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SURVEY: Who do you believe would be the best president for the US?


SURVEY: Who do you believe would make the best US President?  

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^^^ Trump has that dead in his gun sights. Part of his platform is to get rid of Common Core. He's punching all of the tickets that have been bothering so many for so long.

Most of what Trump claims he will do as President can not even be done by the executive branch of the government!

The man does not know about the job he wants.

He only plays on the emotions of the uneducated and uninformed.

It would be amusing to see him insult and threaten to sue leaders of other countries who piss him off.

That only works in what the GOP seems to think is called a debate.

The world is not a bad reality show.

The man is a dangerous chump!

Trump is going to take DC by storm. Congress is going to HAVE to listen to him or they won't get re-elected. Remember, the main job of a politician is getting re-elected. It surely isn't following any kind of moral compass.

The American people are electing Trump so he will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table. He will be willing and able to go on TV and take his case directly to the people.

You just watch what he can get done.


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At this time, if you add up the votes for each side, the Dems would win; 90 to 85

How do you arrive at that? The Dems had a primary in SC yesterday and only 1/2 as many people voted as did in the R primary the week before. The R's are jazzed up and the D's are complacent.

Hillary overwhelming won the black vote but she lost the white male vote to Sanders - with Democrat voters. She barely won the white women vote.

She is going to come up against a storm of majority white voters in the general election but she's pandering to blacks and Hispanics.

How would she win anything in November if only half as many D's show up to vote as do R's? Trump is going to pull record numbers of voters and overwhelm the pundits. There's absolutely nothing to get excited about with Hillary.


PS. Trump is having a rally in Alabama today and so many people signed up that they are having to move it to a football stadium. Hillary couldn't fill a hotel conference room.


Edited by NeverSure
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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

There are always crap comments on here like above. For once why don't you tell us what western countries you consider are not dumb? Racial ( huh)? And uneducated? Please tell us all. I dare you. The USA is high up on the list of educated countries and it has a huge population of 325 million.

When one of the most educated states like Massachusetts votes on Tuesday you will see Donald Trump with huge numbers. I don't see why some think he is dangerous. All politicians spew out BS AND NEVER follow through. You can't become a billionaire and not follow through most of the time. So what if he seems arrogant. We have had smooth talkin Obama do nothing for eight years. Where's Oprah's big fat mouth and butt now. She has finally shut up. She probably will vote for Trump too.


USA is rated #15 in the world for education.

The United States remains the top country for taking in immigrants.

While there are a lot of success stories--particularly among Asian immigrants--millions of American students are first generation and aren't native English speakers. Many millions more are second generation Americans, but have parents who aren't proficient enough in English to help them with their homework. That makes the #15 ranking a tad superficial in my opinion.

Source: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states

Immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the total 316 million U.S. residents; adding the U.S.-born children (of all ages) of immigrants means that approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation.

To bring this on topic: Though I've been leaning Sanders, I do like Trump's call to end common core and basically scrap the Dept. of Education at the national level. There are just too many different demographics at play to take such a broad, ham-fisted approach to education in a country of 319 million people.

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The United States remains the top country for taking in immigrants.

While there are a lot of success stories--particularly among Asian immigrants--millions of American students are first generation and aren't native English speakers. Many millions more are second generation Americans, but have parents who aren't proficient enough in English to help them with their homework. That makes the #15 ranking a tad superficial in my opinion.

Source: http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states

Immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the total 316 million U.S. residents; adding the U.S.-born children (of all ages) of immigrants means that approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation.

To bring this on topic: Though I've been leaning Sanders, I do like Trump's call to end common core and basically scrap the Dept. of Education at the national level. There are just too many different demographics at play to take such a broad, ham-fisted approach to education in a country of 319 million people.

^^^ That's really good stuff and so true. One of the best guarantees for a new graduate to get a job teaching is to be bilingual and have the credentials to teach English to Hispanics. There is a high demand for that and it's so high that many American college students are scrambling to learn Spanish to go with a teaching degree. After they do their teaching credential program they do another program to certify them for this function.

Sorry I don't know the correct terms for their certifications but I know some who have done it and they are in high demand and well paid. They don't actually teach core subjects per se, their classes are teaching English to Hispanics. (ESL?)

Edited by NeverSure
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Sanders is the only one, who could start the process of giving the country back to the people, instead of giving the power to the corporations and folks who think they have right to use the peasants, the US citizens.

Sanders problem is that the USA is not ready for his progressive ideas. He is called as socialist as he wishes to improve education, which is horribly bad in the US, and he wishes to give better healthcare to all.

