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Dual Pricing again


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I usually send the gf to buy anything when we're in Bangkok as she gets native prices, go in the door separately and I wait to one side until she has completed the transaction. We usually eat native and I find a table and wait for her to order and pay for the food, by the time the proprietor realises it's too late to rip us off.

Out here in Smallesville, Isaan farangs are a rarity and the dual pricing scam isn't practised, as far as I can tell.

Not sure where you shop but apart from at some temples, museums, tourist attractions, dual pricing is not practiced elsewhere. Exceptions are taxi drivers trying to rip you off (and I've heard but never experienced) small scale hole in the wall restaurants in very touristy areas showing tourists or those that appear to be tourists English menus with highly inflated prices, while Thais (in the rare event they go to eat there) are given Thai only menus with lower prices.

However, there is no dual pricing if you eat at hawker centers (food courts) with clearly displayed prices, whether there is English present or not, in shopping center chain restaurants, independent restaurants in most places, when you're shopping at central department store, Tops, Tesco, Big C, Foodland, Gourmet Market or anywhere else.

Maybe you should stop eating "native" whatever that means and do what the rest of us do and eat proper food, including Thai, at chain restaurants, independent restaurants (NOT hole in the wall restaurants serving boring overly spicy food with no air-con) or just cook at home, which is the best type of cooking there is.

Home is not in Bangkok, and there alternatives to "hole in the wall" food places, across the road from Big C Ratchada is a place laid out with tables, great local (native) food at great prices, although I don't know if they operate dual pricing or not.

I happen to like eating at places the natives use, wherever I go in the world, so much more interesting than a boring chain restaurant with air con, especially when I've paid a fortune to avoid the winter back home.

As for taxis, I do the same as anywhere else, I wait to one side while gf flags down a taxi and agrees a price, I then walk forward and get in the taxi when she gives me the nod.

P.S. I use the dictionary definition of native, not the insult used by Neanderthal xenophobes to describe less sophisticated cultures!

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I was wondering: is there dual price for driving license ?

only if you aren't really a resident and have to pay a little under the table. This happened to me and I was totally fine with it at the time.

There is definitely dual pricing with visas, 90 day reports, and extensions. When one uses an agent, it's paying for convenience. Anyone who thinks nothing goes under the table under those circumstances please PM me, I have a bridge to sell.

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They provide some of us with retirement visas and extensions but will not lay on any concessions

Concessions. What concessions do you think these people are entitled to??

Dual pricing is abhorrent. However, enforcing dual pricing on a foreigner who is with his Thai wife or family is a special kind of disrespect. Almost as if they are spitting in your face because they don't want you to forget you are not and never will be Thai.

No that's just how you are taking it

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They provide some of us with retirement visas and extensions but will not lay on any concessions

Concessions. What concessions do you think these people are entitled to??

Dual pricing is abhorrent. However, enforcing dual pricing on a foreigner who is with his Thai wife or family is a special kind of disrespect. Almost as if they are spitting in your face because they don't want you to forget you are not and never will be Thai.

No that's just how you are taking it

Yeah.... Only me.... Lol.....

How anyone could justify doing this to someone who is married to a Thai and possibly has kids here is disgusting....

I would be so ashamed if my wife was ever treated like this in my country.

Edited by inbangkok
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It's just Thai-logic: Farang is automatically rich, so can easily pay more.

Just buy fewer lady-drinks next time you go out and you will have made your money back :-)

Happy, Happy... Relak and Big Smile :-D

Yes, and no more tipping, especially if you have a Thai DL and absolutely if you have a WP.

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Most foreign countries have dual pricing.

It's only fair as most citizens here have much less than most tourists and retirees.

If it annoys you go home and pay much higher prices and be invisible to most women.

Sorry, but you are not thinking this through. There are many Thai people with more money then me so using your logic do they pay more? No, they pay less!

The fair system is to charge everyone the same and not think you can simply milk the foreigners all the time.

As for dual pricing in many countries, sorry but I don't see it. In my country you go into a restaurant and there is 1 menu, 1 set of prices. All the Museums and Art galleries are free to everyone, taxis are on the meter and everything is priced there is no need to ask for prices,, ever!

