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For example, chasing 25 year old women is no longer a top priority for me.

You never learned to let them chase you? Much less effort. Guess that may be the key.

I don't like being subject to being stopped by police just because I am a farang. \\

You been reading TVF too much.

To me the land of smiles is really the land of fake smiles.

But they look great. You need to read up on the Thai smile & learn passable Thai.

The 27 hour flight is getting harder and harder. . . . I guess it's a good thing I reached this decision before actually moving.

What, you make that flight every week? Forget it. Enjoy your sea view from a high floor by the beach in Pattaya and all the rest. smile.png

But here you go man. More of our disaffected should move to this paradise: THIS IS IT: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/732813-drinking-and-walking-around-shopping-malls/page-7#entry7995926

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People who have been coming here for 30 yrs chasing 25 year olds are largely responsible for thw deterioration of how Thailand is now perceived. What you really want is to have things the way they were on the 70s without the country changing and getting wise to those behavior. Change does not happen in a vacuum. Our existence here is the catalyst for change..if all thailand gets are sexpats and cheap living seekers that is what the system will adapt to. We all need to look in the mirrornow and then..maybe if we spent our years here bettering and contributing to society we wpuld not be so disallusioned about what it's become.

Don't recall there being very many old men chasing 25 years olds in the late 70's,80's early 90's.

Our existence here is tolerated. You over estimate our influence.

It was mainly young travels up to 15-20 ago, most didn't stay. We were few in numbers. I was exposed to individuals ( Americans) doing a lot of charity work in the 80's, there was a lot of good being done by foreigners.

The sexpat has had little influence compared to the mass wave of geriatrics of the last 15 years. Who have come looking for a wife, no real interest in Thailand and in the Thais, and why should they.

The single biggest influence in current history of Thailand was the Asian crisis, it was dramatic. The western treatment of Thailand and the public bullying of the Thais by the uncultured mandarins of the imf at the time was staggering in its insensitivity to Thai culture.

Thailand is to blame for the way it is perceived..

Those behaviours you say Thailand has got wise to..really!! just walk down lower sukhumvit and see the African hookers, aggressive ladyboys and aging slappers..its just got a lot worse and a lot more commercialised.

Thailand has changed, nothing stands still.

We are not a catalyst for change, mass tourism has had its effect just like it did it Spain, Greece etc..


I have been coming here (Thailand) for almost 30 years with the intent to retire here. I have spent hours on same days daydreaming of this move. But now that the time has actually arrived I have decided to look elsewhere. It's not just one thing. Its many things mostly small things. Thailand have changed over the years and so have I. For example, chasing 25 year old women is no longer a top priority for me. I don't like being subject to being stopped by police just because I am a farang. If I wanted to live in a xenophobic state I would remain in the US. But mostly, I have just tired of it. To me the land of smiles is really the land of fake smiles. Maybe it always had been but I refused to see it. It's a beautiful country and exciting for a young man first exploring the world. I may still visit sometime, but I'm not sure. The 27 hour flight is getting harder and harder. Also, Many other places to see, I will retire somewhere warm and cheap likely in South America. I will miss Thailand or the Thailand I had put on a pedestal. I guess it's a good thing I reached this decision before actually moving.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Great choice South America, watch for kidnapping near ATMs Cheap, will see, mate married and lived SA for 20 years has enough and back home.....


south america has worse problems then your going to get here, unless your isolating on an exclusive beach or high end type living arrangement.

for me at least is there probably never will be a "retire thailand" situation. there are just too many other affordable places within easy reach.

it's always going to be a semi-permanent situation, and i have found that the relationships i have experienced here so far fit in with this scenario quite well. thailand, just something about it, transitory, backpackerish, and fleeting relationships with people screwing around with just whomever or bailing when finances get tight.

i would say really hunkering down for a final stretch may be better done in south america, even if there are more hassles.

could you let us know what countries you plan on going to in south america?

there was a program on costa rica and there is nearly crime free and very good standard living for retired people if what they say was true

Far from crime free. It's gotten very bad over the years with home invasions, etc. I've got a friend who lived near the sea but had to visit San Jose frequently. He always went with an armed guard/driver. Always.

