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Thai ex-PM Thaksin: Thailand like Myanmar before reforms


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you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

you hardly can say any more naive, completely wrong, silly thing ... you know nothing!

I was going to ask you to explain why you think that, and then I went back and read your post#162 which rather explains where you are coming from. Having read it I won't bother!

PS - it is very funny though!

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Thaksin's getting worried because his sister might be going to jail for what he dreamed up, remember the slogan at the last election?- Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does ( nothing about Yingluk there poor girl) and the new constitution will rein in politicians' power. Can't blame the technocrats for that, there was no coup all the way from 1992 to 2006, and there wouldn't have been one but for Thaksin being insatiable for power and more wealth.

Now little Oak,his son, has to face the DSI alone over a cheque for 17 million baht he received from Krisadamahanakorn real estate company, a loan scandal that has seen many Krungthai Bank employees sent to jail. I wonder who ordered them to lend the money to Krisada??

Still if he can't mobilize the red shirts he can always try the saffron robes at Wat Thammakai, Thaksin's friends and rich beyond belief.

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

Unfortunately yet another FAULY claiming Thaksin took Thailand into a "downward spiral", and there will be the usual here mushrooms that will lap it up regardless of the truth and facts...........

You might want to do your homework on the economy under Thaksin and this current one before you comment on things you so obviously have NO knowledge about or you just be happy with the drivel and claim it fact, you people make me laugh,,, get your facts right first then state your case with proof.

You do know it's ok not to like Thaksin but employing facts rather than b_____t will get you more credibility.

You should do not only YOUR home work properly, but learn the WHOLE lesson correctly !!!

Only then you may have your TRUE REALITY statements right!

what do you talking about an "economy under taksin" and trying to compare that with what we are having here "under the military" ..?!!!

taksin hopped on a train when the Kingdom was nice, easy going and prosperous. People have been smiling, working, enjoying life and minding their own business, adoring the King.

The half ass educated / experienced megalomaniac, could see his chance to manipulate masses of easily gullible, naive and even less educated / experienced people to gain his sick unlimited, uncontrolled powers and pack his family's coffers with the country's wealth and reputation.

People became a loud screaming, hard drinking, drugs users, arms abusers and willing proclaimers of a terms and statements which true meaning and values they have never been taught, which they never could experience, which they never have been bothered enough to get a full grasp of, understand and explain (even to themselves or each other) what the heck they talking about (in the first place - before demanding it). They became disrespectful to the monarchy and to their own - otherwise non-disturbed, lives. They were acting and thinking (in THIS order) like their "boss" (idol taksin) - enjoying their "new roles", i.e. opportunities and "democratic-business-enlightenment", just like very stupid kids would play their "Monopoly", absolutely not concerned (and aware) about any bloody consequences at all.

taksin started robbing and plundering his motherland, with no scruples, no second thought, like there's no tomorrow.

The social, psychological, emotional and economic damage that he caused and imposed upon one or two entire generation of Thai nation and country, can never be undone.

The further and even more massive prosperity and economical damages under his dumb bimbo sister, been done.

Mind you, it was NOT only a rice scheme, but bloody every single thing they could get their hands on.

Not to mention even more drastic, dramatic, painful and irreversible play game with their nation - peoples naivety, poor education, distorted knowledge, trust, well-being, desires and their natural obedience to the authorities and wealth.

Only a fool can't see that here is no "economy" for the nation left, after the taksins, The military can hardly be blamed for almost complete destruction of the whole systems.

Incredible debts that must be paid for somehow-some day, under some other leadership and governance.

There was no BODY to stress / explain this all to Thais during those times, and neither there is a BODY, Thais might want to listen to (and try to comprehend), to tell them today. Regardless on the fact that we all can already feel it, are paying for it and will do so for many, many more years to come.

This is not because here is no democracy, but a military government.

This is because taksins have been cheating, lying, stealing and robing, without any idea how, or even intention to actually govern the state. Oh yeah, whilst they were all legally and democratically elected !!! What a joke!

I, for once, am truly grateful to the general for his decision and intention (call it a desire, if u wish) to hold the nation on a "short leash". I applaud him for cleaning up the streets and watch out for an order. Whatever it takes, whatever I may NOT like (and it can be plenty) is still great with me, if it only can keep those "taksin sick ideas and wisdom's", along with all his worshipers and followers, in a bay.

