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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Does anyone think hes gonna get clipped ?

Who is served? Too late for the Republicans and he's the savior of the Democats. He's the only impetus for a Democrat to even vote in the presidential election.

True for America, but don't forget the huge trade interests involved and the numerous foreign countries that would be negatively impacted if his rhetoric is believed.

Seems to be to be setting up a precarious security situation for him with lots of foreign countries and industries having a keen interest.

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Can Ryan run third party and keep his republican house seat.

The only way to remove a sitting Member of the House or Senate is by a two-thirds vote of the Members. In short, it would take a two-thirds vote of the whole House to expell Ryan from his seat in the US House.

The Constitution, Article 1, Section 5 provides that, "The House and the Senate shall be the final judge of its Members."

Meaning the House for the House, the Senate for the Senate.

Two-thirds of either chamber is always a tall order.

House Republican party Members could of course remove Ryan from the Speakership. This is because Republicans as we know have a majority control of the House, 248 Members of the 535 voting Members. This is +30 of the House majority of 218 to pass legislation, elect a Speaker, approve Resolutions etc.

If at least 218 R Members of the whole House voted to evict Ryan of his Speakership, it would be a done deal. He would of course remain a Member of the House.

Unless R's got significant Democratic party support to throw him out of the House entirely.

Enough Republicans would however have to agree they'd want to try that route and result. Probably all of 'em would be needed; required. Then recruit enough Democrats to get to two-thirds of the whole of the House. Two-thirds of the whole House is 357 Members/votes. (As we well know, that's a very high and steep mountain to overcome for anything, to include overriding a veto of a Potus.)

If Ryan ran as a "third party" candidate for Potus, it would surely be because of the Republican party's currently ongoing knife fight over the fate of the R party. Or whether the R party is to survive at all. No telling really how R's in the House would vote on either question -- throw Ryan out of the House altogether or remove Ryan from the Speakership. Or both. Or neither.

The 30 to 40 (depending) Tea Party lunar modules who are crash landed House Republicans could find themselves with Ryan or agin' him, depending on their being either for or against whatever Ryan might be trying to accomplish. Or to head off. Whatever.


(Also, presently 20 to 25 House Repubicans who just six months ago had been considered by everyone to be perfectly safe in their districts back home are beginning to sweat reelection bullets if Trump is the nominee. They might want to run with Paul Ryan whichever Ryan may decide. Or not decide.)

There's a word for all of this: Chaos.

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The Economist is the Reader's Digest of the financial press.

Right of course.

And over there Andrew Breitbart eclipses and surpassed Walter Bagehot.

Just like Zero Hedge has it all over Wall Street Journal.


Until Trump came along a lot of us had thought the right was as far right as the right gets. Now however the right has fallen right off the right edge of its flat earth.

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Republican party never does well with chaos.

The national electorate in 2008 and in 2012 sent the R party into its present and continuing spiral of chaos. Republicans have still to hit bottom which remains nowhere in sight, although the national nominating convention in mid-July will be a way station. Looks definitely like November 8th is the night of the big date and to get screwed.

Trump is on track to win enough primary and caucus delegates to enter the convention with the nomination as his for the taking. Marco Rubio was the 2nd choice of most Republicans across the board but he evaporated like a Havana puddle. So the chaos is only just beginning.

Saw a guy on tv yesterday who I'd never heard of and still don't know his name, but he's the Republican National Committee permanent rules guy for their national conventions. He said there is a permanent rule that in winner take all states, the convention delegates pledged to the candidates on the first ballot do not actually belong to the candidate. They belong to the Party. That is, the Party can require pledged delegates from winner take all states to vote in a certain way -- a more equitable way. (???) Also, the convention and balloting are at the Republican Party's convention and the Party makes the rules. Delegates must follow the rules. So good luck with all of that big guy.

Sounds like two riots in Cleveland, one outside the convention hall and one inside of it. Chicago 1968 redux, this time for the R party in Cleveland instead of the one the D party had had in the Windy City.

