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Trump notches another win as Rubio bids to elbow past Cruz


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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Better to self destruct then end up like Britain IMO. America has too many natural advantages not to end up better than how things stand now.

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@Post #88


Uh, no, if you had read the article I posted, it's the GOP with Mitt Romney firing the first shot.

I'll post it again to help you with your reading comprehension:


It's the beginning of the end for Trump.

I've stated long ago, Trump will be no match when it comes to the established machine. They are immensely more powerful and vicious than he could ever conceive of.

They will dispense with him in due course. And divide up the spoils.


Edited by iReason
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It justs gets better and better but actually it does make you wonder how this could be happening. Of course many Americans are unhappy with their leaders but Donald Trump? Really? I know there is lots of friendly rivalry between us Brits and the US guys but the last thing we would want is for the USA to self destruct.

I completely understand the knee jerk protest voting but you must also recognise the extent that the rest of the world is watching in disbelief.

Better to self destruct then end up like Britain IMO. America has too many natural advantages not to end up better than how things stand now.

Did the Brits vote yet on whether to ban Trump from travel to the UK laugh.png

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@Post #88


Uh, no, if you had read the article I posted, it's the GOP with Mitt Romney firing the first shot.

I'll post it again to help you with your reading comprehension:


It's the beginning of the end for Trump.

I've stated long ago, Trump will be no match when it comes to the established machine. They are immensely more powerful and vicious than he could ever conceive of.

They will dispense with him in due course. And divide up the spoils.


They better destroy him before next Tuesday or he might already have close to the delegates required for nomination. Any shenanigans after that by the GOP establishment and Trump runs independent and splinters the GOP vote handing the election to the Democrats..

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The sights are set. The second salvo.

Here are some excepts from a treasure trove article about the left wingnuts:

Oops! Check that.

The National Review: Conservatives against Trump. (The Farthest Right Wing Conservative publication in 'murica)

David Boaz:

“Trump’s potential primary victory would provide Hillary Clinton with the easiest imaginable path to the White House.”

“Not since George Wallace has there been a presidential candidate who made racial and religious scapegoating so central to his campaign.”

“Equally troubling is his idea of the presidency — his promise that he’s the guy, the man on a white horse, who can ride into Washington, fire the stupid people, hire the best people, and fix everything. He doesn’t talk about policy or working with Congress. He’s effectively vowing to be an American Mussolini, concentrating power in the Trump White House and governing by fiat.”


“Trump might be the greatest charlatan of them all.”


“Trump has made a career out of egotism, while conservatism implies a certain modesty about government. The two cannot mix.”

“Who, except a pitifully insecure person, needs constantly to insult and belittle others, including, or perhaps especially, women?”

“When a con man swindles you, you can sue” “When you elect a con man, there’s no recourse.”


“Trump assures voters that he will use authoritarian power for good, to help those who feel, with good reason, ignored by both parties. But the American experiment in self-government was the work of a generation that risked all to defeat a tyrannical monarch and establish a government of laws, not men. A government of the people, by the people, and for the people is precisely what the Constitution offers, and what is most threatened by “great men” impatient to impose their will on the nation.”


“His inclination to understand our problems as being managerial rather than political suggests he might well set back the conservative cause if he is elected, if not make the problems of runaway executive power even worse. Restraint is clearly not in his vocabulary or his character.”


“He doesn’t know the Constitution, history, law, political philosophy, nuclear strategy, diplomacy, defense, economics beyond real estate, or even, despite his low-level-mafioso comportment, how ordinary people live. Governing a great nation in parlous times is far more than making “deals.” Compared with the weight of the office he seeks, his deals are microscopic in scale, and as he faced far deeper complexities he would lead the country into continual Russian roulette.”


“In sum: Isn’t Trumpism a two-bit Caesarism of a kind that American conservatives have always disdained? Isn’t the task of conservatives today to stand athwart Trumpism, yelling Stop?”


“Worst of all, Trump’s brawling, blustery, mean-spirited public persona serves to associate conservatives with all the negative stereotypes that liberals have for decades attached to their opponents on the right.”

“If Trump becomes the nominee, the GOP is sure to lose the 2016 election.”