The republicans don't seem to understand that these are not the only socialist things, which are happening in the country. The military and the police are also paid by the government, thus those are part of socialistic government. Maybe in the true freedom, people could opt out, not to pay taxes to support military functions.. or to pay collectively paved roads.

If you want to find out what the country would be like with Sanders as president, just take a look at Venezuela. That's not progressive, that's regressive Edited by Time Traveller
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I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

It's been seriously suggested that T-Rump crosses the line from mere narcissist to sociopath, and I tend to agree.

The truly scary thing is his popularity. Who knew there were so many ignorant sheep in my U S of A...

'Idiocracy', here we come.

"Ow, my balls!"

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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

Sour grapes from, and liked by, members of various second or third-tier jealous weenie-states.

Unfortunately, it hits too close to home to be otherwise refuted...

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I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

Who knew there were so many ignorant sheep in my U S of A.

Well, I knew it when I watched a community organizer double the national debt in just 7 years while the ignorant sheep said he was good for the economy.

I knew it when people without protest watched their jobs go to foreign countries while Detroit went into ruins I knew it when those same current and former union workers who lost good family wage jobs kept voting for the people who destroyed the jobs.

I knew it when women kept voting for Democrats as the free trade agreements exported the kinds of jobs they had dreamed of.

I knew it every day as I watched people keep voting for the same people who were all promises but no action about their economic plight and opportunities for the middle class eroded.

I knew it as I watched otherwise smart people vote for leaders who promised to tax the shit out of them and give their money to people who refused to earn it.

I knew it every time I turned on the news.


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Perhaps one could compare how much putrid fecal matter ( they say Americans have an average of between 2-5 kilos ) is lodged-stuck in the respective Presidential candidates lower intestines..

Even by this crude standard - Donald Trump would win by a landslide..IMHO

Not very a Presidential posting - I get itthumbsup.gif

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"I knew it as I watched otherwise smart people vote for leaders who promised to tax the shit out of them.."

I was Never (more) Sure that fecal matter counts in this election..

Bernie is promising to tax the shit out of people and give it to people who didn't earn it. Yes, that's fecal matter from him.

Then it would turn out the way Europe is where things are so expensive due to taxes that many retired people have to flee. Many Thai expats fit that model.

How do they collect their "free" NHS when they can't afford to be there? Europe is a failing model that has raised taxes including hidden taxes. Consumer items are way too expensive due to the government taxing them to pay for socialism.

Taxes are low in the US and consumer items are cheap. Food is cheap. Most retired people can afford to live in the US and get Medicare for health care. I think it's cheaper to live in the US with old age health care provided and inexpensive goods to the extent that certain areas are as cheap as Thailand. Certainly many things such as a new or used car are a lot cheaper.

The influx of illegal immigrants in the US and Europe is putting a horrible strain on budgets. PC leaders welcome it. People are going to vote for Trump and put a stop to it. For decades neither party would do anything about it and now the people are sick of it.

Just watch this election. It will be President Trump.


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All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

Typical Right Wing rhetoric in an attempt to defend greed. Trickle down Reaganomics. Make the wealthy super wealthy and it will trickle down to the actual people who generate that wealth. Rubbish. The super wealthy and corporate America simply put the money in their pocket. I am yet to meet the corporate executive that tosses and turns at night trying to work out how to employ more people. In fact their objective is to do more with less people or identify people who they can exploit for even lower wages. The rich create nothing. It is actually employees who create wealth. I agree consumerism is a real problem but it isn't driven by poor people it is driven by the insatiable greed of corporate America.

It seems you haven't learnt that there is no such thing as 'free stuff'. Publicly funded Health, education, pharmaceuticals is not free it is paid by everyone for everyone and administered by a Government. It is far more affordable as it cuts out a nation being held hostage by corporate greed and delivers a fair and reasonable profit to providers. Lower cost better patient outcomes.

No one is advocating Socialism. All modern industrialised Nations other than America have Social structures for Health, education and pharmaceuticals simply because they are essential services and more affordable done that way. Pure Socialism does not work just the same as pure Capitalism is a failure as America is finding out.

The cancer that America is suffering from is a complete and utter takeover of the wealthy elite and corporate greed.

Seriously no one is buying this Right Wing drivel anymore.

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I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

It's been seriously suggested that T-Rump crosses the line from mere narcissist to sociopath, and I tend to agree.

The truly scary thing is his popularity. Who knew there were so many ignorant sheep in my U S of A...

'Idiocracy', here we come.

"Ow, my balls!"

No, the population showed their "idiocracy" by voting Obama as POTUS not just once but twice.

