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Debate brawl: Rubio and Cruz go hard after Trump


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Debate brawl: Rubio and Cruz go hard after Trump

HOUSTON (AP) — Brawling from the get-go, a fiery Marco Rubio went hard after Donald Trump in Thursday night's Republican debate, lacerating the front-runner's position on immigration, his privileged background, his speaking style and more.

Ted Cruz piled on, too, questioning the front-runner's conservative credentials, as the two senators tag-teamed Trump in a debate that reflected the increasing urgency of their effort to take down the billionaire businessman before he becomes unstoppable. It was a rare night where the bombastic Trump found himself on the defensive.

The two-hours-plus debate played out as a raucous night of tit-for-tat insults, with candidates shouting over one another so much that it was hard to follow at times. The showdown came just days before the Super Tuesday 11-state round of mega-voting that could all but lock up the nomination.

When Trump faulted Rubio on a deal to buy a $179,000 house, the Florida senator shot back that if Trump "hadn't inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now? Selling watches in Manhattan."

In another rough exchange, Rubio accused Trump of shifting his position on deportation, hiring people from other countries to take jobs from Americans and being fined for worker violations. Joining in, Cruz criticized Trump for suggesting he alone had "discovered the issue of illegal immigration."

Trump shot back at Rubio: "I hired tens of thousands of people. You've hired nobody."

As for Cruz, Trump took a more personal tack, touting his own ability to get along with others and adding: "You get along with nobody. ... You should be ashamed of yourself."

Both Rubio and Cruz said that Trump had had to pay a $1 million fine for illegal immigration hiring.

The candidates were pressed on why they haven't released their tax returns as promised. The GOP's 2012 nominee, Mitt Romney, suggested this week that Trump was holding back because there was a "bombshell" that would be revealed.

Trump said he's been audited by the IRS every year and can't release his returns while that's going on.

Rubio and Cruz both promised to release more of theirs in the next two days.

Rubio was the principal aggressor of the night, and he held nothing back. Taking on Trump's declaration that he'd build a wall on the Mexican border, Rubio declared: "If he builds a wall the way he built Trump Tower he'll be using illegal immigrant labor to do it."

Trump, for his part, insisted that even though officials in Mexico have said they won't pay for his planned wall, "Mexico will pay for the wall." And he said that because Mexico's current and former presidents had criticized him on the issue, "the wall just got 10 feet taller."

Trump, known for his frequent use of coarse and profane language on the campaign trail, scolded former Mexican President Vicente Fox for using a profanity in talking about Trump's plan for the wall.

"He should be ashamed of himself and he should apologize," declared Trump.

After Trump mocked Rubio for his "meltdown" in a previous debate when the Florida senator repeated rote talking points, Rubio swatted right back, scolding Trump for spouting the same five things over and over: "Everyone's dumb. He's going to make America great again. We're going to win, win, win. He's winning in the polls."

Trump was hardly silent, responding to both Rubio and Cruz: "This guy's a choke artist and this guy's a liar. ... Other than that I rest my case."

While Rubio was loaded for bear from the start, Cruz ramped up his criticism as the night wore on and argued that Trump wouldn't be an effective opponent against Hillary Clinton in the general election.

The finger-pointing extended to foreign affairs, with Cruz saying of Trump's plans to negotiate a solution to the Mideast conflict, "He thinks Palestinians are a real estate deal."

Making light of Cruz's repeated attempts to diminish him, Trump said: "Keep fighting, keep swinging, man, swing for the fences."

There was this back-and-forth after one particularly heated exchange:

Cruz to Trump: "Donald, relax."

Trump to Cruz: "I'm relaxed. You're the basket case."

The debate's location in Houston gave a nod to the primacy of Texas in the Super Tuesday voting: There are 595 delegates at stake, 155 in Texas.

The debate audience included former President George H.W. Bush, 91, and his wife, Barbara — who missed out on the chance to see their son Jeb take part. He dropped out of the race after a poor showing in the first states to vote.