“Questionable assertions that an opponent is not eligible to run, or that another cannot be elected, or that still another lacks enthusiasm or energy, are a poor substitute for addressing the real issues that should be the basis for a positive campaign: restoring economic growth, strengthening national security, eliminating cronyism and corruption, and improving the lives of all Americans.”


“Trump has made a living out of preying on and bullying society’s most vulnerable, with the help of government. He isn’t an outsider, but rather an unelected politician of the worst kind. He admits that he’s bought off elected officials in order to get his way and that he has openly abused the system.”


“Trump is an unbalanced force. He is the politicized American id. Should his election results match his polls, he would be, unquestionably, the worst thing to happen to the American common culture in my lifetime.”


“A shoot-from-the-hip, belligerent show-off is the last thing we need or can afford.”


Mark my words folks, it's just now beginning.

They will destroy him.

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Your two lines mean nothing to those quoted above. (And the GOP who agree with them)

There has never been such open scathing criticism of a candidate within their own party.


It appears to be beyond your capacity to grasp their ruthlessness.

Look what they did to Ron Paul...


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Trump isn't a republican any more than Sanders is a Democrat and the Establishment doesn't want a candidate that isn't "beholden" to them.. The DNC would be eviscerating Sanders if they felt he was a real challenge. Unfortunately for the GOP, they are actually faced with that. Ron Paul was never a threat any more than Rand

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The liberals are correct in saying that the republicans will have a difficult time winning the election regardless of who the candidate is. The bloated government's unneeded employees and the welfare professionals will ALWAYS vote for a democrat. If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote the country would be entirely different. Socialism would be dead.

You saw where Trump lauded his "poorly educated" minions?

"I love the poorly educated," said the Donald in his bizarre victory speech.

It's really the only explanation for why he keeps winning...dumb, delusional, fearful people.

By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?

Welfare professionals, unneeded government employees...like from the IRS, Education, EPA, that ilk?

If only, literate and working were ALLOWED to vote...yeah, the chosen white people. Okay.

I never understood why anyone making under 250k a year would vote Republican. They vote against their own self interest. Fear wins out over bread and butter? And Republicans are a fearful lot. Maybe why they've thrown in behind an authoritarian figure like the Donald?

I still see him declaring victory and taking a powder before the convention. His egoism knows no bounds but even he must realize he hasn't a prayer. Exit stage right.

HRC vs Trump will be a bloodbath. Dems will grab the Senate.

Your above post is pretty condescending...and quite telling about your own thoughts


By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?


Why do you think there are no literate and working taxpayers that are also belonging to any minority groups?

Do you think all blacks and Latinos and Asians are all uneducated, illiterate non working and non tax paying?

Completely untrue !!!

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Trump isn't a republican any more than Sanders is a Democrat and the Establishment doesn't want a candidate that isn't "beholden" to them.. The DNC would be eviscerating Sanders if they felt he was a real challenge. Unfortunately for the GOP, they are actually faced with that. Ron Paul was never a threat any more than Rand

Tuesday, Trump is going to beat Rubio in his home state of Florida, and by a good margin. The more the "Shamestream Media"TM and the powerful insiders attack Trump, the more people like Trump because they are sick of the establishment.

If a senator from Florida can't win his home state when he is the golden boy of the national establishment with all of their backing, take a lesson. This is the people's revolution and all of the pundits listed above have been sooo wrong so far that they should just shut up.

Trump is going to do something that none of the pundits can do. Win.

329 Cheers.

@Conservative Pundit
"The Republican party cannot afford to have a decisive, bold, game-changing leader as its public face. It would set the brand back decades."
Edited by NeverSure
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@Conservative Pundit
"The surest sign of erudition and insight in a pundit is that eight months in they're still totally incapable of seeing Trump's appeal."
"Look, if we don't nominate OUR empty-suit globalist puppet, we're never going to beat THEIR grasping globalist crone in the general. Period!"
"Trump would've never gotten this far without the months of hostility, misrepresentation, and attempted sabotage the media gave him for free!"
"I think as long as Trump's ceiling doesn't break the low sixties we can still pull this out."
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The liberals are correct in saying that the republicans will have a difficult time winning the election regardless of who the candidate is. The bloated government's unneeded employees and the welfare professionals will ALWAYS vote for a democrat. If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote the country would be entirely different. Socialism would be dead.

