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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I think he is right

Bring all the production back into USA and then what you have is actual factories cost , real wages and real taxes and real OSHA audits

The cost will mean it's next to impossible to own an iPhone probably then they will start buying Huawei smile.png Hahahahah irony indeed

Then you are both incorrect.

There is less than 1 days labor going into the production of iPhones at Foxconn.

Figure in about $21/hour for a US Factory worker - can you explain why less than a days labor at $21/hour would cause a massive spike in prices?

Add in OSHA regulations and audit costs, add in correct and real protective gear, all in your inspections costs , factor in your plant Engineers costs , factor in paying real rent and electricity cost

It's not $21 then and every business has a right to relocate to where the costs are significantly lower but when you see how much profits squeezed out of every set , you know that is just corporate greed no matter how cool the product is and Apple has some of the brightest people in the corporate office understanding laws and devising business strategies to avoid paying taxes and real costs to do just that.

It doesn't matter what the costs at Foxconn are. The point is that there are huge development costs to recover and the only way it makes sense to land a price point that customers will accept is to have it made in China. There is the further detail that these Chinese contract producers now have expertise that is hard to replicate in other less expensive countries. However, rest assured, that if Trump imposes his ill-conceived plans, these Chinese producers, in concert with Apple, willl simply shift production to Laos, Cambodia, Shangri-La or wherever in an endless shell-game.

Yes, it's all about corporate profits. Yes, Apple is a Goliath - the Fortune 500 most profitable company in the world, with annual net earnings exceeding $40 billion. Obscene? Perhaps if you're a socialist, and maybe if you're a socialist democrat, and probably also to many Democrats.

BUT, assuredly NOT if you're a Republican! Conservatives, remember, your guy, Trump? He is a Republican. Not a communist. You guys love capitalists...remember?

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Here's a recent tweet from Trump:

"Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours![/size]"

Trump is telling two lies and a threat in one little tweet. What a lovely man. bah.gif

Trump is not lying, but he is not being completely honest either. Black Lives Matter and other leftist scum are organizing the violence. Bernie Sanders is not in control of his supporters.

The fact his name is Sanders and not Mussolini has a lot to do with the fact.

Yes, Bernie isn't pulling anyone's strings but someone is pulling the strings of his supporters to act out against the putative Republican nominee Trump. Media portrayals assign blame between the disruptors and the dispupted. Neither party gains from the exchange so who does? It's some masterful dirty trickery if it works, but not everything's working this year as expected.

Yes Trump gains from the exposure. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad news, it adds to his publicity. He gains a sympathy vote for the disruption and a credit vote for closing down early and looking responsible in the eyes of many. It could be tactical usage of the situation

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Rubio is done.. Trump destroyed him by almost 20 in his home state.

IMO, all the cash Jeb Bush spent on negative ads against him, early in the race, was what did him in. Jeb almost ignored Trump and went after Marco instead, which was pretty dumb.

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Sadly....looks like Clinton easily went 5 for 5

She's giving her victory speech with that familiar & endearing nails on the blackboard speaking style. Trump's goons should crash the party

Edited by NovaBlue05
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Here's a recent tweet from Trump:

"Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go to my events. Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours![/size]"

Trump is telling two lies and a threat in one little tweet. What a lovely man. bah.gif

Trump is not lying, but he is not being completely honest either. Black Lives Matter and other leftist scum are organizing the violence. Bernie Sanders is not in control of his supporters.

The fact his name is Sanders and not Mussolini has a lot to do with the fact.

Yes, Bernie isn't pulling anyone's strings but someone is pulling the strings of his supporters to act out against the putative Republican nominee Trump. Media portrayals assign blame between the disruptors and the dispupted. Neither party gains from the exchange so who does? It's some masterful dirty trickery if it works, but not everything's working this year as expected.

someone is pulling the strings of his supporters

No one pulls my strings cause I don't have any strings. No one is pulling any strings of the anti-fascist demonstrators who go to Trump rallies because the demonstrators do not have any strings. Nor did anyone pull my strings to take to the streets against the Vietnam war, to provide another instance of my point.

There are in fact no strings attached or growing out of people. We consciously make our own decisions, so give people credit for autonomy, integrity, honesty. Trying to treat us as if we were pawns or born lobotomised is just not honorable discourse. It is rather, condescending, arrogant, self-degrading.

If I want to align myself with some one, a group, an organisation ect in a common cause, such as anti-fascism, then it is my conscious choice and preference and something of which I am well aware. If the common ground is to be anti-fascist then that is excellent.

Trump is a limited-appeal unique and new American fascist and his supporters endorse and advocate everything he says and does. That is not a matter of strings either.

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Rubio is done.. Trump destroyed him by almost 20 in his home state. Looks like the GOP has to coalesce around Kasich for its last stand....or bring in a ringer

Don't have Rubio to kick around any more.