My brother lives a few miles outside of Guapiles, CR for 20+ years so it's doable. He'd lose phone and Internet once a year when thieves would steal all the phone cable along the road he lived on. A few km worth. The utility finally buried the cable to stop the theft. No one dares leave their home for more than a day without hiring someone to live there or when you return you'll likely be cleaned out. I visited there once and though the jungle was awesome I didn't think much of the country in general or even the beach on the Pacific side. Nothing like the Caribbean or South Thailand.

Here's my scorecard on Pattaya:

Weather - mild with a gulf breeze most of the year, except for Songran season. Rainy season is hit or miss re no. and intensity of rainy days, but not anywhere near 5-6 months

Walking Street and side streets - most of the prostitutes are confined to the bars on Beach Road and WS.

The rest of the city: normal, like any other Western city, with same traffic problems, more motor bikes/sq.foot than anywhere on earth

Restaurants - Many ethnic choices and growing by the week, including New York delis, authentic Italian, French,German,Middle Eastern, Indian, Korean - prices are from dirt

cheap to Haute Cuisine

Massages - Non sexual, for as little as $3 U.S. for one hour. Anywhere on earth that cheap?

Water - beaches in Pattaya, Jomtien, Na Jomtien, Naklua, Bang Saray and Koh Larn(4o minutes by ferry) and swimming pools at every condo in and around the city

Location - less than 2 hours from Bangkok and Suvarnabhumi Airport; recent expansion of U Tapao Airport(30 minutes from Pattaya)

Family Outings - too many to mention, but more than a dozen to three dozen - look it up on Google)

Transportation - Baht buses get you around most places in town for 30 cents, at most 60 cents. At least 4 inner city shuttle bus ticket booths/stops to Victory Monument in Bangkok

Crime - No.1 - pickpockets. Violent crime is usually between 2 drunks at local pubs

Money exchanges - everywhere, ATMs the same, including at condos, shopping malls. All major Thai banks have offices in Pattaya and Jomtien

Entertainment - pubs, shows in many street pubs and restaurants. Broadway-quality transvestite shows that are sold out 95% of the time

Electronic centers - Tuk.com has the latest and competitively priced products - from laptops to TVs to smart phones; Central Festival Mall has many stores

Car and motorbike rentals - many thruout the city

What have I left out?

Northern Thailand


I moved to north pattaya near the beach 11 years ago. I ended up marrying a Thai and have 2 kids now. We bought a house across the street from Sanctuary of Truth (same villa as the mayor of Pattaya) and have loved it ever since.

I was escaping from first world issues - mainly seizures which I had on a daily basis in the west and have one or two annually here based on the relaxed lifestyle. I have worked in 31 countries before and found that Thailand fits the bill for everything I need. Now I work from my house 50% of the time, no aircon just sea breezes, and 50% traveling to some shithole like I did before. The only difference is as the taxi is driving up my soi to drop me off I feel the tension easing off me.

Sure, there are lots of great countries to live, but every single one has issues. I find that the issues here are less important and life changing than issues I encountered in other places like south america. The people are for the most part genuinely friendly, but there are scam artists everywhere you go. My wife and her family help me considerably whenever one of these axeholes tries to ruin my day....

Just consider South Africa - beautiful as you can ever want, but one accessory you can (and maybe should) buy for your car is a flamethrower that shoots out both sides if (when) a carjacker attacks you....


I moved to north pattaya near the beach 11 years ago. I ended up marrying a Thai and have 2 kids now. We bought a house across the street from Sanctuary of Truth (same villa as the mayor of Pattaya) and have loved it ever since.

I was escaping from first world issues - mainly seizures which I had on a daily basis in the west and have one or two annually here based on the relaxed lifestyle. I have worked in 31 countries before and found that Thailand fits the bill for everything I need. Now I work from my house 50% of the time, no aircon just sea breezes, and 50% traveling to some shithole like I did before. The only difference is as the taxi is driving up my soi to drop me off I feel the tension easing off me.

Sure, there are lots of great countries to live, but every single one has issues. I find that the issues here are less important and life changing than issues I encountered in other places like south america. The people are for the most part genuinely friendly, but there are scam artists everywhere you go. My wife and her family help me considerably whenever one of these axeholes tries to ruin my day....

Just consider South Africa - beautiful as you can ever want, but one accessory you can (and maybe should) buy for your car is a flamethrower that shoots out both sides if (when) a carjacker attacks you....

"I feel the tension easing off me". I know exactly how you feel, except it's when the plane is coming in to land at Chiang Mai.