You saw where Trump lauded his "poorly educated" minions?

"I love the poorly educated," said the Donald in his bizarre victory speech.

It's really the only explanation for why he keeps winning...dumb, delusional, fearful people.

By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?

Welfare professionals, unneeded government employees...like from the IRS, Education, EPA, that ilk?

If only, literate and working were ALLOWED to vote...yeah, the chosen white people. Okay.

I never understood why anyone making under 250k a year would vote Republican. They vote against their own self interest. Fear wins out over bread and butter? And Republicans are a fearful lot. Maybe why they've thrown in behind an authoritarian figure like the Donald?

I still see him declaring victory and taking a powder before the convention. His egoism knows no bounds but even he must realize he hasn't a prayer. Exit stage right.

HRC vs Trump will be a bloodbath. Dems will grab the Senate.

Your above post is pretty condescending...and quite telling about your own thoughts


By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?


Why do you think there are no literate and working taxpayers that are also belonging to any minority groups?

Do you think all blacks and Latinos and Asians are all uneducated, illiterate non working and non tax paying?

Completely untrue !!!

Yeah, Sometimes it seems that some posts must be originating from sheltered academic elites sitting around the faculty lounge.

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To be honest.. Trump must be loving me all these conservative pundit coming after him..

It doesn't scare him... It's playing right into his hand

A lot of people taking. About 'rightwingnuts' ... But those are the people in the Republican Party against Trump

All of this hand clinging and railing by the Republican Party establishment and super conservative members is just setting him up in 'center' for general election

All the far rightwingnuts are voting for the other candidates

Although at the end of the day, no matter what they are saying now... If he gets the republican nomination ... Almost all, if not all, will either vote for him or stay home.


Can you picture any of them voting for Hilary? Ever ? Even if she ran against Satan, they would likely give their votes to Him over HRC..

So now all the 20-30% in the middle have been herring all this time how he's 'not really a republican ' and his rhetoric about making America great , bringing back manufacture ing jobs back to US

Already there are articles that labor and union members are starting to think about backing Trump??

Labor union members for a Republican?

No one could

Believe it... But it's ok... After all the rightwingnuts say he's not one of them...

So they can convince themselves that it's not

Like they are really voting or a 'real Republican'

See where this is going yet?

Trump will likely have enough momentum after Tue that will not be possible for any of them to catch him... So all of this is just playing into his hands

The reality is, I would vote for Sanders if I had the chance but don't see that as ever coming to pass

But if between Hilary and Trump... I can't lie... I'd rather have him and at least some chance that he may bring some change to Washington than Hillary

She is without a doubt bought and paid for ...and don't trust her at all.. Not even a little bit.

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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

In that case, they better get their angst under control because this is just starting

Trump, who kept pestering at Obama for years to show a Birth Certificate, now is vacillating about showing his tax returns. Romney showed his in 2012 in January, 10 months before the general election. Now it's 8.5 months before the general election, and blowhard Trump will keep avoiding the issue. At least he's keeping with his newest mantra, "delay, delay, delay."

Note: when pushed to show his birth certificate, Trump finally came up with a certificate. One slight glitch his smart assistants didn't notice before they released it: it had a bar code on it. (bar codes didn't exist for decades after T was born).

Of the three top contenders for the Reps, I hope Trump is the last man standing in the mosh pit. On the one hand, it's hard to gauge who's the least distasteful of the trio. On the other hand, Trump would be the easiest to trounce by either Bernie or Hillary. Trump is like a Macy's Day Parade balloon. He's such a big target with so many vulnerabilities. One good prick, and, pfooozzzzzz - he deflates in a big crumply mess.

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This is like watching a slow motion car crash !

I always knew the majority of people in the US were "educationally challenged" but by voting for Trump proves I am/was correct ! smile.png

It's a Demo Derby not just a car wreck and I luv it. The end result election day in November is President Hillary Clinton.