If foreigners come here with more money they are going to spend anyway, don't have to exercise dual pricing to get a tourists money.

One more point, retirees often come here because they can stretch their modest pension further then at home, they are certainly not rich. What is the point if the locals openly say to them you pay more? If it happens a lot then Thailand becomes less attractive (and expensive) as things suddenly double (or more) in price and then there are many other options on where to retire to.

So, please come back when you have thought it through and consider if you really believe the system of dual pricing is fair, or whether it should simply be everyone pays the same..

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Most foreign countries have dual pricing.

It's only fair as most citizens here have much less than most tourists and retirees.

If it annoys you go home and pay much higher prices and be invisible to most women.

Sorry, but you are not thinking this through. There are many Thai people with more money then me so using your logic do they pay more? No, they pay less!

The fair system is to charge everyone the same and not think you can simply milk the foreigners all the time.

As for dual pricing in many countries, sorry but I don't see it. In my country you go into a restaurant and there is 1 menu, 1 set of prices. All the Museums and Art galleries are free to everyone, taxis are on the meter and everything is priced there is no need to ask for prices,, ever!

If foreigners come here with more money they are going to spend anyway, don't have to exercise dual pricing to get a tourists money.

One more point, retirees often come here because they can stretch their modest pension further then at home, they are certainly not rich. What is the point if the locals openly say to them you pay more? If it happens a lot then Thailand becomes less attractive (and expensive) as things suddenly double (or more) in price and then there are many other options on where to retire to.

So, please come back when you have thought it through and consider if you really believe the system of dual pricing is fair, or whether it should simply be everyone pays the same..

So you can't be from the US, UK or OZ where double pricing exists. I had to put one of my kids through UK uni(12,000 GBP per year!) even though she has UK citizenship. Yes, foreign students are charged more, unlike Thailand.

In Melbourne, locals paid 50% of what I did at the Royal golf club, I had to pay $400!!

Disneyworld - locals get discount. etc

Edited by Johnniey
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No one has discussed by how much farangs can be overcharged yet.

Sometimes it gets plain ridiculous.

I mean, paying 100B vs. 50B for thais? even 500B instead of 200B? I'm not happy but I can get over it.

But how about being asked 500B compared to 30B for thais as I recall in a national park? pretty damn ignominious I'd say.

Exactly ... as I said in an earlier post ...and I only wanted to drive through ... 200thb last year 500thb this year... I do my very best to avoid dual pricing and normally won't do it. Should have stuck to what I normally do ...
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If we integrated more we'd see more discounts. Quite frankly, I'd get pissed off in the UK if people expected me to speak Japanese, Chinese etc.

In 30 years, I've only ever had to pay once a different price. 100 baht instead of 20 baht at Phee Mai. Why, because I can integrate, speak fluent Thai, have a joke etc.

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Most foreign countries have dual pricing.

It's only fair as most citizens here have much less than most tourists and retirees.

If it annoys you go home and pay much higher prices and be invisible to most women.

I doubt it's most. A few might, but they are mostly developing countries. It depends a little bit on the definition of dual pricing, but as far as I can tell in the following countries there is NO dual pricing based on nationality/race/physical appearance etc.:

Australia (exception(s): international student fees for university/high school fees)

New Zealand (exception(s): international student fees for university/high school fees)

USA (while "out of state" fees do apply for university students, they are applied equally for non-resident citizens, not just foreign students)


Most of western Europe


China (officially anyway; prior to 1997 there was, nowadays of course there may be individual rip-off merchants but no officially sanctioned dual pricing)

Countries where there IS dual pricing based on nationality, at least to some degree (racial profiling is usually used to determine "nationality")


Sri Lanka

Myanmar (not just at tourist sites but even for some domestic airfares, hotels, train tickets etc.)

Thailand (officially mostly just at tourist attractions but occasionally seen elsewhere)



Vietnam (very minimal dual pricing at some tourist sites; was widespread until 2002)

Singapore (only at one or two tourist sites including Gardens by the Bay - PR gets the local price though)


Philippines (not sure how widespread it is there as I haven't been there yet)

Iran? (used to be anyway, I think they talked about abolishing the practice though)

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If we integrated more we'd see more discounts. Quite frankly, I'd get pissed off in the UK if people expected me to speak Japanese, Chinese etc.

