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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I think this is getting seriously dangerous

There are certainly echoes of 1930s Germany

Yes, Trump is the alpha male just like an Aryan brown shirt

Hitler also appealed to the less well educated masses by recognising their fears and offering solutions based on blaming others and harking back to halcyon days of yore.

There really could be a civil war here.

Yes I'm a social democrat and I hate all the right wing bile which no doubt goes down well with gun toting red necks wrapped in the confederate flag

I just hope that the intellectuals, the educated, the young, the women, the gays, the Hispanics, the blacks and educated white males prevail.

If Trump gets through, it will be the end of super power status.....

In your opinion, which group assumed the role of the Brown Shirts in Chicago?

The Trump supporters or the Anti-Trump protesters.

Got the geography mixed up again.

The Brown Shirts are outside the door on the streets and in the halls of government right here.

Recall the Democratic National Riot Convention in Chicago of 1968 centered around Mayor Big Dick Daley. It sank the D party in the election that year so the full circle has now closed on the opposite side of Grant Park. The Republican party this year in the control of the lunar right is going under.


Hello Cleveland 2016.

I was referring to the Sturmabteilung (SA) c. 1934 before the night of the long knives.

Interesting, as I thought that was who you were referring to. This is how Wikipedia describes the Brown Shirts.


The Sturmabteilung (SA; German pronunciation: [ˈʃtʊɐ̯mʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ] (13px-Speaker_Icon.svg.png listen); literally "Storm Detachment") functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.
It played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and intimidating Slavic and Romani citizens, unionists, and Jews for instance, during the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.
Did you catch this little bit from the quote?
" disrupting the meetings of opposing parties "

Yeah, I thought not.

Their primary purpose was providing protection at NAZI rallies.

Do you want to borrow by glasses, Sturmbannfuehrer? Edited by Scott
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When the Republican party gets beaten in the next presidential election, they will have the usual post-mortem on why they lost and what they need to do in the future to win.

They will come to the same conclusion on the remedy as they always do. Yet another lurch further to the right

The far out right in control of the Republican party is fumbling and bumbling its way to a bashing by the vast moderate and centrist American middle of the road electorate.

November 8th the rightwhingenut controlled Republican party is going to get a swift knee to the gut and a lead pipe whack on the back of the head. It's a cinch it will be wholly and completely discredited by the Americans voters.

The Republican right has no future and this campaign is its terminal velocity headlong headfirst charge into the political brick wall. The US party system, which has btw no mention in the Constitution, will regroup, realign, increase to three or four of 'em then move along to the next election.

For the long term better and perhaps for the worse in certain short term respects. The Republic will endure, thrive, prosper all the same. We will be after all rid of the lunatic racial old white right at last and for good as an effective political or cultural presence or force.

Hallelujah and let's get on finishing what they started. One could feel like Dr. Kevorkian.

What happened to your statement that you never make predictions because you're not a meteorologist ? 12 in this post rolleyes.gif

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I am not crazy about Trump but the US survived GWB, perhaps the stupidest man ever to hold office in any country. The Senate and Congress - controlled by Corporations and super wealthy family's - run the show. A Republicsn Senate will be uniquely unsupportive of Trump. It will be business as usual - let the corporations plunder and pillage the US.

The US has survived to GWB but we in Europe suffer daily the consequences of its action.
There was a delicate balance in Middle-East with the leaders certainly questionable methods but it worked.
Bush came with its heavy-handed and an historical lying to impose its views. The result we now live. Isis replaced the old clans to put fire and blood area , sending us these millions of refugees fleeing terror.
Thank Mister Bush.
So one time it happens we don't knew, but not twice ...

You speak the truth. Feckless euro elites at Bilderberg knew they had it good already, and refused to sign on when they heard the slavering drooling NeoCon Americans laying out plans for NeoColonizing Iraq. Only the Brits were doggedly stupid enough to join in, then prudently kept their boys to the pacific southern region of the country.

What you need to understand is that Trump is not the candidate of the armchair-warrior think-tank elites. He is their enemy.

Men in uniform and in intelligence agencies in the USA are outraged by the shell game they have been forced to play in the Middle East, outraged by being played for fools. The word is out that ISIS was trained and financed through US allies in Jordan, Saudi and Turkey. It must be humiliating to be a patriot in the service of the USA military.

Trump is the peace candidate here.

The banker-puppet candidates like Rubio, Kasich and Cruz are far more likely to bring war. Not because they are dumb and Trump is smart. But because they are spineless, and he is not.

The time when puppets can be tolerated is over.

Chill out, EuroWhiners.

Our boys are coming home.

The wall goes up, the tariffs come back, the jobs come back home, the boys come home, and the world will be a lot safer.

And you folks there in the Old Country are going to finally be able to stand on your own two feet. Surely you will welcome that!

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

The real madness is allowing hundreds of unvetted illegal immigrants...some criminals, rapists, and terrorists bent on doing harm to America...into the country...

