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Thailand is the land of smiles? With growing list of violent attacks you have to be having a laugh

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A lot of posters like to live in denial when it comes to Thailand.

Comments like nothing has ever happened to me in 10 years here and the farangs bring it on themselves and it iss just as dangerous in Manchester at 10pm on a Saturday night, or the tourist must have provoked the attack or because they raised their voice they got what they deserved...etc etc etc

The stats don't lie thou and for Aussies and Brits at least per capita Thailand is far more dangerous than any other country to visit.

Of course the Thais also know that the consequences of any attack on a farang in the majority of cases is not that much.

A tourist is a free target. You can do what you like and odds are you wont suffer too many consequences as a result. You can rip off a tourist and if they complain you can bash them and nothing much will happen.

The Thais themselves if you talk to most of them full well realise how dangerous thailand is and they take a much more cautious view than many of the long term so called expert farangs that like to live in denial as to the true nature of Thai society.

A guy picks up and moves to Thailand, Maybe gets married. Maybe starts a family. 'Spends a big chunk of the nest egg on a house and a new start. Maybe even starts a business. Or just settles into retirement. In any case, 'puts down new roots. 'Has likely even done so on an irrevocable basis. Most who do that are just not going to be able to bring objectivity to the discussion. They're committed. They're invested. They've made their bed. Emotionally, quite possibly financially, and perhaps because they have a business to talk up, they'd have a very hard time reversing their decision, and so now pretty must just have to make the best of it and glue on a happy face no matter how bad it gets. When they come online here stubbornly insisting that everyone else is wrong and Thailand is truly heaven on earth, you get the impression they're actually seeking reassurance and validation from each other. It's very understandable.

Or perhaps just some people think differently to you. I don't have any of the ties to Thailand that you describe. I just like it here, and don't believe its particularly dangerous compared to other places in the world.

Right. If you say so.

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And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.

For some people it's just too difficult to accept that their 'paradise' retirement place is not what it turned out to be so they do everything they can to protect it, even if that means sticking their heads deep in the sand. I know it's kind of embarrassing towards the family back home to have to confess that you bought a condo in the wrong country, after all, they all kept telling you to go to Spain. It's a fact that TH is becoming more and more violent so it's not exactly click baiting. Back in the day when many of us started coming here, late 90's, it really was the land of smiles. TH was extremely chilled out. When you have a look now you can see a huge difference. There are murders and violent attacks almost every week. Some people will argue and say it only seems like that because everything is published on the internet these days compared to back then, when it was all covered up or only the biggest stories would end up on the news or in the papers. Not true. The atmosphere was different. People were really laid back and smiling a lot. Since the greed took over there has been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming, etc, etc. It's just a fact. So to say TH is the same chilled out place as 15 years ago is wishful thinking. To all you guys who just turned up between 2005 and now; this is all you know so yes, if you compare TH to the US or the UK or Syria it still is paradise but for us long termers it's not the place it used to be. We can see the sharp increase in all sorts of crime and a large decrease in smiles. As for tourists; I'm glad I've done all that back then already. I wouldn't want to be a tourist in TH these days with so many 'sharks' trying to get your cash out of your pocket in any possible way; jet skis, canopy walking, elephants, tigers, ladyboys, tuk tuks, etc, etc, etc. The list is endless.

I understand too that some of you guys live up in sticks and some of these places are still very chilled out so to you it might seem as if TH is still the same as 10 years ago but reality is different in the tourist places, incl BKK.

Once again, if a journo. wants to write a balanced piece about crime in Thailand that sets out facts, I'll salute it. My ire is not about the message but about the quality of journalism involved, it's really really poor and shouldn't be allowed in UK broadsheets.

As for the message the article tries to give: there's no data or facts in their to allow anyone to conclude on the subject. You say it's a fact that Thailand is becoming more dangerous, I say prove it with facts. You say "there's been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming:, where do the facts that support your claim come from and can we see them please or did you just pull those statements from a dark hole!

I see that tourist numbers increase every year so I would expect the proportion of crime victims to increase but that in itself doesn't mean that Thailand is more dangerous, the percentage of victims to visitors I would guess remains very similar.

And I see that RTA's have increased ridiculously, if that's your sole argument my response is, I thought this was about crime figures!