In 30 years, I've only ever had to pay once a different price. 100 baht instead of 20 baht at Phee Mai. Why, because I can integrate, speak fluent Thai, have a joke etc.

That's good but unfortunately it doesn't always work that way. On the two occasions where I've been to a tourist site where dual pricing is practiced in the last 7 years, in 2013 and 2014 I didn't get the local price DESPITE speaking perfectly fluent Thai. Without boasting too much, my Thai is very fluent (including reading and writing) yet flashing either my driver's licence or even my work permit did NOT help me get the local price, unfortunately.

Of course it wasn't about the money but more about the principle.

So despite your good Thai, it doesn't necessarily mean you will always get the local price, unless of course you can flash a Thai ID card around. Meanwhile a lone Vietnamese tourist who doesn't speak any Thai only has to rely on his/her physical appearance to be mistaken for a Thai and let in at the local price.

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I was wondering: is there dual price for driving license ?

only if you aren't really a resident and have to pay a little under the table. This happened to me and I was totally fine with it at the time.

Has nothing to do with that.

Officially even tourists are allowed to apply for driver's licences. It says so at the Mo Chit Land Transport Department Office. At least the 2 year (previously 1 year) ones. For 5 year ones officially you need a non-immigrant visa or more, unofficially some offices will let you get a 5-year licence anyway even if you're a tourist as long as you're currently holding the 1 or 2 year temporary one.

The only ones who need to pay under the table are the ones who didn't pass their driving test wink.png

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It shouldn't be like that just because of the colour of our skin.!

Oh Gawdon Bennett.

I thought I'd escape all this PC crap by leaving my country

Why are people so quick to play the race card?

Well maybe because there is such a thing as racism and feeling discriminated against due to the color of your skin and YES it can happen to anyone, including white people ESPECIALLY when said white people are living in/visiting a non-white country such as Thailand. Racism, contrary to popular belief does NOT just refer to violent acts done to minorities but also refers to any action, subtle or not, whereby someone is treated poorly, for example as a second class citizen due to their physical appearance/nationality/race/ethnic group etc. It would seem the latter is quite common in Thailand whereas the former is fortunately rather uncommon.

I agree that PC has gone out of control in the west. However, the reason we don't all just accept the antithesis of PC is because the reason it exists in the first place is because it was invented to stop unnecessary discrimination on the basis of race/ethnicity etc. however now of course it has just been exploited by the ultra sensitive in an attempt to destroy the dominant powers in western countries.

But it would be a bit of a double standard to just say "the hell with it, I can live with being discriminated against because I hate PC" but then back home we have to accept it. In an increasingly globalized world it is no longer acceptable to have one standard for one group of people and another for another group.

I don't think that PC will ever become as hot a topic in Thailand as it has in the west though. But that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the practice of discrimination and racism here either.

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Maybe you don't think enough.....
Quite possible! But after 10+ years of living here I"ve learned that getting upset or angry at Thai ways is rather pointless.

That's cool.... Just give in and accept everything. But don't expect others to do the same.

If you are going to make the conscious and entirely free choice to go and live in another country, then it is only polite and respectful to accept the ways and customs of your hosts. Nobody forces anyone to go and live in another country. Thais are no more likely to change their ways to accommodate western sensitivities, than say the UK is to accept Sharia law in order to appease the Muslim immigrants, or a middle eastern country is going to allow girls to go topless on their beaches. It is no big secret that dual pricing targeting foreigners exists in Thailand, as it does in may other Asian countries. Five minutes on Google is all it takes to educate oneself about that. So armed with that knowledge why on earth would anyone then make the decision to settle in Thailand if they found the practice to be so unpalatable?

There are 2 choices - either the ' when in Rome do as the Romans do' option, or if it's bothering one so much then find another country where you will be happier. If you are unable to choose either of those then I'm afraid you will forever remain a part of the problem rather than a part of the solution.

