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I think retiring in Thailand is a really bad idea

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you worry about sidewalks, public transport and healthcare in public hospitals...

in Thailand, these are things for the lower class or the poor.

in Farangland, people up to the lower upper class use public transport and government healthcare because of the prohibitive cost of getting something better.

I wonder why you want to use low-class services in Thailand?

Public sidewalks are low class services?

Public transport is a low class service?

Please expand on these 2 as frankly I have never read anything more ridiculous in my life.

And I wasn't comparing quality of care in hospitals. I was stating that even the "world class" private hospitals in Thailand have a 3rd world mentality towards their patients (or rather clients). For example.... bill disputes and negotiations, refusing to take responsibility for procedures gone wrong, insurance denials, etc, etc....

You need to do a little reading on the definition of 3rd World - a phrase you seem particularly fond of incorrectly applying to Thailand.

By either definition of 3rd world - the first being historical in having no allegiance to either Nato or the Cummunist bloc, or the second more modern interpretation with respect to social and economic development, Thailand is either 1st or 2nd world.

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You need to do a little reading on the definition of 3rd World - a phrase you seem particularly fond of incorrectly applying to Thailand.

By either definition of 3rd world - the first being historical in having no allegiance to either Nato or the Cummunist bloc, or the second more modern interpretation with respect to social and economic development, Thailand is either 1st or 2nd world.

You're forgetting the other definition. There's the Old World (Europe), the New World (N America) and the 3rd World (Everything else)

Yes, that includes Oz and NZ.

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24 Years & going strong.

I have a Thai Doctor who always reminds me that it is the quality not just the quantity.

I strongly suggest that you Hi Tail it back to Canada & when you are no longer afraid of death pop back & say hello.

Hopefully I will still be here being treated very well at local hospitals


How does the Canadian equivalent of Social Security work? As a Canadian citizen, can you work outside of Canada for your entire career and then move back to Canada at retirement age and collect an old-age pension just the same as if you had worked in Canada for your entire career?

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


Been through 2 hernia ops, appendectomy, a blood platelet count problem and nephritis. The first 4 are done and over successfully. The 3rd will never end but the treatment (mostly supplements) I have been on for 2 years is maintaining everything very well. I am also being treated for hypertension and high cholesterol. All is maintained well.

There is no problem at respected hospitals in regards to treatment. Well, second opinions are always good but all my problems have been taken care of so quickly with no relapses or complications a second opinion has not been required.

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The op is a slav..Polish....you know you can't move a mountain.

Me if i was a Canadian id be rather displeased, they took him in gave him a passport gets all the benefits as a resident then bags them, moves to Thailand marries a Thai now bagging them, a most unhappy person, and from own admission has a number of fears.

Its great to start a thread on something worthwhile, unfortunately complaining about a health system before you even get to use it is rather daming to you sir, looking back on several of your other threads this is were i will sign off, won't bother to read or comment on another one, you do really need to get a life and tackle some of your fears....good luck.

I find your lack of geography disturbing.

Nothing deficient about his geography skills,,

He knows how to get to the MCG.

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And this isnt trying to provoke the older / retired people here is it, not trying to "stir it" at all eh whistling.gif

My retirement finds me warding off countless young ladies who desire sex with this old man. However, I find free sex leaves me disinterested and lazy.... Much better to go to the clubs and prowl.

Girls who give out free sex, I noticed, are always trying to figure out their minimum wage budgets, while the "others" are purchasing homes and autos.

Last comment is .... I get confused after having free sex. After a short time, I kind of know how to wrap it all up, and don't worry about asking for phone numbers and follow ups. Hookers are predictable.....

Edited by slipperylobster
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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Your right,he has pulled the pin to early.I had nothing at 38 years old due to travelling the world for 17 years,off and on.Time to get a house and some money together.I still travelled but not for so long.Now i have pulled the pin early at 57 and have enough to see me through to my 80's.

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To each their own. You are entitled to an opinion. For me, I cannot afford to live in retirement in my own country so, living in a lower cost country was a consideration. I did my due diligence in educating myself through both reading and visiting before retirement. From what I gleaned, in part...the Thai culture valued age as it reflected experience and raising the previous generation, Thai culture valued education, Thai culture valued lighter skin and Thai culture valued having a secure, steady income. Age and education value was certainly noticeably lacking in my home culture. At any rate, going on five years and doing just fine, thank you. Your medical insurance issue is well founded, I cannot get insurance covering at a cost I can bear. Anything serious and I might have to return for Medicare and sleep on a Son's couch or run through the inheritance! By the way, a month's full care where I am in an assisted living place costs about 2/3 of my monthly income (all costs).

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Your main issues seem to be the local women, health care, and the infrastructure of Bangkok.