He jumped right into the sty with Trump but Marco wuz going down anyway.

Nobody on this side ever feared the kid. It was fun punching him around through the threads over six or eight months.

Now Donald gets all the ridicule which is even better.

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@Neversure. The computer is not a core competency anymore for the US. Software design, operating sytem design, Chipset design are core competencies, wireless internet technologies and network design are, building and assembly are not. Building and assembly is grunt work. China is now finding that out for themselves, and moving downstream. Huawei already stole the thunder from Cisco, and now they are running. Taiwan already found that out and outsourced to China. Who will China outsource to?

It's called moving up the value chain. There is no reason to play anymore in the lower regions of the chain.

But, I should leave this discussion to the Economists on the forum (if there are any), as I'm just a simple business guy.

Picking up on your point, the several formally educated and experienced economists here are invited to enter the discussion to offer their expertise. Still, there is of course the old saying that when you get four economists in a room we get 16 different opinions. smile.png(Economist has always called economics "the dismal science." Wonder that the zine might say about TVF.)

All the same, there are fewer jobs in the advanced economies, which are in North America and (western) Europe primarily, but also in Japan and a few other places where there are an increasingly dislocated number among laborforce too. The number of grunt jobs in these economies inexorably continue to decrease with no end in sight.

Not since the Industrial Revolution has such a radical and profound change occurred to economies. We left industrial society decades ago. There's no going back. In contrast to creating by design a floor of industrial unemployment, this unemployment is inherently structural, unavoidable, not preventable; not stoppable and not reversable.

More people in the advanced economies have no traditional industrial jobs to go to. They're never going to have any. There will be only more such people. Trump's answers come from the old and passe' industrial playbook and from the far right playbook of political economy popular in Europe during the 1920s and the 1930s.

Trump demands that we agree to go in full reverse to those times that took us the the Gates of Hell. Bernie Sanders has honorable intentions that unfortunately only extend the pavement of the road to hell. Hillary Clinton focuses on socio-economics which potentially brings her closer than the others to the core issues of a paradigm change of political economy.

None of 'em address the cold reality the days of the grunt jobs are gone, done, over, finished and kaput. Trump and Bernie are the least qualified to one day soon somehow stumble politically onto some initial kind of a breakthrough solution.

Edited by Publicus
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I understand that if Trump does not increase his run rate (to use a cricketing analogy) such that he takes at least 55% (up from 44%) of delegates in ALL future primaries, there will be a contested Republican convention. All delegate counts will be set to zero and the Republican candidate will be selected by a fist fight. Can any of our American cousins explain what actually will happen?

Edited by Grouse
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I understand that if Trump does not increase his run rate (to use a cricketing analogy) such that he takes at least 55% (up from 44%) of delegates in ALL future primaries, there will be a contested Republican convention. All delegate counts will be set to zero and the Republican candidate will be selected by a fist fight. Can any of our American cousins explain what actually will happen?

The GOP will create a last attempt to stop him at the Convention using whatever they have at their disposal. Their problem is the optics and how well they can market it. In the meantime, they hope the media will destroy him in the 4 months until then with 24/7 nonstop negativity

Edited by NovaBlue05
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I understand that if Trump does not increase his run rate (to use a cricketing analogy) such that he takes at least 55% (up from 44%) of delegates in ALL future primaries, there will be a contested Republican convention. All delegate counts will be set to zero and the Republican candidate will be selected by a fist fight. Can any of our American cousins explain what actually will happen?

The GOP will create a last attempt to stop him at the Convention using whatever they have at their disposal. Their problem is the optics and how well they can market it. In the meantime, they hope the media will destroy him in the 4 months until then with 24/7

The GOP is going to be busy, fighting a battle on multiple fronts.

1. Setting up public opinion and marketing to media the merits of a convention fight in an attempt to appease Trump fans at his ultimate and desired demise.

2. Positioning and sprucing up the new messiah, either Cruz, Kasich, or possibly Romney.

2. Feeding the anti-Hilary war machine. (a 24/7 effort that continues unabated).

Busy boys indeed.

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I understand that if Trump does not increase his run rate (to use a cricketing analogy) such that he takes at least 55% (up from 44%) of delegates in ALL future primaries, there will be a contested Republican convention. All delegate counts will be set to zero and the Republican candidate will be selected by a fist fight. Can any of our American cousins explain what actually will happen?

The GOP will create a last attempt to stop him at the Convention using whatever they have at their disposal. Their problem is the optics and how well they can market it. In the meantime, they hope the media will destroy him in the 4 months until then with 24/7

The GOP is going to be busy, fighting a battle on multiple fronts.

1. Setting up public opinion and marketing to media the merits of a convention fight in an attempt to appease Trump fans at his ultimate and desired demise.

2. Positioning and sprucing up the new messiah, either Cruz, Kasich, or possibly Romney.

2. Feeding the anti-Hilary war machine. (a 24/7 effort that continues unabated).

Busy boys indeed.