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All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

Typical Right Wing rhetoric in an attempt to defend greed. Trickle down Reaganomics. Make the wealthy super wealthy and it will trickle down to the actual people who generate that wealth. Rubbish. The super wealthy and corporate America simply put the money in their pocket. I am yet to meet the corporate executive that tosses and turns at night trying to work out how to employ more people. In fact their objective is to do more with less people or identify people who they can exploit for even lower wages. The rich create nothing. It is actually employees who create wealth. I agree consumerism is a real problem but it isn't driven by poor people it is driven by the insatiable greed of corporate America.

It seems you haven't learnt that there is no such thing as 'free stuff'. Publicly funded Health, education, pharmaceuticals is not free it is paid by everyone for everyone and administered by a Government. It is far more affordable as it cuts out a nation being held hostage by corporate greed and delivers a fair and reasonable profit to providers. Lower cost better patient outcomes.

No one is advocating Socialism. All modern industrialised Nations other than America have Social structures for Health, education and pharmaceuticals simply because they are essential services and more affordable done that way. Pure Socialism does not work just the same as pure Capitalism is a failure as America is finding out.

The cancer that America is suffering from is a complete and utter takeover of the wealthy elite and corporate greed.

Seriously no one is buying this Right Wing drivel anymore.

As usual someone comes along who doesn't know what socialism, capitalism and corporatism mean and just pick them all, out them in the blender and call it "fruit-salladism".

Where did i say anything about "free stuff" actually being "free"? I said the exact opposite.

It's hilarious that all those whining about capitalism are always, 100% of the time, writing their whining with the help of said capitalism either with their smart phone, computer, ipad, ISP, cables etc. It's simple, people, smart people, want to have something for their effort and time and that effort and time is what seperate them from the rest of us mortals and they deserve every penny they get.

And no, not a single company force anyone to buy anything, people make their own choices to buy whatever crap they buy. To blame their weak will, be it advertisement or something else, on company X just shows how "entitled", pathetic and weak they are.

Oh and... Sanders is very much advocating socialism.

Edited by Asheron
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I was sure the winner will represent what big part of TV crowd is. Finally it's the bigot, narcissist, impolite, manipulator and all the ills in same person Trump is leading in this survey.

Who knew there were so many ignorant sheep in my U S of A.

Well, I knew it when I watched a community organizer double the national debt in just 7 years while the ignorant sheep said he was good for the economy.

I knew it when people without protest watched their jobs go to foreign countries while Detroit went into ruins I knew it when those same current and former union workers who lost good family wage jobs kept voting for the people who destroyed the jobs.

I knew it when women kept voting for Democrats as the free trade agreements exported the kinds of jobs they had dreamed of.

I knew it every day as I watched people keep voting for the same people who were all promises but no action about their economic plight and opportunities for the middle class eroded.

I knew it as I watched otherwise smart people vote for leaders who promised to tax the shit out of them and give their money to people who refused to earn it.

I knew it every time I turned on the news.


A word to the wise, hopefully sufficient: next time you quote me, kindly quote the entire post.

I find your simplistic definition of socialism fairly meaningless here. Even Bernie's self-identification as a 'socialist' is questionable in academic terms, but it does place him in contrast with the GOP wingnuts, particularly those with Ayn Rand tattoos on their asses...

Bernie's greatest strength is his consistent message that the US can no longer afford to be a Corporatist, unfettered Capitalist oligarchy. T-Rump, only cares about the game, and has NO coherent plan in the unlikely event he should 'win'.

He likes to manipulate things. The bullshitter's worst nightmare is, "You've got the job".

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^^^ Trump has that dead in his gun sights. Part of his platform is to get rid of Common Core. He's punching all of the tickets that have been bothering so many for so long.

Most of what Trump claims he will do as President can not even be done by the executive branch of the government!

The man does not know about the job he wants.

He only plays on the emotions of the uneducated and uninformed.

It would be amusing to see him insult and threaten to sue leaders of other countries who piss him off.

That only works in what the GOP seems to think is called a debate.

The world is not a bad reality show.

The man is a dangerous chump!

Trump is going to take DC by storm. Congress is going to HAVE to listen to him or they won't get re-elected. Remember, the main job of a politician is getting re-elected. It surely isn't following any kind of moral compass.

The American people are electing Trump so he will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table. He will be willing and able to go on TV and take his case directly to the people.

You just watch what he can get done.


I am glad you have a crystal ball and is able to make these predictions

Unfortunately for you the book makers disagree with you



Edited by sirineou
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All this bashing of the rich and wealthy...

