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Thaivisa members, a reflection of expatriates here ?

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I joined Thaivisa a few months back in the hope of obtaining relevant information about life in Thailand and after reading the just about every thread and post on Thaivisa, I cant help concluding there are some very bitter and very unhappy expats living in Thailand who appear for all intents and purposes to hate Thailand as a country and treat the Thai people with contempt and hatred, but yet this is a country they have chosen to live in...its bizzare and disturbing at the same time...

So the question is ?.....

Is the Thai visa membership who post their venom about Thailand on these forums, a true reflection of the type of expatriates who resides in the Kingdom of Thailand or am I reading too much into the the topics and comments posted on Thaivisa and its limited to a few very bitter individuals or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people who hate everything associated with Thailand including its people ?

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No, not a true reflection and ,yes, you are reading too much into the topics and comments.smile.png Then again what do I know, I have only been living here for forty years and don't hangout in bars.coffee1.gif


limited to a few very bitter individuals


or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people



There are those who have made a 'profession" out of Thai bashing and posting derogatory anti Thai comment.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.


interesting so after only 4 responses seems we have 2 honest answers and two which illustrate some of the traits of what appears to be the type of Thaivisa poster I am talking about...and I will leave others to figure which appear to be the honest answers I am referring to


I joined Thaivisa a few months back in the hope of obtaining relevant information about life in Thailand and after reading the just about every thread and post on Thaivisa, I cant help concluding there are some very bitter and very unhappy expats living in Thailand who appear for all intents and purposes to hate Thailand as a country and treat the Thai people with contempt and hatred, but yet this is a country they have chosen to live in...its bizzare and disturbing at the same time...

So the question is ?.....

Is the Thai visa membership who post their venom about Thailand on these forums, a true reflection of the type of expatriates who resides in the Kingdom of Thailand or am I reading too much into the the topics and comments posted on Thaivisa and its limited to a few very bitter individuals or are a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who are sour very bitter people who hate everything associated with Thailand including its people ?

What you have to bear in mind is that a lot of people on these forums are not even living in Thailand.

Many of them who do live here are living in very different circumstances and their view of Thais and Thailand is warped because of that.

People of different ages view things differently.

People of different financial levels view things very differently.

People from different social levels view things very differently.

Once someone is stuck in their way of life, with their view of the world it is very hard for them to see any other view.

Some people refuse to believe things that other people do here, because their situation (financial, physical, age, etc) maybe precludes them from experiencing the same things.

There are certain types of people and it depends where you go as to which type you see.

In Bangkok I know where I will see older blokes sitting around surrounded by bar girls, I also know the places where I won't see a single old retired blokes and no low class Thais.

If you live in Thailand and only mix in the low end then of course your opinion will be based on those situations.


OP lighten up do not take things so serious.

Ipost on here my views ok many people do not agree with me, but what the hell your a long time dead.

Enjoy your life today, worry about tomorrow when it comes.


No, not a true reflection and ,yes, you are reading too much into the topics and comments.smile.png Then again what do I know, I have only been living here for forty years and don't hangout in bars.coffee1.gif

forgive me, but I don't understand the relevance of your comment about hanging out in bars ?.....If I have misunderstood and your a recovering alcoholic, then I have to commend you on your will power to stay out of bars, overcoming an addiction must be very difficult


"Just about every thread and post" ?

I doubt that very much as that would take(probably) several years.

As for the "there are some very bitter and very unhappy expats living in Thailand", given the size of the community that doesnt surprise me at all. I dare say you will find that in ANY community of similar size and demagraphic.

Perhaps it is you have just chosen to focus on the negative, couple that with the fact that some dont post what they actually believe, but what will get the best result/response to their own agenda.


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OP lighten up do not take things so serious.

Ipost on here my views ok many people do not agree with me, but what the hell your a long time dead.

Enjoy your life today, worry about tomorrow when it comes.

Oh I am a very light hearted and positive person, hence the reason I posted my question, for some people living in Thailand could be dream come true, eg living a good life, but reading some of the posts on Thaivisa, my perception is there are a lot of very bitter people who post on Thaivisa who appear to hate Thailand and its people so trying to figure out why would that be ?


