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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

Uh... I think you'd better check and find out who owns this forum, where the registrar is, and then where it is hosted...


Edited by NeverSure
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Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

Uh... I think you'd better check and find out who owns this forum, where the registrar is, and then where it is hosted...


Oh come on. You can do better than that. Where the forum is hosted and owned is not the point.

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Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

What I find interesting with the position of pro-Trumpers on this forum is their very presence on this foreign-country based forum populated largely by non-Americans. Furthermore, to be consistent with this protectionist position, I'm sure you all agree that foreign countries, including Thailand, should also properly impose further restrictions on Americans to keep them from stealing jobs of locals.

So, work permits and visas should be severely constricted, if not eliminated for Americans, investment in Condos, and import duties hiked on American-made products to allow Thais to buy Thai products and keep jobs. I suppose you also support all these things?

Mis-guided efforts to protect jobs in legacy industries that are dinosaur industries in technology and information-driven economies like the US are just wrong. What is right is an emphasis on re-training, education with government help in new technology, information, biotech, medical and other industries. If Trump came up with some intelligent solutions in this area, and dropped the isolationist rhetoric, I might take him seriously.

Uh... I think you'd better check and find out who owns this forum, where the registrar is, and then where it is hosted...


Oh come on. You can do better than that. Where the forum is hosted and owned is not the point.

You were replying about jobs in a most uninformed way. How is it not the point if this forum is owned by Americans and hosted in Silicon Valley in California, and the work to keep it running is done by Americans? How is that now a dinosaur?

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^That's me. Uninformed about jobs. The POINT about this forum in Thailand was about reciprocity or protectionism, not alleging that forum hosting and webmaster work is dinosaurish. But, I do believe that industry is in decline too now in the US now that you mention it.

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Somebody posted this bombshell just out of the Economist Intelligence Unit on another thread:

Trump becoming U.S. President is placed as the sixth-greatest threat to global stability by the EIU in its forecast for April. According to the report, the Republican candidate’s hostility towards free trade and his labeling of China as a “currency manipulator” means that his election could result in a “trade war” and the scuppering of the Trans-Pacific Partnership —an ambitious agreement signed by 12 countries, including the U.S. and Mexico.


Newsweek, NBC, VOA and all majors are running with this. Hopefully if there are any thinking people among his supporters they will start to pay attention to what the world is saying.

Yea, because some British magazine that wants to outsource American jobs and lower salaries in the US is going to convince the US electorate.

I'm sure you are correct that Trump supporters don't have a clue and really understand the importance to Americans and Asians of trade pacts like the TPP. They also do not understand that evil China (that Trump demonizes) is not a signatory to the TPP right, and that it benefits a whole host of friends, like Japan, Singapore etc..

Perfect. more more misplaced anger and just plain ignorance by Trump supporters.

**BTW, both Republican and Democratic leaders of Congress and Senate support the TPP.

Thailand is also not a part of the TPP... So I'm a fan of it falling apart for that reason as well...

As if goes through would also hurt Thailand's competitiveness as well.

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The world is considering Trump being President and it is shuddering. Yes, and so it should be.

Okay, lets consider three crazy ideas that Trump might bring in if he is president.

A wall to stop new Mexicans entering into America.

An attempt to stop new Muslims entering into America.

An attempt to reduce the amount of Chinese goods entering into America, this is done by slapping tariffs onto the goods, making the stuff more expensive in America.

These three crazy ideas alone will greatly harm America, and also harm the rest of the world. All of us, lets unite and be against Trump and these crazy ideas.

Free-Trade Opposition Unites Political Parties in Bloomberg Poll

Opposition to free trade is a unifying concept even in a deeply divided electorate, with almost two-thirds of Americans favoring more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer. The latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows the issue unites the country like few others, across lines of politics, race, gender, education, and income.
Large majorities or pluralities favor policies protecting domestic jobs over lower prices, describe the North American Free Trade Agreement as being bad for the U.S., and even prefer a U.S. company building a nearby factory to employ 1,000 workers over a foreign -- in this instance Chinese -- owner that would hire twice as many.

Reactionaries need to recognise, accept and deal effectively with the reality industrialism and industrial socio-economics in the USA are dated, well past their shelf life.

USA entered a Post-Industrial Society in the 1970s. During the 1980s America entered into the Megacorporate World of Ronald Reagan. The direct consequence was the election as Potus of the political centrist William Jefferson Clinton in 1992 and his decisive reelection in 1996.