I'm afraid your example isn't the best - Sharia courts already exist in the UK and the Muslim immigrants DO place certain demands that are not offered to anyone else and will pant and shout and even threaten until their demands are met. I think if we imagine what the UK will look like in say 10-20 years, it will only get worse not better unless someone comes out and says NO we will NOT make concessions for anyone.

Thailand may not give in to western sensitivities although to be fair very few westerners seem to be permanently offended, threatening or shouting demands for better treatment in Thailand (those few that do are usually dealt with accordingly, or just simply ignored). The majority quietly accepts the way things are, though they do have a bit of a rant about it with their friends, people down at the pub or here on TV which is all good and well although at the end of the day it changes very little.

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I was wondering: is there dual price for driving license ?

only if you aren't really a resident and have to pay a little under the table. This happened to me and I was totally fine with it at the time.

Has nothing to do with that.

Officially even tourists are allowed to apply for driver's licences. It says so at the Mo Chit Land Transport Department Office. At least the 2 year (previously 1 year) ones. For 5 year ones officially you need a non-immigrant visa or more, unofficially some offices will let you get a 5-year licence anyway even if you're a tourist as long as you're currently holding the 1 or 2 year temporary one.

The only ones who need to pay under the table are the ones who didn't pass their driving test wink.png

As I am sure you know, the rules are different day to day and from office to office. All I can say is what happened to me 3 years ago.

I needed a residency certificate. I wasn't a resident so they let me use my girlfriends address instead, The guy charged me more because of this.

Passing the drivers license test was no issue and I paid the normal price.

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Really it is just a "blast from the past". Foreigners in times gone by and their partners and families did "have money" by comparison with Thais. And they were tourists. Today's reality is that though there are still plenty of Thais who are relatively poor compared to farangs there are huge numbers of Thais who are as rich as foreigners and many "foreigners" who are well integrated into Thai society and economy. There are always chancers. It is sad that official and government institutions and organisations should condone or promote it.

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I can understand people noticing dual pricing. What I can't understand is why they get their knickers in such a twist about it.

If you go to just about any golf club in the world, the price for visitors is always more than for members. That's because members pay annual subscriptions.

So if you are a falang in Thailand, how much tax have you paid compared to a Thai national?

When it comes to the crunch, if you think the green fees for a visitor at a golf club are too steep or poor value, you walk away.

It baffles me why the pissers and moaners on TV can't grasp the same principle applies to dual pricing in Thailand.

It's also somewhat pathetic when it's 100 baht versus 200 baht - if that signals impending bankruptcy, you shouldn't be here.

Rant over.

Some pissers and moaners just dont like pure chuffin racism

Some pissers actually in the end can make a difference but then again this pisser is possibly wasting his time on trying to convince those with a paucity of any understanding of the issues involved in dual pricing that not only is it blatantly unfair it is actual bigoted and pure RACISM

Ah, the racism card. Odd how it's usually played when the dealer has run out of any other form of rational argument. Of course, you are not racist yourself, are you?

Dont usually feed the trolls but in your case will make an exception

Well now Einstein what else is the dual charging then if not pure RACISM?

And as it happens I am not a racist

Any person, club, Government who has two sets of rules based on an individuals Nationality is being Racist!, Its not rocket science you know

I could elucidate with many sensible reasons on why this policy is not a good one but then again I wont!

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I was wondering: is there dual price for driving license ?

only if you aren't really a resident and have to pay a little under the table. This happened to me and I was totally fine with it at the time.

Has nothing to do with that.

Officially even tourists are allowed to apply for driver's licences. It says so at the Mo Chit Land Transport Department Office. At least the 2 year (previously 1 year) ones. For 5 year ones officially you need a non-immigrant visa or more, unofficially some offices will let you get a 5-year licence anyway even if you're a tourist as long as you're currently holding the 1 or 2 year temporary one.

The only ones who need to pay under the table are the ones who didn't pass their driving test wink.png

As I am sure you know, the rules are different day to day and from office to office. All I can say is what happened to me 3 years ago.

I needed a residency certificate. I wasn't a resident so they let me use my girlfriends address instead, The guy charged me more because of this.