So, don't get involved with local women, make sure you have sufficient health cover, and live somewhere other than Bangkok.

He is bored, if you read it right he's bagging himself, too young to be retired in Thailand..time to go home and back to work young fella...

Yes, I am bored and I started a thread. Jail me.

I am talking about having a sufficient healthcare which I still don't trust.

I am now insured with one of the best healthcare providers through my wife's workplace. Still would be hesitant to start any kind of serious treatment or surgery here.

And I do work. I have a registered business in my country which I planned for years, so I can sit my behind in Thailand and post on forums.


But you don't seem happy,your other threads are also doom and gloom.

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.


That may be true for old THAI people. If you're a geriatric from the west however, you'd best be prepared to PAY for the "love, respect, and care" bit... And don't worry, once some Thais see money in it, the "care" homes will start opening soon enough. 'Sounds like the OP has a pretty good grasp of things.

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.


That may be true for old THAI people. If you're a geriatric from the west however, you'd best be prepared to PAY for the "love, respect, and care" bit... And don't worry, once some Thais see money in it, the "care" homes will start opening soon enough. 'Sounds like the OP has a pretty good grasp of things.

Very true

This is a great thread

Good to see so many

of these silly myths


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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

You really are good as pissing people off with your total ignorance. I am Canadian what passport do you think I use? you are real good at talking a lot about things you know nothing about. As far as what we have from our countries, we worked hard for it and deserve. you know f all about Canada that is my country I wish you would shut the f up and grow up or is that to much to ask. Talk about something you know some thing about.I was talking not talking about the people either. I was talking about old age care in Canada which it seems you really know little about. Just enough to make trouble.

Don't take it to heart,Lomsak.The man is bored and is trolling.If this is what he is like at 42 what's he gunna be like when he is "really"old

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Your comments are that of people I like to avoid. You come to this part of the world for an adventure. Knowing the risks. You learn at least one useful Asian language, Chinese or Indonesian, not Thai, and live. When you are done there are no regrets. Life is about living and not convalescing or vegetating, which are your only legal choices in Thailand without huge amounts of hassles, money and paperwork.

55,Chinese and Indo may be useful but not if you live in Thailand.That is probably the biggest problem,the language barrier.

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I have read all the pages on this thread.This idiot has really stirred up a high percentage of you,and now you are trying to justify yourselves being here to an obvious sh$t stirrer.He's sitting back now,laughing his head off at op's who are trying to answer to him for being here. You come here because you want to,you do here what you want to,you go where you want to.He can stick his advice up his jacksy.All i know is,i enjoy every day of my life here because i had the courage to do the things my friends back in the old country didnt.They all said I'd be home in a year.Sixteen years later and I'm still here.

I don't need your advice mate.I suggest,or rather my advice to you is mind your own business and let people get on with their lives the way they see fit.I've read what you've written and i've thought about it.So now! why don't you f##k off and annoy some other poor bas##ds.


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I think your view on the health care system in Canada may be slightly tainted by rose tinted glasses. I'm glad to hear your uncle was well taken care of but I have extensive experience with very bad health care and mis-diagnosis in Canadian hospitals.

I have also worked in a large metropolitan teaching hospital so have first hand experience of what actually goes on behind the scenes.


First of all, I am not Canadian and I never will be. This is something that just happened to me. I got a Canadian passport. Woo hoo.

I am one of those who actually bashes Canada at every occasion and complain about the healthcare, This same uncle almost died from mold poisoning in one of the hospitals in Quebec a decade ago. I dislike the mafioso province of Quebec with passion and I dislike a lot of things about Canada.

However, facts are facts my friend. Canada takes much better care of elderly in every single way.

I don't see how is this having a jab at older folks. I wish I came to Thailand younger, not at this age.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but by definition if you carry Canadian passport , it does make you Canadian.

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I have read all the pages on this thread.This idiot has really stirred up a high percentage of you,and now you are trying to justify yourselves being here to an obvious sh$t stirrer.He's sitting back now,laughing his head off at op's who are trying to answer to him for being here. You come here because you want to,you do here what you want to,you go where you want to.He can stick his advice up his jacksy.All i know is,i enjoy every day of my life here because i had the courage to do the things my friends back in the old country didnt.They all said I'd be home in a year.Sixteen years later and I'm still here.

I don't need your advice mate.I suggest,or rather my advice to you is mind your own business and let people get on with their lives the way they see fit.I've read what you've written and i've thought about it.So now! why don't you f##k off and annoy some other poor bas##ds.


How dare he start a

discussion on a topic

you don't like?

You lot've lived here

too long because

you're behaving more

like the locals you're

always bashing.

