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Government says US embassy denied report of IS threats in Bangkok

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Government says US embassy denied report of IS threats in Bangkok

BANGKOK: The United States Embassy in Thailand has denied any of its officials had warned that Bangkok could become a target of possible attacks by Islamic State terrorists, said Maj-Gen Veerachon Sukhonthapatipark, deputy spokesman of the Prime Minister’s Office.

He said he had checked with the US embassy about a press report quoting an unnamed special advisor to the embassy who warned that IS terrorists might attack shopping malls and BTS elevated train system in Bangkok.

The embassy, he added, denied any of its officials had made such statement to the media saying that the embassy did not have such information about the presence of IS in Thailand.

National Security Council secretary-general Gen Thaveep Netniyom, meanwhile, said that the US normally issued general warning to countries in this region and not any country in particular about the IS threats.

As a precaution, Pol Gen Srivara Rangseepramnakul, the deputy national police chief, said Special Branch police had been instructed to step up its operations to gather intelligence information regarding terrorist groups although no traces of IS have been found in the country.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/151763

-- Thai PBS 2016-01-21


Expect the Thai govt needs to talk to the "Thai person/Thai media" who supposedly got the word from some unnamed U.S. Embassy person.


The passport forger was here for 25 years. Before they found him! Frightening thought these people are responsible for everybodys safety.

Seems he forgot the monthly pastry box one time too many...



"Police have said they will be increasing security at major locations throughout Thailand after the US embassy reportedly issued a warning of a possible attack from the so called Islamic State (IS) group."

"Pol Gen Sriwara stressed that whilst no specific threat had been made, the police and security officials in Thailand would not be taking any chances and that all threats regardless of severity will be taken seriously by the authorities."

"Police say that information received from a source at the US embassy warned of a possible plot to attack shopping malls and transportation hubs in Bangkok."

So what is it Gen. Clouseau?

No specific threats? Or, attacks on Malls and Transportation hubs?

Just making it up as they stumble along...

cheesy.gif Clowns.

You'd better sort it out.

You wouldn't want to lose any tourism would you?

Because that's what it's all about isn't it? Baht.

But perhaps you already have, by blathering completey unsubstantiated reports as illustrated by the response from the U.S. Embassy.



Gotta love Thai gathered intel.......clueless !!

Exactly, look how the US foiled 9-11...

Regardless of what actually did happen, it still got past security.


"Police have said they will be increasing security at major locations throughout Thailand after the US embassy reportedly issued a warning of a possible attack from the so called Islamic State (IS) group."

U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation. Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid large crowds or crowed places. Exercise particular caution during the holiday season and at holiday festivals or events.


Seems pretty reasonable that they'd be giving extra scrutiny to shopping malls and the Skytrain, especially during a long holiday weekend. Not just Thailand, either. But they seem to be onboard here. For that, I salute them.

Can you imagine the howling from the TVF Peanut Gallery Cheap Seats if something did happen without a warning?


"Police have said they will be increasing security at major locations throughout Thailand after the US embassy reportedly issued a warning of a possible attack from the so called Islamic State (IS) group."

U.S. citizens should exercise vigilance when in public places or using transportation. Be aware of immediate surroundings and avoid large crowds or crowed places. Exercise particular caution during the holiday season and at holiday festivals or events.


Seems pretty reasonable that they'd be giving extra scrutiny to shopping malls and the Skytrain, especially during a long holiday weekend. Not just Thailand, either. But they seem to be onboard here. For that, I salute them.

Can you imagine the howling from the TVF Peanut Gallery Cheap Seats if something did happen without a warning?

That link is from a 24 Nov 15 Worldwide Travel Alert which expires on 24 Feb 16...not specific to Thailand...applies to any country.


That link is from a 24 Nov 15 Worldwide Travel Alert which expires on 24 Feb 16...not specific to Thailand...applies to any country.

I was fully aware of that and never claimed otherwise. I still think it's prudent of Thailand to maintain vigilance around the very venues mentioned in the US Embassy Travel Alert. Crowded places and transportation links, especially on holidays.

Hardly anything to bash them about. (Not addressed to Pib's quoted post, but others who seem to delight in belittling our hosts)


That link is from a 24 Nov 15 Worldwide Travel Alert which expires on 24 Feb 16...not specific to Thailand...applies to any country.

I was fully aware of that and never claimed otherwise. I still think it's prudent of Thailand to maintain vigilance around the very venues mentioned in the US Embassy Travel Alert. Crowded places and transportation links, especially on holidays.

Hardly anything to bash them about. (Not addressed to Pib's quoted post, but others who seem to delight in belittling our hosts)

Agree. But from the early stages of Thailand beefing up security in this latest "beef-up" they seem to base the need to beef things up on info provided from some unnamed U.S. Embassy person.

Seems Thailand routinely seems to base beefed-up security on what it is hearing from friendly countries versus using its own intelligence, what little they may have internally.

But yea, nothing wrong in beefing up their security....better to be safe than sorry....they shouldn't worry too much about possibly scaring a few tourists because of increased security. Expect the great majority of tourists would appreciate a show of security.


@Post #10

There was no plan to "maintain viligance"

On the contrary, they had taken no action to inform anyone.

"Several high-ranking police officers, including commanders of the cities mentioned as possible targets,

reached by Khaosod English said they only learned about the issue from the media."

They were more concerned with prosecuting whoever leaked an internal document.

Caught with their pants down (again), for doing nothing, they went in to classic mode:

"An investigation will be launched into who leaked an police internal memo about Islamic State militants infiltrating Thailand, the chief of national police announced today."

"He said it was an internal warning notice for police use only, and vowed to hold the person who leaked it responsible."

"Sriwarah threatened legal action against anyone found to have published the secret memo, including the media"

"Chakthip said the whistleblower must be be found for two reasons, because it was “a secret document and it may cause the people to panic.”

i.e. Tourism. No question about it. They say it all the time.

But, not to worry:

"Chakthip, the police commander, told reporters that the Russian warning may eventually come to nothing, because Thai police have so far found no evidence of the Islamic State movement in Thailand."

“I have been working with the intelligence service all along, and I have been saying all along that there is no ISIS in our country,” Chakthip said wai2.gif



It is indeed a poorly run Administration that can't tell the difference between an official statement or intelligence information and gossip.................................coffee1.gif .


The United States Embassy in Thailand has denied any of its officials had warned that Bangkok could become a target of possible attacks by Islamic State terrorists, said Maj-Gen Veerachon Sukhonthapatipark, deputy spokesman of the Prime Minister’s Office.

He said he had checked with the US embassy about a press report quoting an unnamed special advisor to the embassy who warned that IS terrorists might attack shopping malls and BTS elevated train system in Bangkok.

This man showed rare initiative, he actually did ask the US embassy about this. Good job.


Part of the trouble is that people think ISIL members are idiots when I would rather believe just the opposite is true. Yes most of the foot soldiers are brainless, if they weren't they wouldn't be part of such an organization. The masterminds though are far from idiots. Just like with Al-Qaeda the ones at the top are very clever. It is foolish to underestimate these psycho's capabilities.

Unfortunately, most if not all countries do exactly that. Then when there is mass killings the authorities issue statements like "security services were aware of ......". Too late then to do anything. As for Intelligence services they are good to a point but no one should put 100% trust in th information they put out.


Gotta love Thai gathered intel.......clueless !!

Remember that the media reports don't always, or maybe even often, accord with the facts.

What would you be saying if the press reported that the RTP had thwarted an IS attack? Giving credit or still tipping a bucket because the arrests weren't made soon enough.

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