The other two remaining candidates, Ben Carson and John Kasich, were largely left to watch the fireworks flying overhead.

At one point, as the top three candidates mixed it up, Carson spoke up: "Can somebody attack me please."

Later, he complained, "I didn't get asked about taxes, I didn't get asked about Israel." When all five were asked about North Korea's president, he said, "We should make sure that he knows that if he ever shoots a missile at us it'll be the last thing he does."

Kasich, for his part, said he would try to find a way to effect regime change in North Korean but "perhaps the Chinese can actually accomplish that."

Nancy Benac reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Laurie Kellman in Washington, Will Weissert in Houston and Steve Peoples in Las Vegas contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-26

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Well, I can't believe I actually watched another one of these Republican debates. I must say it was probably the loudest of the debates so far. The moderators couldn't keep a handle on it at certain times. The debate just ended up going off the rails as Trump/Cruz/Rubio just kept swinging away at each other. Maybe it makes for good TV I guess. Trump did look like an empty suit up there today. Mostly flash with very little substance. Rubio decided to let the little toy dog inside himself out today. You could hear his "yip, yip yip" as he barked back at Trump. Cruz tried to get some of his own growling in as well but didn't seem to be as aggressive as Rubio. After the debate, I was hard pressed to find any real substance said between the three of them. Mostly just repeated rhetoric that has been stated before. Obama Bad. Economy Bad. Taxes Bad. Healthcare Bad. Fire Bad...oops, guess Frankenpublican is loose again.

I almost felt sorry for Kasich as he tried to be the lone voice of reason and substance in a world of crazies. That type of behavior doesn't play well in today's fear-driven Republican base. Plus no good sound bites for the media to repeat.

Carson Who? Was he even there on the stage? Oh, yeah, he did whine about not being heard and then when he does talk it reminds us why we don't listen anyway. His hands are too sexy for his face (or something like that).

Also, I was getting a bit tired of Trump getting the first crack at all the questions. How about letting someone else go first? Oh yeah, ratings...at least that is what Trump says.

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The finger-pointing extended to foreign affairs, with Cruz saying of Trump's plans to negotiate a solution to the Mideast conflict, "He thinks Palestinians are a real estate deal."

Count Chocula apparently doesn't realize that the Israel-Palestine conflict is, in fact, ALL about a real estate deal. It's been that way since the beginning.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

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Donald Trump's huge and unrestrained ego mirrors, expresses and unleashes our collective Id. Whilst some of us cheer and encourage him to further expressions of our baseness, others recoil in horror as if watching a film of ourselves porking our mothers. The man is obviously unsuited to be President - even though we deserve him - but he most certainly should be appointed to the Supreme Court.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Does HRC have any skeletons in her closet?

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Yes, they're too late with the aggression...0-2 in injury time and they are down for the count. Still , unlikely that Hilary will relish the prospect because she would wipe the floor with Cruz.

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Mr Trump got got hog tackled by a couple of disgruntled, desperate pigs and hence dragged into the muck…..happens.

The real fun will begin when he turns his sights on madam secretary….she might try to bamboozle him with policy since she has all the government departments working for her to supply classified information on trade, foreign relations and immigration….but the people will be treated to a real spectacle of how corrupt the liar hillary really is…a corporate sellout who will ensure things stay exactly as they are…….the ads are probably in the making as we speak.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Does HRC have any skeletons in her closet?

Of course she does. And she would be a vulnerable candidate if pitted against a genuine opponent. Trump does not fit the bill of a genuine candidate for the highest political office in the land. He's a sideshow carnival barker that is skilled at riling up the least educated and poorly informed. Unfortunately for Trump (and his slurping fanboys) this strategy won't do well in the general election.

This is a trainwreck happening before our eyes.