Thailand doesn't need "democracy", Thailand needs order and discipline, education, business, powerful military and well educated and trained police force, lots of reforms that can be formed and reformed again and again, until majority of people will UNDERSTAND that DEMOCRACY can't be just granted, or won, but well deserved, as it is a process which must have a number of certain steps and aspects fulfilled first.

You trying to compare Thai economy under taksin and now, is a misguided attempt ... almost pervert in my eyes.


before you go on to slam what I said above, I only want to mention, I'm living here for more that 35 years, WITHIN Thai people.


You are entitled to your opinion as am I and others, cool mate.

Now you are saying that a comparison of economy's of governments is not ok but "almost pervert" wow really, but isn't that exactly what governments and their opposition do as well as media and the people? YES!!! they judge and rate any government on their performance...

Since you seem to have a problem with comparing Mr T's government and this one, well ok how did marks government do with the economy?

Hmmm, Unemployment rise to 63%, ouch, returning Thailand to deficit since 2003 and the largest deficit since his buddy's Chuan Leekpai's cracker of a job.

More censorship, wow not looking good huh? So ya gunna cry that this is not a fair comparison as well? or perverted?

Now there are countries doing well in this economic climate and some doing not so well, fair?

Take the job, take the responsibility that goes with the gig man...

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

Unfortunately yet another FAULY claiming Thaksin took Thailand into a "downward spiral", and there will be the usual here mushrooms that will lap it up regardless of the truth and facts...........

You might want to do your homework on the economy under Thaksin and this current one before you comment on things you so obviously have NO knowledge about or you just be happy with the drivel and claim it fact, you people make me laugh,,, get your facts right first then state your case with proof.

You do know it's ok not to like Thaksin but employing facts rather than b_____t will get you more credibility.

You should do not only YOUR home work properly, but learn the WHOLE lesson correctly !!!

Only then you may have your TRUE REALITY statements right!

what do you talking about an "economy under taksin" and trying to compare that with what we are having here "under the military" ..?!!!

taksin hopped on a train when the Kingdom was nice, easy going and prosperous. People have been smiling, working, enjoying life and minding their own business, adoring the King.

The half ass educated / experienced megalomaniac, could see his chance to manipulate masses of easily gullible, naive and even less educated / experienced people to gain his sick unlimited, uncontrolled powers and pack his family's coffers with the country's wealth and reputation.

People became a loud screaming, hard drinking, drugs users, arms abusers and willing proclaimers of a terms and statements which true meaning and values they have never been taught, which they never could experience, which they never have been bothered enough to get a full grasp of, understand and explain (even to themselves or each other) what the heck they talking about (in the first place - before demanding it). They became disrespectful to the monarchy and to their own - otherwise non-disturbed, lives. They were acting and thinking (in THIS order) like their "boss" (idol taksin) - enjoying their "new roles", i.e. opportunities and "democratic-business-enlightenment", just like very stupid kids would play their "Monopoly", absolutely not concerned (and aware) about any bloody consequences at all.

taksin started robbing and plundering his motherland, with no scruples, no second thought, like there's no tomorrow.

The social, psychological, emotional and economic damage that he caused and imposed upon one or two entire generation of Thai nation and country, can never be undone.

The further and even more massive prosperity and economical damages under his dumb bimbo sister, been done.

Mind you, it was NOT only a rice scheme, but bloody every single thing they could get their hands on.

Not to mention even more drastic, dramatic, painful and irreversible play game with their nation - peoples naivety, poor education, distorted knowledge, trust, well-being, desires and their natural obedience to the authorities and wealth.

Only a fool can't see that here is no "economy" for the nation left, after the taksins, The military can hardly be blamed for almost complete destruction of the whole systems.

Incredible debts that must be paid for somehow-some day, under some other leadership and governance.

There was no BODY to stress / explain this all to Thais during those times, and neither there is a BODY, Thais might want to listen to (and try to comprehend), to tell them today. Regardless on the fact that we all can already feel it, are paying for it and will do so for many, many more years to come.

This is not because here is no democracy, but a military government.

This is because taksins have been cheating, lying, stealing and robing, without any idea how, or even intention to actually govern the state. Oh yeah, whilst they were all legally and democratically elected !!! What a joke!

I, for once, am truly grateful to the general for his decision and intention (call it a desire, if u wish) to hold the nation on a "short leash". I applaud him for cleaning up the streets and watch out for an order. Whatever it takes, whatever I may NOT like (and it can be plenty) is still great with me, if it only can keep those "taksin sick ideas and wisdom's", along with all his worshipers and followers, in a bay.