I moved to north pattaya near the beach 11 years ago. I ended up marrying a Thai and have 2 kids now. We bought a house across the street from Sanctuary of Truth (same villa as the mayor of Pattaya) and have loved it ever since.

I was escaping from first world issues - mainly seizures which I had on a daily basis in the west and have one or two annually here based on the relaxed lifestyle. I have worked in 31 countries before and found that Thailand fits the bill for everything I need. Now I work from my house 50% of the time, no aircon just sea breezes, and 50% traveling to some shithole like I did before. The only difference is as the taxi is driving up my soi to drop me off I feel the tension easing off me.

Sure, there are lots of great countries to live, but every single one has issues. I find that the issues here are less important and life changing than issues I encountered in other places like south america. The people are for the most part genuinely friendly, but there are scam artists everywhere you go. My wife and her family help me considerably whenever one of these axeholes tries to ruin my day....

Just consider South Africa - beautiful as you can ever want, but one accessory you can (and maybe should) buy for your car is a flamethrower that shoots out both sides if (when) a carjacker attacks you....

"I feel the tension easing off me". I know exactly how you feel, except it's when the plane is coming in to land at Chiang Mai.

I need to live near the national airport, I fly too much to have a layover every time I fly....


I know that there is no perfect place. I don't expect perfection but from what I have learned from my research and in country experience is that Thailand is less and less welcoming. I realize this a general statement and I have met some very nice Thai people over the years. But even the ones I have come really close to I find there is always an invisible barrier. I will never be Thai to them and thus never an equal. I know this exist in other cultures and it certainly exist in my own. Also I have traveled all over Thailand not just the sex tourist locations. There are parts of the country I truly love. But you should never confuse the words " I love you" with "I want to marry you". Thailand is a lot of fun. For me personally, it is best as a vacation destination and not a permanent home.

Oh by the way cost of living does play a role in my decision as well but it is not the deciding factor.

"I will never be thai to them", I dont really get why that matters?

Because it means being treated the rest of your life as an outsider. If you don't think that's lonely, just read the posts on this forum.


Try living in England. I was born and bred in England, now I know I'm an outsider. Maybe it's a London thing.to me I would rather be a foreigner in a foreigner country than a foreigner in my own country.


Yes, you'll always be different here and unless you want to hide in the anonymity of the big tourist places like Pattaya or Phuket, you'll always stand out in the crowd.

That being said, there is a way to become more at ease here and that is to immerse yourself in the culture and language, i.e. understand how Thais think and be able to communicate on that level.

Not easy and you may not want to go that far, however, it really is the only way to feel at home here and to be comfortable in the company of Thais.

I have 2 citizenships. In one country I grew up and studied, in the other one I lived for about 30 years. Here or there I felt and still feel "always be different .... unless .... want to hide in the anonymity". This would be everywhere I travel or live. Therefore, it's not a special issue for me in Thailand. Of course I do not like many things in so called LOS and I am sad about this and that. But I would say the same for the US and for Europe. Europe is not that Europe I know from before the fall of the Berlin wall and specially after the refugee flood from 2015/16 it is not "old Europe" anymore. As a stranger in this crazy world I feel quite at home in Thailand, I would say in a similar degree as in both of my home countries. btw a rather shallow joke or a word play in Thai language makes me more familiar with the people here. I never had a serious problem with any official and I would not like to change to the South or Central American mentality at all.


According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Honduras, home to about 8.25 million people, has by far the highest homicide rate of all countries in the world. Its unparalleled average rate of 90.4 murders per 100,000 people means that in this country, almost every 1,000th person is killed. Since Honduras is a popular holiday destination, tourists often targeted as victims of various violent crimes

And so it goes for many South American countries. Google highest murder rates by country.


Of course retire where you [ Think or Believe ] you will be happy.

Meantime, when I read some of the personal reasons about why some people do not like Thailand or would never retire in Thailand.... it makes me laugh at some of the reasons.

Reminds me of people that I have met or known over the years that have been here in Thailand and finally go to the Philippines and they say they will never go back because they don't like the food there ( as compared to Thailand ) so they condemn the Philippines based on not liking the food in the Philippines.

Really ...over the years I have met several people telling me that.....while thinking or attitude like that is just small minded.

