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Math teacher under investigation for slapping schoolgirls in Pathum Thani


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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

So, lets met somewhere so i can slap you around a bit.

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No, we are not burning many witches anymore, but what the education system is producing (not blaming them completely) are

too many lazy, unmotivated young people who do not seem to want a purpose in life.

"Spare the rod, spoil the child" within reason is still very significant I think as a disciplinary measure

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Same here and the trouble was If I went home and complained to my parents the only response I would have received was that If the teacher did that to me me then I probably did something to deserve it. You'd have to be masochistic to be a teacher today where not only are you not allowed to enforce reasonable standards of discipline but even worse the pupils seem to have more rights than the teacherbah.gif

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If you are not able to "control" a bunch of kids, without resorting to violence, you are a miserable failure at your job!

Anyone, who resorts to violence, has obviously lost the argument already!

All of you, who are so proud, that they have been slapped around in school in the "good ol' days" and who see no harm in it: welcome to the 21st century- the world has evolved!

Mind you: we are also not burning witches anymore!

Perhaps you didn't see these stats from the UK

In 2008 a new round of controversy over the issue was set off when a survey found that one teacher in five, and almost a quarter of all secondary school teachers, would still like to see corporal punishment reinstated. In 2011 another survey found that half of parents and 19% of students also wanted to bring back the cane. And as recently as 2012 the co-founder and chairman of the governors of the most high-profile of the present government's brand-new so-called "Free Schools" said he would happily restore CP if it were allowed.

19% of students in favour of bringing it back, 50% of parents and 25% of teachers.
That says a lot.

It was never a case of 'resorting to violence' the punishment for infractions was what it was. The teacher said to be quiet and you got caught whispering to another pupil, you were punished. Most people learned that silence mean't silence, even the other kids learned from seeing the punishment.

It was very few kids that ever got hit (in each term) and only usually once by a particular teacher. You might, if you were a bit of a naughty kid, get disciplined by more than one teacher (like I did - but I found life at a top private school to be difficult. I never understood how my father could be paying these people yet I wasn't allowed to order them around like I could with our servants at home).

As for witches, if we still had the ugly hags running around scaring people I'd be all for burning them!

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

The fact you were abused, and that is exactly what it is, does not make it right. Assault and battery is not a way to educate anyone.

A Rugby playing teacher slapped by stepson in the UK over 20 years ago, The boy was about 9 and suffered head aches for a while. My ex telephoned the headmaster and made it very clear I was about to go to the local council leader. He was very lucky to keep his job and avoid prosecution.

I have two young children, one disabled. Any teacher in any country who chooses to assault them will face appropriate action.

Notice this miserable excuse for a teacher only seems to hit young teenage girls. As usual, hushed up by the school, all a misunderstanding, parents aren't complaining, doesn't do them any harm. Crap - and shows the poor quality that can be found within the Thai education system.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Same here and the trouble was If I went home and complained to my parents the only response I would have received was that If the teacher did that to me me then I probably did something to deserve it. You'd have to be masochistic to be a teacher today where not only are you not allowed to enforce reasonable standards of discipline but even worse the pupils seem to have more rights than the teacherbah.gif

Bring back the birch, and work houses too eh? England had something ridiculous like 200 capital offenses on the books in the 18th Century. Children should be seen and not heard etc. Victorian values (and hypocrisy)

Do you really crave the "good old days" ?

A good teacher can keep control without the need to resort to physical violence or screaming at children like this clown. There are mechanisms for dealing with very unruly ill behaved children. Expulsion being one; or suspension etc.

Edited by Baerboxer
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The Director said he had good intentions when he hit them, what the hell is that for a statement, that is just saying yes hit them for anything they do wrong and do not worry about it as I will back you up!!

Just maybe they deserved a 'slap' why is that such a bad thing. Just perhaps he was doing it out of frustration and the failure of the students to give

him some respect and effort for trying to teach them. Much like the lunatics running the asylum these days in schools. Teachers have lost the right

to discipline students.

I got '6 of the best' a number of times during my school years and I am not bitter and twisted about it. I bloody deserved it.

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Lets turn this around. You get summoned to school because they believe your kid was one of the twelve (4 girls too) that gave the 48 year old

male teacher a bashing, enough that he was in hospital overnight.

Most of you sound already that,,, It can't have been mine.

Interested to hear, where we go from here ?