Passing the drivers license test was no issue and I paid the normal price.

You were lucky that they didn't force you to get a residency certificate, which BTW most consulates/embassies are happy to issue. You don't really have to be a "resident" to obtain one, some embassies simply ask you to declare where you live, then that form is stamped and signed and you give it to the Land Transport Department when you go for your licence. Of course some immigration offices will also make one for you, sometimes for a "fee".

I would hardly call your example dual pricing. The procedure is only different to Thais in the sense that the Land Transport Department wants you to show a document that Thais don't need (well they just show their tabien baan), something that few foreigners have. The money you pay for the residency certificate goes to your embassy/consulate, not a Thai government agency.

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In Melbourne, locals paid 50% of what I did at the Royal golf club, I had to pay $400!!

Disneyworld - locals get discount. etc

Yes - LOCALS; people who live in the vicinity & can prove it to the satisfaction of the authorities at the establishment concerned. NOT people who live in the area and also happen to have a local passport/ID card and be of the local nationality.

In Thailand, Thais residing permanently abroad also get the 'Thai price' when they come here on holiday, even though they contribute no more to Thailand than any other tourist travelling from abroad and probably less than a foreigner living permanently in Thailand.

As far as the two examples you cite above are concerned, I wouldn't mind betting that I, as an English bloke, could get local discount at both if I was able to prove I lived within the area deemed to be 'local' by the golf club or Disneyworld. My nationality would make no difference at all.

Edited by MartinL
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Some pissers and moaners just dont like pure chuffin racism

Some pissers actually in the end can make a difference but then again this pisser is possibly wasting his time on trying to convince those with a paucity of any understanding of the issues involved in dual pricing that not only is it blatantly unfair it is actual bigoted and pure RACISM

Ah, the racism card. Odd how it's usually played when the dealer has run out of any other form of rational argument. Of course, you are not racist yourself, are you?

Dont usually feed the trolls but in your case will make an exception

Well now Einstein what else is the dual charging then if not pure RACISM?

And as it happens I am not a racist

Any person, club, Government who has two sets of rules based on an individuals Nationality is being Racist!, Its not rocket science you know

I could elucidate with many sensible reasons on why this policy is not a good one but then again I wont!

I'm a troll. Check. I'm Einstein. Check.You're not a racist. Check. It's not rocket science. Check.

Elucidate or elaborate? Up to you. Many sensible reasons? Checkout.

I have to thank you for the mental images you are providing. Apparently Hitler bit the carpet in his rages, do you froth all over your keyboard?cheesy.gif

Assuming you're 100% correct, and it's all racism. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Checkmate.

Have a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down. biggrin.png

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My Thai friends (business owners) recently decided to visit Mimosa shopping "mall" in Pattaya and asked if I would like to join them. We pulled up in a 5 million baht BMW and parked right next to the entrance gate. My friends were ushered through but I was stopped. I asked why.

Thais free, farang 300 Baht. We are discussed for a few minutes and eventually I got in using my DL. I am glad I didn't have to pay. What a complete waste of money and time.

By the way, I later saw on Internet it was 100 (or 150 baht for foreigners). Why on earth they asked for 300 I don't know.

Didn't a single one of your oh-so-important friends do what I'd expect of anybody I called a friend and kick-up a stink on your behalf?

Didn't they say anything like "If my mate isn't good enough to come in & spend his money with us, without being charged an extra fee, then we're all leaving right now"?

Did they all just march in before you & leave you to discuss the matter alone?

If they didn't, they're not real friends and think so little of you (just a foreigner) that they think you should pay extra.

As the saying goes "With friends like that, who needs enemies".

But maybe you just omitted to mention that they were in your corner over this.

I never said they were oh-so-important. There is no need for them to kick up a stink. A simple phone call would help as it has done several times in the past in other situations.

They didn't help me this time because at first I said to them I would wait outside and have a cold drink. After the drink I decided to have a go myself.