Speaker Paul Ryan as the senior Republican in the Congress is convention chairman by another long standing permanent Party rule. If Trump gets the nomination on the 1st ballot Ryan doesn't have a basis of running as the Republican for Potus. If the convention dissolves into more than one ballot Ryan will be lucky to get out of Cleveland with his shirt on.

It wuz back in 1912 that then Potus Teddy Roosevelt was the last Republican to run as an Independent because the R convention had denied the progressive T.R. nomination for another term. T.R. and his reforms had upset too many robber barons. Election day T.R. left the R party nominee chewing dust in distant third but lost to the next Potus Woodrow Wilson.

Republicans this time are going to have to suck it up again.

Edited by Publicus
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Hmmm.....Trump is now questioning whether NATO is necessary and says that tactical nuclear weapons should be used against IS.

Pretty much confirms that he is a dangerous nutter.

Will he be "clipped"? Absolutely, but, only if he becomes POTUS.

Nobody will clip him if he picks Sarah Palin as his VP. That would be a good move by Trump. laugh.png

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Hmmm.....Trump is now questioning whether NATO is necessary and says that tactical nuclear weapons should be used against IS.

Pretty much confirms that he is a dangerous nutter.

Will he be "clipped"? Absolutely, but, only if he becomes POTUS.

I can just imagine George Washington throwing a fit because the US is getting out of the entanglement known as NATO. Just imagine, the US escapes the whims and fits of Turkey, which could draw the US into a war with Russia because of NATO ties.

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Does anyone think hes gonna get clipped ?

Who is served? Too late for the Republicans and he's the savior of the Democats. He's the only impetus for a Democrat to even vote in the presidential election.

True for America, but don't forget the huge trade interests involved and the numerous foreign countries that would be negatively impacted if his rhetoric is believed.

Seems to be to be setting up a precarious security situation for him with lots of foreign countries and industries having a keen interest.

What are exports as percent of GDP? 13% ? Something like that. I imagine most of that is grain and weapons. None of that's going away.

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Republican party never does well with chaos.

The national electorate in 2008 and in 2012 sent the R party into its present and continuing spiral of chaos. Republicans have still to hit bottom which remains nowhere in sight, although the national nominating convention in mid-July will be a way station. Looks definitely like November 8th is the night of the big date and to get screwed.

Trump is on track to win enough primary and caucus delegates to enter the convention with the nomination as his for the taking. Marco Rubio was the 2nd choice of most Republicans across the board but he evaporated like a Havana puddle. So the chaos is only just beginning.

Saw a guy on tv yesterday who I'd never heard of and still don't know his name, but he's the Republican National Committee permanent rules guy for their national conventions. He said there is a permanent rule that in winner take all states, the convention delegates pledged to the candidates on the first ballot do not actually belong to the candidate. They belong to the Party. That is, the Party can require pledged delegates from winner take all states to vote in a certain way -- a more equitable way. (???) Also, the convention and balloting are at the Republican Party's convention and the Party makes the rules. Delegates must follow the rules. So good luck with all of that big guy.

Sounds like two riots in Cleveland, one outside the convention hall and one inside of it. Chicago 1968 redux, this time for the R party in Cleveland instead of the one the D party had had in the Windy City.

Speaker Paul Ryan as the senior Republican in the Congress is convention chairman by another long standing permanent Party rule. If Trump gets the nomination on the 1st ballot Ryan doesn't have a basis of running as the Republican for Potus. If the convention dissolves into more than one ballot Ryan will be lucky to get out of Cleveland with his shirt on.

It wuz back in 1912 that then Potus Teddy Roosevelt was the last Republican to run as an Independent because the R convention had denied the progressive T.R. nomination for another term. T.R. and his reforms had upset too many robber barons. Election day T.R. left the R party nominee chewing dust in distant third but lost to the next Potus Woodrow Wilson.

Republicans this time are going to have to suck it up again.

The Lay-Z-Boy is already in position in front of the 50 inch for the Republican National Convention. Really! The beer is already on ice.

What time does it start here? 8 o'clock in the morning? No problem! I'm usually up by then.

Trump acceptance speech or hand to hand combat?

I can't wait. Better than the Final Four, Superbowl, a new Star Wars movie and the 7th game of the World Series combined!