Every one has their reasons but reasons with "substance" would help rather than frivolous reason such as:

Oh My God....I saw a big Rat cross the road one day and it really creeped me out....... I will never go back.....that filthy, dirty place...I hate it.



Sounds like you broke your own dream with the help of reading all the negative things on TV and elsewhere. Too bad.

30 years ago was my first trip to Thailand and the experience was incredible. At that time were there political issues, corruption, pollution, traffic, accidents, etc.? You bet there was but I didn't think about it nor did I even care. All I knew is that I loved Thailand and wanted to someday move and retire there.

I never gave up on my dream, not once. Years have come and gone and my dream finally came true. I'm now retired here in Thailand.

After reading hundreds of negative posts on TV about this or that here in Thailand, has caused me to open my eyes to things that I never thought of or knew before.

But when I'm home and feeling content and knowing that Thailand is still great in many respects I don't regret, not for one minute that I'm settled in Thailand as my home. There are so many things to be thankful for. Thailand is my dream come true.

There is always that percent of people that over analyze everything in respect to the problems existing in or around any of the areas that they live.

No matter where they go they will be scrutinizing everything and making judgment and criticizing near everything and claiming the place is fast going to ruin...because they personally have all too many issues and concerns on their mind.

When living here in Thailand or other 3rd world countries you basically have to turn a blind eye to a long list of issues and or you have to learn to tolerate them...and ....some particular issues more so than other issues.

Meantime, if you leave and move to another Country / Place, there is no doubt at all there will be a long list of the same or similar issues having to contend with and or issues more or less unique or specific to that chosen country.

I have met more than a few people over the years that lived in other countries and they had lots of stories about the same or similar issues that Thailand has such as the endemic poverty and the huge amount of government corruption and the pollution and the crazy traffic and the inability to form real friendships with the locals and friendships that are not fake and back stabbing and the usual complaints about the women and men and the people in general and their behavior and conduct and their untrustworthiness and the lies and the scams and dangers having to be avoided ....... and on and on and on.

In the end many of those same people will tell you Thailand is OK...just fine...as compared to many other places that people choose to visit or to live or retire and eventually come to realize or learn the chosen country is disappointing them in too many ways and they feel it is time to find a supposedly better place...while they hear that Thailand is a better place and they come here and for those people...the cycle starts all over again

Basically they are never satisfied while they are expecting far too much to begin with and more or less setting themselves up for disappointment and frustrations.

Those are the people that should never have left their original environment in the first place because they will always be unsatisfied while complaining and turning bitter and eventually evolve into.......The Expat Curmudgeons.



I know that there is no perfect place. I don't expect perfection but from what I have learned from my research and in country experience is that Thailand is less and less welcoming. I realize this a general statement and I have met some very nice Thai people over the years. But even the ones I have come really close to I find there is always an invisible barrier. I will never be Thai to them and thus never an equal. I know this exist in other cultures and it certainly exist in my own. Also I have traveled all over Thailand not just the sex tourist locations. There are parts of the country I truly love. But you should never confuse the words " I love you" with "I want to marry you". Thailand is a lot of fun. For me personally, it is best as a vacation destination and not a permanent home.

Oh by the way cost of living does play a role in my decision as well but it is not the deciding factor.

Yes I agree Thailand has changed since I first came here in 1993. The Thai fascination with foreigners is more normal now like a common event and not like before when many Thai would gather around to get a glimpse of the tallish white skinned strangers amongst their midst. What would one expect after so many years of being exposed to westerners? It is just as welcoming as before but Thai realize that it is also an opportunity to make money just as we do with tourism in our home countries. I have many Thai acquaintances and they treat me as a good friend equal to how they treat their Thai friends with hugs, handshakes and/or traditional Thai wai.

By the way this invisible barrier you speak of exists to a great extent possibly because you cannot speak the thai language effectively or maybe not at all? You will probably find the same wherever you go if they speak a different language other than your mother tongue.


Sounds like you broke your own dream with the help of reading all the negative things on TV and elsewhere. Too bad.

30 years ago was my first trip to Thailand and the experience was incredible. At that time were there political issues, corruption, pollution, traffic, accidents, etc.? You bet there was but I didn't think about it nor did I even care. All I knew is that I loved Thailand and wanted to someday move and retire there.

I never gave up on my dream, not once. Years have come and gone and my dream finally came true. I'm now retired here in Thailand.