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Some pissers and moaners just dont like pure chuffin racism

Some pissers actually in the end can make a difference but then again this pisser is possibly wasting his time on trying to convince those with a paucity of any understanding of the issues involved in dual pricing that not only is it blatantly unfair it is actual bigoted and pure RACISM

Ah, the racism card. Odd how it's usually played when the dealer has run out of any other form of rational argument. Of course, you are not racist yourself, are you?

Dont usually feed the trolls but in your case will make an exception

Well now Einstein what else is the dual charging then if not pure RACISM?

And as it happens I am not a racist

Any person, club, Government who has two sets of rules based on an individuals Nationality is being Racist!, Its not rocket science you know

I could elucidate with many sensible reasons on why this policy is not a good one but then again I wont!

I'm a troll. Check. I'm Einstein. Check.You're not a racist. Check. It's not rocket science. Check.

Elucidate or elaborate? Up to you. Many sensible reasons? Checkout.

I have to thank you for the mental images you are providing. Apparently Hitler bit the carpet in his rages, do you froth all over your keyboard?cheesy.gif

Assuming you're 100% correct, and it's all racism. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Checkmate.

Have a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down. biggrin.png

Nothing Einstein, I am going to do nothing other than avoid the places that dual charge because that is within my power.

One thing I can do though is to try to impart some common sense or even a little logic on a forum where people like you argue for something that is entirely wrong, immoral and Racist.

Of course I am peeing against the wind but always did like a good debate and in your case a challenge.

The next thing that you will be in favour of is the Thai Bobby letting multiples of 4 Thai people plus a baby in arms ride past on a motorcycle , all without helmets whilst stopping a Farang for having no helmet on.

Same Racism different circumstance but just as wrong and immoral..

You have the stupidity to mention Hitler, dont you realise that if the German majority had not decided to sit back and ignore his antics like you are prepared to do with the dual pricing policy and possibly other fine examples of Thai Racism ,Hitler would not have been able to do what he did.

Einstein please, When in a hole stop digging you mentioned Hitler, the worst example to prove your point you could have ever made and in doing so makes my point very much better then I could have ever done

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I'm a troll. Check. I'm Einstein. Check.You're not a racist. Check. It's not rocket science. Check.

Elucidate or elaborate? Up to you. Many sensible reasons? Checkout.

I have to thank you for the mental images you are providing. Apparently Hitler bit the carpet in his rages, do you froth all over your keyboard?cheesy.gif

Assuming you're 100% correct, and it's all racism. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Checkmate.

Have a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down. biggrin.png

Nothing Einstein, I am going to do nothing other than avoid the places that dual charge because that is within my power.

One thing I can do though is to try to impart some common sense or even a little logic on a forum where people like you argue for something that is entirely wrong, immoral and Racist.

Of course I am peeing against the wind but always did like a good debate and in your case a challenge.

The next thing that you will be in favour of is the Thai Bobby letting multiples of 4 Thai people plus a baby in arms ride past on a motorcycle , all without helmets whilst stopping a Farang for having no helmet on.

Same Racism different circumstance but just as wrong and immoral..

You have the stupidity to mention Hitler, dont you realise that if the German majority had not decided to sit back and ignore his antics like you are prepared to do with the dual pricing policy and possibly other fine examples of Thai Racism ,Hitler would not have been able to do what he did.

Einstein please, When in a hole stop digging you mentioned Hitler, the worst example to prove your point you could have ever made and in doing so makes my point very much better then I could have ever done


Oh dear, I'm afraid one of us has a humour deficiency. Never mind, you just stick to your viewpoint. It is entertaining.

It's not racism when a cop lets the Thais go, and stops the falang. It's Economics 101. Thais are skint, falangs have money.

It doesn't take Einstein to work out a simple answer to what you find objectionable with dual pricing. WALK AWAY. And don't forget your helmet.

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Most foreign countries have dual pricing.

It's only fair as most citizens here have much less than most tourists and retirees.

If it annoys you go home and pay much higher prices and be invisible to most women.

Sorry, but you are not thinking this through. There are many Thai people with more money then me so using your logic do they pay more? No, they pay less!

The fair system is to charge everyone the same and not think you can simply milk the foreigners all the time.