The likelihood of deporting illegals who have settled peacefully in American is next to zero...yet the rhetoric sends a message...that illegal immigration is coming to a halt in America...that is why there is a mad rush for the American border at this time...before it becomes more difficult to enter illegally...

I know of no other country that allows the "madness" of open borders to persist...

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You have to hand it to American elections, they;re bloody entertaining and go on for a long time like a circus.

No wonder they usually end up with a clown, which having said that is better than the clown running the UK and his opponent!. wink.png

Well US elections do go on a ridiculous length of time.

And the corporate-controlled access to airtime, milking the circus for profit, is humiliating to a free people. Even poor Mexico allows minor candidates to get their unfiltered message out to the people directly, since after all the airwaves are owned by the people.

But for pure entertainment, I suggest occasionally tuning in to a British parliamentary debate, where the PM stands for "questions" about how Mrs Tiggywinkle didnt have the trash picked up at her "Council Flat", or had to wait for toe surgery. I watch in horrified fascination, wondering vaguely if this is the same England whose redcoats stood firm at

Rorke's Drift.

But seriously, US electoral politics is descending to Jamaican levels, yes. It's not that Donald Trump is the best America can produce. It's that among our best men, who had the standing and means to run -- he is the one who stepped up.

God bless him.

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I love the democracy standards of USA !!! They would even entertain such an idiot for president although if they didn't allow it to run ...they would probably be sued

If he gets elected ....it's a shame and shambles to stupidity and how dumb the electoral can get but this is politics at its finest reality hour

CCP are so much better then, behind the Kremlin-like high walls of the CCP offices and residences of Zhong Nan Hai in central Beijing, off Tienenman Square where in 1989 PLA slaughtered democracy demonstrators.

The lunatics and madmen of 21st century China are kept on the QT there for no one to hear or see.

If Trump is nominated he will not be elected Potus. Take that to an American bank. Cause no one knows how many Chinese Trumps there are...uncountable.

This is a deadbeat subject ...,and again some posters use it as a definition of China and refused to move on and then later claim Chinese is closed up

The Tiananmen is a tragedy and should never be repeated ...the recent HK riots accounted by the dumb west media tried to stir up shit and make the students the same scenario and media was encamped there hoping for another similar moment

The Chinese government didn't bite and don't send in the troopers ...and YES GASP no tanks either !!! They learnt fast and this I know irked some posters as they just wanted to engage the Chinese in any negative light possible whenever possible

They learnt their lesson and applied the best lesson of Confucius....be patient and wait it out and indeed as time grew ....the people got frustrated , the streets emptied out and yes there is no tragedies repeated...this is how you get 5000 years of history there are dumb moments of insanity but by and large the Chinese have survived so many time lapses because they can wait it out

Now coming back to trump the idiot ....if he becomes POTUS this will surely be a subject of much mockery for years to come ...we almost need the idiot elected

Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

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Chill out, Euro Whiners is true They known that Trump will not pay for their defense that is why they want Clinton and Company

Trump will make you pay your fair share plus you Euro Whiners hate each other

Go back and fight each other that is what you love to do

Edited by HenryB
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The Republican party is like the Catholic Church. They want to stay hard right, but every so often are compelled to lean a bit to popular trends.

Republicans want, in their heart of hearts, to continue to discriminate against gays and also against women who want abortions and against stem cell research, and against admitting global weather is affected by people activities, and against birth control, ........ but some Republicans, like Kasich and Bush, lean a bit to the middle - ....toward what a majority of Americans want.

Concurrently and in contrast, there are those, like Cruz, Palin, Rubio and the Tea Partiers who want to take it even further to the right. They're like the mother superior disciplinarians. (they're the type who kept the Kingsmen's song Louie Louie at #2 for 34 weeks, just behind the Singing Nun's Dominique because a Senator's daughter in Ohio though there was a cuss word in the lyrics. The FBI listened to the song thousands of times and couldn't conclusively determine if the F word was used).

For his part, Trump is like a loose cannon. He leans right, but he also changes his ideas day by day, depending on what soundbite he thinks will get him added votes.

I don't agree with Cruz on a lot of issues, but at least Cruz is consistent. Sarah Palin is an even looser canon than Trump, if that's possible. It would be great entertainment if Trump picks Palin for running mate. Realistically tho, I think Trump would be smart to pick Colin Powell as running mate, tho I doubt Powell would want to join the circus.

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When the Republican party gets beaten in the next presidential election, they will have the usual post-mortem on why they lost and what they need to do in the future to win.

They will come to the same conclusion on the remedy as they always do. Yet another lurch further to the right

The far out right in control of the Republican party is fumbling and bumbling its way to a bashing by the vast moderate and centrist American middle of the road electorate.

November 8th the rightwhingenut controlled Republican party is going to get a swift knee to the gut and a lead pipe whack on the back of the head. It's a cinch it will be wholly and completely discredited by the Americans voters.