Do you guys even comprehend that most of the USA population have a job to go to in the first place because the rich created those jobs?

And i have learned something in my life about people who talk about "free stuff for everyone"... they have no concept of balancing their own private economy and extremely often they are several hundred thousands USD in debt and "buy" (loan) a new car every 2-4 years, a new phone every 6 months and so on and the same time whine that it's the "rich" peoples fault for making them take loans and not having enough money for food.

Socialism really is an aggressive form of brain cancer. Because how else would you be able to defend the notion that someone else should give you their hard earned money.

Typical Right Wing rhetoric in an attempt to defend greed. Trickle down Reaganomics. Make the wealthy super wealthy and it will trickle down to the actual people who generate that wealth. Rubbish. The super wealthy and corporate America simply put the money in their pocket. I am yet to meet the corporate executive that tosses and turns at night trying to work out how to employ more people. In fact their objective is to do more with less people or identify people who they can exploit for even lower wages. The rich create nothing. It is actually employees who create wealth. I agree consumerism is a real problem but it isn't driven by poor people it is driven by the insatiable greed of corporate America.

It seems you haven't learnt that there is no such thing as 'free stuff'. Publicly funded Health, education, pharmaceuticals is not free it is paid by everyone for everyone and administered by a Government. It is far more affordable as it cuts out a nation being held hostage by corporate greed and delivers a fair and reasonable profit to providers. Lower cost better patient outcomes.

No one is advocating Socialism. All modern industrialised Nations other than America have Social structures for Health, education and pharmaceuticals simply because they are essential services and more affordable done that way. Pure Socialism does not work just the same as pure Capitalism is a failure as America is finding out.

The cancer that America is suffering from is a complete and utter takeover of the wealthy elite and corporate greed.

Seriously no one is buying this Right Wing drivel anymore.

As usual someone comes along who doesn't know what socialism, capitalism and corporatism mean and just pick them all, out them in the blender and call it "fruit-salladism".

Where did i say anything about "free stuff" actually being "free"? I said the exact opposite.

It's hilarious that all those whining about capitalism are always, 100% of the time, writing their whining with the help of said capitalism either with their smart phone, computer, ipad, ISP, cables etc. It's simple, people, smart people, want to have something for their effort and time and that effort and time is what seperate them from the rest of us mortals and they deserve every penny they get.

And no, not a single company force anyone to buy anything, people make their own choices to buy whatever crap they buy. To blame their weak will, be it advertisement or something else, on company X just shows how "entitled", pathetic and weak they are.

Oh and... Sanders is very much advocating socialism.

Not correct. Socialism is the absence of Capitalism neither Bernie or anyone is advocating that. People deserve a reasonable and fair return on an investment. Employees who generate wealth deserve a fair share of that wealth that they create. No more no less. At the moment America is a perfect example of how a purely Capitalist society simply does not work. You need to catch up, trickle down Reaganomics does not work and has been emphatically discredited.

What you are actually advocating is 'Wall Mart Economics'. Pay a person significantly below the poverty line and blame them they are poor and need a government subsidy to avoid them from starving to death and at the same time applaud the greed of Wall Mart owners.

Your views are shameful. When did you lose respect and common decency for people around you? You really do represent what is wrong with America a total lack of respect for others.

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Trump is going to take DC by storm. Congress is going to HAVE to listen to him or they won't get re-elected. Remember, the main job of a politician is getting re-elected. It surely isn't following any kind of moral compass.

The American people are electing Trump so he will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table. He will be willing and able to go on TV and take his case directly to the people.

You just watch what he can get done.


I am glad you have a crystal ball and is able to make these predictions

Unfortunately for you the book makers disagree with you



Those people are failing to predict record voter turnout for Trump. He's drawing record crowds everywhere he goes.

Today he held a rally in Alabama where so many people signed up, they had to move it to a football stadium. Today, Hillary gave speeches in churches. That's today. When Trump holds a rally, they often have to turn thousands away. Hillary can fit hers into a church.

Tonight Trump is holding another rally in Huntsville Alabama where they expect 30,000 people.

Twice as many people showed up to vote for R's in South Carolina as showed up for the D's. There's no excitement in the D camp, but the R number was another record.

There is no comparison to the draw these two have or don't have. Trump's campaign is breaking the campaign mold and every odds maker and pundit has and is getting it wrong.


Edited by NeverSure
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The American people are electing Trump so he will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table.