The guy made an

observation and

backed it up with

some valid points but

everyone is hear no

evil, see no evil

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Its an interesting thread OP and I too am curious why you are committed to Thailand at your age. I am a year younger than you and after 6 years in Thailand I realized while the rest of my friends were becoming famous music producers...execs at google...successful entrepeneurs...national TV talent phds and directors of departments at successful digital design agencies...members of exclusive unions like IATSE...home owners, parents, film makers and influencers of modern american and global culture... I have been dickin around in Thailand.

Fortunately I am working online and can be mobile...so the goal now is to get my gf to the states so she can make more money....Its not that I want to retire in America...but I would rather buy a house here first.

I have no pension ira or anything other the bullshit social security...where if I retire at 67...the projected ssi checks will be 1500 monthly. ..

Ugh. Ya.

Wasting the best earning years in thailand for me makes me feel behind my accomplished group of friends back home.

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I might just move to Philippinz. I'm reading you can even own a house to your name once you're married. And the chicks are hotter. I am sure the expat forums are more polite too. Heck, I might even be able to speak English to a woman again. Oh.... Wait..... I got married. Guess just have to join the rest of miserable expats here.

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I find the above 2 replies quite amusing.

The first one I won't reply to out of respect for person's condition.

I would just like mention that I am not having a low opinion of Thai people. What bunch bunch of nonsense. I was specifically talking about the state, not the people.

As for all the whining about Canada, if there is a sign of trouble that one is faced in Thailand people all go back crying to their country. I am not

I am just wondering under what passport did all of you arrive to feel so ungrateful about the country that gave you so many opportunities, so you can enjoy the favorable currency exchange and other cheap sins this country provides? Maybe you used Thai or Albanian passports?

I find the hypocrisy astounding.

You really are good as pissing people off with your total ignorance. I am Canadian what passport do you think I use? you are real good at talking a lot about things you know nothing about. As far as what we have from our countries, we worked hard for it and deserve. you know f all about Canada that is my country I wish you would shut the f up and grow up or is that to much to ask. Talk about something you know some thing about.I was talking not talking about the people either. I was talking about old age care in Canada which it seems you really know little about. Just enough to make trouble.

Don't take it to heart,Lomsak.The man is bored and is trolling.If this is what he is like at 42 what's he gunna be like when he is "really"old

"what's he gonna be like when he is really old? Like a lot of the other really old posters on this forum one would imagine....

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I might just move to Philippinz. I'm reading you can even own a house to your name once you're married. And the chicks are hotter. I am sure the expat forums are more polite too. Heck, I might even be able to speak English to a woman again. Oh.... Wait..... I got married. Guess just have to join the rest of miserable expats here.

You need to change your avatar pic to one of Victor Meldrew, in readiness for your more senior years...

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you worry about sidewalks, public transport and healthcare in public hospitals...

in Thailand, these are things for the lower class or the poor.

in Farangland, people up to the lower upper class use public transport and government healthcare because of the prohibitive cost of getting something better.

I wonder why you want to use low-class services in Thailand?

Public sidewalks are low class services?

Public transport is a low class service?

Please expand on these 2 as frankly I have never read anything more ridiculous in my life.

And I wasn't comparing quality of care in hospitals. I was stating that even the "world class" private hospitals in Thailand have a 3rd world mentality towards their patients (or rather clients). For example.... bill disputes and negotiations, refusing to take responsibility for procedures gone wrong, insurance denials, etc, etc....

Wow now you really dont know what your are talking about. I guess you dont know people from the USA and Europe come to Thailand to get procedures done because the cost is lower and they get 1st class service. Have you been to Bumrungrad for any major treatment? I had an operation at Bumrungrad and the treatment I got was way better than what I got in the USA. Private room good looking nurse checking in on me every few hours compared to in the USA they had me come to the hospital in the morning did the operation and sent me home the same day. Cost me $3000 USD.

So what is the point of your post?? If Thailand is not the place to retire then what are you doing here? Like another poster said you are trying to compare apples to oranges.

For someone to retire in Thailand it's a personal decision and I'm sure most of the people that moved to Thailand to live weighed the pros and cons before hand.

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There's far too much wrong with all of this, an OP who thinks he's old at age 42 being the most significant - views on health care here and giving consideration to the PI as a viable alternative are almost as dire - mid life crisis perhaps, made some money, has a revenue stream and is now trying to settle down way too early, he'll change his views on Canada one day.

Hope he sorts himself out and doesn't cause to much upset to those that are already sorted out, in the process.

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.

Believe me that is decreasing fast!!

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"The biggest problem I have with Thailand is simply its third world status. It just can not and will never compete with the west regarding care for the elderly."

The elderly in the West are usually warehoused in so called "old folks homes". I Thailand and other "3rd World" places old people are loved, respected and cared for by their families not dumped in a "care" home.

Believe me that is decreasing fast!!

How's the UK 'os?

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