After reading hundreds of negative posts on TV about this or that here in Thailand, has caused me to open my eyes to things that I never thought of or knew before.

But when I'm home and feeling content and knowing that Thailand is still great in many respects I don't regret, not for one minute that I'm settled in Thailand as my home. There are so many things to be thankful for. Thailand is my dream come true.

There is always that percent of people that over analyze everything in respect to the problems existing in or around any of the areas that they live.

No matter where they go they will be scrutinizing everything and making judgment and criticizing near everything and claiming the place is fast going to ruin...because they personally have all too many issues and concerns on their mind.

When living here in Thailand or other 3rd world countries you basically have to turn a blind eye to a long list of issues and or you have to learn to tolerate them...and ....some particular issues more so than other issues.

Meantime, if you leave and move to another Country / Place, there is no doubt at all there will be a long list of the same or similar issues having to contend with and or issues more or less unique or specific to that chosen country.

I have met more than a few people over the years that lived in other countries and they had lots of stories about the same or similar issues that Thailand has such as the endemic poverty and the huge amount of government corruption and the pollution and the crazy traffic and the inability to form real friendships with the locals and friendships that are not fake and back stabbing and the usual complaints about the women and men and the people in general and their behavior and conduct and their untrustworthiness and the lies and the scams and dangers having to be avoided ....... and on and on and on.

In the end many of those same people will tell you Thailand is OK...just fine...as compared to many other places that people choose to visit or to live or retire and eventually come to realize or learn the chosen country is disappointing them in too many ways and they feel it is time to find a supposedly better place...while they hear that Thailand is a better place and they come here and for those people...the cycle starts all over again

Basically they are never satisfied while they are expecting far too much to begin with and more or less setting themselves up for disappointment and frustrations.

Those are the people that should never have left their original environment in the first place because they will always be unsatisfied while complaining and turning bitter and eventually evolve into.......The Expat Curmudgeons.


+ 1 milllion: great post. !


Sounds like you broke your own dream with the help of reading all the negative things on TV and elsewhere. Too bad.

30 years ago was my first trip to Thailand and the experience was incredible. At that time were there political issues, corruption, pollution, traffic, accidents, etc.? You bet there was but I didn't think about it nor did I even care. All I knew is that I loved Thailand and wanted to someday move and retire there.

I never gave up on my dream, not once. Years have come and gone and my dream finally came true. I'm now retired here in Thailand.

After reading hundreds of negative posts on TV about this or that here in Thailand, has caused me to open my eyes to things that I never thought of or knew before.

But when I'm home and feeling content and knowing that Thailand is still great in many respects I don't regret, not for one minute that I'm settled in Thailand as my home. There are so many things to be thankful for. Thailand is my dream come true.

There is always that percent of people that over analyze everything in respect to the problems existing in or around any of the areas that they live.

No matter where they go they will be scrutinizing everything and making judgment and criticizing near everything and claiming the place is fast going to ruin...because they personally have all too many issues and concerns on their mind.

When living here in Thailand or other 3rd world countries you basically have to turn a blind eye to a long list of issues and or you have to learn to tolerate them...and ....some particular issues more so than other issues.

Meantime, if you leave and move to another Country / Place, there is no doubt at all there will be a long list of the same or similar issues having to contend with and or issues more or less unique or specific to that chosen country.

I have met more than a few people over the years that lived in other countries and they had lots of stories about the same or similar issues that Thailand has such as the endemic poverty and the huge amount of government corruption and the pollution and the crazy traffic and the inability to form real friendships with the locals and friendships that are not fake and back stabbing and the usual complaints about the women and men and the people in general and their behavior and conduct and their untrustworthiness and the lies and the scams and dangers having to be avoided ....... and on and on and on.

In the end many of those same people will tell you Thailand is OK...just fine...as compared to many other places that people choose to visit or to live or retire and eventually come to realize or learn the chosen country is disappointing them in too many ways and they feel it is time to find a supposedly better place...while they hear that Thailand is a better place and they come here and for those people...the cycle starts all over again

Basically they are never satisfied while they are expecting far too much to begin with and more or less setting themselves up for disappointment and frustrations.

Those are the people that should never have left their original environment in the first place because they will always be unsatisfied while complaining and turning bitter and eventually evolve into.......The Expat Curmudgeons.