Thailand doesn't need "democracy", Thailand needs order and discipline, education, business, powerful military and well educated and trained police force, lots of reforms that can be formed and reformed again and again, until majority of people will UNDERSTAND that DEMOCRACY can't be just granted, or won, but well deserved, as it is a process which must have a number of certain steps and aspects fulfilled first.

You trying to compare Thai economy under taksin and now, is a misguided attempt ... almost pervert in my eyes.


before you go on to slam what I said above, I only want to mention, I'm living here for more that 35 years, WITHIN Thai people.


Epic Rant! Love it!

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you realise that isn't an argument - just because democracy was "dodgy" under Thaksin, it doesn't make the prospect of a politburo any less real. Your confusing the argument and the messanger

Of course, it's valid to compare. The "messenger" as you put it, was running the country as Pseudo PM to his sister. What's the difference between that & a politburo seemingly in control?

The difference is that his sisters government came to power by winning an election - an election in which those who voted for her party were certainly aware, and often enthusiastic about, Thaksins presence in the background.

The "Politburo" have appointed themselves. Let's not proceed to consider " self centred autocrats with no morals."

Yingluck may well have been elected, but Thaksin was not!! He's self appointed ex officio leader in exile...not even in the country; still no real difference,much the same as politburo...

One small point, Yinluck wasn't appointed by the people, she was GIVEN the job on a criminal's directive -- and that is a very major difference.

One rather large point. Those who voted Pheu Thai in that election, were fully aware that Yingluck was the parties candidate for Prime Minister. They were equally aware of Thaksins'n role in that party. They elected Pheu Thai. They endorsed her as Prime Minister, despite or because of Thaksin.

I fully accept that you and others dislike her, detest Thaksin and his place in things, and wish that Pheu Thai had not won that ( and the three preceedring ) elections. The fact remains that they did, she did. No amount of attempting to write that out of the narrative, and replace it with a version which suits your views changes what happened.

There was nothing unconstitutional about the way she came to the post - unlike the present chap.

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Thaksin's getting worried because his sister might be going to jail for what he dreamed up, remember the slogan at the last election?- Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does ( nothing about Yingluk there poor girl) and the new constitution will rein in politicians' power. Can't blame the technocrats for that, there was no coup all the way from 1992 to 2006, and there wouldn't have been one but for Thaksin being insatiable for power and more wealth.

Now little Oak,his son, has to face the DSI alone over a cheque for 17 million baht he received from Krisadamahanakorn real estate company, a loan scandal that has seen many Krungthai Bank employees sent to jail. I wonder who ordered them to lend the money to Krisada??

Still if he can't mobilize the red shirts he can always try the saffron robes at Wat Thammakai, Thaksin's friends and rich beyond belief.

I am sure you are right about most if not all of this Thaksin background - though I wonder whether there really is a chance of Yingluck going to jail.

What I don't understand is how someone like you - well informed and sparing your blushes obviously intelligent - can believe the retribution process is somehow central to Thailand's problems and above all how reining in politicians will help rather than hinder.

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One rather large point. Those who voted Pheu Thai in that election, were fully aware that Yingluck was the parties candidate for Prime Minister. They were equally aware of Thaksins'n role in that party. They elected Pheu Thai. They endorsed her as Prime Minister, despite or because of Thaksin.

I fully accept that you and others dislike her, detest Thaksin and his place in things, and wish that Pheu Thai had not won that ( and the three preceedring ) elections. The fact remains that they did, she did. No amount of attempting to write that out of the narrative, and replace it with a version which suits your views changes what happened.

There was nothing unconstitutional about the way she came to the post - unlike the present chap.

For a second time, since when and where in a democracy does the ballot box over-rule law?

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One rather large point. Those who voted Pheu Thai in that election, were fully aware that Yingluck was the parties candidate for Prime Minister. They were equally aware of Thaksins'n role in that party. They elected Pheu Thai. They endorsed her as Prime Minister, despite or because of Thaksin.

I fully accept that you and others dislike her, detest Thaksin and his place in things, and wish that Pheu Thai had not won that ( and the three preceedring ) elections. The fact remains that they did, she did. No amount of attempting to write that out of the narrative, and replace it with a version which suits your views changes what happened.

There was nothing unconstitutional about the way she came to the post - unlike the present chap.