Will Republicans hold their noses and nominate the guy that's guaranteed to badly lose or:

Have a massive floor fight where the end up nominating a different loser with the accompanying finger pointing and tantrums?

It's going to be epic.

Note to self: put popcorn on the list. And more ice.

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So Bush has endorsed Cruz. Hell, I'd much rather a Trump Presidency than a Cruz Presidency. I guess Bush is still all uptight over Trump having kicked him in the family Jewels. Trump is a good deal more crass than Cruz but he's also a good deal less crazy.

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Hmmm.....Trump is now questioning whether NATO is necessary and says that tactical nuclear weapons should be used against IS.

Pretty much confirms that he is a dangerous nutter.

Will he be "clipped"? Absolutely, but, only if he becomes POTUS.

I can just imagine George Washington throwing a fit because the US is getting out of the entanglement known as NATO. Just imagine, the US escapes the whims and fits of Turkey, which could draw the US into a war with Russia because of NATO ties.

The United States was the only Republic (certainly of any consequence) when George Washington was 1st Potus. President Washington was speaking of the great risks of foreign relations with imperial empires and monarchies (to include of course Great Britain and the British Empire).

Conversely, the Monroe Doctrine of the 5th Potus James Monroe told the foreign and imperial monarchies to stay out of the Americas (North, South, Central).

The Monroe Doctrine came to apply to another Republic however, Soviet Russia to result in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 when Washington and Moscow finally decided not to nuke the planet. Now the US is turning its attention to Putin and CCP which have been moving in to South and Central America, and that will be will be settled too, in a due time. Cuba is the beginning of it as is the fall of the Chavezistas in Venezuela. The United States (and Canada) need Mexico as a partner state.

Since World War II the United States has prospered and prevented a World War III due to its system of formal alliances such as Nato to name one -- the major one -- to include Canada; mutual defense treaties such as with Japan, Australia to name two such countries; partnerships with individual governments such as Mexico, strategic agreements such as with India and Singapore to name but two; friendly and vital working relations with others such as Afghanistan,

I just posted a ton more than Donald Trump knows. Most of us do this daily.

The reactionary slow and petrified right need to try to keep with with the passing centuries. There is a great danger to the Republic and to the world in getting a Trump's brain transplant. Which is why Donald Trump is going to be politically obliterated in November.

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So Bush has endorsed Cruz. Hell, I'd much rather a Trump Presidency than a Cruz Presidency. I guess Bush is still all uptight over Trump having kicked him in the family Jewels. Trump is a good deal more crass than Cruz but he's also a good deal less crazy.

I don't take Cruz seriously.

He's very fringe as a far right wing extremist Christian fundamentalist.

His senate colleagues hate his guts and with good reason.

Today in Washington Post:

Yes he could be nominated only because Trump is such a horror show, but he will be easily beatable by HRC.

Edited by Jingthing
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Republican party never does well with chaos.

The national electorate in 2008 and in 2012 sent the R party into its present and continuing spiral of chaos. Republicans have still to hit bottom which remains nowhere in sight, although the national nominating convention in mid-July will be a way station. Looks definitely like November 8th is the night of the big date and to get screwed.

Trump is on track to win enough primary and caucus delegates to enter the convention with the nomination as his for the taking. Marco Rubio was the 2nd choice of most Republicans across the board but he evaporated like a Havana puddle. So the chaos is only just beginning.

Saw a guy on tv yesterday who I'd never heard of and still don't know his name, but he's the Republican National Committee permanent rules guy for their national conventions. He said there is a permanent rule that in winner take all states, the convention delegates pledged to the candidates on the first ballot do not actually belong to the candidate. They belong to the Party. That is, the Party can require pledged delegates from winner take all states to vote in a certain way -- a more equitable way. (???) Also, the convention and balloting are at the Republican Party's convention and the Party makes the rules. Delegates must follow the rules. So good luck with all of that big guy.

Sounds like two riots in Cleveland, one outside the convention hall and one inside of it. Chicago 1968 redux, this time for the R party in Cleveland instead of the one the D party had had in the Windy City.

