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Thaksin tells Al Jazeera 'we saw it coming'


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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

I truly find it laughable but sad really that there are some people that STILL come out with statements like this in an effort to paint one man as the Boogieman, yet

if the very same questions or statements were applied to Mark or this current PM then well then silence or denial.

Question, Was Mark elected by the people? NO, did mark put his mates in positions of power in government YES, Did Mark give the green light to use violence and then live rounds on protesters? YES, Did Mark suppress people and information (censorship) YES.

Now how about this current PM?, Hmmm YES on all accounts as well,

So your point is? Are you trying to paint one as evil and the others as innocent?

In the interview Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, Well so did the rest of the world.

I find it laughable and sad that you have to resort to "But, but, Mark". Never mind, everyone expected it.

Don't be too hard on him. He never even included "But but but Suthep" in his "Mark" tirade, and that surely shows some perception improvement, even for him.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

Al Jazeera journalists are champions of the oppressed and love to go on about democracy, freedom of expression etc. I guess the irony of where they broadcast from is lost on them. -_-

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He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

I truly find it laughable but sad really that there are some people that STILL come out with statements like this in an effort to paint one man as the Boogieman, yet

if the very same questions or statements were applied to Mark or this current PM then well then silence or denial.

Question, Was Mark elected by the people? NO, did mark put his mates in positions of power in government YES, Did Mark give the green light to use violence and then live rounds on protesters? YES, Did Mark suppress people and information (censorship) YES.

Now how about this current PM?, Hmmm YES on all accounts as well,

So your point is? Are you trying to paint one as evil and the others as innocent?

In the interview Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, Well so did the rest of the world.

Laughable.. Thaksin with his war on drugs and extrajudicial killings was responsible for far more deaths as Mark (if you can even hold him responsible). I bet you love to forget that .. the numbers were around 3000 innocent deaths.

No'p I don't forget it and commented on that subject several times, the laughable thing is, after I put rebuttal to the accusation's of "extrajudicial killings" almost all who comes out with this same drivel go very very quiet because truth evidence and facts are a problem for them.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Question, Was Mark the PM at the time of the killing of protesters? YES, then he should be held responsible, unfortunately he and Suthep have been let off,

Now some could say that is a massive miscarriage of justice... Now if that court case went to the (ICJ), I wonder what the outcome would have been then???

Now back on topic,

Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, ok so did the rest of the world, but the current PM denied that there plans (B_____T) and it would not happen,whistling.gif

The fact remains that there is great interest in Thaksin and his opinions, so he is entitled to comment regardless if you like it or not...

Now to be fair and not a "BUT Mark" or the general,, why not hold all politicians and the current PM to the very same flame? plenty of posters here will not for what ever reason and that is what I was pointing out, BIAS.....

So you admit by your own writing that if Mark is accountable for 100 death Thaksin is accountable for 30 times more. So 30 times worse ?. Personally I would not blame Thaksin for the 3000 deaths because I am sure he did not order the police to kill them just as Abisith would never have ordered the military to kill the protesters.

Though Thaksin is a bit more guilty here as his actions and the extra judicial killings were far more prolonged (so he should have stopped it faster). Also the death count is far higher. But I am sure neither of them have ordered it specifically but Thaksin had far more time to stop it and he did not.

Fact is he is a convicted criminal and one of the most corrupt PM's in history (he has a conviction already and no other has that so its a fact) plus there are many more cases against him that are far more damaging. So we can say without a doubt he is one of the biggest corrupt politicians in Thailand. (Suthep too and should face jail too in my opinion)

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They're all corrupt, dishonest, self-indulgent soi dogs but then aren't all politicians?

Personally speaking, I felt life was far better under Thaksin than it is now but I was new to the country then.

Until the natives accept that corruption is part of their culture and an essential part of the vehicle here they will forever be taking to the streets. Most get offended when accused of corrupt activities but the reality is that nearly every aspect of life from passing a test at school to mainline politics involves bending rules. The Thai public have to learn that they will probably never rid the country of it so look for the least corrupt party or the one whose party offers the best use of corruption to them.