So you are very wrong. The majority of people in the US have not voted for anyone or anything. Trump is a Republican running for potus in the Republican party primary votes and the Republican party caucus votes.

The majority of people in the US will express our will only on election day as we call it in the USA, November 8th. So the mule you're riding on is slow but it will get there eventually. Then you can see how the "majority of people in the US" do vote.

In the meantime yodel to the mule or something to try to keep from making ill informed statements about the 140 million people in the US who will vote in the general election Tuesday November 8th. There is a mass of middle Americans out there you and too many other yodelers know nothing of or about.

Such a load of mindless partisan nonsense. I'm amazed with the folks here that are so smitten with HRC and keep massaging their mental nether regions endlessly with her name. Only committed ideologues and it also looks like psychic astrologers as well who speedily declare who will be Potus without a shade of doubt. Strangely though no thought that they are actually wishing for a representative of Goldman Sachs and other special interest groups rather than a President representing them. This is what CAREER politicians cannot help but do when they are owned by banks or anyone else.

The Clinton donor network: $3 billion in 41 years, political support $1 billion: You Marxists support this?


and the 2016 election cycle list:


Trump is not the problem, he is a symptom of middle and lower Americans economic discontent. There is the problem, and Trump is tapping into that. You declare you know what others don't about middle America, but you don't seem to realize even that.

Same popularity with Sanders because they are outside being held hostage by banks, who are crapping themselves that they may face prosecution for crimes from an independent not bought over in the white House.

Odd don't you think that through a Republican Trump the "uneducated" are rallying to him. and while you and others sneer at him and them because of some superiority fantasy, he is conducting a very intelligent campaign and doesn't really care what you think. Although I don't particularly like his rhetoric, it's called electioneering and if he gets the job, he is more capable of changing course and modifying if he makes mistakes than HRC who having political masters cannot EVER admit to making mistakes OR changing course.

You and Pinot should abandon the mindless "leftwingnut" schoolyard slinging match and as you seem to consider yourself as your avatar says " Watchdog against the far right" think about "Watchdog against the far left" too and get some balance.

The posts are a great plus so do keep at it cause this is great.

You declare you know what others don't about middle America, but you don't seem to realize even that.

The right relates so readily and naturally to Trump and his 'style' that it overlooks the fact it's all about the authoritarian personality. The authoritarian personality that is intolerant of different others, foreign and domestic. Trump's world and its supporters consist of white old and older cultural reactionaries and admirers of the strong leader. That is not Middle America which are the vast moderate center-middle of the society, the economy, the electorate. The Supreme Court in its rulings of the past 50 years reflects Middle America, not the fringe loony reactionary right.

you seem to consider yourself as your avatar says " Watchdog against the far right" think about "Watchdog against the far left" too and get some balance.

The far right dominated here decidedly and until only recently. And it has been the whackjob far out and marginal racial and cultural right and rightist nutjobs.

You Marxists support this?

Surely you see what I mean. Many readers of the post do indeed see what.

Fortunately however it's all changing and it is evolving spontaneously as more new posters enter the scene to balance it. Increasingly so. My counterbalance to the lunatic right will soon be unnecessary as one can be pleased to know.

So I decided some months ago to change my avatar statement after the November election (but not the avatar itself which you seem to associate with Marxism). Do stay tuned. And by all means keep posting.

Authoritarian is what appeals when folk feel threatened and powerless. It is not just "whackjobs" or fringe, it is ordinary people who can feel that the American dream is not working for them and thus the rush to a savior with "strength" and simplicity. I am no fortune teller but I think you underestimate the likelihood of this expanding into the middle class as the economy falters and government gets blamed. Presently Trump is reading the electorate better than his rivals. Middle America is not the intellectual class and their voting will be more visceral on the day. I am not as confident as you are as to the outcome. Also electoral faith in HRC could get rather shaky if she gets subpoenaed.

Thank you for your approval for me to keep posting, I had no idea that you are part of Admin at TV !