As for dual pricing in many countries, sorry but I don't see it. In my country you go into a restaurant and there is 1 menu, 1 set of prices. All the Museums and Art galleries are free to everyone, taxis are on the meter and everything is priced there is no need to ask for prices,, ever!

If foreigners come here with more money they are going to spend anyway, don't have to exercise dual pricing to get a tourists money.

One more point, retirees often come here because they can stretch their modest pension further then at home, they are certainly not rich. What is the point if the locals openly say to them you pay more? If it happens a lot then Thailand becomes less attractive (and expensive) as things suddenly double (or more) in price and then there are many other options on where to retire to.

So, please come back when you have thought it through and consider if you really believe the system of dual pricing is fair, or whether it should simply be everyone pays the same..

So you can't be from the US, UK or OZ where double pricing exists. I had to put one of my kids through UK uni(12,000 GBP per year!) even though she has UK citizenship. Yes, foreign students are charged more, unlike Thailand.

In Melbourne, locals paid 50% of what I did at the Royal golf club, I had to pay $400!!

Disneyworld - locals get discount. etc

It's a pity your not from the continent,then you would have paid the same amount, as a Resident Brit for your child's university education. Better still gone to live in Scotland, completely free unless from England,Northern Ireland or Wales.

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Most places that charge dual pricing are not even worth going to a second time. Most places aren't even worth the thai price.

If all foreigners stuck together and refused to pay more, stopped going to places that rely on tourists and it will change, places would be forced to stop the practice.

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I'm a troll. Check. I'm Einstein. Check.You're not a racist. Check. It's not rocket science. Check.

Elucidate or elaborate? Up to you. Many sensible reasons? Checkout.

I have to thank you for the mental images you are providing. Apparently Hitler bit the carpet in his rages, do you froth all over your keyboard?cheesy.gif

Assuming you're 100% correct, and it's all racism. What are you going to do about it? What can you do about it? Checkmate.

Have a cup of tea, a Bex, and a good lie down. biggrin.png

Nothing Einstein, I am going to do nothing other than avoid the places that dual charge because that is within my power.

One thing I can do though is to try to impart some common sense or even a little logic on a forum where people like you argue for something that is entirely wrong, immoral and Racist.

Of course I am peeing against the wind but always did like a good debate and in your case a challenge.

The next thing that you will be in favour of is the Thai Bobby letting multiples of 4 Thai people plus a baby in arms ride past on a motorcycle , all without helmets whilst stopping a Farang for having no helmet on.

Same Racism different circumstance but just as wrong and immoral..

You have the stupidity to mention Hitler, dont you realise that if the German majority had not decided to sit back and ignore his antics like you are prepared to do with the dual pricing policy and possibly other fine examples of Thai Racism ,Hitler would not have been able to do what he did.

Einstein please, When in a hole stop digging you mentioned Hitler, the worst example to prove your point you could have ever made and in doing so makes my point very much better then I could have ever done


Oh dear, I'm afraid one of us has a humour deficiency. Never mind, you just stick to your viewpoint. It is entertaining.

It's not racism when a cop lets the Thais go, and stops the falang. It's Economics 101. Thais are skint, falangs have money.

It doesn't take Einstein to work out a simple answer to what you find objectionable with dual pricing. WALK AWAY. And don't forget your helmet.

OK Einstein when you start to insinuate that you were in some way trying to set humour as an excuse for your lack of any sensible comments, in answering point for point statements in my posts, you are scraping the barrel and attempting a smoke screen away, from the fact that your point of view, doesn't really cut any ice in the real world where I exist

But go on, I will go with the flow on this one and let you off the hook for not answering my post in a chronological and meaningful manner.

You realised that you were on a loser with this one and ignored all my reasons for justifying my point of view that dual pricing is very much a Racist action!

Whatever the reason for it and I perfectly accept that economics could be one of them, opportunism is another, greed is another, maybe there are many more.

The fact is that for whatever reason stimulates dual pricing it is only aimed a one specific group and this is the foreigner, ergo Racism Einstein

Elementary my dear Einstein

Question: What comes before dual pricing

Answer: The Farang for without him there would be no dual pricing

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