I can see a new party emerging TCP, they may as well be honest about it lol

So anyway, what you are saying is that stealing vast sums for the people is acceptable and they should just keep at it

I can feel a "hub" coming on

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

One thing at a time and first things first. We haven't got the last guy to go to jail for even one day yet or even stand trial for some his confirmed charges. I am not aware of any court judgements or outstanding charges against the incumbent. Lets clean up the last lot first before we even begin speculating too much about the present. In other words, YOURS FIRST!!!

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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

I truly find it laughable but sad really that there are some people that STILL come out with statements like this in an effort to paint one man as the Boogieman, yet

if the very same questions or statements were applied to Mark or this current PM then well then silence or denial.

Question, Was Mark elected by the people? NO, did mark put his mates in positions of power in government YES, Did Mark give the green light to use violence and then live rounds on protesters? YES, Did Mark suppress people and information (censorship) YES.

Now how about this current PM?, Hmmm YES on all accounts as well,

So your point is? Are you trying to paint one as evil and the others as innocent?

In the interview Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, Well so did the rest of the world.

Laughable.. Thaksin with his war on drugs and extrajudicial killings was responsible for far more deaths as Mark (if you can even hold him responsible). I bet you love to forget that .. the numbers were around 3000 innocent deaths.

That's likely extremely inflated and lots of conflicting info on the totals - like these two contrary reports

said that of 2,819 people killed between February and April 2003, more than 1400 were unrelated to drug dealing or had no apparent reason for their killings. Human Rights Watch, ‘Thailand: Prosecute Anti-Drugs Police Identified in Abuses,' February 7, 2008 (online at http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/02/07/thaila17993.htm).


Regardless, nothing compares to firing into a temple that was declared a sanctuary for which both Abhisit and Suthep had all charges dropped.

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He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

I truly find it laughable but sad really that there are some people that STILL come out with statements like this in an effort to paint one man as the Boogieman, yet

if the very same questions or statements were applied to Mark or this current PM then well then silence or denial.

Question, Was Mark elected by the people? NO, did mark put his mates in positions of power in government YES, Did Mark give the green light to use violence and then live rounds on protesters? YES, Did Mark suppress people and information (censorship) YES.

Now how about this current PM?, Hmmm YES on all accounts as well,

So your point is? Are you trying to paint one as evil and the others as innocent?

In the interview Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, Well so did the rest of the world.

Laughable.. Thaksin with his war on drugs and extrajudicial killings was responsible for far more deaths as Mark (if you can even hold him responsible). I bet you love to forget that .. the numbers were around 3000 innocent deaths.

That's likely extremely inflated and lots of conflicting info on the totals - like these two contrary reports

said that of 2,819 people killed between February and April 2003, more than 1400 were unrelated to drug dealing or had no apparent reason for their killings. Human Rights Watch, ‘Thailand: Prosecute Anti-Drugs Police Identified in Abuses,' February 7, 2008 (online at http://hrw.org/english/docs/2008/02/07/thaila17993.htm).


Regardless, nothing compares to firing into a temple that was declared a sanctuary for which both Abhisit and Suthep had all charges dropped.

I said 3000 you show me 2819 so seems not that imfated. You are right it can't be compared because it was prolonged far more time to stop it when the bodies were piling up. Abisith and Suthep were incidents (regrettable but incidents not a prolonged few month campaign) Also even if i take the 1400 number its still many times more what Suthep and Abisith are accused of.

So yes in this instance Thaksin is far more guilty. Thanks for backing my statement up with facts.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

One thing at a time and first things first. We haven't got the last guy to go to jail for even one day yet or even stand trial for some his confirmed charges. I am not aware of any court judgements or outstanding charges against the incumbent. Lets clean up the last lot first before we even begin speculating too much about the present. In other words, YOURS FIRST!!!

I agree, there is a lot of finger pointing instead of looking into the mirror. We have to start somewhere and the point where this all mess started was under Thaksins administration, hence we need to start from him. I know pro-thaksin supporters will be like he is not the first to be corrupt and all, but thats just too bad, the protest and uproar started with him, so thats how the card should be played out.