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The real fun will begin when he turns his sights on madam secretary….she might try to bamboozle him with policy

Imagine that. A candidate running for the the highest office in the land willing to discuss policy. facepalm.gif

The sad fact is that Trump knows little or nothing about public policy or how the government actually functions. His main claim to the office seems to be that he's wealthy. He neglects to mention that he was born wealthy and also filed for bankruptcy several times.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Yes, they're too late with the aggression...0-2 in injury time and they are down for the count. Still , unlikely that Hilary will relish the prospect because she would wipe the floor with Cruz.

I believe that she could beat Senator Cruz quite handily in the electoral college. Fair or unfair, he just doesn't come across as likable. In my opinion (and that of many others) Secretary Clinton would absolutely destroy Trump in the popular vote and electoral college. Quite possibly the biggest landslide in American history.

Senator Rubio has a much better chance than those two, but I think Secretary Clinton would still have the edge. At this point what we need is Governor Romney to jump in and select Governor Haley as his VP. In my opinion that would be our best bet of winning back the White House.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Does HRC have any skeletons in her closet?

She will need to explain why she and Bill kept coming to Trump for money.

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Haymaker after haymaker, They were reaching all the way back to Chile and swinging

through to Sweden. Two on one and Trump did take a pounding. That said he stood

tough took his beats and swung hard as well. With the two on one Trump was the same

punching bag as Rocky. But like Rocky, Apollo Creed and Clubber Lang took beats as

well. With this performance maybe Rubio will save Florida and Cruz, Texas on Super

Tuesday, but the big winner will most likely be Trump, and the contest will continue.

At least until the end of March. coffee1.gif

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Mr Trump got got hog tackled by a couple of disgruntled, desperate pigs and hence dragged into the muck…..happens.

The real fun will begin when he turns his sights on madam secretary….she might try to bamboozle him with policy since she has all the government departments working for her to supply classified information on trade, foreign relations and immigration….but the people will be treated to a real spectacle of how corrupt the liar hillary really is…a corporate sellout who will ensure things stay exactly as they are…….the ads are probably in the making as we speak.

Yes, I'm sure the electorate will sit up and take notice when she's talking about how his $9.5 Trillion tax cut is impossible and he is making vile remarks about her menstrual flow.


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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Does HRC have any skeletons in her closet?

Of course she does. And she would be a vulnerable candidate if pitted against a genuine opponent. Trump does not fit the bill of a genuine candidate for the highest political office in the land. He's a sideshow carnival barker that is skilled at riling up the least educated and poorly informed. Unfortunately for Trump (and his slurping fanboys) this strategy won't do well in the general election.

This is a trainwreck happening before our eyes.

What you say is not unreasonable.

I am just not so sure about HRC also imploding regardless of Trump's flaws.

She did manage to lose to some new guy in national politics who was African-American. Now, she has problems with a 74-year old that calls himself a socialist and has virtually no party establishment support.

It is reasonable to think she is a strong candidate and Trump's is what you say he is. I am so tempted to agree with you. However, politics in the USA has been very strange lately. More and more people seem to be as "mad as hell" and not caring about what used to make sense. Also, Hillary may implode more than we think she can.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Does HRC have any skeletons in her closet?

Of course she does. And she would be a vulnerable candidate if pitted against a genuine opponent. Trump does not fit the bill of a genuine candidate for the highest political office in the land. He's a sideshow carnival barker that is skilled at riling up the least educated and poorly informed. Unfortunately for Trump (and his slurping fanboys) this strategy won't do well in the general election.

This is a trainwreck happening before our eyes.

What you say is not unreasonable.

I am just not so sure about HRC also imploding regardless of Trump's flaws.

She did manage to lose to some new guy in national politics who was African-American. Now, she has problems with a 74-year old that calls himself a socialist and has virtually no party establishment support.

It is reasonable to think she is a strong candidate and Trump's is what you say he is. I am so tempted to agree with you. However, politics in the USA has been very strange lately. More and more people seem to be as "mad as hell" and not caring about what used to make sense. Also, Hillary may implode more than we think she can.