+ 1 milllion: great post. !

Well Thank You

At the same time it should be pointed out that for some people ( a percent ) they do experience some truly devastating experiences or events in Thailand that would leave anyone with a bitter attitude about Thailand resulting in those particular people believing Thailand is not where they want to be... right now or in the future.

But over all, most people that have been here for a long time, say 10 years or more and witnessed and or experienced all that we go on and on about, continue to stay here in Thailand because we are not really bothered or overly concerned about all the many issues that we all seemingly continually go on and on about.

Lots of stuff that we would also have to tolerate or just ignore if we live anywhere...including our home countries and the areas we were all born and raised in.

Sure all of us often question as to why we actually do stay here and carry on living here when we could, if wanted or need be, go elsewhere or back to bitter reality and our home country...

I believe it has a lot to do with the ongoing sense of adventure that permeates the environment we have chosen to live in.

But we stay for any number of valid reason and many of the reasons are the exact same reasons all the other expats stay here but I believe mainly because we have the attitude and the mind set to simply shrug off the negatives while ignoring the problems that we can afford to ignore as long as the issues and or problems existing are not life threatening or devastating in some manner to your well being.... then might as well stay here and carry on with what ever it is you are involved in here and or trying to accomplish here.

For many they have been here too long to start over again so going elsewhere in the belief you would be better off back there or somewhere else is a very questionable possibility fraught with all kinds of uncertainties and valid concerns also.

In the end if it does not work out here in Thailand and some aspects are seriously disappointing then we are often forced to compare the negatives to the many, many "Enjoyments" that are afforded to us and many others while we are here and living amongst the Thai people who are suffering the same or similar woes and tribulations in life while we share and participate in the same Enjoyments

Not everything of course but in the end we simply do not think or worry too much or attempt to analyze everything and question why we stay here...We Just Do...and in the end you can tell yourself and or other people, if you choose to do so:

I made my choices and I learned to live with those choices while choosing to do it in Thailand.



Be careful with articles from International Living. They have investments in real estate in several countries and put on seminars to get people to move there and invest in them. Extremely biased.

I appriciate your warning but I posted the article so people can see alternatives to living here in Thailand. I checked them out without going to any seminars but just reviewed the information they gave. Also you mentioned International Living different company than the one in the article from Huffington Post ----- people get them confused all the time.


http://www.liveandinvestoverseas.com/ ----this is the company they were reporting on

I have read articles from both and you don't have to buy any properties just check out their info on crime rates, access to transportation , costs, ect to make make an informed decision.


I lived in Mexico for two years.. In a fancy area... San Miguel de Allende.. With Fancy prices to go along with the town and some pretentious gringo twits that live there. Now I have been living in chiang mai for a year. I had thought about Cuenca in Ecuador.. Would you believe it.. It was too cold and rainy! Yet it's on the equator.. It's also few miles above sea level... Breathing can be a challenge.. Not everyone's cuppa tea

Generalising I can state.. Chiang Mai is safer than aforementioned cities. Mexico people are the best. Cost of living could be all the same depending on which cities,in those countries. Mexico has the healthiest economy.. Speaking of health.. I had free health care in Mexico for the over sixties. The buses in Mexico are great! Long distance travel easy! Learning Spanish.. Much easier.

So why am I still in Thailand?! Warmer winters. A very very different culture to experience.. This may get old in a while... And Thai food is best. Ecuador food... Not at all tasty!


I lived in Mexico for two years.. In a fancy area... San Miguel de Allende.. With Fancy prices to go along with the town and some pretentious gringo twits that live there. Now I have been living in chiang mai for a year. I had thought about Cuenca in Ecuador.. Would you believe it.. It was too cold and rainy! Yet it's on the equator.. It's also few miles above sea level... Breathing can be a challenge.. Not everyone's cuppa tea

Generalising I can state.. Chiang Mai is safer than aforementioned cities. Mexico people are the best. Cost of living could be all the same depending on which cities,in those countries. Mexico has the healthiest economy.. Speaking of health.. I had free health care in Mexico for the over sixties. The buses in Mexico are great! Long distance travel easy! Learning Spanish.. Much easier.

So why am I still in Thailand?! Warmer winters. A very very different culture to experience.. This may get old in a while... And Thai food is best. Ecuador food... Not at all tasty!