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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

- the US springs to mind with the Kennedy, Bush, Clinton dynasties.

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

- the US and UK are two obvious examples they call a lot of it lobbying

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

- cannot think of a single recent US president or UK prime minister that has not been a multi-millionaire after after a stint in a modestly paid job

Rather than think, research.

Some Presidents whose net worth was less than 1 million USD: James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Grant, Jame Garfield, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolridge, Harry Truman

Some millionaires before they were President (in 2010 USD): George Washington,Theodore Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover , Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Barack Obama

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My wish for Thailand is for it to embrace true Democracy. Government of the People by the People. Some Say the people are not educated enough to make decisions. Then the task of those who say that is to make sure that all are educated. I do not mean brainwashed I mean academically enabled. Otherwise no matter what Government the current trends will continue. And Thailand is better than that

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The Puppeteer is a gutless criminal.

Easy to use 20/20 hindsight.

Why media gives him space is ridiculous.... probably, buys his interviews thru his PR Co!!

Edited by eggers
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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

One thing at a time and first things first. We haven't got the last guy to go to jail for even one day yet or even stand trial for some his confirmed charges. I am not aware of any court judgements or outstanding charges against the incumbent. Lets clean up the last lot first before we even begin speculating too much about the present. In other words, YOURS FIRST!!!

I agree, there is a lot of finger pointing instead of looking into the mirror. We have to start somewhere and the point where this all mess started was under Thaksins administration, hence we need to start from him. I know pro-thaksin supporters will be like he is not the first to be corrupt and all, but thats just too bad, the protest and uproar started with him, so thats how the card should be played out.

You mean to say that previous coups were also started by Thaksin mess? Don't think Thaksin is a constant since 1932 but the 18 coups are certainly a constant. See the pattern?

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

Come on, the countdown to the coup started the day that Yingluck/Pheu Thai won the election.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

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you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

One thing at a time and first things first. We haven't got the last guy to go to jail for even one day yet or even stand trial for some his confirmed charges. I am not aware of any court judgements or outstanding charges against the incumbent. Lets clean up the last lot first before we even begin speculating too much about the present. In other words, YOURS FIRST!!!

I agree, there is a lot of finger pointing instead of looking into the mirror. We have to start somewhere and the point where this all mess started was under Thaksins administration, hence we need to start from him. I know pro-thaksin supporters will be like he is not the first to be corrupt and all, but thats just too bad, the protest and uproar started with him, so thats how the card should be played out.

You mean to say that previous coups were also started by Thaksin mess? Don't think Thaksin is a constant since 1932 but the 18 coups are certainly a constant. See the pattern?

Did I say previous coups were started by Thaksin? Like I said before, we need to focus on the present not the past. Pro Thaksin supporter like you keep on saying the same things, coups from the past or no democracy because a General is running the country. You are totally ignoring all the events that occured in between and why.

It started because of Thaksins corruption charges. Protest under Yingluck started because TRT was trying to push for Amnesty to pardon all political cases dating back to 10 years ago. See the pattern? What the PAD did was wrong and should be held accountable too. But you will not agree with most fo what I say as you see it as an "Elite" holding to power issue that is why there is a coup to get rid of Thaksin.

You are trying to pin point all the problems on coups, yes perhaps that was the case before the 90s. But we are in the 2000s, its very different. The coup is not the problem here, instead it is the corrupted politicians or absurd things they are trying to pass. I don't believe coups would have ever happen if politicians follow the law and not try to pardon all corrupt politicians from 10 years ago with the Amnesty Law, that is simply absurd!

I don't support the coup, but it does bring some stability to the country which is what the country needs, the two political sides are at it for too long and turning too violent with their "peaceful" protests. There is no rule of law under "Democracy", whats the use of a Democracy when protesters can continue to take the city hostage? throw bombs?