I don't disagree with you either. This is most certainly a very strange election cycle. I just don't think that the majority of the American public is crazy enough to vote for Trump to be President of the United States. No matter how "mad as hell" they are.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

You are maybe half your party these dayze, if that much. Which effectively means the Party's over.

Democrats have their weaknesses just as Republicans have their weaknesses. For the D's its electing governors and state legislatures. For the R's it's electing senators that can sustain a majority and of course legitimately electing a Potus.

Speaking as a political analysist more than as a partisan, one could say the R party would be better off had Trump first run for governor to test his actual viable standing with a significant electorate. That would of course have been in New York state where he might not have fared well either. It at least would have saved youse guyz a lot of your present angst and coming November election grief.

This post along with 25 bucks will btw get anyone a cup of mocha coffee at any Starbucks in NYC.

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Mr Trump got got hog tackled by a couple of disgruntled, desperate pigs and hence dragged into the muck…..happens.

The real fun will begin when he turns his sights on madam secretary….she might try to bamboozle him with policy since she has all the government departments working for her to supply classified information on trade, foreign relations and immigration….but the people will be treated to a real spectacle of how corrupt the liar hillary really is…a corporate sellout who will ensure things stay exactly as they are…….the ads are probably in the making as we speak.

Yes, I'm sure the electorate will sit up and take notice when she's talking about how his $9.5 Trillion tax cut is impossible and he is making vile remarks about her menstrual flow.


Or maybe it will be her lack of one clap2.gif

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Mr Trump got got hog tackled by a couple of disgruntled, desperate pigs and hence dragged into the muck..happens.

The real fun will begin when he turns his sights on madam secretary.she might try to bamboozle him with policy since she has all the government departments working for her to supply classified information on trade, foreign relations and immigration.but the people will be treated to a real spectacle of how corrupt the liar hillary really isa corporate sellout who will ensure things stay exactly as they are.the ads are probably in the making as we speak.

Yes, I'm sure the electorate will sit up and take notice when she's talking about how his $9.5 Trillion tax cut is impossible and he is making vile remarks about her menstrual flow.


Or maybe it will be her lack of one clap2.gif

yes, she will bleed once the trump ads start running....a wall street, untrustworthy puppet who might even have committed serious state crimes.

Policy schmolicy.....what great policies has the usa implemented to date that have left lasting positive impact? Policy isnt a one man job....you hire a great team and youre on your way.

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Well, I can't believe I actually watched another one of these Republican debates. I must say it was probably the loudest of the debates so far. The moderators couldn't keep a handle on it at certain times. The debate just ended up going off the rails as Trump/Cruz/Rubio just kept swinging away at each other. Maybe it makes for good TV I guess. Trump did look like an empty suit up there today. Mostly flash with very little substance. Rubio decided to let the little toy dog inside himself out today. You could hear his "yip, yip yip" as he barked back at Trump. Cruz tried to get some of his own growling in as well but didn't seem to be as aggressive as Rubio. After the debate, I was hard pressed to find any real substance said between the three of them. Mostly just repeated rhetoric that has been stated before. Obama Bad. Economy Bad. Taxes Bad. Healthcare Bad. Fire Bad...oops, guess Frankenpublican is loose again.

I almost felt sorry for Kasich as he tried to be the lone voice of reason and substance in a world of crazies. That type of behavior doesn't play well in today's fear-driven Republican base. Plus no good sound bites for the media to repeat.

Carson Who? Was he even there on the stage? Oh, yeah, he did whine about not being heard and then when he does talk it reminds us why we don't listen anyway. His hands are too sexy for his face (or something like that).

Also, I was getting a bit tired of Trump getting the first crack at all the questions. How about letting someone else go first? Oh yeah, ratings...at least that is what Trump says.

Trump did look like an empty suit up there today.

He did Indeed.

The electorate consists of the vast and broad moderate and centrist Middle America and this is what those among 'em who are paying attention at this point see. It's what the vast centrist Middle America electorate will see when almost all of 'em start paying attention during the national convention of each party in late August.