The Republican right has no future and this campaign is its terminal velocity headlong headfirst charge into the political brick wall. The US party system, which has btw no mention in the Constitution, will regroup, realign, increase to three or four of 'em then move along to the next election.

For the long term better and perhaps for the worse in certain short term respects. The Republic will endure, thrive, prosper all the same. We will be after all rid of the lunatic racial old white right at last and for good as an effective political or cultural presence or force.

Hallelujah and let's get on finishing what they started. One could feel like Dr. Kevorkian.

What happened to your statement that you never make predictions because you're not a meteorologist ? 12 in this post rolleyes.gif

So now you know whom to consult when you are trying to decide whether to take an umbrella and galoshes or a political cover.

Continue reading going forward cause there's a storm comin that's going to slam into wingnuttia and also its burbs where the self-proclamed independents live.

November 8th.

(There's another one fer ya.)

Just try hard to recognise an analysis post each time it comes along instead of confusing analysis with the weather report that impacts the conservative hard liners hanging off the starboard side and its list over there.

Moi, I'm over here on the leeside.

Thanks btw for reading me and posting replies...and posting replies...and posting replies. smile.png

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I think this is getting seriously dangerous

There are certainly echoes of 1930s Germany

Yes, Trump is the alpha male just like an Aryan brown shirt

Hitler also appealed to the less well educated masses by recognising their fears and offering solutions based on blaming others and harking back to halcyon days of yore.

There really could be a civil war here.

Yes I'm a social democrat and I hate all the right wing bile which no doubt goes down well with gun toting red necks wrapped in the confederate flag

I just hope that the intellectuals, the educated, the young, the women, the gays, the Hispanics, the blacks and educated white males prevail.

If Trump gets through, it will be the end of super power status.....

In your opinion, which group assumed the role of the Brown Shirts in Chicago?

The Trump supporters or the Anti-Trump protesters.

Got the geography mixed up again.

The Brown Shirts are outside the door on the streets and in the halls of government right here.

Recall the Democratic National Riot Convention in Chicago of 1968 centered around Mayor Big Dick Daley. It sank the D party in the election that year so the full circle has now closed on the opposite side of Grant Park. The Republican party this year in the control of the lunar right is going under.


Hello Cleveland 2016.

I was referring to the Sturmabteilung (SA) c. 1934 before the night of the long knives.

Which is fine as most here would be more or less knowledgeable of the SA.

I was not referring specifically to SA types which do not exist in the USA even though there are numerous crackpot 2nd Amendment private militias and despite the wild claims of certain rightwhinge posters.

I was referring to the no armband and no uniformed unique American fascism long anticipated by analysts and historians among others that Donald Trump is defining and developing and which appeals to a small minority of the body politic. And which will be thumpingly rejected at the polls in November, if not at the Republican National Convention in July, the former being the more likely achievement.

If this poster may btw say so, your posts do present your views intelligently and convincingly. Beyond largely agreeing with the posts, it is refreshing to read a well educated poster.

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I love the democracy standards of USA !!! They would even entertain such an idiot for president although if they didn't allow it to run ...they would probably be sued

If he gets elected ....it's a shame and shambles to stupidity and how dumb the electoral can get but this is politics at its finest reality hour

CCP are so much better then, behind the Kremlin-like high walls of the CCP offices and residences of Zhong Nan Hai in central Beijing, off Tienenman Square where in 1989 PLA slaughtered democracy demonstrators.

The lunatics and madmen of 21st century China are kept on the QT there for no one to hear or see.

If Trump is nominated he will not be elected Potus. Take that to an American bank. Cause no one knows how many Chinese Trumps there are...uncountable.

This is a deadbeat subject ...,and again some posters use it as a definition of China and refused to move on and then later claim Chinese is closed up

The Tiananmen is a tragedy and should never be repeated ...the recent HK riots accounted by the dumb west media tried to stir up shit and make the students the same scenario and media was encamped there hoping for another similar moment

The Chinese government didn't bite and don't send in the troopers ...and YES GASP no tanks either !!! They learnt fast and this I know irked some posters as they just wanted to engage the Chinese in any negative light possible whenever possible

They learnt their lesson and applied the best lesson of Confucius....be patient and wait it out and indeed as time grew ....the people got frustrated , the streets emptied out and yes there is no tragedies repeated...this is how you get 5000 years of history there are dumb moments of insanity but by and large the Chinese have survived so many time lapses because they can wait it out

Now coming back to trump the idiot ....if he becomes POTUS this will surely be a subject of much mockery for years to come ...we almost need the idiot elected

Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

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Trump has Dems and establishment Repubs shaking in their boots...he has not been bought and paid for by the Repubs and this scares them...he will likely actually get some much needed legislation thru Congress which scares the Dems...

Shudder? Many are jumping for joy!

Like trying to deport 10 million Latinos, ripping them out of their homes and families, and start a race war? Can't wait!

Mexican Ex-Presidente Fox is right in saying he's an American Hitler. Help us stop this madness!

The real madness is allowing hundreds of unvetted illegal immigrants...some criminals, rapists, and terrorists bent on doing harm to America...into the country...