I believe Thailand needs changes like this in order to move forward again, take two steps back to progress. When you think about how more than 50% of thais think a little corruption is fine, and that their majority vote is the key to democracy and whats best for the nation - Wow that should be a smack in the face and wake up call. Clearly Thailand is going down the wrong path with a mindset like that. As a society develops the people should too, but sadly Thailand is also sliding backwards with their education, the kids are getting dumb and dumber, scoring lower and lower each year! (starting to get off topic, but you get the point, politics can't progress if the human don't progress for the better at a faster pace)

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Al Jazeera journalists are champions of the oppressed and love to go on about democracy, freedom of expression etc. I guess the irony of where they broadcast from is lost on them. sleep.png

I actually thought their coverage of red shirt protests and coup were pretty good and unbias. They showed red shirts brandishing hand guns and other weapons, whereas all the other foreign news media downnplay the events and actions of the red shirts, reporting it as harmless fireworks.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

I think it does not matter the reason it seems to be when the "Majority" wins an election and corrupt or not they seem to be favoring the masses and not elite. Then the Military which is Traditionalist step in. Thailand does need stability. Thaksin is what you deem him to be. Yingluck but a naive puppet of her Brother. But a Military cannot solve a Civil problem. Thailand need to mature. Corruption and nepotism come from Apathy. All Our Countries are guilty of this. But for the Grace a few years could see our Nations role down similar paths

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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

It's amazing that no journalist, of any nationality or media outlet, has done a "Hard Talk" interrogation of Thaksin and asked him to answer some very pertinent questions. They all seem to accept the BS generalization that everything against him is politically motivated, and that he's as innocent as a new born.

I guess that's the power that comes with being a multi mega rich billionaire - and no Thai government or office has really done much to bring him to justice. He must feel he really is above any laws and fully entitled to the positions he craves.

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He's back!

Well,sort of.

He never left, the only way to kill a snake is to cut its head off.

What democratic government in the world, where the PM is able to put his family and friends who have little or no political experience in key positions of government, even to be elected as PM?

What democratic government in the world, allows vote buying, via cash or intimidation.

Most would have to be elected in by elections and state elections first, would it be believable that all of TS friends and family were elected for these positions?

What democratic government in the world, would tell the people that they are going to take from the rich and give to the poor, then move the money that was promised to the poor to shelf companies and off shore accounts

What democratic government in the world, would have a militant group of thugs and violent offenders that will go out and disrupt the opposing governments, murder supporters the opposing governments including destruction of private property and burning down shopping centers.

Why didn't the al Jazeera interviewer ask him that?

I truly find it laughable but sad really that there are some people that STILL come out with statements like this in an effort to paint one man as the Boogieman, yet

if the very same questions or statements were applied to Mark or this current PM then well then silence or denial.

Question, Was Mark elected by the people? NO, did mark put his mates in positions of power in government YES, Did Mark give the green light to use violence and then live rounds on protesters? YES, Did Mark suppress people and information (censorship) YES.

Now how about this current PM?, Hmmm YES on all accounts as well,

So your point is? Are you trying to paint one as evil and the others as innocent?

In the interview Thaksin said he saw the coup coming, Well so did the rest of the world.

I'm sure Thaksin saw the coup coming as soon as so many people reacted against his attempt to award himself, his sister, family and friends a blanket whitewash amnesty. He miscalculated the amount of people who would not only react to such a blatant attempt to evade justice, but also be prepared to go and protest against it.

When it became clear that a hard core of protesters would then use this as an excuse to try and remove his puppet regime, preventing the contentious Amnesty Bill from being enacted into law, he resorted to the old violence, intimidation and murder to scare them off. That didn't work and provided the excuse for the coup.

He played the game and lost. His strategy and assumptions weren't correct.

Of course he's not the only one who is corrupt, ruthless, and without any morals and conscience. Plenty more before during and most probably after him. But that there are others is not an excuse for him nor does it make him in any way innocent.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

Your all wrong, did you not read the articles during that time how people rallied because of the amnesty. Also I have spoken with anti government protesters and they came out because of the amnesty. So your wrong his amnesty was the catalyst even PTP members have said so. Admitted it was a bad idea and brought the people to the streets.

