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Thailand ranks 122nd place, out of 168.

The report is not up-to-date since the "Thailand report 2006" still speaks about the Thaksin government.

It should be noted however that:

"Every year, on 3 May, Reporters Without Borders celebrates World Press Freedom Day. On this occasion, it publishes a full report of the status of press freedom in more than 150 countries."

Therefore the 2006 report is not up-to-date.



Some other interesting rankings:

USA 53

UK 27

Australia 35

France 35

Italy 40

Germany 23

Top 4:





LaoPo :o

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What are the criteria (criterions????) on the classement?

I ask, because I considered Press as trully free in USA (the various 'gate' scandal = water, iran,contras were to me a proof of it).

The ranking of my own country (France) is not a surprise, the concept of press freedom is less important in france than the concept of private life, and the suspicion of innocence until you are judged guilty by a court. On the other hand, the bashing of any politcal man is still a national sport, traditionaly sponsorised by the Presidence of the Republic (the only requirement in case of bashing of the President is to named him by his name and not by his title).

But I am genuilly and terribly surprise to see USA ranked 50+ ... It's for me an horrible news

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What are the criteria (criterions????) on the classement?

I ask, because I considered Press as trully free in USA (the various 'gate' scandal = water, iran,contras were to me a proof of it).

The ranking of my own country (France) is not a surprise, the concept of press freedom is less important in france than the concept of private life, and the suspicion of innocence until you are judged guilty by a court. On the other hand, the bashing of any politcal man is still a national sport, traditionaly sponsorised by the Presidence of the Republic (the only requirement in case of bashing of the President is to named him by his name and not by his title).

But I am genuilly and terribly surprise to see USA ranked 50+ ... It's for me an horrible news


I am from the USA and what you say "Could" be true except for what I see as a significant problem. In the USA the information media could without any problem, garner the #1 position except for the different agenda's the news organizations take in the USA.

For instance, Fox News is right wing Republican, CNN is left wing Democrat. Personally, I don't know of any MAJOR newspaper without a political agenda!

Even though the press in the USA has done some great investigative reporting, remember the Washington newspapers don't investigate Democrats......... never have, never will!

So even though we have that potential for #1, as long as the press & electronic media report according to their agenda's, I guess in the 50s is where we belong.

Edited by Diablo Bob
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So even though we have that potential for #1, as long as the press & electronic media report according to their agenda's, I guess in the 50s is where we belong.

Very true.

Personally, i think that nowadays the best quality media and most thourough reporting is found in India, and not in the west, not even in Europe.

Their political magazines are a joy to read, generally very long and extremely well researched articles, fiercely independent and very courageous.

Edited by ColPyat
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What are the criteria (criterions????) on the classement?

I ask, because I considered Press as trully free in USA (the various 'gate' scandal = water, iran,contras were to me a proof of it).

The ranking of my own country (France) is not a surprise, the concept of press freedom is less important in france than the concept of private life, and the suspicion of innocence until you are judged guilty by a court. On the other hand, the bashing of any politcal man is still a national sport, traditionaly sponsorised by the Presidence of the Republic (the only requirement in case of bashing of the President is to named him by his name and not by his title).

But I am genuilly and terribly surprise to see USA ranked 50+ ... It's for me an horrible news


I am from the USA and what you say "Could" be true except for what I see as a significant problem. In the USA the information media could without any problem, garner the #1 position except for the different agenda's the news organizations take in the USA.

For instance, Fox News is right wing Republican, CNN is left wing Democrat. Personally, I don't know of any MAJOR newspaper without a political agenda!

Even though the press in the USA has done some great investigative reporting, remember the Washington newspapers don't investigate Democrats......... never have, never will!

So even though we have that potential for #1, as long as the press & electronic media report according to their agenda's, I guess in the 50s is where we belong.

Well your answer is byitself a great description why USA is classed 50+ ... An opinion have to an opinion and not necessary a clinical report (cold hearted), a libel or or anything tendancious.

I ahve no problem to know Fox is right wing (that is their right) as long as they do not announce the coalition forces went throught a warhouse full of WMD (As they did during the Iraqui II). I do not mind CNN to be left wing, as long as they not telling Clinton have biggest cigar than anyone else (sorry as I am not US I did not have an exemple, so I invented).

Your anser show me that the criteras I wish to be used to mesure this freedom of press can be not those a citizen from a different country can wish :o.

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I love all the people in here praising the US press and claiming 'They could be #1 soon!'.