Edited by Linzz
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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

Romney got it right in his recent assessment. He's challenging Trump to release his tax statements for the past 2 years. Romney goes on to mention he thinks there will be a 'bombshell' in those statements. Probably right. Trump says he's worth many billions of dollars. Ok, let's see him back it up. Trump says he cares for US military and veterans. Well, taxes pay for the military and veterans, and a person who avoids taxes or hides wealth, is indirectly withholding from military and veterans. Trump is comfortable when standing on the bullying end of the bully-platform, but he falls to pieces when anyone challenges him. He skipped one debate, and the other debates he got re-faced angry and kept interrupting other speakers while shouting, "he's the biggest liar" "Stop talking" "shhhhhhh". Come on Trump, let's see your tax returns for 2015 and 2014. Come on big man, who's always shouting at others to dig up documents and reveal them. Come on, Big Shot, don't be a pussy.

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Trump has too many entities and far to many people to micromanage. He hires people that he believes are smarter than he is because he isn't threatened by that. He's well managing a multinational company and he'll put together a better management team than we've had in a long time. He doesn't have to know everything and neither would any other candidate. He just has to have a talent for choosing people.

What would Hillary know about the military as Commander in Chief? Sanders? Rubio? Cruz? No but they'd choose stupid people to match their own IQ's.


Why would Clinton have a low IQ. Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy. Clinton graduated from quite a good university. If she choses a team to match her IQ I think things would go rather well.

" Donald Chump graduated from a University I would suspect sells degrees or gives them away in Christmas boxes to the needy."

Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business.

There are only three business schools in the world ranked higher. They are:

Insead France

Harvard Business School

London Business School

I seriously doubt Santa Claus brought Trump his diploma.

Your post is a classic case of...open mouth, insert foot.

I actually prefer Manchester to London. I like your comment about the foot. Gives me the same chance as RT - he seems to be pretty good at the foot in mouth as well! smile.pngBut this does not change the fact that Clinton is actually pretty smart.

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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

Romney got it right in his recent assessment. He's challenging Trump to release his tax statements for the past 2 years. Romney goes on to mention he thinks there will be a 'bombshell' in those statements. Probably right. Trump says he's worth many billions of dollars. Ok, let's see him back it up. Trump says he cares for US military and veterans. Well, taxes pay for the military and veterans, and a person who avoids taxes or hides wealth, is indirectly withholding from military and veterans. Trump is comfortable when standing on the bullying end of the bully-platform, but he falls to pieces when anyone challenges him. He skipped one debate, and the other debates he got re-faced angry and kept interrupting other speakers while shouting, "he's the biggest liar" "Stop talking" "shhhhhhh". Come on Trump, let's see your tax returns for 2015 and 2014. Come on big man, who's always shouting at others to dig up documents and reveal them. Come on, Big Shot, don't be a pussy.

You seem to be obsessing over this tax return thing. Trump will release them all right but , if I am him, I wait until after Super Tuesday at least just to irritate the GOP & DNC imbeciles.

I saw Romney's interview yesterday. He came across as speculative, bitter and petty with nothing of any real substance. Frankly, I was surprised that he would come out with that nonsense. It is something I would expect from a Harry Reid or Hillary.

If I am Trump, I am more concerned about Obama deciding to use the IRS in very shady....and probably illegal ways to try to counter the Clinton FBI investigation media attention.

Edited by NovaBlue05
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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

Romney got it right in his recent assessment. He's challenging Trump to release his tax statements for the past 2 years. Romney goes on to mention he thinks there will be a 'bombshell' in those statements. Probably right. Trump says he's worth many billions of dollars. Ok, let's see him back it up. Trump says he cares for US military and veterans. Well, taxes pay for the military and veterans, and a person who avoids taxes or hides wealth, is indirectly withholding from military and veterans. Trump is comfortable when standing on the bullying end of the bully-platform, but he falls to pieces when anyone challenges him. He skipped one debate, and the other debates he got re-faced angry and kept interrupting other speakers while shouting, "he's the biggest liar" "Stop talking" "shhhhhhh". Come on Trump, let's see your tax returns for 2015 and 2014. Come on big man, who's always shouting at others to dig up documents and reveal them. Come on, Big Shot, don't be a pussy.

You seem to be obsessing over this tax return thing. Trump will release them all right but , if I am him, I wait until after Super Tuesday at least just to irritate the GOP & DNC imbeciles.

