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ISIL: not a caliphate, but a crime ring, says Obama


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ISIL: not a caliphate, but a crime ring, says Obama


"More people are realising that ISIL is not a caliphate, it's a crime ring."

WASHINGTON: -- The US president has said that an end to the conflict in Syria is key to dismantling the so-called Islamic State, or ISIL.

Barack Obama has vowed to prevail in the fight to destroy the group.

He was addressing reporters ahead of US-Russian ceasefire plan in Syria.

“More people are realising that ISIL is not a caliphate, it’s a crime ring,” he said.

Obama continued: “It’s a criminal gang pretending to be a state, said one Syrian refugee. They turned out to be thieves, said another.”

“So, they’re not winning over hearts and minds, and they are under severe pressure,” Obama added. “But, as we have said all along, the only way to deal with ISIL, in a way that defeats them in a lasting way, is to end the chaos and the civil war that has engulfed Syria.”

The president pointed out that ISIL and the al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front will remain targets during the cessation of hostilities. Both groups were not part of peace negotiations that took place earlier this month in Vienna.

The cessation of hostilities is due to start at midnight at 23.00 CET on Friday February 26.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-26

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Errr…I think most people, muzzlims included, know that…..that's why they're so terrified of them.

I'll be happy to see Barry leave the stage in a year….he's gone from an inspiring fellow to a tired old bingo player….spouting the same crap as folks he used to criticise.

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So following this logic, and I applaud it, those emulating their prophet, who was perfection personified on earth and who's example must be imitated by all true Muslims...

are criminals too?

I would say so as the Prophet was a mass murderer by his own hand and as recorded in the Hadith and the Koran. So at last a legal definition or opinion at least that a literal interpretation of Islam is by modern standards a crime.

It is a start at least as it makes such a change from the Obamas of the world lying to us after every Paris style atrocity that true Islam is a religion of peace. I think the whole

world has choked on that lie enough now.

Crime sanctioned by your God is still crime. Muslims do differ on this point, mans laws do not apply to them, only Sharia.

What a lovely future in store for the planet, eh?

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Crime rings generally don't talk about world domination, chop heads off people, or recruit witless youngsters from other nations. Poor analogy Barrack. You'll say anything these days, going somewhere ?

Edited by Mot Dang
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Crime rings generally don't talk about world domination, chop heads off people, or recruit witless youngsters from other nations. Poor analogy Barrack. You'll say anything these days, going somewhere ?

Sounds a bit like the mafia. Russian, Italian, Mexican, etc.
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Were the end results of Obama's efforts not so clearly empowering islamic jihad we could afford that he simply 'thinks' DAESH a law enforcement issue. However, one must account that by the end of Obama's terms he has empowered islamic jihad far more than osama bin laden, zachawri, bagdhadi and others could ever have hoped for- throw some measurable stats together for which anyone of these actors might have aimed as their jihad; Obama surpasses all of them. One must also account for the fact that a long series of dissonant statements about DAESH from Obama have crippled comprehension in the public space, limited military action in the defensive space, and legitimized a standing caliph in the social space. Years into the Syria debacle and Obama was forced to admit there was no strategy. Of course there is not. The plan is way different than what we surmise. The plan is a standing caliphate made legitimate by time alone, and the coming removal of DAESH as its agent allowing it diplomatic acceptance. Keep calling blue green and up down and let the clock run- a "crime ring."

"Watch this hand here while the other pulls a rabbit from a hat." Call [it] "not islamic," call it a "crime ring," call it "contained," call it deplorable, call it not reflective of... call it... call it anything but keep the world guessing and unbalanced while DAESH at least establishes caliphate legitimacy with the passing of time. Only the the prophet and the Khulafāʾ Rāshidūn have done more for islam.

Hint: Link "crime ring" with Obama's GITMO effort.

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Speaking at Kanal D TV”s Arena program, PM Erdogan commented on the term “moderate Islam”, often used in the West to describe AKP and said, “˜These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that’s it.”

Source: Milliyet, Turkey, August 21, 2007

ISIS (not ISIL) is following the Koran to the <deleted> letter. Obama and other political leaders keep telling us that it is radical Islam that we have to fear.

I'm afraid that it is quite simply the evil cult of Islam that is to be feared, You can't just be a Muslim and pick out the nice bits. It's all or nothing. (In which case you get killed).

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