As for the condo etc: I sold mine several years ago and two years ago bought a house and where I live is quite idyllic, mostly away from tourists and a long way from Pattaya and Phuket.

Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.


Now there's plans to boost quality euro tourists but its too late ,they're terrified of all the murders and mayhem and going elsewhere

And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.
For some people it's just too difficult to accept that their 'paradise' retirement place is not what it turned out to be so they do everything they can to protect it, even if that means sticking their heads deep in the sand. I know it's kind of embarrassing towards the family back home to have to confess that you bought a condo in the wrong country, after all, they all kept telling you to go to Spain. It's a fact that TH is becoming more and more violent so it's not exactly click baiting. Back in the day when many of us started coming here, late 90's, it really was the land of smiles. TH was extremely chilled out. When you have a look now you can see a huge difference. There are murders and violent attacks almost every week. Some people will argue and say it only seems like that because everything is published on the internet these days compared to back then, when it was all covered up or only the biggest stories would end up on the news or in the papers. Not true. The atmosphere was different. People were really laid back and smiling a lot. Since the greed took over there has been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming, etc, etc. It's just a fact. So to say TH is the same chilled out place as 15 years ago is wishful thinking. To all you guys who just turned up between 2005 and now; this is all you know so yes, if you compare TH to the US or the UK or Syria it still is paradise but for us long termers it's not the place it used to be. We can see the sharp increase in all sorts of crime and a large decrease in smiles. As for tourists; I'm glad I've done all that back then already. I wouldn't want to be a tourist in TH these days with so many 'sharks' trying to get your cash out of your pocket in any possible way; jet skis, canopy walking, elephants, tigers, ladyboys, tuk tuks, etc, etc, etc. The list is endless.

I understand too that some of you guys live up in sticks and some of these places are still very chilled out so to you it might seem as if TH is still the same as 10 years ago but reality is different in the tourist places, incl BKK.

Once again, if a journo. wants to write a balanced piece about crime in Thailand that sets out facts, I'll salute it. My ire is not about the message but about the quality of journalism involved, it's really really poor and shouldn't be allowed in UK broadsheets.

As for the message the article tries to give: there's no data or facts in their to allow anyone to conclude on the subject. You say it's a fact that Thailand is becoming more dangerous, I say prove it with facts. You say "there's been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming:, where do the facts that support your claim come from and can we see them please or did you just pull those statements from a dark hole!

I see that tourist numbers increase every year so I would expect the proportion of crime victims to increase but that in itself doesn't mean that Thailand is more dangerous, the percentage of victims to visitors I would guess remains very similar.

And I see that RTA's have increased ridiculously, if that's your sole argument my response is, I thought this was about crime figures!

As for the condo etc: I sold mine several years ago and two years ago bought a house and where I live is quite idyllic, mostly away from tourists and a long way from Pattaya and Phuket.

Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


More denial please...

You again! So tell me, what problem do you have with those numbers, do you not understand them and need them explained to you?

And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.
For some people it's just too difficult to accept that their 'paradise' retirement place is not what it turned out to be so they do everything they can to protect it, even if that means sticking their heads deep in the sand. I know it's kind of embarrassing towards the family back home to have to confess that you bought a condo in the wrong country, after all, they all kept telling you to go to Spain. It's a fact that TH is becoming more and more violent so it's not exactly click baiting. Back in the day when many of us started coming here, late 90's, it really was the land of smiles. TH was extremely chilled out. When you have a look now you can see a huge difference. There are murders and violent attacks almost every week. Some people will argue and say it only seems like that because everything is published on the internet these days compared to back then, when it was all covered up or only the biggest stories would end up on the news or in the papers. Not true. The atmosphere was different. People were really laid back and smiling a lot. Since the greed took over there has been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming, etc, etc. It's just a fact. So to say TH is the same chilled out place as 15 years ago is wishful thinking. To all you guys who just turned up between 2005 and now; this is all you know so yes, if you compare TH to the US or the UK or Syria it still is paradise but for us long termers it's not the place it used to be. We can see the sharp increase in all sorts of crime and a large decrease in smiles. As for tourists; I'm glad I've done all that back then already. I wouldn't want to be a tourist in TH these days with so many 'sharks' trying to get your cash out of your pocket in any possible way; jet skis, canopy walking, elephants, tigers, ladyboys, tuk tuks, etc, etc, etc. The list is endless.