I saw Romney's interview yesterday. He came across as speculative, bitter and petty with nothing of any real substance. Frankly, I was surprised that he would come out with that nonsense. It is something I would expect from a Harry Reid or Hillary.

If I am Trump, I am more concerned about Obama deciding to use the IRS in very shady....and probably illegal ways to try to counter the Clinton FBI investigation media attention.

In order to be a successful bully, a bully has to be the biggest mouth in the group. Thus far, Trump has been that. Anyone asking Trump to show his tax returns for the past 2 years is simply using a portion of Trump's bully tactics on Trump. I'm not saying two wrongs make a right, but if you're going to deal with someone like Trump, you can't be civil and thoughtful. He forces the other person to either join him in the mosh pit, or give up with their tail between their legs. You'll notice, in the debate, that after Trump shouted for several minutes about how W. Bush made such grave mistakes, and then it was Jeb's turn to try and address the accusations, ....that Trump kept shouting interruptions. Jeb got a few words in, but was then shouted down. Trump came out looking like the winner (in the eyes of Republican rednecks) because he was able to shout down the other person. That's Trump in a nutshell. Cruz, on the other hand, is better able to handle an angry interrupting shouter. Tonight's closing debate should be interesting.

Trump can do something that Romney can't do and it drives Romney crazy. That's win an election.



Strictly speaking, Romney has won elections, Trump hasn't. He's garnered votes from Republicans (preaching to the choir) but that's as close as he's come thus far.

I was just listening to an overseas news broadcast with a discussion of Trump. They were trying to comment on his policies and how he would fund them. Unfortunately, they couldn't say much because Trump is all about sound bites, with no substantive reasoning behind it. Example: Trump wanting to drastically cut taxes for the wealthy (himself included) ....and still pay for essential Federal programs .....Trump doesn't say how he's going to do it, because it's just not possible. Even if he had a plan, he wouldn't articulate it, for the same reason he won't show his tax return statements. It's would reveal what a simpleminded bag-of-wind he is.

Actually, it is possible to lower tax revenue and pay for government excesses. It's called BORROWING, ....something which Trump loves to do - though he's also adept at avoiding paying back debt obligations. Reagan and Bush Sr., both Republican, and both campaigned heavily on lowering taxes, yet both robustly raised taxes once they got snug in office.

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Trump can do something that Romney can't do and it drives Romney crazy. That's win an election.



Strictly speaking, Romney has won elections, Trump hasn't. He's garnered votes from Republicans (preaching to the choir) but that's as close as he's come thus far.

I was just listening to an overseas news broadcast with a discussion of Trump. They were trying to comment on his policies and how he would fund them. Unfortunately, they couldn't say much because Trump is all about sound bites, with no substantive reasoning behind it. Example: Trump wanting to drastically cut taxes for the wealthy (himself included) ....and still pay for essential Federal programs .....Trump doesn't say how he's going to do it, because it's just not possible. Even if he had a plan, he wouldn't articulate it, for the same reason he won't show his tax return statements. It's would reveal what a simpleminded bag-of-wind he is.

Actually, it is possible to lower tax revenue and pay for government excesses. It's called BORROWING, ....something which Trump loves to do - though he's also adept at avoiding paying back debt obligations. Reagan and Bush Sr., both Republican, and both campaigned heavily on lowering taxes, yet both robustly raised taxes once they got snug in office.

Overseas broadcast. Amazing. Why don't you watch the debate instead?

Your understanding of how Trump bought businesses that were broke and took them through Chapter 11 bankruptcy to save them and save the employee's jobs and keep them operating and then make them profitable is very lacking. That takes a lot of talent on his part.

He didn't default on money he borrowed. He bought businesses that were upside down and saved them and made them profitable.

He has managed to make billions of dollars, you know in case you think he's a dummy.

There's another way to fund things. Cut spending going after waste first, and there's a ton of that in the federal government. Take out the ingrained professional politicians that got us to where we are and let a man with a business head have a go at it. He couldn't do worse than OBAMA WHO HAS DOUBLED THE NATIONAL DEBT IN JUST 7 YEARS.