The actual one-on-one campaign begins the first week of September and that's when the vast and moderate electorate of 140 million Americans begin to pay real attention. The three nationally televised debates will be nasty as the empty suit further reveals itself.

Bet the farm on a blowout on election day Tuesday November 8th. Across the board which includes the Senate going D again.

R's will also take a serious hit to their opportunities to win more governorships as Trump drags down their strong candidates currently in the field in states such as West Virginia, New Hampshire, Montana, Washington state among others.

The Potus election year demographic is militantly against the R party to begin with. This year instead of the demographic simply being a vise it's going to be a nutcracker.

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Unfortunately, I fear it's too little too late. Had they gone after no-nothing Trump early on, he would have been exposed as a fraud a long time ago. Now it will be Secretary Clinton who exposes him, and she'll be the recipient of what could end up being the largest popular vote landslide in US history.

Then we'll see how much the Trump fanboys like his "tell it like it is" style.

These truly are dark days for real Republicans like myself.

Yes, they're too late with the aggression...0-2 in injury time and they are down for the count. Still , unlikely that Hilary will relish the prospect because she would wipe the floor with Cruz.

I believe that she could beat Senator Cruz quite handily in the electoral college. Fair or unfair, he just doesn't come across as likable. In my opinion (and that of many others) Secretary Clinton would absolutely destroy Trump in the popular vote and electoral college. Quite possibly the biggest landslide in American history.

Senator Rubio has a much better chance than those two, but I think Secretary Clinton would still have the edge. At this point what we need is Governor Romney to jump in and select Governor Haley as his VP. In my opinion that would be our best bet of winning back the White House.

I wonder how long it will take for the Republican party in mass to realize the horrible mistake they've made?

Romney/Haley is at least competitive, that's impossible at this point. This is a train wreck, a delicious train wreck.

HRC will easily be elected President. The question is how easily? The longer this Republican race goes on, the worse they all look.

Republicans are so convinced that everyone hates Hillary like they do. (They don't.) No matter how many times you repeat the nonsense about her, that they're constantly exposed to on the Fox News/Right wing echo chamber. It's not true. Benghazi, email server, speeches she made, emails she wrote...sorry, she's more than well vetted. There's nothing there.

This debate reached another new low for the Republicans.

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Speaking as a political analysist more than as a partisan, one could say the R party would be better off had Trump first run for governor to test his actual viable standing with a significant electorate. That would of course have been in New York state where he might not have fared well either.

Trump couldn't be elected dog catcher in NY much less governor.

Heard a slightly funny joke yesterday:

Did you know that Donald Trump has written 15 books?

Yes, but what's strange is that they all start on chapter 11.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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Could you imagine if he becomes President?

Yes, I can imagine it, and it's the last several Presidents and Congresses that make imagining it easy. Can anyone say that he'd be worse than Hillary Clinton, a known corrupt incompetent and influence peddler?

Edited by lannarebirth
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Speaking as a political analysist more than as a partisan, one could say the R party would be better off had Trump first run for governor to test his actual viable standing with a significant electorate. That would of course have been in New York state where he might not have fared well either.

Trump couldn't be elected dog catcher in NY much less governor.

Heard a slightly funny joke yesterday:

Did you know that Donald Trump has written 15 books?

Yes, but what's strange is that they all start on chapter 11.

The point, yes. thumbsup.gif

The position btw has for some considerable time now been called "Dog Officer." Officer for the Dogs. Donald Trump.

Yours is a particularly good one and there are alotta Trump jokes going around, a sampling of which are...

Trump's Foreign Policy is that if you mess with the United States there will be hell toupee'.

What did Donald Trump do before criticizing illegals? He made sure his pools were clean and his lawns were mowed.

What do Donald Trump and a baby have in common? They both whine alot!

On a serious note, November 8th can't come soon enough. Put all this rightwingnut stuff in the past once and for all. Decided. Settled. Ended. Illegitimacy confirmed by the electorate and its vast broad centrist middle. Overwhelmingly.
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