San Miguel de Allende gets some rave reviews from people. I've never been but would love to visit some day.

I've been to Cuenca. Too cold for me.

Great post!!!


I ve ruled out going to live in Mexico .

Does anyone know of any Mexican forums ?

I need to go and tell all the Ex-pats in Mexico that Ive decided not to go and live there


Good on ya mate.

Enjoy South America & watch your arse. Bloody site safer here.

24 years living here fulltime, & never been victimized because I am a Farang.

In fact quite the opposite.

I'm staying here although SA has some beautiful dark, sultry, sexy women Yummy

Good Luck & Happy Retirement.


is the op looking to "belong" or to just retire and do his own thing?

its pretty easy to find a decent place and not get involved. do your own thing (if you have one) and pretend your in europe somewhere.

thats what i do periodically when i get frustrated. sure, you cant weed out every little thing, its the mindset thats important.

theres no rule that says you have to integrate in and no disgrace in not wanting to. maintain your objectivity, get something to do that has nothing to do with thailand and focus on that. you may find you need to complain about things much less.


Some westerners try there hardest to be accepted by Thais, wearing a yellow shirt on Mondays and that thingy on the wrist.

I'm the complete opposite. Whilst I don't dislike thais, Im way more comfortable around westerners and a recent stint in a thai-ish area of North Pattaya confirmed that. I'm now back in jomtien and much more comfortable.

Love Thailand and happiest living and socializing with like minded people and no pressure to "fit in"

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


I can feel what you mean exactly. . been here 9 years now. and have the same feeling........as a toerist it was great. for short periods. but 9 years is too long , not to recognize the smile...and not to realize . Good spirit is fading quick due to political, social and economical failure of the ruling elite......

I am far from my pension, came here years ago in a good climate for investing and setting up a bussiness. (aside from the ridiculous rules in regard to foreign investors, ownership etc.)

Have found the main reason for wanting to stop this. ....

The interaction with the Thai and their way of commitment. or lack of that is.

I find them to be careless towards the most things i value.

Aside from the question if i value the right things ( wich i belive i do), the carelessness towards all, that is not theirs, is staggering to me........

long story short.

The smile has gone, and so have the slim promisses for a better future,

the economy and politics, together with the xenophobic attitude are not a very good marker for the coming years.

And i doubt they will create a situation to up the spirit of the people any time soon


Some westerners try there hardest to be accepted by Thais, wearing a yellow shirt on Mondays and that thingy on the wrist.

I'm the complete opposite. Whilst I don't dislike thais, Im way more comfortable around westerners and a recent stint in a thai-ish area of North Pattaya confirmed that. I'm now back in jomtien and much more comfortable.

Love Thailand and happiest living and socializing with like minded people and no pressure to "fit in"

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Although I'm not the complete opposite, I'm totally fine with what ever acceptance thai's want to make with me. If they put in real genuine effort, I'll will certainly match it.

I do make an effort to randomly talk with more thai people and more thais seem to be randomly speaking with me, but I'm farang and that's just fine with me, no need to be accepted by thais to function in thailand.


I will be moving to Panama Next year after being here for 20 years The reason is simple We have no rights Nothing here Cannot own land Cannot participate in the economy other then spend money

Who needs it I am going to place that will appreciate what I potentially can really contribute to .

Thailand is loosing a true resource Retirees that can truly contribute to Thai society and the world of Commerce But they think they know it better than the west


I will be moving to Panama Next year after being here for 20 years The reason is simple We have no rights Nothing here Cannot own land Cannot participate in the economy other then spend money

Who needs it I am going to place that will appreciate what I potentially can really contribute to .

Thailand is loosing a true resource Retirees that can truly contribute to Thai society and the world of Commerce But they think they know it better than the west

Oh please dont go.

We will miss you .

If the Thai economy collapses, then it will all be your fault


Good luck finding a nice warm place to retire that is

Affordable and has good and affordable medical.

I lived in Costa Rica for a year, great climate, closer

To The States than here however here you are a

Farang, there a Gringo. Much more crime, gangs

Of young thugs every night in San Jose, never felt

Safe after dark.

Thailand has many problems, I find the filth, mold,

And lack of respect for the environment, along with

The stupid drivers, Thai and Westerners, the most

Offensive, however, that being said, Thailand is still

The best affordable place I have found to retire.

Filth and mold is affordable just about anywhere

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