The likelihood of deporting illegals who have settled peacefully in American is next to zero...yet the rhetoric sends a message...that illegal immigration is coming to a halt in America...that is why there is a mad rush for the American border at this time...before it becomes more difficult to enter illegally...

I know of no other country that allows the "madness" of open borders to persist...

Yes. They have to secure the border and, as far as the ones already in, it's another hard lessons learned. As far as I know, the only Constitutionally mandated function of the Govt is the national defense....aka securing the borders. Yet, they consistently fail to perform their solemn duty on that front.

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When the Republican party gets beaten in the next presidential election, they will have the usual post-mortem on why they lost and what they need to do in the future to win.

They will come to the same conclusion on the remedy as they always do. Yet another lurch further to the right

The far out right in control of the Republican party is fumbling and bumbling its way to a bashing by the vast moderate and centrist American middle of the road electorate.

November 8th the rightwhingenut controlled Republican party is going to get a swift knee to the gut and a lead pipe whack on the back of the head. It's a cinch it will be wholly and completely discredited by the Americans voters.

The Republican right has no future and this campaign is its terminal velocity headlong headfirst charge into the political brick wall. The US party system, which has btw no mention in the Constitution, will regroup, realign, increase to three or four of 'em then move along to the next election.

For the long term better and perhaps for the worse in certain short term respects. The Republic will endure, thrive, prosper all the same. We will be after all rid of the lunatic racial old white right at last and for good as an effective political or cultural presence or force.

Hallelujah and let's get on finishing what they started. One could feel like Dr. Kevorkian.

What happened to your statement that you never make predictions because you're not a meteorologist ? 12 in this post rolleyes.gif

You didn't really believe that did you? Just add it to his commentary on Trayvon Martin, Darren Wilson, Ferguson, etc.

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What happened to your statement that you never make predictions because you're not a meteorologist ? 12 in this post rolleyes.gif

You didn't really believe that did you? Just add it to his commentary on Trayvon Martin, Darren Wilson, Ferguson, etc.

All of which he was wrong about.

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When the Republican party gets beaten in the next presidential election, they will have the usual post-mortem on why they lost and what they need to do in the future to win.

They will come to the same conclusion on the remedy as they always do. Yet another lurch further to the right

The far out right in control of the Republican party is fumbling and bumbling its way to a bashing by the vast moderate and centrist American middle of the road electorate.

November 8th the rightwhingenut controlled Republican party is going to get a swift knee to the gut and a lead pipe whack on the back of the head. It's a cinch it will be wholly and completely discredited by the Americans voters.

The Republican right has no future and this campaign is its terminal velocity headlong headfirst charge into the political brick wall. The US party system, which has btw no mention in the Constitution, will regroup, realign, increase to three or four of 'em then move along to the next election.

For the long term better and perhaps for the worse in certain short term respects. The Republic will endure, thrive, prosper all the same. We will be after all rid of the lunatic racial old white right at last and for good as an effective political or cultural presence or force.

Hallelujah and let's get on finishing what they started. One could feel like Dr. Kevorkian.

What happened to your statement that you never make predictions because you're not a meteorologist ? 12 in this post rolleyes.gif

So now you know whom to consult when you are trying to decide whether to take an umbrella and galoshes or a political cover.

Continue reading going forward cause there's a storm comin that's going to slam into wingnuttia and also its burbs where the self-proclamed independents live.

November 8th.

(There's another one fer ya.)

Just try hard to recognise an analysis post each time it comes along instead of confusing analysis with the weather report that impacts the conservative hard liners hanging off the starboard side and its list over there.

Moi, I'm over here on the leeside.

Thanks btw for reading me and posting replies...and posting replies...and posting replies. smile.png

No problem, delighted to comment on your contradictions and inconsistencies. Keep it up! Wait.. you won't need me to tell you that

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CCP are so much better then, behind the Kremlin-like high walls of the CCP offices and residences of Zhong Nan Hai in central Beijing, off Tienenman Square where in 1989 PLA slaughtered democracy demonstrators.

The lunatics and madmen of 21st century China are kept on the QT there for no one to hear or see.

If Trump is nominated he will not be elected Potus. Take that to an American bank. Cause no one knows how many Chinese Trumps there are...uncountable.

This is a deadbeat subject ...,and again some posters use it as a definition of China and refused to move on and then later claim Chinese is closed up

The Tiananmen is a tragedy and should never be repeated ...the recent HK riots accounted by the dumb west media tried to stir up shit and make the students the same scenario and media was encamped there hoping for another similar moment

The Chinese government didn't bite and don't send in the troopers ...and YES GASP no tanks either !!! They learnt fast and this I know irked some posters as they just wanted to engage the Chinese in any negative light possible whenever possible

They learnt their lesson and applied the best lesson of Confucius....be patient and wait it out and indeed as time grew ....the people got frustrated , the streets emptied out and yes there is no tragedies repeated...this is how you get 5000 years of history there are dumb moments of insanity but by and large the Chinese have survived so many time lapses because they can wait it out

Now coming back to trump the idiot ....if he becomes POTUS this will surely be a subject of much mockery for years to come ...we almost need the idiot elected

Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

Lawrence, nice to see your comments on these US Presidency threads. I don't agree with your delight in cynicism at the possibility of Trump being elected, but I do often agree with your pragmatic assessments of China. I have spent more than 25 years doing business in China (including with government) as well as most other important places, so you and I do share an understanding and perspective as international businessmen that some others may not.