I understand too that some of you guys live up in sticks and some of these places are still very chilled out so to you it might seem as if TH is still the same as 10 years ago but reality is different in the tourist places, incl BKK.

Once again, if a journo. wants to write a balanced piece about crime in Thailand that sets out facts, I'll salute it. My ire is not about the message but about the quality of journalism involved, it's really really poor and shouldn't be allowed in UK broadsheets.

As for the message the article tries to give: there's no data or facts in their to allow anyone to conclude on the subject. You say it's a fact that Thailand is becoming more dangerous, I say prove it with facts. You say "there's been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming:, where do the facts that support your claim come from and can we see them please or did you just pull those statements from a dark hole!

I see that tourist numbers increase every year so I would expect the proportion of crime victims to increase but that in itself doesn't mean that Thailand is more dangerous, the percentage of victims to visitors I would guess remains very similar.

And I see that RTA's have increased ridiculously, if that's your sole argument my response is, I thought this was about crime figures!

As for the condo etc: I sold mine several years ago and two years ago bought a house and where I live is quite idyllic, mostly away from tourists and a long way from Pattaya and Phuket.

Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Facts my b-u-m. Daily Mirror facts? Wikipedia facts? Thai government facts? LOL. What's next? Some Bangkokpost facts saying TH is the safest and best country in the world, 555


Other than ThaiVisa posters criticizing the tern "Land of Smiles", I have not heard of Thailand referred to as such for a long time.

Get over it.

I think Thailand has.


And you wonder why Thailand is now getting closer to China and Russia and becoming less interested in improving relationships with the West, when foreign media publishes a second grade piece of journalism that damns the entire country. I mean, what does that article actually say and why is it newsworthy, a short piece that reminds everyone that nowhere in the world is 100% safe, sad.
For some people it's just too difficult to accept that their 'paradise' retirement place is not what it turned out to be so they do everything they can to protect it, even if that means sticking their heads deep in the sand. I know it's kind of embarrassing towards the family back home to have to confess that you bought a condo in the wrong country, after all, they all kept telling you to go to Spain. It's a fact that TH is becoming more and more violent so it's not exactly click baiting. Back in the day when many of us started coming here, late 90's, it really was the land of smiles. TH was extremely chilled out. When you have a look now you can see a huge difference. There are murders and violent attacks almost every week. Some people will argue and say it only seems like that because everything is published on the internet these days compared to back then, when it was all covered up or only the biggest stories would end up on the news or in the papers. Not true. The atmosphere was different. People were really laid back and smiling a lot. Since the greed took over there has been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming, etc, etc. It's just a fact. So to say TH is the same chilled out place as 15 years ago is wishful thinking. To all you guys who just turned up between 2005 and now; this is all you know so yes, if you compare TH to the US or the UK or Syria it still is paradise but for us long termers it's not the place it used to be. We can see the sharp increase in all sorts of crime and a large decrease in smiles. As for tourists; I'm glad I've done all that back then already. I wouldn't want to be a tourist in TH these days with so many 'sharks' trying to get your cash out of your pocket in any possible way; jet skis, canopy walking, elephants, tigers, ladyboys, tuk tuks, etc, etc, etc. The list is endless.

I understand too that some of you guys live up in sticks and some of these places are still very chilled out so to you it might seem as if TH is still the same as 10 years ago but reality is different in the tourist places, incl BKK.

Once again, if a journo. wants to write a balanced piece about crime in Thailand that sets out facts, I'll salute it. My ire is not about the message but about the quality of journalism involved, it's really really poor and shouldn't be allowed in UK broadsheets.

As for the message the article tries to give: there's no data or facts in their to allow anyone to conclude on the subject. You say it's a fact that Thailand is becoming more dangerous, I say prove it with facts. You say "there's been a huge increase in gun ownership, drug addiction, murders, abuse, rape, scamming:, where do the facts that support your claim come from and can we see them please or did you just pull those statements from a dark hole!

I see that tourist numbers increase every year so I would expect the proportion of crime victims to increase but that in itself doesn't mean that Thailand is more dangerous, the percentage of victims to visitors I would guess remains very similar.

And I see that RTA's have increased ridiculously, if that's your sole argument my response is, I thought this was about crime figures!

As for the condo etc: I sold mine several years ago and two years ago bought a house and where I live is quite idyllic, mostly away from tourists and a long way from Pattaya and Phuket.

Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Well, from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-so-many-britons-murdered-in-thailand-why-does-our-government-not-warn-of-the-dangers-faced-769640.html

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate."

....FIVE times higher than in the UK (and that's a rate, not a raw figure)!!!

Wow. Check it out. 'Might upset the deniers. LOL


Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Well, from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-so-many-britons-murdered-in-thailand-why-does-our-government-not-warn-of-the-dangers-faced-769640.html

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate."

....FIVE times higher than in the UK (and that's a rate, not a raw figure)!!!

Wow. Check it out. 'Might upset the deniers. LOL

Perfectly correct and the Thai murder rate is 5 per 100,000, so do the math:

There are 50,000 expats British residents in Thailand, using the above that equates to 2.5 murders per year, well within the reported numbers earlier.

U still laughing?


Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Well, from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-so-many-britons-murdered-in-thailand-why-does-our-government-not-warn-of-the-dangers-faced-769640.html

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate."

....FIVE times higher than in the UK (and that's a rate, not a raw figure)!!!

Wow. Check it out. 'Might upset the deniers. LOL

Perfectly correct and the Thai murder rate is 5 per 100,000, so do the math:

There are 50,000 expats British residents in Thailand, using the above that equates to 2.5 murders per year, well within the reported numbers earlier.

U still laughing?

You've missed out tourists from your calculations. Or don't they get murdered?


Seriously, in todays age of the internet and access to almost infinite data could you to just do some "googling" for yourself to see that crime is on the increase. It took me 5 seconds to get to a Wikipedia page quoting the New York Times. Of course the Thai officials disputed the facts saying just it is a modest increase since the Coup but whats new, Thailand is a xenophobic society that will not publish anything that could harm the reputation / tourist industry of Thailand. To make it easier for you i have attached link, there are many more if you care to look.

The facts are that crime IS on the increase, gun crime particularly is now allegedly on a par with the US, this is a big move forward. Juvenile crime, muggings, robbery, rape and murder are all on the increase.

I also have to ask you, why do you make a point of saying that you are well away from Bangkok and Pattaya? Is it because the capital and one of the biggest cities in Thailand you know to be rampant with crime? i suspect so.

So, I go back to my point, it is ok if you are hiding away in the middle of nowhere then of course you won't see what everyone else in the cities is seeing, so i conclude you are not really qualified to answer the question clearly.

But there are statistics to back up the claim and feeling that people are seeing and hearing of more crime then ever before. Please gather the facts and do some research for yourself before you accuse people of not having an open mind and believing "poor journalism".


Oh look, some statistics, number of UK citizens murdered overseas, by country:

The top 15 deadliest countries for British tourists and the number of people killed...

Pakistan - 37

Tunisia - 34

Jamaica - 18

America - 15

France - 14

South Africa - 11

Ukraine - 10

Australia - 7

Algeria - 7

Afghanistan - 6

Barbados - 6

Spain - 6

Brazil - 5

Egypt - 5

Bangladesh - 5

I've double checked and Thailand isn't on the list hence the number of Brits murdered here per year must be less than 5, I don't know how it is for Americans or any other nationality but I'd say that's a pretty damned small number/percentage, wouldn't you! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/worlds-deadliest-places-british-tourists-7547548 Note: the date comes via FOI rewuest, regardless of the carrier.

Wow check it out! Facts.. This is going to upset the thai bashers here lol

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Well, from: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/with-so-many-britons-murdered-in-thailand-why-does-our-government-not-warn-of-the-dangers-faced-769640.html

"At present FCO information regarding deaths in Thailand is limited. Andy Pearce, the deputy head of mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok, admits that the murder rate of Britons resident in Thailand is about the same as the domestic Thai rate – roughly five times higher than in the UK – but adds that this is only an estimate."

....FIVE times higher than in the UK (and that's a rate, not a raw figure)!!!

Wow. Check it out. 'Might upset the deniers. LOL

Perfectly correct and the Thai murder rate is 5 per 100,000, so do the math:

There are 50,000 expats British residents in Thailand, using the above that equates to 2.5 murders per year, well within the reported numbers earlier.

U still laughing?

You've missed out tourists from your calculations. Or don't they get murdered?

Do try and stay up, suggest you read the entire thread:


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