Yes, he will not only make a mess in the kitchen and congress, he will also make a mess of foreign relations. Even now, when there's not a Republican candidate, world leaders are rolling their eyes and wondering if there are a plurality of Americans so redneck-minded as to elect someone like Trump. A man with no experience or knowledge of how legislation gets passed in Congress, a man who's quick to anger, quick to getting offended, quick to slapping defamation suits right and left, a man who shouts down others if the other person says anything non-flattering about him. A man who flips flops and denies things he said earlier. Foreigners are probably thinking: Well, if Americans elect a baffoon like that, then they deserve all the bad things which ensue.

At this time, if you add up the votes for each side, the Dems would win; 90 to 85

How do you arrive at that? The Dems had a primary in SC yesterday......
I was referring to this tally on ThaiVisa.

Incidentally, most ThaiVisa (note: I say 'most' not 'all') members are male, white, middle aged, with pensions, well-off financially, probably had straight jobs before they retired. In other words, most lean to right-of-center. Few are welfare moms, free-thinking liberals, or outside the mainstream (in their former jobs). As such, the poll taken in this thread will reflect that. In contrast, a poll taken among a true cross-section of Americans would show a greater leaning toward Democratic candidates.

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The American people are electing Trump so he will go to DC and kick over the kitchen table.

Yes, he will not only make a mess in the kitchen and congress, he will also make a mess of foreign relations. Even now, when there's not a Republican candidate, world leaders are rolling their eyes and wondering if there are a plurality of Americans so redneck-minded as to elect someone like Trump. A man with no experience or knowledge of how legislation gets passed in Congress, a man who's quick to anger, quick to getting offended, quick to slapping defamation suits right and left, a man who shouts down others if the other person says anything non-flattering about him. A man who flips flops and denies things he said earlier. Foreigners are probably thinking: Well, if Americans elect a baffoon like that, then they deserve all the bad things which ensue.

At this time, if you add up the votes for each side, the Dems would win; 90 to 85

How do you arrive at that? The Dems had a primary in SC yesterday......
I was referring to this tally on ThaiVisa.

Incidentally, most ThaiVisa (note: I say 'most' not 'all') members are male, white, middle aged, with pensions, well-off financially, probably had straight jobs before they retired. In other words, most lean to right-of-center. Few are welfare moms, free-thinking liberals, or outside the mainstream (in their former jobs). As such, the poll taken in this thread will reflect that. In contrast, a poll taken among a true cross-section of Americans would show a greater leaning toward Democratic candidates.

"Yes, he will not only make a mess in the kitchen and congress, he will also make a mess of foreign relations."

Thank you. At least you agree he "will" be POTUS. tongue.png

Trump is almost 70 years old. He's been negotiating his way through not only the heart of NYC which is a tough place to do business, but he's international. He's had to work with governments both foreign and domestic getting his projects approved and so on.

Something I remind you of is that few he has worked with over the years have bad words to say about him. Sure there are always a few disgruntled out of thousands and they will make the headlines, but he has maintained relationships for decades in high places. One couldn't do what Trump has done without good people skills. He needs his huge network to be on his side.

People skills can include knowing when to kick ass too, you know. People skills can including knowing how to enter a candidacy, grab all of the attention and draw record crowds. That's what he's doing right now, but when he is actually POTUS he will revert to his long time management skills.

People right now are seeing only the promoter and the candidate and he knows exactly what he's doing and why he's doing it. He HAS to do it to break through the establishment juggernaut and beat them. It is NOT how he runs his business or how he relates to his friends.


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NO ! Hillary Clinton worst Secretary of State ever.... And other politicians lie.... but she has been CAUGHT lying too often.. too far left also...

NO ! Bernie Sanders..... raving far left socialist who can't wait to finish the U.S. undermining that Obama has been working hard at... Oldest of the bunch....might die in office.. after doing his best to bring the U.S. the rest of the way down on deficits and more taxes and mortgaging the grandkids futures even more living on borrowed money.. . Buying people's votes with promises to give them goodies paid for by their own money and borrowing into the future...

"...and Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They [socialists] always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them."

- The Right Honourable Lady Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of England. Feb. 5, 1976

NO ! Donald Trump..... I don't trust him at all. Trump is all about Trump. Why can't others see that ? ? Let him run his real estate empire he is building all over the world... including his golf courses in Scotland, his new skyscrapers in Toronto, Canada..... and all his other projects..

Best for president of the U.S. and to stop the descent into financial disaster and to destroy the Islamic terrorist organizations ? ?

YES ! Ted Cruz for President..... Marco Rubio V.P.

That would be the best ticket.

Edited by Catoni
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USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

One thing for sure. The Democratic Party today is sure as hell not the Democratic Party of J.F.K.'s time.

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