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British backpacker Grace Taylor missing in Thailand


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Krabi Local, could you contact me privately, I'd like some more information if I may to use (anonymously) in my ebook about tips for traveling to and living in Thailand.

Any place is dangerous, and Thailand is on-the-whole one of the safer destinations if you keep your wits about you. The problem is that any place you're not familiar with can be deadly and, especially when you're in a holiday mood you tend to relax your guard and do stupid things sometimes.

I'm extremely relieved that Grace was found. Contrary to what many posters here have written (many of which are unnecessarily cruel comments), disaster can strike anyone at any time. My daughter (same age) got struck with encephalitis when in Malaysia (probably picked it up on the plane!), luckily she got home in time Actually, I found her catatonic, outdoors, and rushed her to hospital. She ended up in hospital on her next trip overseas, she passed out in a shopping center and was rushed to the local A&E. Very unlucky. I thought it was a relapse of encephalitis. Similar symptoms but completely unrelated. It turns out she'd been drinking too much water (just water, can you believe it!?). Low sodium levels in your blood causes disorientation and seizures. It can be deadly if not treated correctly.

I've also had some close shaves that could easily have ended up in disaster. And I know several friends who've ended up seriously ill (in one case dead) for anything from a stupid lapse of judgement to water on the road to some other idiot driving too fast on the road to a dog coming out of nowhere to bite you on the leg.

And we're not all psychologically balanced either. Going on a trip can bring things to the surface that is kind of manageable at home (because of routines, habits, familiar surroundings, etc.) Heck, I'm a stable person, but I've occasionally flipped and got into potentially dangerous (or illegal) situations. Sometimes it could just be a bad day. Sometimes it's a case of 'male' pre-menstrual disorder. So imagine how difficult it must be for a young woman (or guy) on an exciting adventure in unfamiliar surroundings (in a language you can't read or understand), and when things go wrong and start to unravel...?

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This article said she was detained by police for her own safety ... I have reports from friends via family that the young lady had history of bipolar disorder... Seems she is safe and maybe they will send her home...


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If this is, as it seems likely, a drug-induced episode of some kind, then I feel for everyone involved. For the family, for having such anxiety caused to them over something so silly. And for Ms Taylor, for being unfortunate enough to live in a time where a misguided, youthful act ends up with her name splashed all over the world's media in a way that will doubtless hang over her for the rest of her life.

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Excuse me, but why do single woman come to a third world country and think you can mingle, backpack and wonder the countryside safety by yourself without using common sense. Hopefully, she's fine and did partying away from mom and dad (21),

I don't see any reason why a 21 year old shouldn't travel to anywhere in the world.

Remember equality ? Anyone can do whatever they want. People sometimes get into trouble, that's life.

When things go wrong I'd like to think that people in the local area will help out. If someone in trouble was spotted in the Hua Hin area where I'm located then I would help out as much as I could within reason.

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Dont know if this has been posted already:


Our Gracie has been found, we don't as yet know what has happened. We are working to get her home safely. Thank you all so very much for your efforts and kind words of encouragement and thank goodness for the power of social media over the last few days plus the help of the Police and local authorities in Thailand. Xx

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Great they found her. Shame on the TV community with their usual rants over 9 pages from left, right, center ... over Koh Tao, to how can you do this, do that, why do this, etc.etc.

Someone is calling for help. You live near-by, you know something, then you say something to help ... if not, than leave it. The rest is just the typical coffee morning rambles ....!

Edited by TG911
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English seem to be handle their liquor better than most but not much tolerance to the psychedelics..

this is a joke b4 i get manhandled by every english person out there and then it spirals down to trump banters..

lets smile a little today

I think education is the answer. Chugging down a bunch of shrooms, in an unfamiliar setting, without any awareness of or respect for the potential effects is a recipe for trouble.

No evidence of this...you have a vivid imagination... Don't go travelling alone,you jjust might scare yourself.

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Can't believe all the hate she is getting for being young and going travelling. Thai visa is so full of haters.

Nobody hates her my friend.

There are some people around who have a problem with nitwits, like me.

And that was a generalization.

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Letting your 21 year old daughter got to backpack in Thailand, on her own, is flat out stupid!!!

Gimme a break. 21 is adult, treating your 21 yo as a child is flat out stupid.

Exactly, you don't need to 'let' a 21 year old do anything. Having being a full adult since the age of 18 they can do whatever they like.

I say full adult because some countries restrict certain activities until you're 21 years old, this doesn't happen in the UK.

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English seem to be handle their liquor better than most but not much tolerance to the psychedelics..

this is a joke b4 i get manhandled by every english person out there and then it spirals down to trump banters..

lets smile a little today

I think education is the answer. Chugging down a bunch of shrooms, in an unfamiliar setting, without any awareness of or respect for the potential effects is a recipe for trouble.

No evidence of this...you have a vivid imagination... Don't go travelling alone,you jjust might scare yourself.

I've been travelling alone plenty of times, thanks. Its not something to be afraid of, even for the young.

Clearly you don't know anything much about what mushrooms can do to someone not prepared for them, though.

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I'm extremely relieved that Grace was found. Contrary to what many posters here have written (many of which are unnecessarily cruel comments), disaster can strike anyone at any time. My daughter (same age) got struck with encephalitis when in Malaysia (probably picked it up on the plane!), luckily she got home in time Actually, I found her catatonic, outdoors, and rushed her to hospital. She ended up in hospital on her next trip overseas, she passed out in a shopping center and was rushed to the local A&E. Very unlucky. I thought it was a relapse of encephalitis. Similar symptoms but completely unrelated. It turns out she'd been drinking too much water (just water, can you believe it!?). Low sodium levels in your blood causes disorientation and seizures. It can be deadly if not treated correctly.

