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Fat Future: 20 percent of Bangkok kids are overweight


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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

Yeah, it's too convenient to just blame this on western influence.

I am of a different opinion.

The children move less and eat uncontrollably while watching TV or playing on the tablet is one side.

But the western Fast Food industrie (Hamburgers, pizza, coke, donuts, potato chips, sugar Coffee, Popcorn, etc.) have also a big share in the development of obesity.

And the advertising for these products also contributes indeed doing its part.

Twenty years ago, I have seen in Thailand not so many overweight people as it is today.

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

Correct, Thai food and sweetened drinks. Sugar is the most used taste enhancer in Thai food nowadays, and one tablespoon per portion is not unusual. Som tam often contains loads of sugar too. In addition, there's sugar in more or less all drinks except pure water. Look at the declaration on milk and soy milk bottles, and you'll see that 10-20% added sugar is not unusual. Sugar is, as earlier mentioned, addictive, and it's difficult to get children addicted to it to eat "normal" food.

The root to it all is probably a mix of Thais losing their culture and knowledge about cooking, strong push from the sugar industry and the fact that sugar is extremely cheap.

Most schools in Thailand have a small shop selling snacks and sweet drinks, and it's not unusual to see children taking 20 baht to school every day to spend at that shop. It's a receipt for disaster of course, and diet related health problems have been exploding in Thailand the last two decades. The only ones smiling are those who own the sugar industry and those who own the medical facilities where people end up sooner or later. It's all about money after all.

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

More true in respect of rural kids but in Bangkok it's so common to see these poor porkers getting right into western junk, many of them not much older than 10 or 12. It's sad.

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Not surprised. Just look at what the kids eat! The government stopped selling sweet soda in most schools in Bangkok, but still allows selling shakes with God knows what! Still way too much sugar! Then, plenty of fried food with transfat oils inside the school, such as french fries, chicken nuggets, processed meatballs and so on, just you name it. And of course plenty of ice-cream. Most of it of doubtful quality.

I'm afraid it is in Thai culture to eat greasy processed food at this point.

Furthermore Thai schools rarely encourage kids to get involved in sport activities, or just don't have enough facilities or space for kids to do sport.

There are many problems and of the Ministry of Education should be held responsible.

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Have you seen all the crap being sold all over the country?

the 10 baht Aha supposedly a milk shake, there is nothing milky in it but the color and so much sugar that you might as well not eat for the rest of the week,

Then all the Thai snacks, again nothing but sugar. No wonder kids are getting fatter when parents do not even bother to read the labels before feeding the kids

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

Thai have been eating Thai food for centuries and did not get fat from it, so your rational is just plane wrong.

However as i said before, all the new drinks which are full of sugar, really ridiculous amounts is the reason.

Even look at Oishi Tea's, there is nothing tea about it. Its water mixed with sugar, something like 10 spoons to a bottle

If you look at kids at lunch time, most are sucking this Aha milk shake, again as mentioned, its nothing but water mixed with sugar and may be some milk powder.

Sugar % in this tiny bottle from memory is something like 35%

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A factor. Not the only one

So speak it out.

What are the other factors beside the introduction of western fast food and less exercise?

Here are some.


Many of the same causal factors that occur in western countries, such as poor diet, stress and sedentary lifestyle, are also present in Thailand. Here, however, additional cultural, economic and environmental factors are contributing to the problem and/or making remedial action more problematic. Indeed, the obesity epidemic now developing in Thailand has all the makings of a 'perfect storm' .

It's a complex problem with complex reasons for its development and complex, multifaceted potential solutions.

I object to insisting on OVERSIMPLIFYING such a complex problem.

That's a recipe for ignorance and failure to improve things.

Sure they could get all xenophobic and shut down all the KFCs.

The next day they would reopen as ThaiFCs.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yep all the so called "American" junk has a lot to do with it but what about 7/11 and all that highly processed shit CP has built its empire on? You would be flat out finding maybe a handful of things in 7/11 that would be considered anywhere near healthy.

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Most Thai kids are fat from eating Thai food, not western food, which many can't afford. Cheap Thai junk or expensive western junk, it'll all turn you into the Pillsbury Doughboy . Smartphones have put an end to any exercise that might have happened,

Thai have been eating Thai food for centuries and did not get fat from it, so your rational is just plane wrong.