For a second time, since when and where in a democracy does the ballot box over-rule law?

Without reference to your specific dialogue with JAG and thus in a general sense only I would respond as follows.In a democracy justice must be evenhanded.When courts are directed - in whatsoever manner -

to frustrate the will of the people as reflected by the ballot box, they lose their authority and integrity.Then to use your expression democracy overrules law, or more accurately the way judges interpret it.

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One rather large point. Those who voted Pheu Thai in that election, were fully aware that Yingluck was the parties candidate for Prime Minister. They were equally aware of Thaksins'n role in that party. They elected Pheu Thai. They endorsed her as Prime Minister, despite or because of Thaksin.

I fully accept that you and others dislike her, detest Thaksin and his place in things, and wish that Pheu Thai had not won that ( and the three preceedring ) elections. The fact remains that they did, she did. No amount of attempting to write that out of the narrative, and replace it with a version which suits your views changes what happened.

There was nothing unconstitutional about the way she came to the post - unlike the present chap.

For a second time, since when and where in a democracy does the ballot box over-rule law?

Where did I claim that? I didn't, if Yingluck appointment as Prime Minister had been illegal it would never have been promulgated by the head of state now would it. If it had been illegal she would presumably be facing appropriate charges, for having been an illegal Prime Minister. She isn't.

You are assuming that your obsessive hatred of all things Thaksin, and the contempt for the Thai electorate which flows from it have legal standing. They don't. Yet you persistently refuse to accept that the ballot box has any place in the democratic process.

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For a second time, since when and where in a democracy does the ballot box over-rule law?

Without reference to your specific dialogue with JAG and thus in a general sense only I would respond as follows.In a democracy justice must be evenhanded.When courts are directed - in whatsoever manner -

to frustrate the will of the people as reflected by the ballot box, they lose their authority and integrity.Then to use your expression democracy overrules law, or more accurately the way judges interpret it.

There is nothing to interpret when a corrupt politician blatantly breaks criminal law, then flees incarceration and multiple serious charges. Do you think allowing that criminal to offer bribes, directly to MPs and indirectly to voters through unsustainable populism, somehow is allowed under democracy?

I was making a general point not referring to specifics.I was nevertheless inclined to be sympathetic but your suggestion that "unsustainable populism" is unacceptable in a democracy demonstrates a certain poverty of analysis.

In all democracies one can see examples of what you would call unsustainable populism.

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For a second time, since when and where in a democracy does the ballot box over-rule law?

Where did I claim that? I didn't, if Yingluck appointment as Prime Minister had been illegal it would never have been promulgated by the head of state now would it. If it had been illegal she would presumably be facing appropriate charges, for having been an illegal Prime Minister. She isn't.

You are assuming that your obsessive hatred of all things Thaksin, and the contempt for the Thai electorate which flows from it have legal standing. They don't. Yet you persistently refuse to accept that the ballot box has any place in the democratic process.

Who mentioned Yingluk? You have stated that she was elected by the populace with the full knowledge of Thaksin's involvement

"There again, "this loathsome snake" has won every election since 2001, and very likely remains the choice of the electorate when it comes to selecting a government."

I don't deny the ballot box has no place in democracy, I deny CONVICTED CORRUPT POLITICIANS have any place, whether they are popular or not.

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Sovereign risk is what it is indeed all about, and to put it bluntly, if I was a foreign government I would be advising against investing in Thailand, as Mr Thaksin has said you are not really answering to the real head of the country , as for Thailand being like Myanmar before reforms, that is a tad adventurous, but if the junta continue on it's present mouth nobbling course ( section 44) you could well turn out to be right.............................coffee1.gif .

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He's right about everything except the economy. In my 40 years here, the economy has general done better during periods of military dictatorship rather than under sputtering attempts at electoral democracy.

No, under his watch it did superbly. Now it is going down the toilet. FDI down 70+%.

Nothing to do with Thaksin skills, it was the generally the same through region

"The Stock Exchange of Thailand outperformed other markets in the region. After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007.] Public sector debt fell from 57 per cent of GDP in January 2001 to 41 per cent in September 2006.Foreign exchange reserves doubled from US$30 billion in 2001 to US$64 billion in 2006." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra#Economic_policies

"Thaksin's initiatives quickly reversed the devastation wrought by the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis and made Thailand's fast growth the envy of Southeast Asia. Today, similar schemes are ramping up across developing Asia to address the issues that plagued Thailand in the late 1990s and now threaten the entire region: overdependency on export markets, unequal development at home and yawning rich-poor income gaps."