Please keep posting in these threads!

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The swing voter? Yeah, what's wrong with you Publicus not understanding the swing voter? cheesy.gif

Normal people reading these wingnut posts must be slapping their foreheads saying, "Ohhhhhh, now I see."

Donald Trump the cure for what ails America?

One absurd post after another. How do you talk people off the ledge of voting Republican? Hey watch that first step, it's a doozy. gigglem.gif

Is there something in the water over there in wingnuttia? Probably just the heat, turn off Fox News, try and chill. Jeesh.

So you don't understand a swing voter either! Fortunately in my country we have multiple choices when it comes to voting which means you can "swing" between certain policy makers to effect your vote. The last election i voted for a right candidate from a left party (yes there are left and right emphasis in every party too) and a conservative left indigenous party (there are also extreme left indigenous) to stabilize the probable right wing government. With 2 votes, one for a candidate and another for a party, you can vote tactically, even vote left and right at the same time if you wish.

Pinot you obviously have never thought in this way because as you admitted previously your daddy voted Democrat and his daddy voted Democrat which means you will vote Democrat. No need to think, just copy the family otherwise you may feel disloyal. I never knew who my father voted for because back then it was called a secret ballot.

While no system is perfect, your system is very partisan. You vote for delegates not candidates and I understand after the second ballot are free to vote for someone you may not support. The trading room is not very democratic in my view.

You would be wise to drop the name calling and amateur dramatics. It does your cause no favor because you're only preaching to the converted, not trying to reach the unconverted


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You would be wise to drop the name calling and amateur dramatics. It does your cause no favor

What else does he have? Other than baiting and name calling, his posts are devoid of content. What a waste of time. Not one fact in most of his posts.There are several members like this.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Republican party is like the Catholic Church. They want to stay hard right, but every so often are compelled to lean a bit to popular trends.

Republicans want, in their heart of hearts, to continue to discriminate against gays and also against women who want abortions and against stem cell research, and against admitting global weather is affected by people activities, and against birth control, ........ but some Republicans, like Kasich and Bush, lean a bit to the middle - ....toward what a majority of Americans want.

Concurrently and in contrast, there are those, like Cruz, Palin, Rubio and the Tea Partiers who want to take it even further to the right. They're like the mother superior disciplinarians. (they're the type who kept the Kingsmen's song Louie Louie at #2 for 34 weeks, just behind the Singing Nun's Dominique because a Senator's daughter in Ohio though there was a cuss word in the lyrics. The FBI listened to the song thousands of times and couldn't conclusively determine if the F word was used).

For his part, Trump is like a loose cannon. He leans right, but he also changes his ideas day by day, depending on what soundbite he thinks will get him added votes.

I don't agree with Cruz on a lot of issues, but at least Cruz is consistent. Sarah Palin is an even looser canon than Trump, if that's possible. It would be great entertainment if Trump picks Palin for running mate. Realistically tho, I think Trump would be smart to pick Colin Powell as running mate, tho I doubt Powell would want to join the circus.

Colin Powell is a GREAT idea. I pray that happens.

It would satisfy partisans of Ben Carson and Chris Christie as to why their guys werent picked. Christie is not Black, and Carson is not a war hero.

A GREAT idea.

Most important, and more subtly, Colin Powell refused the presidency, which was his for the asking, having been selected and groomed for it by the Powers That Be, precisely because he distrusted the drooling nutcases at the think tanks. The "crazies", as he called them in one leaked communication. He chose to retire from public life rather than play their puppet.

His nomination as vice president now would crystallize the growing awareness among patriotic Americans that Trump is the candidate for whom patriots should vote.

A GREAT idea.

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Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

As I thought, you salute the progress made by the determined nationalists in Beijing.

Tell me then, why is it that you feel that America does not also deserve a determined nationalist leader?

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I think this is getting seriously dangerous

There are certainly echoes of 1930s Germany

Yes, Trump is the alpha male just like an Aryan brown shirt

Hitler also appealed to the less well educated masses by recognising their fears and offering solutions based on blaming others and harking back to halcyon days of yore.

There really could be a civil war here.

Yes I'm a social democrat and I hate all the right wing bile which no doubt goes down well with gun toting red necks wrapped in the confederate flag

I just hope that the intellectuals, the educated, the young, the women, the gays, the Hispanics, the blacks and educated white males prevail.

If Trump gets through, it will be the end of super power status.....

In your opinion, which group assumed the role of the Brown Shirts in Chicago?