Think about that. In just seven years, Obama has run up as much debt as all of the presidents before him for 240 years. Someone thinks HE's good for the country or the economy?


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The liberals are correct in saying that the republicans will have a difficult time winning the election regardless of who the candidate is. The bloated government's unneeded employees and the welfare professionals will ALWAYS vote for a democrat. If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote the country would be entirely different. Socialism would be dead.

You saw where Trump lauded his "poorly educated" minions?

"I love the poorly educated," said the Donald in his bizarre victory speech.

It's really the only explanation for why he keeps winning...dumb, delusional, fearful people.

By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?

Welfare professionals, unneeded government employees...like from the IRS, Education, EPA, that ilk?

If only, literate and working were ALLOWED to vote...yeah, the chosen white people. Okay.

I never understood why anyone making under 250k a year would vote Republican. They vote against their own self interest. Fear wins out over bread and butter? And Republicans are a fearful lot. Maybe why they've thrown in behind an authoritarian figure like the Donald?

I still see him declaring victory and taking a powder before the convention. His egoism knows no bounds but even he must realize he hasn't a prayer. Exit stage right.

HRC vs Trump will be a bloodbath. Dems will grab the Senate.

Your above post is pretty condescending...and quite telling about your own thoughts


By saying, "If only literate and working taxpayers were allowed to vote, the country would be entirely different," you mean if only old white people got to vote?


Why do you think there are no literate and working taxpayers that are also belonging to any minority groups?

Do you think all blacks and Latinos and Asians are all uneducated, illiterate non working and non tax paying?

Completely untrue !!!

Yeah, Sometimes it seems that some posts must be originating from sheltered academic elites sitting around the faculty lounge.

If by sitting around the faculty lounge you mean the Bangla bar where the girls are dressed like school girls...

I'm proud of being a Democrat (an Irish Catholic from Boston, no less).

I'm for an America that is is generous and compassionate. A place filled with opportunity and optimism. A country where we're responsibility for ourselves and each other. A place where we share a future.

A much different place from the "I got mine, screw you," Republican world of fear.

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Yeah, Sometimes it seems that some posts must be originating from sheltered academic elites sitting around the faculty lounge.

If by sitting around the faculty lounge you mean the Bangla bar where the girls are dressed like school girls...

I'm proud of being a Democrat (an Irish Catholic from Boston, no less).

I'm for an America that is is generous and compassionate. A place filled with opportunity and optimism. A country where we're responsibility for ourselves and each other. A place where we share a future.

A much different place from the "I got mine, screw you," Republican world of fear.

So, you'd like to double the national debt again like Obama has spending money we don't have. Awesome.

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The leftwingnuts at can are now asking mr trump to show his tax returns….like he would be dumb enough to run if he'd committed fraud.

They are getting desperate now.

Romney got it right in his recent assessment. He's challenging Trump to release his tax statements for the past 2 years. Romney goes on to mention he thinks there will be a 'bombshell' in those statements. Probably right. Trump says he's worth many billions of dollars. Ok, let's see him back it up. Trump says he cares for US military and veterans. Well, taxes pay for the military and veterans, and a person who avoids taxes or hides wealth, is indirectly withholding from military and veterans. Trump is comfortable when standing on the bullying end of the bully-platform, but he falls to pieces when anyone challenges him. He skipped one debate, and the other debates he got re-faced angry and kept interrupting other speakers while shouting, "he's the biggest liar" "Stop talking" "shhhhhhh". Come on Trump, let's see your tax returns for 2015 and 2014. Come on big man, who's always shouting at others to dig up documents and reveal them. Come on, Big Shot, don't be a pussy.

After Trump shows his tax returns, then what will you babble on about? As far as his net worth, I'd say that is no one's business. What is your net worth? Why does it bother you so much when he calls a liar a liar? At the very least, people are able to understand what he says. No empty suit talking in circles so when they are done speaking, they really said nothing.

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My nervous system isn't capable of actually watching the Republican debates for more than a minute, but I read some of the highlights and it was hilarious. I wish George Carlin were still alive to see this.


Well that's just an internet poll and not very scientific, but I've no doubt Trump benefited from his verbal exchanges with those pansies.

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