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Donald Trump releases health care reform plan


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Never Trump!

Even Romney basically called him a fascist.

Don't hold back. The danger is real. Mobilize the world to stop the madness before it's too late.


Each country have the president they earns !

The future will show it !!

And the Americans will go to the voting !! no one else !!

And on day X you will than know exactly,

if 49% or 51% of Americans like TRUMP !!

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This is just warmed over "privatization" crap from our oligarchic GOP competitor; expand the profit centers for the insurance companies, remove all controls on coverage and pricing, and let the American public pick up the Tab for those who cannot afford or get insurance.

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This is just warmed over "privatization" crap from our oligarchic GOP competitor; expand the profit centers for the insurance companies, remove all controls on coverage and pricing, and let the American public pick up the Tab for those who cannot afford or get insurance.

So you're saying it will just what we have now?

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Trump is much SMARTER than you guys on here that knock him.

WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

I hope for the sake of America he gets elected.

I wish we had someone like him in Australia.

WHY? Would he tell the Democrats what he is going to do in detail.

Because when you want to be elected you have to tell the people who will vote for you how you will proceed and not just promise them

free elctricity,free food, free BEER, free BACON..don't ask how, just vote!

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The problem with every country's health system is exactly the same. The system is geared toward the medical pharmaceutical industry, the profits are enormous, as such regardless how it gets framed it is already unaffordable or will become unaffordable in the future. There is a much greater profit in treatment than there will ever be in curing anything. Likewise with the myriad tests that are routinely ordered, those machines are expensive so there is a lot of pressure to get a return on them.

Little attention is paid to lifestyle causes, most people want to charge ahead doing the wrong things then take a pill that suppresses the symptoms which they then believe has cured them. We all age and we all break down, some just do it a lot faster and it is usually quicker than need be.

Obviously I am not referring to genetic problems or trauma which the system does a good job of dealing with, just the majority life style issues. If we had an honest "health" system rather than a "profiteering sick" system then the funds would be there to help those in actual need.

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One rather important factor being overlooked in all this healthcare discussion can be summed up in two words.

Tort reform.

Sure, go for it. Hardly a panacea. That's an issue that could easily find bipartisan support. Got to go deeper, dude. Much deeper than Trump's BS weak tea proposal.

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