Speaker Paul Ryan as the senior Republican in the Congress is convention chairman by another long standing permanent Party rule. If Trump gets the nomination on the 1st ballot Ryan doesn't have a basis of running as the Republican for Potus. If the convention dissolves into more than one ballot Ryan will be lucky to get out of Cleveland with his shirt on.

It wuz back in 1912 that then Potus Teddy Roosevelt was the last Republican to run as an Independent because the R convention had denied the progressive T.R. nomination for another term. T.R. and his reforms had upset too many robber barons. Election day T.R. left the R party nominee chewing dust in distant third but lost to the next Potus Woodrow Wilson.

Republicans this time are going to have to suck it up again.

The Lay-Z-Boy is already in position in front of the 50 inch for the Republican National Convention. Really! The beer is already on ice.

What time does it start here? 8 o'clock in the morning? No problem! I'm usually up by then.

Trump acceptance speech or hand to hand combat?

I can't wait. Better than the Final Four, Superbowl, a new Star Wars movie and the 7th game of the World Series combined!

Will Republicans hold their noses and nominate the guy that's guaranteed to badly lose or:

Have a massive floor fight where the end up nominating a different loser with the accompanying finger pointing and tantrums?

It's going to be epic.

Note to self: put popcorn on the list. And more ice.

I'm booking the largest Sofitel party room for the week so PM me biggrin.png . (Sofitel has the biggest security gorillas.)

The WWF-RNC Classic in Cleveland. The Mistake on the Lake. A world class marathon cage match.

Hey, this Republican Party in this year couldn't win a door prize never mind a general election for Potus. That's if any voters in the general let 'em in the door at all.

A classic gangfock. They make Custer look lucky cause it wuz quick for him and the 7th Cavalry. This massacre is 18 months.

A Blue November as Red is out this year. clap2.gif


The Mistake on the Lake:

The rightfully given nickname to the city of Cleveland Ohio because the city truly is one of the biggest mistakes in the world. Not only has Cleveland managed to set a river on fire due to massive pollution (1969) but they also haven't won a sports championship since 1948.


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So Bush has endorsed Cruz. Hell, I'd much rather a Trump Presidency than a Cruz Presidency. I guess Bush is still all uptight over Trump having kicked him in the family Jewels. Trump is a good deal more crass than Cruz but he's also a good deal less crazy.

Trump the Original Birther wants to build a wall against Mexico and ban Muslims from the United States.

Cruz wants to put police in Muslim neighborhoods for his 24/7 armed occupation.

These people are off the deep end. They're just plain nuts.


New York City Police Chief Bill Bratton Slams Ted Cruz On Muslim ‘Patrols’

“We don’t need a president that doesn’t respect the values that form the foundation of this country.”

“The statements he made today is why he’s not going to become president of this country,” Bratton said at a press conference in New York. “We don’t need a president that doesn’t respect the values that form the foundation of this country,” he added, adding that he had “over 900 very dedicated officers in this department, many of whom do double duty, and they serve as active duty members of the U.S. Military in combat, something the senator has never seen.

“So before he starts denigrating any population, he should take a close look at who he’s denigrating,” Bratton continued, remarking that he took “great offense” at his remarks about American Muslims.

“The senator basically is really out of line with his comments,” he said


The ordinary Muslim-American is the country's first line of defense against Islamic radical mass murderers. Every American is or should be.

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump are the inadvertent and oblivious Trojan Horses of Daesh et al, for sure. Trump and Cruz make the presidency of GW Bush look benign. Each of 'em spends all their time doing right wing politically correct speak.

Anyone who wants to catalogue right wing politically correct speak can simply chronicle everything each of 'em says. It all comes from the dangerous and menacing fantasy land of rightwingnuttia.

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Hmmm.....Trump is now questioning whether NATO is necessary and says that tactical nuclear weapons should be used against IS.

Pretty much confirms that he is a dangerous nutter.

Will he be "clipped"? Absolutely, but, only if he becomes POTUS.

If the US had any sense, they'd abandon NATO and let all the loser Euro nations pick up the tab for their own defence instead of relying on the US to do it for them- nothing bad if Trump does take them out of NATO.