"...the country's income gap actually narrowed during a period when the distance between the haves and have-nots widened virtually everywhere else in Asia." I think the most telling statistic/ achievement

The logic of Thaksin's approach—that access to capital, employment opportunities and basic social services can transform disadvantaged regions into growth engines—is now accepted wisdom. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has followed it in his support for poor households hit hardest by a rollback in fuel subsidies. India's Manmohan Singh has created millions of rural jobs; his ultimate growth goals very much echo Thaksin's. In the Philippines, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo once declared, "I am an unabashed disciple of Thaksinomics." And since 2006, when China unveiled a sweeping plan to redirect state investment to create a "new socialist countryside" in the hinterland, Beijing has repealed farm taxes, channeled millions to rural enterprises and otherwise sought to revitalize poor interior provinces (China reportedly sent a team to Thailand to study Thaksinomics back in 2003)." http://www.newsweek.com/economics-thailands-thaksin-catching-88109

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I didn't read ANY post about it, and would advise all TV contributors not 'affiliated' to anything Shins' PTP, UDD/redshirts just to negate any part about that Thaksin cartoonesk evil character. Let his misguided fans ramble on, don't waste your time giving them, him, any credit by reacting on their twisted stuff!

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

If you really wanted the best for Thailand you would support the will of the people (it's called democracy).

Inbangkok There are different forms of Democracy. Thaksin is a power Hungry manipulating criminal that did Not help Thailand but put the Thai people in dept. Changing laws to give him power with no check and balance. The uneducated people that he targeted did not know how to see how he fooled then with a carrot and false hopes...

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He's right about everything except the economy. In my 40 years here, the economy has general done better during periods of military dictatorship rather than under sputtering attempts at electoral democracy.

No, under his watch it did superbly. Now it is going down the toilet. FDI down 70+%.

Nothing to do with Thaksin skills, it was the generally the same through region

"The Stock Exchange of Thailand outperformed other markets in the region. After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007.] Public sector debt fell from 57 per cent of GDP in January 2001 to 41 per cent in September 2006.Foreign exchange reserves doubled from US$30 billion in 2001 to US$64 billion in 2006." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra#Economic_policies

"Thaksin's initiatives quickly reversed the devastation wrought by the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis and made Thailand's fast growth the envy of Southeast Asia. Today, similar schemes are ramping up across developing Asia to address the issues that plagued Thailand in the late 1990s and now threaten the entire region: overdependency on export markets, unequal development at home and yawning rich-poor income gaps."

"...the country's income gap actually narrowed during a period when the distance between the haves and have-nots widened virtually everywhere else in Asia." I think the most telling statistic/ achievement

The logic of Thaksin's approach—that access to capital, employment opportunities and basic social services can transform disadvantaged regions into growth engines—is now accepted wisdom. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has followed it in his support for poor households hit hardest by a rollback in fuel subsidies. India's Manmohan Singh has created millions of rural jobs; his ultimate growth goals very much echo Thaksin's. In the Philippines, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo once declared, "I am an unabashed disciple of Thaksinomics." And since 2006, when China unveiled a sweeping plan to redirect state investment to create a "new socialist countryside" in the hinterland, Beijing has repealed farm taxes, channeled millions to rural enterprises and otherwise sought to revitalize poor interior provinces (China reportedly sent a team to Thailand to study Thaksinomics back in 2003)." http://www.newsweek.com/economics-thailands-thaksin-catching-88109

Wow, you describe the messiah, the magic man, the most amazing leader in the history of the world.

Is this the magic behind every Thai person being rich in six months? Only one problem it didn't happen, and there are still many very poor farmers.

Can't be bothered to continue.

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Thaksin is out of his mind..... He is what took Thailand in a downward spiral, and his sister did the same... Thailand does Not need his false statement in comparing Thailand to the way Burma was.... BS.... He should come back and do his time in the monkey house... He is the criminal...

I know some people will not agree with my thoughts... So what.... I Love Thailand and only want the best for it...

If you really wanted the best for Thailand you would support the will of the people (it's called democracy).

Inbangkok There are different forms of Democracy. Thaksin is a power Hungry manipulating criminal that did Not help Thailand but put the Thai people in dept. Changing laws to give him power with no check and balance. The uneducated people that he targeted did not know how to see how he fooled then with a carrot and false hopes...

