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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?


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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?

Featured image is by MARIAJONER and used under a Creative Commons licence

BANGKOK: -- Despite years of being a strategic ally for the US in Southeast Asia, Thailand appears to now be pursuing a closer relationship with Russia, the ideological counterpoint to the US.

Although the recent US-Asean Summit confirmed that the US still sees the Kingdom as an important player in the region, relations have cooled to some extent between the two nations since the 2014 Thai coup d’etat, which saw the military junta take power. The government has promised an eventual return to democracy with general elections apparently scheduled for 2017, which the US has said it is in favour of.

But in the meantime, Russia is on the menu.

Reuters reports that two Thai deputy PMs will travel to Russia this week to meet with Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the security council, to talk trade and security issues, and perhaps even arms deals, as the two nations seek to cooperate over counter-terrorism strategy.

“We are in the initial phase of that cooperation,” commented Kirill Barsky, Russian ambassador to Thailand. “But I think we have very good prospects, because I registered strong mutual interest in cooperation in such fields of security as counterterrorism, counternarcotic drugs, fighting transnational crime, cybercrime and cybersecurity.

“This is not the right place to describe what we do with Thailand in terms of military and technical cooperation. This is a sensitive issue,” he continued.

“But, believe me, that this business is going on, and we are supplying Thailand with the items that they are interested in, and we are eager to expand the scope of our cooperation.”

Full story: http://whatsonsukhumvit.com/is-thailand-deepening-ties-with-russia-at-the-expense-of-the-us/

-- (c) What's on Sukhumvit 2016-02-22

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Great idea Thailand. Run into the arms of Russia and China. Why not include North Korea into your circle of new BFF?

I do not think you understand Russia has water and can build at pipe to send water

The pipe can run near the Train Line that China is Building

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we are supplying Thailand with the items that they are interested in, and we are eager to expand the scope of our cooperation


More weapon sales! Look what Russia has done for Asaad.

Headline should read, Is Prayut deepening ties with Russia at the expense of Thailand?

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The bottom line here is probably that Russia is now offering very...generous...cash rebates (and other personally irresistible incentives) on military purchases.

After all, this is the single most important factor in any government acquisition.

Edited by Hayduke
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If Thailand is that stupid they deserve what they get. The Russian is at a all time low and they are spending there money to control other countries. People in Russia are starving but the Putkin regime does not care about there people. All he cares about is showing there military power while the rest of the world just sits back until Russia implodes. The Russian people deserve better than this ego driven little man!

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The Thai government, like me, might be concerned about the direction in which the US is heading. The thought of Donald Duck, sorry 'Trump' even being considered for President makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I believe he would be the world's greatest risk to peace, firing rockets and dropping bombs all over the place in the name of American 'democracy' and the American Way.

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The bottom line here is probably that Russia is now offering very...generous...cash rebates (and other personally irresistible incentives) on military purchases.

After all, this is the single most important factor in any government acquisition.

Yes, because they have to keep up with armsdealer nr1 USA. Its good business.

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If Thailand is that stupid they deserve what they get. The Russian is at a all time low and they are spending there money to control other countries. People in Russia are starving but the Putkin regime does not care about there people. All he cares about is showing there military power while the rest of the world just sits back until Russia implodes. The Russian people deserve better than this ego driven little man!

Russia spending money to control other countries sigh. I think youre talking about USA.

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Funny stuff. Well it seems that Russia and China have

governmental ideology that is closer to the current

government in Thailand, so I guess it makes sense

on one level.......cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

... while America has a governmental ideology that is closer to taksin cleptocracy

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If Thailand is that stupid they deserve what they get. The Russian is at a all time low and they are spending there money to control other countries. People in Russia are starving but the Putkin regime does not care about there people. All he cares about is showing there military power while the rest of the world just sits back until Russia implodes. The Russian people deserve better than this ego driven little man!

So which country has the highest debt? I am wary of "friends" heavily in debt and spending like there is no tomorrow.

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While the world watches in amazement...the US government makes one irrational foreign policy decision after another...running to other world powers for some semblance of stability seems to be the thing to do while this US administration struts it's stuff...

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If Thailand is that stupid they deserve what they get. The Russian is at a all time low and they are spending there money to control other countries. People in Russia are starving but the Putkin regime does not care about there people. All he cares about is showing there military power while the rest of the world just sits back until Russia implodes. The Russian people deserve better than this ego driven little man!

The last line has a familiar ring to it.