No, not a true reflection and ,yes, you are reading too much into the topics and comments.smile.png Then again what do I know, I have only been living here for forty years and don't hangout in bars.coffee1.gif

forgive me, but I don't understand the relevance of your comment about hanging out in bars ?.....If I have misunderstood and your a recovering alcoholic, then I have to commend you on your will power to stay out of bars, overcoming an addiction must be very difficult

Much of the negative bitter stuff you refer to comes from people who never venture far from the red light areas or their favorite barstool. Since I don’t frequent those places I may not be as well informed as those who do.wink.png


No, not a true reflection and ,yes, you are reading too much into the topics and comments.smile.png Then again what do I know, I have only been living here for forty years and don't hangout in bars.coffee1.gif

forgive me, but I don't understand the relevance of your comment about hanging out in bars ?.....If I have misunderstood and your a recovering alcoholic, then I have to commend you on your will power to stay out of bars, overcoming an addiction must be very difficult

The comment (I believe) is in reference to the type of person who's view of Thailand is solely based on sitting on a barstool in a (red light, low class, cheap - pick your preferred descriptor) area, surrounded by girls who are low class, poorly educated, motivated only by what they can get for their families benefit.

If that is the only side of Thailand you are exposed to then your views will be vastly different to someone with a better overall viewpoint.

Edit: I should perhaps clarify that sitting on a barstool in the less salubrious areas does not make one a bad person, nor does hanging out in 5* places.

I know plenty of people, myself included, who sometimes enjoy a few beers in the cheaper spots, but unlike the guys who only see that side of life, I and most people I know, also enjoy a very different side of Bangkok, one where you'll never see the typical 'grumpy old man'.


"Just about every thread and post" ?

I doubt that very much as that would take(probably) several years.

As for the "there are some very bitter and very unhappy expats living in Thailand", given the size of the community that doesnt surprise me at all. I dare say you will find that in ANY community of similar size and demagraphic.

Perhaps it is you have just chosen to focus on the negative, couple that with the fact that some dont post what they actually believe, but what will get the best result/response to their own agenda.

"Just about, a lot, many"...semantics only...I never claimed to have read all, I appears your reading things too literally, I inferred I have read a lot, I apologise If i have never kept a precise record of exactly how many

regarding your second point...this is exactly why I ask the question, I have spent the whole of my working life working and living in many different countries among fellow expatriates and never in all my years did I encounter the amount of venom regarding our host countries as I have seen posted by various member's of Thaivisa about Thailand and its people

I have not focused on any negative aspect in the least, as I stated I have read a lot of posts on this forum in an attempt to formulate an informed opinion and the conclusion I have drawn seems to conclude sadly there are a lot of bitter people posting on Thaivisa, therefore I posted my question to seek additional opinions...I have no agenda other than to gain information and seek opinions so I can make informed decisions that's all


as the saying goes,to know someone you got to live with them.30yrs.with my wife so no problem there.

as for being bitter there are a few things that make you.

as for living here i made my bed so i have to lay in it.

am i happy VERY.


No, not a true reflection and ,yes, you are reading too much into the topics and comments.smile.png Then again what do I know, I have only been living here for forty years and don't hangout in bars.coffee1.gif

forgive me, but I don't understand the relevance of your comment about hanging out in bars ?.....If I have misunderstood and your a recovering alcoholic, then I have to commend you on your will power to stay out of bars, overcoming an addiction must be very difficult

The comment (I believe) is in reference to the type of person who's view of Thailand is solely based on sitting on a barstool in a (red light, low class, cheap - pick your preferred descriptor) area, surrounded by girls who are low class, poorly educated, motivated only by what they can get for their families benefit.

If that is the only side of Thailand you are exposed to then your views will be vastly different to someone with a better overall viewpoint.

Edit: I should perhaps clarify that sitting on a barstool in the less salubrious areas does not make one a bad person, nor does hanging out in 5* places.

I know plenty of people, myself included, who sometimes enjoy a few beers in the cheaper spots, but unlike the guys who only see that side of life, I and most people I know, also enjoy a very different side of Bangkok, one where you'll never see the typical 'grumpy old man'.

ah now i understand, I don't drink myself except for a very odd occasional glass of sherry after dinner sometimes, cant remember the last time I was in a bar as such, unless of course we count the one in the golf club after a round of 18 ?

I understand your descriptor I think, you talking about ladies of the night ? yes...I have nothing against those who choose to spend time using the services of such ladies, but not really for me...


as the saying goes,to know someone you got to live with them.30yrs.with my wife so no problem there.

as for being bitter there are a few things that make you.

as for living here i made my bed so i have to lay in it.

am i happy VERY.

thank you for your honesty


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

The people I find most difficult to gel with are the ones who have come from (as you put it) Farangland.

I was born overseas and have lived my whole life in Asia, so I feel Asian and I think like an Asian (in many ways).