You are obscenely arrogant and in over your head. You just called a vast majority of Thai voters uneducated and "fooled". Too bad not everyone is as smart as you I suppose.

And while there are indeed different forms of democracy, you clearly do not understand any of them if you are claiming millitary coup after military coup is a legitimate part of such a "democracy".

I am no fan of Thaksin, but people have the right to elect their own leaders.

And your line about "no checks and balances" is super cute...... Like you give a shit about that. Military Juntas are the epitome of "no checks and balances"......

Edited by inbangkok
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Of course you are right about winning elections. And many posters like to dismiss that under false pretences.

I find that many normal Thais are perfectly rational about Thaksin. They like some of what he did for the country and other things they don't like. In other words, it is basic politics.

I find the posters who dismiss his electoral success by demeaning the Thais who vote for him as "bought", "ignorant", "lazy", "kwai" to be basic bigotry.

And yet "Thaksin is an idiot" and "the Generals and their rich buddies ......... are complete morons"

Is this an example of basic bigotry, or something else?

I realize that you don't understand much, but you just proved that you don't know bigotry when you see it.

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Nothing to do with Thaksin skills, it was the generally the same through region

"The Stock Exchange of Thailand outperformed other markets in the region. After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007.] Public sector debt fell from 57 per cent of GDP in January 2001 to 41 per cent in September 2006.Foreign exchange reserves doubled from US$30 billion in 2001 to US$64 billion in 2006." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra#Economic_policies

"Thaksin's initiatives quickly reversed the devastation wrought by the 1997–98 Asian financial crisis and made Thailand's fast growth the envy of Southeast Asia. Today, similar schemes are ramping up across developing Asia to address the issues that plagued Thailand in the late 1990s and now threaten the entire region: overdependency on export markets, unequal development at home and yawning rich-poor income gaps."

"...the country's income gap actually narrowed during a period when the distance between the haves and have-nots widened virtually everywhere else in Asia." I think the most telling statistic/ achievement

The logic of Thaksin's approach—that access to capital, employment opportunities and basic social services can transform disadvantaged regions into growth engines—is now accepted wisdom. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has followed it in his support for poor households hit hardest by a rollback in fuel subsidies. India's Manmohan Singh has created millions of rural jobs; his ultimate growth goals very much echo Thaksin's. In the Philippines, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo once declared, "I am an unabashed disciple of Thaksinomics." And since 2006, when China unveiled a sweeping plan to redirect state investment to create a "new socialist countryside" in the hinterland, Beijing has repealed farm taxes, channeled millions to rural enterprises and otherwise sought to revitalize poor interior provinces (China reportedly sent a team to Thailand to study Thaksinomics back in 2003)." http://www.newsweek.com/economics-thailands-thaksin-catching-88109

Wow, you describe the messiah, the magic man, the most amazing leader in the history of the world.

Is this the magic behind every Thai person being rich in six months? Only one problem it didn't happen, and there are still many very poor farmers.

Can't be bothered to continue.

What a lame-ass reply. Are you disputing any of the quotes or will you admit to his excellent economic record while PM?

Can't be bothered...more like don't have the capacity to.

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Hypocrite Thaksin. He was a loyal partner of the junta generals in Burma. Business was good!

Some examples ...

"More controversially, he established close, friendly ties with the Burmese dictatorship, including extending the impoverished country a 4 billion baht credit line so it could conclude a satellite telecom deal with his family business"


Or deals for hydro-power ... "Similarly, Thaksin's Myanmar strategy, known as "forward engagement", came under constant fire for placing commercial considerations over pressuring Myanmar's junta to move towards more democracy and human rights, and for throwing the pariah regime an economic lifeline that buffered it from economic sanctions imposed by the US and the European Union. Thaksin's policy pushed forward the controversial plans to build new hydropower projects on Myanmar's Salween River.

In October 2005, Thaksin reportedly signed an agreement with the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) regime for joint investment in the construction of the hydropower plants. And last June, EGAT officials traveled to Beijing to ink a memorandum of understanding with China's largest hydropower company,"


or on the Dawei industrial-city & port project ...

"The plan is that it will connect Bangkok with a $50 billion industrial hub and deep-sea port at Dawei on the Andaman Sea.

The project was set in motion by Thaksin Shinawatra, a former Thai prime minister, who was overthrown in a military coup in 2006. When he proposed it he was still in power and it was seen by many as a vanity project that would never get off the ground."


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