easily to put down.


This case is getting more and more interesting.

Now this.

An orangutan found two years ago in a Thai jungle? Makes no sense. Bizarre


Went to the orangutan rescue/refuge centre in Indonesian Borneo late last year. The people there had some very sad tales to tell, but they're doing some amazing work rehabilitating these special 'cousins' of ours. That's the place Milo needs to be.



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