Ya right! The press in the US is a joke, WW3 could be starting in Europe and in the US the media would still be publishing stories about sex scandles and coma victims getting their machines unplugs by ex-husbands.

All the news networks are totally commercialized by their massive partner companies, when watching CNN or Fox, in the US, its hard to distinguish between the 'News' and the commercials.

The odd thing is CNN seems like a totally different network here on UBC... maybe the rest of the world just wouldn't buy it?

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I read an article in the BKK Post last week about this, but thought it odd that whilst they gave the rankings for many countries, they omitted Thailand. Of course, it was an AFP article rather than in-house, but still, it's not as if they don't put "local" riders onto other agency articles.

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I love all the people in here praising the US press and claiming 'They could be #1 soon!'.

Ya right! The press in the US is a joke, WW3 could be starting in Europe and in the US the media would still be publishing stories about sex scandles and coma victims getting their machines unplugs by ex-husbands.

All the news networks are totally commercialized by their massive partner companies, when watching CNN or Fox, in the US, its hard to distinguish between the 'News' and the commercials.

The odd thing is CNN seems like a totally different network here on UBC... maybe the rest of the world just wouldn't buy it?

Well, we all have dreams, and the 'american dream' is one of the most common.

I love to tease US culture, US way of life, US ........, somewhere because I suppose they have some sort of excellence that I (we) should have. Fact is the water gate story is often considered on how control of executif can be realized when other controls fails ( maybe I am wrong but I recall the case was lenghtly studied by the Pr Duhamel when advocating on a better check and balance in the french Vth Republic, arguing the Press have a duty to counter and counter balance both executif, legislatif and judiciary power while collaborating with them).

Fox and CNN are not only the Press the US have, I do hope. Or does only Fox, CNN and National enquirer were the only news vectors studied? It's why I ask for the criteria. If you check only L'Est Republicain, La Dordogne Libre, Le Dauphine Libere in FRance, you will have a poor opinion, and it will be far different of what you can have if you check only the mid day news on the TV, Le Monde and Le Figaro.

So what are the criterias?

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That the US is outside the top 50 is not surprising. Especially since 9/11. Wonder if they'd ever report another Watergate? :o

The media is controlled by people with an agenda who owe and lend out big political and business favors to the political actors of the day.

Thaksin intimidated the Thai press by threatening to pull advertising lifelines away from them. They capitulated eventually, but it was good to see some strong resistance too.

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For those of us in Thailand, it's sad to see this country ranked so low down on the list, lower than ever.

My sister (an American like me) is in Italy on holiday, and she just commented that CNN International is very different than the domestic CNN.

We complain how xenophobic or self-centered Thailand is, but it's true of other countries like the USA. The mass media is chasing profits and viewers. The glory days of American journalism, from Edward R. Murrow to Walter Kronkite, are gone. Who are the great Thai journalists?

Freedom of the press is far more than broadcast media or print media. The internet is taking over this field.

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So even though we have that potential for #1, as long as the press & electronic media report according to their agenda's, I guess in the 50s is where we belong.

Very true.

Personally, i think that nowadays the best quality media and most thourough reporting is found in India, and not in the west, not even in Europe.

Their political magazines are a joy to read, generally very long and extremely well researched articles, fiercely independent and very courageous.

Hmmm, how come the report gives India a 'bad' place, ranking:

105 India ??? :o that's not far from Thailand at 122.....

and: "..................not even in Europe" is way out of context. The Netherlands ranks on #1 (together with the 3 other countries)


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So even though we have that potential for #1, as long as the press & electronic media report according to their agenda's, I guess in the 50s is where we belong.

Very true.

Personally, i think that nowadays the best quality media and most thourough reporting is found in India, and not in the west, not even in Europe.

Their political magazines are a joy to read, generally very long and extremely well researched articles, fiercely independent and very courageous.

Hmmm, how come the report gives India a 'bad' place, ranking:

105 India ??? :o that's not far from Thailand at 122.....

and: "..................not even in Europe" is way out of context. The Netherlands ranks on #1 (together with the 3 other countries)


My statement was regarding quality reporting, not rank of press freedom.

Even though in the west there is obviously more press freedom than in India, the quality of reporting there is increasingly lacking of substance. The quality of journalism in India is excellent, even though there are far more attempts of interference.

In Thailand, mostly you have neither - now rapidly decreasing freedom of the media, and lousy reporting. The next ranking for Thailand will most definately be even far below this one.

Edited by ColPyat
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