The Trump supporters or the Anti-Trump protesters.

Got the geography mixed up again.

The Brown Shirts are outside the door on the streets and in the halls of government right here.

Recall the Democratic National Riot Convention in Chicago of 1968 centered around Mayor Big Dick Daley. It sank the D party in the election that year so the full circle has now closed on the opposite side of Grant Park. The Republican party this year in the control of the lunar right is going under.


Hello Cleveland 2016.

I was referring to the Sturmabteilung (SA) c. 1934 before the night of the long knives.

Which is fine as most here would be more or less knowledgeable of the SA.

I was not referring specifically to SA types which do not exist in the USA even though there are numerous crackpot 2nd Amendment private militias and despite the wild claims of certain rightwhinge posters.

I was referring to the no armband and no uniformed unique American fascism long anticipated by analysts and historians among others that Donald Trump is defining and developing and which appeals to a small minority of the body politic. And which will be thumpingly rejected at the polls in November, if not at the Republican National Convention in July, the former being the more likely achievement.

If this poster may btw say so, your posts do present your views intelligently and convincingly. Beyond largely agreeing with the posts, it is refreshing to read a well educated poster.

Thank you, kind sir! I also enjoy reading your erudite contributions.
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Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

As I thought, you salute the progress made by the determined nationalists in Beijing.

Tell me then, why is it that you feel that America does not also deserve a determined nationalist leader?

Because he's a false prophet. He believes in little except himself.

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Now coming back to trump the idiot ....if he becomes POTUS this will surely be a subject of much mockery for years to come ...we almost need the idiot elected

Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

Lawrence, nice to see your comments on these US Presidency threads. I don't agree with your delight in cynicism at the possibility of Trump being elected, but I do often agree with your pragmatic assessments of China. I have spent more than 25 years doing business in China (including with government) as well as most other important places, so you and I do share an understanding and perspective as international businessmen that some others may not.

Please keep posting in these threads!

Please keep posting in these threads!

Agreed as I have myself posted to Mr. Chee on more than one occasion going back some time at TVF. The encouragement of a particular poster to "keep posting" might be viewed as out of the ordinary and a bit on the solicitous side, but there's certainly nothing in the rules about it. smile.png

Indeed, without the absolute contempt of democracy that the poster expresses absolutely this poster would be 'deprived' of the opposite point of view he needs to expose the CCP mindset being presented to the TVF threads. His defense of the CCP also provides a much desired if not needed posture and position this poster welcomes to counterpoint.

CCP does report in its party media, which is the only media in the CCP China, concerning Donald Trump. However, it is obligatory reporting as CCP seems to know well not to give Trump any serious consideration of being elected Potus. CCP detests and fears HR Clinton for numerous reasons from her time as SecState so she gets all the focus in CCP owned and operated media. CCP is far less concerned about Trump than are US allies and others throughout the world.

Xi Jinping btw who is currently in his first five-year term of the customary two five-year terms is already lining up his third five year one, which is unprecedented for the new Chinese dynasty of emperors in business suits that live by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, Deng.

Because the CCP party apparatus in the party-state is so well established, ensconced, dominant --unreformable-- Xi has established himself as more powerful than Mao himself. Xi dominates entirely.

Accordingly, this poster wholeheartedly supports your endorsement of Mr. Chee to "keep posting" to TVF, which he will do anyway btw. To which I'd add he just doesn't post enough!

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Xi will be gone in his second term as it is dictated by party laws in CCP

There is no exception and the Chinese understand that staying beyond your welcome is rather dumb and hardly pragmatic

Xi started the work on the dismantle of factories and pushing the country into more protection for the environment for sustained growth

These are my two personal beliefs ; environmental protection and continued pride in being a global international Chinese by sustainable economic growth

So yes I will post when the points support those and not rant for the sake of ranting

I don't think there are any leaders corporate or governance who don't believe in total leadership ; while there are some industries where consensus and group decision making is helpful , in most cases or situations you really only need one clear leader

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Mr Chee I gather from your name and post you are Chinese and in sympathy with current leadership on the Mainland.

Are they strong nationalists, negotiating good deals on behalf of their people? Yes or no?

Seeing that I have now ticked off my 412th city of travels globally and have done business in all continents except Africa. ...I think that qualifies me as international

To answer you question in context , I don't sympathise with any government , my points on this forum has always been clear.

It's in our Chinese DNA not to trust the government however elected , but being pragmatic yes there are organs of Govt needed to serve the common people...tax , land title deeds , marriage licenses etc

If you ask me have they negotiated good deals for the people , I can say in my opinion they have done their best for 1.3 billion and growing population

I just returned from Beijing ...my CRH rides costs $200 and brought me at 312kmh from Shanghai to Tianjin ...that was amazing and the train stations were filled with common folks traveling to places so they have done a great job in providing infrastructure and progress ...I doubt the Americans can mirror that as I always admire the small pockets of innovation America has but to uniformly apply something in all states it's impossible as everyone likes to talk and not necessarily likes to work

Now China is slowing growth and closing more factories to protect the environment they get another big endorsement from me

Will they ever cure every social problem and work deals best for their people , there is no Govt in the world whether they are communist or democratic that can do that or lay claim to that

Trump is the best example ....he's an idiot and for entertainment since there is no better or moderate candidate like Obama I would love to see him elected as it proved the electoral is dumb and boy it would entertaining to watch an idiot POTUS for 4 years

Love to see him in Tiananmen with his hair whipped off by the spring winds

As I thought, you salute the progress made by the determined nationalists in Beijing.