Water in high doses is almost like a poison, it was what killed the 'supposed' first ecstasy victim in the UK Leah Betts and it's a condition called hyponatremia. The newspapers made a big hoo haa about drugs but the autopsy showed she had drunk too much water.

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If this is, as it seems likely, a drug-induced episode of some kind, then I feel for everyone involved. For the family, for having such anxiety caused to them over something so silly. And for Ms Taylor, for being unfortunate enough to live in a time where a misguided, youthful act ends up with her name splashed all over the world's media in a way that will doubtless hang over her for the rest of her life.

Get real, 15 minutes of fame and tomorrow's fish and chips wrapper.

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If this is, as it seems likely, a drug-induced episode of some kind, then I feel for everyone involved. For the family, for having such anxiety caused to them over something so silly. And for Ms Taylor, for being unfortunate enough to live in a time where a misguided, youthful act ends up with her name splashed all over the world's media in a way that will doubtless hang over her for the rest of her life.

Get real, 15 minutes of fame and tomorrow's fish and chips wrapper.

Until a prospective employer googles you.

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Excuse me, but why do single woman come to a third world country and think you can mingle, backpack and wonder the countryside safety by yourself without using common sense. Hopefully, she's fine and did partying away from mom and dad (21),

I don't see any reason why a 21 year old shouldn't travel to anywhere in the world.

Remember equality ? Anyone can do whatever they want. People sometimes get into trouble, that's life.

When things go wrong I'd like to think that people in the local area will help out. If someone in trouble was spotted in the Hua Hin area where I'm located then I would help out as much as I could within reason.

Should not travel alone (with a backpack) as a woman. Please don't use the equality card. Seems like you haven't been around.

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Those of you who are saying a young woman shouldn't go backpacking alone clearly never did much backpacking. Just because you set off alone doesn't mean you'll be travelling alone and vulnerable - pretty much everyone ends up meeting up with some likeminded fellow travellers more or less immediately. That's one of the joys of travelling alone - meeting new people.

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Most unlike TV readers to comment when they don't have the full facts.

There is a lot more to this and it is a sad story.

The best thing is -

Now she has been found.

My wife is with her, and taking care of her now.

Waiting for a relative from England to collect her later today.

Glad to hear she is in good hands and being well looked after.

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im a man but when I was 21 I would not have travelled to somewhere like Thailand alone and for a young girl to do this I think your asking for trouble, hope they find her alive and well.

Well I am a man as well and now 52 ...but when I was eigtheen I travelled aussie all by myself and I hitchicked...some years later same all arond asia...sure is dangerous but well thats life...just stay away from drugs is a good tip nobody that age seems to take to heart anymore....anyway hope they found her...but when I observe these kids at kho phangan drug partys I am a bit sceptical ...

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Excuse me, but why do single woman come to a third world country and think you can mingle, backpack and wonder the countryside safety by yourself without using common sense. Hopefully, she's fine and did partying away from mom and dad (21),

I don't see any reason why a 21 year old shouldn't travel to anywhere in the world.

Remember equality ? Anyone can do whatever they want. People sometimes get into trouble, that's life.

When things go wrong I'd like to think that people in the local area will help out. If someone in trouble was spotted in the Hua Hin area where I'm located then I would help out as much as I could within reason.

In theory you are right, but for obvious reasons, a young attractive female travelling alone is far more at risk from, lets simply say, 'crime' which is not regarded as 'crime' by males in certain countries, cultures, or communities. I would include Thailand where wealth and status puts many males above the law, and where brutal people trafficking and slavery with the collusion of the 'authorities' have been shown to be rife. Of course there are some well informed intelligent young women who would be the exceptions that prove the rule, but I would say that for the rest, what happens when travelling alone is a lottery.

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English seem to be handle their liquor better than most but not much tolerance to the psychedelics..

this is a joke b4 i get manhandled by every english person out there and then it spirals down to trump banters..

lets smile a little today

I think education is the answer. Chugging down a bunch of shrooms, in an unfamiliar setting, without any awareness of or respect for the potential effects is a recipe for trouble.

Those dam shrooms,,, I get it now. Leaver her alone, she needs to rest. We all have something we regret doing.

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Many people would consider this a favorable conclusion to this episode, which could have ended quite differently and tragically. However, many crybabies and nattering nabobs of negativism clearly feel otherwise. It seems to me that some guys would have been a lot happier had she been found raped and murdered.

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As I said previously, this sounds like and probably is an episode of psychosis. If you've known someone who has been through this, you'd know just how dangerous it can be and what a relief it is that this girl has not harmed herself or anyone else in the process. I hope she gets the treatment she needs and I wish her and her family all the best.

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If this is, as it seems likely, a drug-induced episode of some kind, then I feel for everyone involved. For the family, for having such anxiety caused to them over something so silly. And for Ms Taylor, for being unfortunate enough to live in a time where a misguided, youthful act ends up with her name splashed all over the world's media in a way that will doubtless hang over her for the rest of her life.

Get real, 15 minutes of fame and tomorrow's fish and chips wrapper.

Actually any Google search from now on will include this story along with her photo. It will be there forever. Any employers in the future will see this story. Everyone. The internet is forever. Including all the comments, true or not about her being bi polar and behaving in a strange fashion.

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