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If Thailand is that stupid they deserve what they get. The Russian is at a all time low and they are spending there money to control other countries. People in Russia are starving but the Putkin regime does not care about there people. All he cares about is showing there military power while the rest of the world just sits back until Russia implodes. The Russian people deserve better than this ego driven little man!

The last line has a familiar ring to it.

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The Thai government, like me, might be concerned about the direction in which the US is heading. The thought of Donald Duck, sorry 'Trump' even being considered for President makes the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I believe he would be the world's greatest risk to peace, firing rockets and dropping bombs all over the place in the name of American 'democracy' and the American Way.

Hmm saw this movie before oh yes it was called George Bush vs Saddam Hussein the Yellowcake Wars. Does Dubya have the words "Mission Accomplished" copyrighted?

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Take up with Cuba and then you will have all of the communist countries covered. North Korea is sending us they best people.

Trade pacts make strange bedfellows. I guess it is OK to sell your soul to the devil. Lets see the US and Vietnam have signed on. You know the country that killed thousands of young American lads in a war where America had no business being in. I must check and see how many young American lads lost their life in fighting Cuba. I will research this and get back to you.

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Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?
As an intelligent informed American expat with 10 years in Thailand my answer is I certainly hope so. Would one rather be tied to a sociopathic psychotic warmongering govt that sends storm trooper terrorists all over the world murdering innocent civilians and destroying whole countries looking for faux terrorist (ISIS is funded, trained, armed, staffed and deployed by US CIA NATO) in the name of "humanitarian genocide" or tied to a country and govt leader that despite having been surrounded by US missile bases and all the psychological and physical prodding they have received from the psychotic US govt has held their cool and not been goaded into a nuclear war ... Also a little off thread but some have commented about the coming US POTUS elections. The best POTUS for Thailand and the world would have been the intelligent honorable honest peace loving Ron Paul but the political criminal US duopoly of the demoRATS and rePUGlicans crushed him using money and their manipulative MSM tool. The best person still in the running for POTUS would be Bernie Sanders but neither he nor Trump will be allowed to become POTUS. Both would be better than the next POTUS to be Killery Billery. She's as evil as the day is long. If you think Obama Bush and other past POTUS were bad wait till you see what she has in store for the world. But she is the puppet pick of TPTB and no matter who the village idiot sheeple vote for she will be POTUS. If you think the US POTUS election is honest you have a lot to learn. Once Killery Billery has her fat a** in the oval office the USA will complete its dive into a police state oligarchy and then "they" will start crushing the world if POTUS Killery Billery doesn't start a world wide nuclear holocaust first ... it all depends what TPTB (her puppet masters) have in mind for the world ... better start practicing grabbing your ankles

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While I do not like Russian politics nor Putin

I can understand Thailand's reaction as USA seems to be trying to reinstall the Shin gangs and calling them democratic

Ah yes the Shin gang. I am going to research the politicians of the world and look for a really honest/democratic one. Hmm I better look at the dead as well as the ones drawing breath today do not deserve to be called honest. I will get back to you SAP but it may take longer than the mortal years I have left but do not despair I will look for an apprentice to take up the cause should I expire. I am on a mission. The statement the USA seems to be trying to reinstall the Shin gang. I will also try and dig up proof of that but maybe you could save me some time and send me what you have.

Edited by elgordo38
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While the world watches in amazement...the US government makes one irrational foreign policy decision after another...running to other world powers for some semblance of stability seems to be the thing to do while this US administration struts it's stuff...

As long as it does not cost money to strut your stuff that is OK. If it does cost money well like here its off the table.

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^^ Oh dear.

Now back to the Russians.

I would think, given their current trajectory of exhausting their reserves, Russia wants to sell stuff (other than oil). They are offering military and security technology.

Thailand, given their trajectory of solidifying an autocratic form of government run by the military, naturally seek to buy this stuff, and they can get it from Russia or China, but not right now from the US.

Thailand's problem is they really don't have the money to spend on a lot of new military and security technology. They may be announcing their intent and various purchases, but those purchases seem to be deferred. I suspect this is because the current Thai government is presiding over a weak domestic economy, and there are many needs for domestic spending that override their desires for new toys. While the submarine purchase is deferred, the local subsidy, loan and grant programs are moving forward.

In summary, I wouldn't expect to see much from this new Russian-Thai relationship. Besides, for every system offered by the Russians, there will be something offered by the Chinese. Yet the Chinese are struggling as well with their declining reserves, so sweet deals may not be found (see deferred Chinese-Thai rail project; when are those loan terms going to be finalized?).

Anyway, the posturing will certainly continue.

Edited by phoenixdoglover
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