If Obama had had the balls to do the job way back, no one would be talking about nukes now.

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Republicans are screwed...som nom na

Let's see, the presidents that the GOP has given us in recent times

Nixon- lied about a plan to end Vietnam war, employed a war criminal and was a crook

Reagan- the Contra fiasco and trickle down

Bush the elder- loser

Bush the younger- OMG, could it have been any worse?

If ever a party deserved to self destruct, the GOP is it.

Not that the Dems are any better- haven't had a decent president since Kennedy.

Come to think of it, surely this shower ( on both sides ) are the greatest con job ever unleashed on a country?

Had they elected a rock, the population would have been better off, as a rock wouldn't have made things worse.

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President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

President Clinton has an excellent standing among Presidents.

Don't lump the Democrats in with the pathetic Republicans. After G W and Cheney, there should never be another Republican President.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

All the baggers should get use to the sound of "Madame President"

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President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

President Clinton has an excellent standing among Presidents.

Don't lump the Democrats in with the pathetic Republicans. After G W and Cheney, there should never be another Republican President.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

All the baggers should get use to the sound of "Madame President"

President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

Thanks for the humour. I laughed so much I fell off the chair.

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Republicans are screwed...som nom na

So this is what you watch Pinot? Fox News in drag?

You will have to agree with Trump then, as someone said, if he brings down the Republican Party, then he has fulfilled his promise to make America great again! Good point? You had better vote for him

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President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

President Clinton has an excellent standing among Presidents.

Don't lump the Democrats in with the pathetic Republicans. After G W and Cheney, there should never be another Republican President.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

All the baggers should get use to the sound of "Madame President"

President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

Thanks for the humour. I laughed so much I fell off the chair.

The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

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Twenty-eight percent of registered voters nationally are with the Republican party. That's 72% of registered voters who are not.

Only 28% yet the Obama admin felt it couldn't win in 2012 without fixing the last election in Ohio, and using the IRS to hobble citizen organizations supporting the Republican candidate.

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President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

President Clinton has an excellent standing among Presidents.

Don't lump the Democrats in with the pathetic Republicans. After G W and Cheney, there should never be another Republican President.

As I like to point out, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

All the baggers should get use to the sound of "Madame President"

President Obama will be remembered as one of our greatest Presidents.

Thanks for the humour. I laughed so much I fell off the chair.

The wingnuts hate Obama (a negro) and Hillary (a woman).

And Trump will be our next President, eh? clap2.gif

Republicans are always wrong about everything.

Here we go again with the misinformation.

I'll type very slowly so you can keep up.

Obama is only HALF black, and he was raised as a WHITE boy by a WHITE mother- father wasn't around to install any black culture. He wasn't even raised on mainland USA.

People don't hate HRC because she's a woman, they hate her because she's unlikeable and probably a crook. If she was a man they'd hate him just as much. She only got as far as she has because people liked Bill and she is a woman.

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Unfortunately rabid democrats will vote for ANY democrat who is the nominee. Most of those rabid democrats are collecting some sort of benefits and they will never bite the hands that feed them. For the rational democrats, are you happy with business as usual? Truthfully the entire congress stinks. That means both parties. Apparently none of them is capable of balancing a checkbook. I really should be a flaming liberal and stand with my hand out. The reason I should go that way is because I will be dead and gone before the entire government implodes. I do feel sorry for my kids and grand kids who will have to solve the mess.

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For the Trump haters, you obviously know nothing about how the government works. You must think the president is a dictator who can make every rule as he goes along. The president can make no meaningful changes without the consent of congress. Unfortunately the congress is full of morons who make it tough for a president to do anything. Sometimes that is good and sometimes that is bad.

Look at the buffoon we now have. Could anyone else be worse?

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All our liberal friends have is a 73 year old Socialist that isn't even a member of their party and a grandma that has 30+ years of being a Washington beltway charter member and is a proven pathological liar.

And they support it with comedians posing as their experts.

If it wasn't so inept I could almost feel sorry for them.

PS: It speaks volumes when you consider their leading candidate is facing five federal investigations as we speak. They need a little humor in their lives.

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