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Jatuporn gets six months for defaming Abhisit


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Jatuporn gets six months for defaming Abhisit


BANGKOK: -- The Supreme Court today handed down six months prison term for redshirt leader Jatuporn Phrompan over a false statement he told redshirt supporters during the anti government rally in 2010.

However his jail term was suspended on a two year probation instead as he never convicted to serve jail sentence before.

Jatuporn, the leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), was earlier sentenced to six months in prison and a fine of 50,000 baht by the Criminal Court (first court,) and the Appeals Court after finding him guilty of defaming former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva in the anti government rally by redshirt protesters in 2010.

Both courts ruled that the UDD leader delivered false speech at the rally,and again on People Channel accusing Abhisit of ordering soldiers to shoot at redshirt protesters.

However both court suspended his prison term for two years instead, judging from the fact that he had no record of serving prison term in the past.

Jatuporn appealed to the Supreme Court.

At the hearing of the final judgement, the supreme Court said his appeal to drop the case was rejected due to lack of substantial evidence.

Instead his accusation against the former prime minister was false and had tarnished his reputation.

The Supreme Court then upheld the ruling of the first court which handed down him six months in prison.

However his prison sentence was suspended for two years instead.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/153227

-- Thai PBS 2016-03-02

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Would love to see him in Prison with those huge shackles on his legs,

see if he would still be grinning then, but it looks like that will never

happen, does he not already have suspended sentences ?

regards Worgeordie

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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

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'However his jail term was suspended on a two year probation instead as he never convicted to serve jail sentence before'.

Aha, now I get it! So, one can be found guilty and sentenced to prison terms several, many, times, and still get 'probation' (or 'suspension'?), as long as one has not one time (at least) been made to actually serve its time!

I wonder whether that's the concept behind the 'probation'/'suspension' concept, and would rather think this leniency(!) is aimed at 'first offenders' (a 'once in a life time' thing), and evidently not at recidivists/serial offenders...!

The more so that, when I read the word 'probation', I would expect some strict conditions being made part of it, the first, most evident, one being not to commit other offences, of any kind, during the probation time.

So, it seems this merry-go-round will go on for, f.i., loudmouth and troublemaker Jatuporn, till there will be a first judge/court brave(!) enough to have him serve time in jail for a first time... In the next courtcase already?

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Guess we know who the "supreme court" works for....

You would mean the SC works for the PTP/UDD/Shins then, I guess, as Jatu, though already convicted several times, became a probation, (or suspension) one more time...

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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

What about the one(s) who were behind(!) the red shirts and men in black who were shooting at the soldiers and other people then, clearly to provoke the army's reaction...? Husssh?

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What a watse of <deleted> time!!!

How many times do you need to be convicted before you do any prison time in this country?

Murderers and terrorists running free on the streets but try picking mushrooms in a national park and get the full weight of the law applied against you.

What a ridiculous and corrupt legal system the Thai's have. Such a joke!!!

If you have no intention of convicting and imprisoning these idiots then why waste the tax payers money??

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Never spends a day in jail this guy.

We all have to accept the courts decision though even if we don't agree with it.

One could even be mistaken for thinking the courts are biased, but thats a cop out.

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Take note and watch out.

Soon it could be any one of TV members being sued..... lucky us that they don't understand English sarcasm to much

Thai Libel and Internet laws are very sensitive for the "loose face" kind


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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

No, this means Jatuporn was convicted of defaming Abhisit.

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What was he saying that was considered defamation? That wasn't included in the article.

"Both courts ruled that the UDD leader delivered false speech at the rally,and again on People Channel accusing Abhisit of ordering soldiers to shoot at redshirt protesters."

Here's the clue.rolleyes.gif

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Does this mean that the army commander alone was the person who ordered his troops to fire on the protesters with live ammunition. If this is so, why has he not been charged with murder. Especially that of a young nurse who was tending to the wounded, a war crime in any other situation.

What about the one(s) who were behind(!) the red shirts and men in black who were shooting at the soldiers and other people then, clearly to provoke the army's reaction...? Husssh?

You fanboys go with the narrative every time. The PAD/army put out the MiB story therefore it must be true. It isn't really your fault, just very clever propoganda. It's the narrative; the gospel: no one thinks to question it. It's as true to the fanboys as tmw being Thursday.

Just stop and think though, even though you believe the narrative, was it right and proper to just blast away, indiscriminately at a crowd of civilians?

Someone ordered it. If not Marky, then who? Maybe they should be using their time trying to find that person rather than trying to even old scores.

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If you keep handing out suspended sentences then of course he'll never serve time if you base the suspension on him never previously serving time. Very convenient loop he finds himself caught up in.

Of course but it was a bogus charge anyway, so now face is saved and nobody does jail time. whistling.gif

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see the junta boys hang em high brigade out. It was a defamation case <deleted>, plus he slagged off golden boy for dodging military service. Fair enough in my view.

It was the bit about him saying, without a shred of evidence, that Abhisit ordered the military to kill protesters that he was convicted for. Do try and keep up.

This clown, only not a funny one, has a charmed life. Care to speculate why?

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If you keep handing out suspended sentences then of course he'll never serve time if you base the suspension on him never previously serving time. Very convenient loop he finds himself caught up in.

Of course but it was a bogus charge anyway, so now face is saved and nobody does jail time. whistling.gif

No it wasn't. He is well aware of the defamation laws of Thailand. But at the time he was inciting red shirt Shin supporters and saying all sorts of things to stir them up along with some UDD mates.

He thought he'd never come to trial as long as PTP or any Thakin puppet proxy party were in power.

Amazing how he avoids actually serving any sentences whilst gobbing off and shit stirring while on probation.

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I would comment of the truth of Jatuporn's statement, but I guess that would be illegal. Suffice it to say that the truth is out there...

If you have evidence why were you not called as a witness at one of the three trials?

If not, and you believe what Jat says is the truth, just because he said it or it suits your agenda, then troll on.

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