Tell me then, why is it that you feel that America does not also deserve a determined nationalist leader?

If you read the posts correctly , having a viewpoint and opinion is not what democracy is about right ? Or have the west gone soft on this ?

America deserves the leader voted by its current system ....trump is an idiot in my opinion however entertaining he is

My honest remarks behind the cynical jest is if he is elected , there will be chaos in foreign policies and he is not the leader representative of the Americas I have met so far. Even your powerful ally Brits are fretting he will win as they are unsure how he would flout every single protocol there is ....he will probably insist the queen sit next to him and listen to his ramble which I hope HM would give him a hard knock and tell him to shut up and drink the soup quietly

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The swing voter? Yeah, what's wrong with you Publicus not understanding the swing voter? cheesy.gif

Normal people reading these wingnut posts must be slapping their foreheads saying, "Ohhhhhh, now I see."

Donald Trump the cure for what ails America?

One absurd post after another. How do you talk people off the ledge of voting Republican? Hey watch that first step, it's a doozy. gigglem.gif

Is there something in the water over there in wingnuttia? Probably just the heat, turn off Fox News, try and chill. Jeesh.

So you don't understand a swing voter either! Fortunately in my country we have multiple choices when it comes to voting which means you can "swing" between certain policy makers to effect your vote. The last election i voted for a right candidate from a left party (yes there are left and right emphasis in every party too) and a conservative left indigenous party (there are also extreme left indigenous) to stabilize the probable right wing government. With 2 votes, one for a candidate and another for a party, you can vote tactically, even vote left and right at the same time if you wish.

Pinot you obviously have never thought in this way because as you admitted previously your daddy voted Democrat and his daddy voted Democrat which means you will vote Democrat. No need to think, just copy the family otherwise you may feel disloyal. I never knew who my father voted for because back then it was called a secret ballot.

While no system is perfect, your system is very partisan. You vote for delegates not candidates and I understand after the second ballot are free to vote for someone you may not support. The trading room is not very democratic in my view.

You would be wise to drop the name calling and amateur dramatics. It does your cause no favor because you're only preaching to the converted, not trying to reach the unconverted


The last election i voted for a right candidate from a left party (yes there are left and right emphasis in every party too) and a conservative left indigenous party (there are also extreme left indigenous) to stabilize the probable right wing government. With 2 votes, one for a candidate and another for a party, you can vote tactically, even vote left and right at the same time if you wish.

Also called "pinball voting" due to the fact a pinball and machine are carefully and rationally designed to perform in very specific ways each time and every time to include especially the Tilt function. Still the factor of randomness does exist in the pinball itself, in the machine and in the game (not to mention the hunched over player).

You vote for delegates not candidates

Wong again as it seems some people who are wrong can insist on being wrong and remain rather adamant to be wrong. Here is another correction of the wrongheadedness from a different aspect, if you will.

In prep for a quadrennial national party convention in the USA, a party member gets signatures from registered party voters to be convention delegate. The successful delegate pledges to a particular candidate. A party member may sign only one set of delegate selection documents...almost always for the person who supports the particular candidate of the signers. (The documents are often signed in someone's kitchen, at a regular local party meeting venue such as a Moose Hall. Yep.)

In a party primary or in a party caucus, rank and file party members vote directly for the chosen candidate. The candidate gets qualified and pledged party convention delegates in proportion to the votes the candidate receives.

At the national convention, the candidate has the delegate. The candidate gets all pledged delegates won by the candidate in the aggregate. Delegates are pledged to the candidate of their choosing on the first ballot only. In modern times, there rarely is more than one ballot at either party convention in choosing its nominee. One strongly can expect this will also be the case in each party in this election process.

After the convention voting is concluded, meaning a candidate has passed the established threshold number of delegates to secure the nomination, each party entertains a traditional motion from the floor made by the winner's home state delegation, to make the winner the party's nominee by acclamation (unanimous default).

It is also the case further, in respect of the US House of Representatives in the Congress in Washington, to which Members are elected from districts in each state, the whole of the group of Members of the House from the state are called "The Delegation". For instance, all of the members of the US House elected from California, Republicans and Democrats alike, are referred to as "the California Delegation" to the US House.

Elected Party Delegates. An Elected Nominee. Elected Representatives. An Elected Delegation. The Elected Delegation. Same same.

Live and learn from over there Down Under.