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

You handled that right..my daughter is in a good international school now run by international standards and people with no signs of that nonsense anywhere near happening...but this kind of stuff just sickens me to no end and of course this idiot of a teacher will never face the consequenses that he should

Better look up if corporal punishment is banned in the US: coffee1.gifhttp://www.businessinsider.com/19-states-still-allow-corporal-punishment-2014-3

So let's not go on about 'international standards'.

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Being caught up in momentary rage appears to be a character flaw of many Thai men

I don't think that's true, in my ten years here, I don't remember ever seeing a Thai man in a rage.

Maybe my own lifestyle may have something to do with that.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

Teachers should never ever use any type of violence towards students no matter what age.

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

Incorrect, If they misbehave in school they should be punished, slap with ruler on hand end of.

That's why so many kids grow up turning into spoilt brats with parents who cannot control them.

Just look at the 3 news stories this week on Thai teenagers burning his gf, strangling gf cat, smashing up cars.

Here we go again, I see another brigade starting up, the students should be slapped brigade.

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It`s not as simple as the teachers just giving them low marks. Teachers and schools are under tremendous pressure to secure good grades and results for their schools and it`s no wonder that some teachers crack under the strain. Sometimes harsh tactics can be a last resort to keep discipline among unruly students otherwise the teacher can lose control completely.

I wouldn`t be a teacher of young persons for all the tea in China. I`m one of those that has sympathy for the teacher in situations like this.

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

I was often caned and I can't say it did me any harm. The problem these days is that the violence pendulum has swung too far the other way, often rendering teachers' authority irrelevant. But it depends on whereabouts they were slapped. A hard slap to the head and he was asking for trouble, but the fuzzy picture suggests something in his hand, like a newspaper, which was unlikely to have done much damage, other than to the girls' pride.

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

Incorrect, If they misbehave in school they should be punished, slap with ruler on hand end of.

That's why so many kids grow up turning into spoilt brats with parents who cannot control them.

Just look at the 3 news stories this week on Thai teenagers burning his gf, strangling gf cat, smashing up cars.

Here we go again, I see another brigade starting up, the students should be slapped brigade.

Don't be ridiculous.

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I never had any children but if I had, there would have been warnings to the headmaster never to use the belt on my kids,

I would certainly use violence on any male teacher who hit my kid.

Male teacher... so you would let a female teacher beat your child?

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Daily occurance at my school, seems normal to me. I still have nothing but respect for my teachers, they controlled us scallies in the only way possible. Without the corporal punishment we'd have learned nothing.

So best way to teach anything to anyone is hitting them?

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If one of those girls was my daughter..that teacher would pay in the biggest way!!!

When my daughter went to kindergarten in Thailand,

I met the teacher and told her that no one was to lay

a hand on my daughter. Ever. And I was not smiling when

I said that......

So yeah, if I saw footage of some

lunatic Thai teacher slapping my daughter around,

it would not go well for him. Not an issue any more

as my daughter now attends school in America.

Where teachers slapping kids around does not

exist...... :-)

"In America. Where teachers slapping kids around does not exist......."

But taking guns to schools, and mass shooting of schoolchildren does.

Totally different subject matter..we are talking a teacher slapping kids....in my opinion, there is no room for it in this world..teachers are supposed to educate and teach rational thinking ...not up to them to physically assault a child

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I never had any children but if I had, there would have been warnings to the headmaster never to use the belt on my kids,

I would certainly use violence on any male teacher who hit my kid.

But not on a female one? But your not having had children doesn't best qualify you to comment, does it?

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I'm sure I'm going to be flamed to death for this, but I'm really sick with this "a slap is unacceptable, traumatizing violence" nonsense.

9th graders are no small kids. Look at these girls, some of them are taller than he is.

Have I been slapped by my teachers when I was a kid? yes, several times, although one of my primary school teacher, being a football (soccer for you americans) player, used to prefer a good kick in the butt

Was I traumatized? no

Am I angry at these teachers? not the tinest, for as far as I can recall I did really deserve it every time. Actually I'm still friends with that teacher with a good kick. He's a very old guy now.

"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

Mahatma Gandhi

wow, a chance to disagree with Mahatma Ghandi.

I don't agree with taking the girls in front of the class and making sure they look bad like this or hitting them like this but a small clip around the ear might work. I don't believe the occasional clip that I got ever did me any harm, nor my school mates. In fact, I'm pretty certain we did our homework in the future.

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