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you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

One thing at a time and first things first. We haven't got the last guy to go to jail for even one day yet or even stand trial for some his confirmed charges. I am not aware of any court judgements or outstanding charges against the incumbent. Lets clean up the last lot first before we even begin speculating too much about the present. In other words, YOURS FIRST!!!

I agree, there is a lot of finger pointing instead of looking into the mirror. We have to start somewhere and the point where this all mess started was under Thaksins administration, hence we need to start from him. I know pro-thaksin supporters will be like he is not the first to be corrupt and all, but thats just too bad, the protest and uproar started with him, so thats how the card should be played out.

You mean to say that previous coups were also started by Thaksin mess? Don't think Thaksin is a constant since 1932 but the 18 coups are certainly a constant. See the pattern?

Did I say previous coups were started by Thaksin? Like I said before, we need to focus on the present not the past. Pro Thaksin supporter like you keep on saying the same things, coups from the past or no democracy because a General is running the country. You are totally ignoring all the events that occured in between and why.

It started because of Thaksins corruption charges. Protest under Yingluck started because TRT was trying to push for Amnesty to pardon all political cases dating back to 10 years ago. See the pattern? What the PAD did was wrong and should be held accountable too. But you will not agree with most fo what I say as you see it as an "Elite" holding to power issue that is why there is a coup to get rid of Thaksin.

You are trying to pin point all the problems on coups, yes perhaps that was the case before the 90s. But we are in the 2000s, its very different. The coup is not the problem here, instead it is the corrupted politicians or absurd things they are trying to pass. I don't believe coups would have ever happen if politicians follow the law and not try to pardon all corrupt politicians from 10 years ago with the Amnesty Law, that is simply absurd!

I don't support the coup, but it does bring some stability to the country which is what the country needs, the two political sides are at it for too long and turning too violent with their "peaceful" protests. There is no rule of law under "Democracy", whats the use of a Democracy when protesters can continue to take the city hostage? throw bombs?

I believe Thailand needs changes like this in order to move forward again, take two steps back to progress. When you think about how more than 50% of thais think a little corruption is fine, and that their majority vote is the key to democracy and whats best for the nation - Wow that should be a smack in the face and wake up call. Clearly Thailand is going down the wrong path with a mindset like that. As a society develops the people should too, but sadly Thailand is also sliding backwards with their education, the kids are getting dumb and dumber, scoring lower and lower each year! (starting to get off topic, but you get the point, politics can't progress if the human don't progress for the better at a faster pace)

The establishment and the military are dragging their insistence to dominate in the past to the present. I can safely predict that there will be future coups whether we have Thaksin around or not so long as the establishment see that their dominance is being threatened. Even the current military leaders could not commit to an end to more coups.

The military did end the mayhem and could have done that without a coup. The coup has been in their scope when the PT won the election. They just have to find the right moment and the right person. They got their rabble rouser in Sondhi in "05 and Suthep in '14.

I agreed with you that we have to move on but the coup is no answer and has done more damages than good. 20 months post coup and we have yet to see meaningful reforms and decrease in corruption. Meanwhile the loyalist charter drafters are trying to take away more people rights while corruption are occurring within that can't be questioned.

I say give and trust the people to decide their future and select their representatives. Sooner or later, the people will wise up to their leaders' corrupt ways and poor performance at the ballot box.

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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

Or maybe he commented on the topic - Thaksin and what provoked the coup?

Did you miss the vast swathes of normal everyday people who decided to protest? Not a protest for a coup, or to bring down the puppet Yingluck regime, but a protest against Thaksin's attempts to whitewash himself and put himself above the law.

As usual, any attempt to try and change the discussion away from the Shins, or any excuse to say their crimes are o k because some one else did it.

Pathetic why so many Western posters openly support such a corrupt proven liar.