I am (and I'll freely admit it) a life-long privileged expat, so I think *very* differently and have a very different viewpoint to a Brit who was born in the UK and lived there until he retired to Asia.


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

I think you will find those whose working lives involved travel and experience of living/working in "foreign" climes make any adjustment required to live happily in Thailand very quickly, easily and without having to resort to making derogatory comment about Thailand or its citizens.


Thailand is NOT farangland, it is a big learning curve to deal with, took me years and still have probs with stuff..

A farang that comes here must be able to adjust, sort of block out farangland stuff to a degree...

Many cannot do this cos their nose is so much up their farang _____......Met a few...

I understand what your saying, personally I have never had such problems adjusting giving the many countries I have lived and worked in over the years

One must adapt to their new environment

Why do you think some are unable to adapt ?,

Could it because before moving to Thailand, they had never lived for any length of time in another country, if so, What would make a person to feel inclined to move to such a country as Thailand, surely there a other countries which would suit people more given that English or any European language for that matter is not spoken very widely in the Kingdom, and an inability to converse even at a basic level would place an expatriate at a severe disadvantage as regards day to day living, unless one took retained the services of a personal translator/assistant or such, given the low salaries in Thailand, it would be cheap, I think this would not been too much of a problem to do this, pay them say USD 1000/m or similar to take care of these sorts of things


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.


Complaining and hate are too different things. Don't confuse the two !

Thanks for your comments, I am very aware of the difference between complaining and hating and from what I have read to date I am inclined to suggest large numbers of the posts I have read most definitely leaning more towards hate, most certainly ones that relate to things like Thai males and the "why do all Thai's ?" type comments, they are not complaining about any thing specific just making all encompassing statements about the people of an entire nation

In other countries people making comments like these would be labelled racists and bigots...


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

Do the other 5000 + posts reflect similar unsavory comment directed at Thais?

Perhaps the OP has succeeded in finding the one responsible for the majority bizarre, bitter, hate filled comment here.


Are any online forums a reflection, or representation of the population?

Read the comments section of any online newspaper and you would conclude that the world is populated by homicidal, racist, neo nazi nutjobs.

You need to figure that anything, maybe everything that you read is written with the knowledge, that it exposes the best and the worst of human nature; base and extreme.

So, read TVF, but filter it just as you would reading any tabloid


Ah another thread complaining about other people's opinions of life in Thailand.

I'm once again reminded that when we make choices that we ourselves are truly happy with then the opinions of others about our choice is like water off a duck's back.

The OP, like every other OP who starts these threads complaing about other people's opinions of life in Thailand might better spend his time asking why the opinions of perfect strangers bother him so much?


There are those who have made a 'profession" out of "Rosy-fying " Thailand and posting Pro Thai comments.

These sad intellectually challenged " keyboard cowboys" do not represent the majority of expats living in Thailand.

I am one of those people who make Pro Thai comments.

I do it because my experience of life here is clearly very different to the guys who keep bashing the place.

The guys who bash Thailand and the Thais, are IMHO the "sad intellectually challenged keyboard cowboys"

And I hope they don't represent the majority of expats living here, although reading these forums it's easy to see how someone might thinks they do.


Complaining and hate are too different things. Don't confuse the two !

Thanks for your comments, I am very aware of the difference between complaining and hating and from what I have read to date I am inclined to suggest large numbers of the posts I have read most definitely leaning more towards hate, most certainly ones that relate to things like Thai males and the "why do all Thai's ?" type comments, they are not complaining about any thing specific just making all encompassing statements about the people of an entire nation

In other countries people making comments like these would be labelled racists and bigots...

They are racists and bigots.


Ah another thread complaining about other people's opinions of life in Thailand.

I'm once again reminded that when we make choices that we ourselves are truly happy with then the opinions of others about our choice is like water off a duck's back.

The OP, like every other OP who starts these threads complaing about other people's opinions of life in Thailand might better spend his time asking why the opinions of perfect strangers bother him so much?

With all due respect, I think you miss the point of the thread, it isn't one of complaint, but one of observation and trying to question why, you appear to be an intelligent guy so you understand that varied opinions lead to an informed opinion or conclusions.

The premise of the thread is not to find out if specific people are happy or not, that is given, there are people who are happy everywhere, I am one of those people,

but given my experiences in other countries and in other expatriate communities around the world, my observation is after reading many threads and posts on Thaivisa, there seems to be a lot of expatriates living in Thailand who appear to hate Thailand and its people using Thaivisa as a snapshot of the expatriate demographic living in Thailand

and its this view point, and it may very well be a perception I intended to explore in this thread

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