They have lots of money to throw at the problem anyway. Romney is probably their only hope in terms of bringing in a new candidate since he already has widespread national recognition from 2012. Unfortunately, that 2012 memory of his performance leaves a bit to be desired

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Ryan is probably one of the brighter bulbs on the GOP tree.He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the SOTH job. He's young and not sure he wants to damage a potential future run by climbing into this quagmire. Besides, he is not as well recognized as Romney except to political hacks like us

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Whether you like him or not,if he wins its because the people want it ,isn't that what is called a democracy?


In 1990, Algeria had a free and democratic election. Algerians were so dissatisfied by the incumbent government, they they voted in FIS, an Islamist organization that was considered uncorrupt.

The military immediately had a coup, which was backed by the USA and several European governments. So much for democracy, especially when the result is "unacceptable".

Edited by KarenBravo
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Many of the "Trumpettes" might not bother without Trump. By his own admission, he is attracting people who might not ordinarily vote. Of course Ryan would get the Republican vote but that's not his critical need. He needs to get the swing vote from Independents

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Many of the "Trumpettes" might not bother without Trump. By his own admission, he is attracting people who might not ordinarily vote. Of course Ryan would get the Republican vote but that's not his critical need. He needs to get the swing vote from Independents

Ryan encapsulates just about everything that the typical Trump supporter despises. He's an establishment oligarch who favors amnesty and deals for illegals. No way the Trump vote supports this guy.

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I understand that if Trump does not increase his run rate (to use a cricketing analogy) such that he takes at least 55% (up from 44%) of delegates in ALL future primaries, there will be a contested Republican convention. All delegate counts will be set to zero and the Republican candidate will be selected by a fist fight. Can any of our American cousins explain what actually will happen?

We're talking the 2nd Amendment crowd here so it'll be a shootout rather than a fistfight. Fistfights are for Democrats.

2500 delegates total in Cleveland so it'll be an historic firepower jamboree. Make the Chicago St Valentine's Day Massacre look like an Al Capone distraction.

Regardless, as Republican and John McCain 2008 chief strategist Steve Schmidt pointed out today somewhere on television....

Mitt Romney on March 16, 2012 had 57% of the delegates he needed to win the nomination, which he of course did do.

Today Donald Trump has 46% of the delegates he needs to win and Romney was always considered by everyone to be a weak candidate. Yet there are a large number of Republicans and other politicos who consider Trump to be the awesome king kong candidate. Lotsa image making going on by Trump himself from his day one back in June-July has created the loose impression.

So Kasich winning Ohio yesterday was very big. Rubio tanking yesterday was also very big cause it was his welcomed exit.

Governor R Scott Walker in Wisconsin is endeavoring to deliver his state's party voters to Kasich. Arnold the Governator who's endorsed Kasich is working to gather up votes for K in California to get Kasich a respectable showing and thus delegates, and to further deny Trump. Arnold is using his total celebrity to work other states too.

Arnold is being joined in California by former governor R Pete Wilson who's still a Republican party powerhouse there from back in the shadows.

New Jersey former Gov and R centrist Christine Todd Whitman who's already said she'd never vote for Trump in the general and who continues to have a ton of R party clout in New Jersey is working the state party there, not for the win, but to get Kasich enough votes to help him get delegates and thereby to limit Trump. A lotta Jersey R's are ticked at Gov Chris Christie for smooching up to Trump who is gonna win NJ.

All of this and more is admittedly a tall order for a political party that can't organise a three-car mission of moderate-right Republicans to the polling stations, but it is true nonetheless that the final push is on by the Institutional Republican Party to keep Trump below the magic number going in to the Convention.

Gonna be hard for these cross-eyed Republicans to keep their eye on the ball.

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Ryan has appeal to Trumpettes and is acceptable to most republicans. Get a clue.

John Boehner today held a news event in Ohio to endorse Ryan as the preferred R candidate.

Ryan had said earlier today he's not running. Ryan however would not make a Sherman Statement.

(Civil War Union General Wm T. Sherman: "If nominated I will not run. If elected I will not serve.")

Ryan is available.

More than.

The pac man fratricide is in the early stages but it's moving in several directions and it's chewing rapidly.

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Can Ryan run third party and keep his republican house seat.

The GOP insiders can manipulated the convention and get Ryan nominated as the GOP candidate. Watch out for the sparks if they nominate someone who hasn't even bothered to run. What a travesty, trampling on the process.

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Can Ryan run third party and keep his republican house seat.

The GOP insiders can manipulated the convention and get Ryan nominated as the GOP candidate. Watch out for the sparks if they nominate someone who hasn't even bothered to run. What a travesty, trampling on the process.

Trump and his imbecilic fanboys are the travesty. They know less about government and policy than he does, which is no small feat.


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