Edited by Baerboxer
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He should have not asked amnesty almost everyone agrees that was the catalyst for the street protests. I am not saying the coup would not have happened, it might (no way to know for sure) as there as an other reason for the coup too. But I do know that support for the coup would be real low if not for the street protests and his amnesty. So he gave them the chance because he did not want to face the courts for all the other cases still pending against him far more serious as what he is convicted for. But hey.. just blame the military its easier.

you mean I misread the current "government" got amnesty too??? for all current deeds and future??? but you don't mention that but hey... just tell half the truth

The current government got an amnesty, because they had to react you could say they were forced into it. (or at least they can use it as an excuse because of Thaksins amnesty and the street protests). Kinda like defending yourself when a burglar gets into your house. Most people are excused then too unless they use excessive force.

No half truths from me at all his amnesty started it (or gave it the perfect excuse) that is a fact nobody can deny. That the current goverment got an amnesty is not something I loose sleep over at night. Just as I wont loose sleep over it if they are convicted for staging the coup. I have not much love for them, just prefer them over the previous government but not as much as before.

I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

Then why do you think so many normal, not political activists or paid stooges, went and protested his Amnesty attempt?

I was surprised at how many Thai people I know - from university, my wives old Uni alumni, children's friends' parents, neighbors, acquaintances, relations and friends who went and met up at the protests. Oddly many had actually voted for PTP. But they were all revolted by the idea of a blanket whitewash and a smug return.

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I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

I think it does not matter the reason it seems to be when the "Majority" wins an election and corrupt or not they seem to be favoring the masses and not elite. Then the Military which is Traditionalist step in. Thailand does need stability. Thaksin is what you deem him to be. Yingluck but a naive puppet of her Brother. But a Military cannot solve a Civil problem. Thailand need to mature. Corruption and nepotism come from Apathy. All Our Countries are guilty of this. But for the Grace a few years could see our Nations role down similar paths

Don't disagree with all you post, but Thaksin and his clan only really favor themselves. A few crumbs to the masses. Simply a rival power faction out for all than can get for themselves. Thaksin was clever enough to see how the Lees took control of Singapore, his mate Hun Set did in Cambodia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe. He craves that level of control for himself and his family. That's why he was so reviled by the other more established elites once they twigged what he was up to.

Nothing remotely connected to democracy, and improving the people's lot.

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I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

I think it does not matter the reason it seems to be when the "Majority" wins an election and corrupt or not they seem to be favoring the masses and not elite. Then the Military which is Traditionalist step in. Thailand does need stability. Thaksin is what you deem him to be. Yingluck but a naive puppet of her Brother. But a Military cannot solve a Civil problem. Thailand need to mature. Corruption and nepotism come from Apathy. All Our Countries are guilty of this. But for the Grace a few years could see our Nations role down similar paths

Don't disagree with all you post, but Thaksin and his clan only really favor themselves. A few crumbs to the masses. Simply a rival power faction out for all than can get for themselves. Thaksin was clever enough to see how the Lees took control of Singapore, his mate Hun Set did in Cambodia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe. He craves that level of control for himself and his family. That's why he was so reviled by the other more established elites once they twigged what he was up to.

Nothing remotely connected to democracy, and improving the people's lot.

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I would not say his amnesty started it. Thai people did not care if he got an amnesty or not in the same way nobody cares that the army got an amnesty. The army in collusion with Suthep just needed any excuse to get out on the streets and stir up trouble. It could have been the rice scheme etc etc

I think it does not matter the reason it seems to be when the "Majority" wins an election and corrupt or not they seem to be favoring the masses and not elite. Then the Military which is Traditionalist step in. Thailand does need stability. Thaksin is what you deem him to be. Yingluck but a naive puppet of her Brother. But a Military cannot solve a Civil problem. Thailand need to mature. Corruption and nepotism come from Apathy. All Our Countries are guilty of this. But for the Grace a few years could see our Nations role down similar paths

Don't disagree with all you post, but Thaksin and his clan only really favor themselves. A few crumbs to the masses. Simply a rival power faction out for all than can get for themselves. Thaksin was clever enough to see how the Lees took control of Singapore, his mate Hun Set did in Cambodia and Mugabe in Zimbabwe. He craves that level of control for himself and his family. That's why he was so reviled by the other more established elites once they twigged what he was up to.

Nothing remotely connected to democracy, and improving the people's lot.

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