Thai food used to be prepared with an assortment of spices. The last couple of decades, the most important "spice" has changed to become sugar. It's cheaper, simpler to use and highly addictive. Consumers like the sweet taste but mostly have no idea about the consequences. In addition comes Oishi, Coke, shakes and all the other sugar bombs. People have no idea that a 0% fat yogurt with 10-20% sugar is much more fattening than unsweetened yogurt with the fat intact. So they buy it and think they are safe. The commercial said so, so then....

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Sadly the masses are clueless about nutrition and think bread is healthy. Add to that the twisted fact that families (especially thai-chinese) think a fat kid is both good fortune AND indicates affluence to their peers...the poor kid is encouraged to be fat and they all "coo" over how cute he/she is. Often see the parents passing them donuts in the cashier queue at lotus. Then there's the hours of gaming in cafes totally sedentary lifestyles. Action needed.

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A study from Princeton University examined the behavior of rats given sugar in their diet.

No more got the candy, they were anxious, chattering his teeth and showed otherwise all signs of withdrawal, as we know it from drug addicts.

Were the animal subjects again "spoiled" with the candy, they beat too powerful, and devoured significantly more than if you force a sugar withdrawal.

In the brain, the experts were able to show changes as they occur

with a cocaine dependence.

To punish the food and beverage industry would be the best.

Clear labels on the products, understandable health indicators, etc.

Maybe they should copy the rules for cigarette packaging, for the waste from the food industry.

Without a four-year study of nutrition, no consumer is able to understand the content indicated on the together adulterated food.

But I would not wait for it.

Education and nutrition training are important here.

Many people do not know what they shovel into themselves.

Fast food is garbage and too little exercise are the recipe for an unhealthy (unhappy) life.

The majority of schools (in most countries) failed here to educate regarding nutrition.

The best thing what I can do, is to teach my children what are good and bad foods.

I completely agree with you. There are two hurdles to get over first. One is that most government food guidelines are faulty and out of date. Second, is the availability and cost of high nutrient density food.

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I have to say that I agree with the sweet tea drinks putting on the pounds. I was drinking a lot of these last year and I piled it on, last 6 months I have stopped and I have dropped 10kg.

It's also the sweetened condensed milk used in pancakes, teas and a huge abundance of high fat / sugar processed foods and snacks that people buy from places like 7/11.

I dont blame the retailers, they are just stocking what people are buying but for a country in SE Asia where they have such a huge and amazing selection of fruit, veg, seafood, fish and other things I think it is a shame they are adopting Western practices.

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A study from Princeton University examined the behavior of rats given sugar in their diet.

No more got the candy, they were anxious, chattering his teeth and showed otherwise all signs of withdrawal, as we know it from drug addicts.

Were the animal subjects again "spoiled" with the candy, they beat too powerful, and devoured significantly more than if you force a sugar withdrawal.

In the brain, the experts were able to show changes as they occur

with a cocaine dependence.

To punish the food and beverage industry would be the best.

Clear labels on the products, understandable health indicators, etc.

Maybe they should copy the rules for cigarette packaging, for the waste from the food industry.

Without a four-year study of nutrition, no consumer is able to understand the content indicated on the together adulterated food.

But I would not wait for it.

Education and nutrition training are important here.

Many people do not know what they shovel into themselves.

Fast food is garbage and too little exercise are the recipe for an unhealthy (unhappy) life.

The majority of schools (in most countries) failed here to educate regarding nutrition.

The best thing what I can do, is to teach my children what are good and bad foods.

agree, very balanced and sensible view in my opinion. Most points are common sense really but the world is a place where convenience os king and spending as little time as possible doing anything is prized amongst most. This unfortunately includes cooking for yourself which I believe is also one of the reasons why obesity is so prevalent. When you cook yourself you are avoiding ready made and heavily processed foods much more, plus you control the level of salt and sugar you use.

As I said in a previous post, local ingredients such as fruit and veg is very cheap here, people are very lucky to have such a huge, affordable choice. Also, fresh fish is very cheap, i can buy Saba for 12 baht each!

I think the key is education of course but also teach your kids how to cook, have family dinner each day and get them involved in the process or preparation for meals. They will soon learn that ready made foods and snacks are mostly junk when they get used to eating well at home.

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America's gift to the world.

I don't think that's really fair.

Look at the modern Thai food people eat as well. That's most likely the much bigger factor.