Then again, probably not. Must have something to do with the gravitational forces of the planet as affected by the moon as well, down there especially and in particular.

Others however can learn these central matters of representative and delegated party politics and government and they do in fact learn. Nothing inherently wrong with political parties btw. Ain't perfect, but then neither is pinball voting.

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The swing voter? Yeah, what's wrong with you Publicus not understanding the swing voter? cheesy.gif

Normal people reading these wingnut posts must be slapping their foreheads saying, "Ohhhhhh, now I see."

Donald Trump the cure for what ails America?

One absurd post after another. How do you talk people off the ledge of voting Republican? Hey watch that first step, it's a doozy. gigglem.gif

Is there something in the water over there in wingnuttia? Probably just the heat, turn off Fox News, try and chill. Jeesh.

So you don't understand a swing voter either! Fortunately in my country we have multiple choices when it comes to voting which means you can "swing" between certain policy makers to effect your vote. The last election i voted for a right candidate from a left party (yes there are left and right emphasis in every party too) and a conservative left indigenous party (there are also extreme left indigenous) to stabilize the probable right wing government. With 2 votes, one for a candidate and another for a party, you can vote tactically, even vote left and right at the same time if you wish.

Pinot you obviously have never thought in this way because as you admitted previously your daddy voted Democrat and his daddy voted Democrat which means you will vote Democrat. No need to think, just copy the family otherwise you may feel disloyal. I never knew who my father voted for because back then it was called a secret ballot.

While no system is perfect, your system is very partisan. You vote for delegates not candidates and I understand after the second ballot are free to vote for someone you may not support. The trading room is not very democratic in my view.

You would be wise to drop the name calling and amateur dramatics. It does your cause no favor because you're only preaching to the converted, not trying to reach the unconverted


The last election i voted for a right candidate from a left party (yes there are left and right emphasis in every party too) and a conservative left indigenous party (there are also extreme left indigenous) to stabilize the probable right wing government. With 2 votes, one for a candidate and another for a party, you can vote tactically, even vote left and right at the same time if you wish.

Also called "pinball voting" due to the fact a pinball and machine are carefully and rationally designed to perform in very specific ways each time and every time to include especially the Tilt function. Still the factor of randomness does exist in the pinball itself, in the machine and in the game (not to mention the hunched over player).

You vote for delegates not candidates

Wong again as it seems some people who are wrong can insist on being wrong and remain rather adamant to be wrong. Here is another correction of the wrongheadedness from a different aspect, if you will.

In prep for a quadrennial national party convention in the USA, a party member gets signatures from registered party voters to be convention delegate. The successful delegate pledges to a particular candidate. A party member may sign only one set of delegate selection documents...almost always for the person who supports the particular candidate of the signers. (The documents are often signed in someone's kitchen, at a regular local party meeting venue such as a Moose Hall. Yep.)

In a party primary or in a party caucus, rank and file party members vote directly for the chosen candidate. The candidate gets qualified and pledged party convention delegates in proportion to the votes the candidate receives.

At the national convention, the candidate has the delegate. The candidate gets all pledged delegates won by the candidate in the aggregate. Delegates are pledged to the candidate of their choosing on the first ballot only. In modern times, there rarely is more than one ballot at either party convention in choosing its nominee. One strongly can expect this will also be the case in each party in this election process.

After the convention voting is concluded, meaning a candidate has passed the established threshold number of delegates to secure the nomination, each party entertains a traditional motion from the floor made by the winner's home state delegation, to make the winner the party's nominee by acclamation (unanimous default).

It is also the case further, in respect of the US House of Representatives in the Congress in Washington, to which Members are elected from districts in each state, the whole of the group of Members of the House from the state are called "The Delegation". For instance, all of the members of the US House elected from California, Republicans and Democrats alike, are referred to as "the California Delegation" to the US House.

Elected Party Delegates. An Elected Nominee. Elected Representatives. An Elected Delegation. The Elected Delegation. Same same.

Live and learn from over there Down Under.

Then again, probably not. Must have something to do with the gravitational forces of the planet as affected by the moon as well, down there especially and in particular.

Others however can learn these central matters of representative and delegated party politics and government and they do in fact learn. Nothing inherently wrong with political parties btw. Ain't perfect, but then neither is pinball voting.

"Also called pinball voting"? Did you make that up? References please.

I'm very happy to be able to vote directly for candidates and a party meaning the system ensures minorities get a voice as well. Unlike the American system even one citizen one vote is undermined by the Electoral College and no other democratic country uses such an undemocratic system. Do you remember Al Gore winning the election but George Bush becoming President?


  • Howard Steven FriedmanStatistician and health economist for the United Nations; Teacher, Columbia University

Thanks for the condescension which is effectively counterproductive to anyone opposite taking anything you say seriously.

When I read a reference such as above I wonder how much you really are able to critique and examine dispassionately (apart from just giving across technical's). Maybe you're just too emotionally partisan to ever be able to manage independent thinking without prejudice and freedom from bias

Edited by Linzz
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