Have you been to America? I went in 1991 and I was shocked at how much they ate and what they ate. Lazy Britain today is catching up fast though. When I first came to Thailand fifteen years ago, you could spit for luck when you saw a chubby kid. Now they're everywhere. Thai junk food or western junk food? Maybe Thai junk food inspired by western junk food. Where did global franchise junk food originate? It's addictive. It's a fix. It gets you high. Why do you think obese people don't have a problem when they look in the mirror. Add that to the little emperor syndrome that's so prevalent and what do you get?

Years ago I played a computer game called Sim City.

You were able to add salt to food to increase soda sales.

50-60 years ago the whole world was slim.

Food technology has allowed food producers to "add sugars and salts" in such blends that their products become more and more addictive.

Have a read of the 1950's book, the Space Merchants - all that was then science fiction has been science fact for years.

I find it very hard when people don't understand this and simply blame the fatties and call them greedy and lazy.

In reality, the control hormones in fatties have been rendered inoperative because of too many years of high carbohydrate diets.

The American scientists got it wrong 60 years ago - they wrongly concluded that fat makes one fat!

See the movie Cereal Killers.

Will Thailand take a stand against it?

I doubt it, not good for the bottom line - and as we all know - that's what's important in this corrupt world.

It's catch 22.

If a vendor began selling soda with less sugar and high fructose corn syrup, his sales would fall - people have been trained to want/need the sweet taste!

A very unhappy and unhealthy state of affairs.

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Just to add something to the argument. So called diet drinks are just as bad if not worse. They cause numerous problems as bad as sugar drinks. Look it up. They are causing as many problems as sugar.


When you consume something that tastes sweet but has no calories, your hormones get excited and cause you to want to eat more until you have ingested loads more real calories.....

Not to mention other side effects like cancers.....

A year long study with 1,000 volunteers, done a few years ago in a Danish Uni concluded that the folk who ate a high fat diet had better weight control than the high carbs low fat group.

Further analysis of the data showed that the high fat group ate less calories overall.

The reason they concluded, was that the fat satisfied and the person stopped eating.

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I too have noticed that the Thai kids today are far more heavier now than just a few years ago.I taught at a private school for some 3 years(retired now) and the kids there were privileged,mollycoddled,lazy and some were downright stupid.Obviously,these kids had access to money from their parents.Their mother's(being basically lazy) would give them a thousand baht to got to mall and eat there,rather than be bothered to fix a healthy meal for them.Now, fat kids are not popular with their confederates at school.We all know you get the slim and beautiful and the fat and ugly.But a fat kid with a thousand baht to spend,suddenly becomes every ones best friend.So the likes of Mc Donalds,KFC,and all the rest profited from these children.I noticed many of the kids putting on weight over the year's.But its not just the weight,its the arrogance,and,defiance, and the knowledge of control over others that comes with it.The heavier kid becomes a bully. I was standing in line,in a Big C waiting to buy an ice cream for my wife and i,and a fat,pig of a kid actually pushed me out of the way to get in front of me.His,i assume mother and father, simply looked at me with that,'kids will be kids' look. and did nothing to chastise the boy for his bad behaviour.i,in turn told the boy how bad mannered he was and to get to the back of the line.The parents glared at me as if i was in the wrong.If these kids are a sign of the future,then i fear for those that have to live with them,let alone teach them.


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Lack of education in diet, Lack of a dietary educated direction from parents or guardians, lack of physical fitness...Thailand the Hub of child obesity

Lack of any education, let alone diet....

Lack of common sense too....

There is hardly anything to eat that isn't loaded with salt, sugar or fat...

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Education and free will are important, but that's just a start. There also needs to be a top down strategy so that lower cost more nutritious food choices are available everywhere, and promoted heavily. Also very bold WARNING LABELS on products culpable in this epidemic ... such as very sugary drinks. Yes you basically need to force big food industries to help with this. There would also have to be some hard core enforcement against small vendors pushing sweets at school kids. Harsh, yes, but otherwise, might as well give up. The details are debatable but major improvement can't happen unless the food environment for the masses of Thais changes A LOT.

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It's very easy to blame obese people for making poor nutritional choices, being lazy, eating too much etc but the reality is that the food manufacturers are almost entirely to blame.

This is especially true for poorer people in deprived areas where health food is simply not an option for them.

When someone explains to me how on earth it is possible for an eighteen month old toddler to be obese when they have zero choice as to what they eat, then I'll believe otherwise.

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