Bernie Sanders rails against this too, but from the opposite end of the political spectrum, i.e., the kind of progressivism practiced by President Theodore Roosevelt whose reformist leadership best defined the period in US history known as The Progressive Era (1880-1920). The Era coincided with a huge wave of immigration from Eastern and Mediterranean Europe. The Era affected a significant modification of Calvinism and much else along this line that had dominated in the American colonies and in the new United States.

So let's look at root of the current oblivious whinging of the pro-Trump right and its other assorted ragtag supporters.

The Megacorporate World of Ronald Reagan

Presented at The National Press Club, Washington D C., June 6, 1984

Ronald Reagan has the opposite plan in mind. During Mr. Reagan's first term, "the malefactors of great wealth," now described as big business or multinational corporations, have regularly met their obedient servant in the White House. The power of "the monied interests" has become ever more focused on turning representative government into a versatile accounts receivable for too many mismanaged, speculating negligent, avaricious, unsafe or downright criminal companies. This Reagan-corporatist revolution, whereby business regulates government in pursuit of private profit at the expense of the legitimate interests of Americans as taxpayers, consumers and citizens, has little to do with being conservative. It has everything to do with building a government of the Exxons, by the General Motors, and for the DuPonts.



President Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagle but did little else to advance magacorporatism. The Clinton presidency was insignificant in these respects. During the GW Bush administration the period of derivatives economics and finance proliferated unchecked and it led directly to the 2008 catastrophe.

China is no longer relevant or material to an export of jobs from the USA, to more recently include Apple, Foxcom, Nike, Caterpillar, GE, Nabisco, Office Depot etc etc etc. There are numerous reasons for this, to include its currency being in a disarray, which has minimised a continued loss of us manufacturing jobs to the CCP regime in Beijing. Walmart but other corporations too have somewhat filled the US-China period of trade employment void, but only at the lowest end of the labor market, i.e., the unskilled and low skilled workers. Virtually every megacorporation in the US has failed Americans by not recognising or accepting that anyone in the USA who works full time must never live in poverty or economic need, want, deprivation.

Indeed, the lower-middle class manufacturing jobs are also gone forever from the US. The middle-middle class industrial jobs are rapidly evaporating as the US economic base moves naturally to IT and other sophisticated service technologies. Both categories of the labor market had been transferred wholesale to the CCP; yet, those jobs are in a steep decline there. They and their capital are going to other low cost labor markets in Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Peru -- foremost among others.

(There is btw a significant and long term difference between having no-tuition higher education and continuing a tuition based higher education system one can access out of pocket without becoming buried in debt.)

Trump and the right's reaction to the paradigm change of the US economy, and to the global economy, is predictably reactionary. There is much hostility and bitterness as they utterly and miserably fail to recognise or comprehend the nature of it. As always, the children of Archie Bunker want to return to the good ole dayze. They can't do it and they won't be allowed to try as the vast number of Americans recognise at the least that the old dayze are gone for good, that presently and going forward everything is new and that it is occurring as the course of events.

Reagan merely identified what had been occurring so this is what the US presently has and faces. That is, Reagan and his people could have taken significant action to bring megacorporatism under a greater control, to institute a greater balance of the forces at work; to reset the megacorporate paradigm to be more favorable to those Americans displaced by it. Reagan however repeated throughout his presidency that, "Big is good." The Reagan administration chose consciously and willfully not to implement a semblance of balance between Big Megacorporate America and Main Street America. Indeed, Reagan and his megacorporate operatives in the Reagan administration fed the already plump corporate beast to put it in its present state of greed, gluttony, obesity; sloth.

Most people who support Trump are indeed victims. Trump however is not.

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Thankfully, Enron, Lehman Brothers, Valeant... were / are not owned by Chinese

They don't need to, they have already bought the Clintons and the Democrat Party...

1996 United States campaign finance controversy

Bob Woodward and Brian Duffy of The Washington Post published a story stating that a United States Department of Justice investigation into the fund-raising activities had uncovered evidence that agents of China sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) before the 1996 presidential campaign. The journalists wrote that intelligence information had shown the Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. was used for coordinating contributions to the DNC[2] in violation of United States law


Chinese company pledged $2 million to Clinton Foundation in 2013

A CBS News investigation has found that at least one foreign company with close ties to its government has been giving generously to the foundation run by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. The foundation has raised at least $42 million from foreign governments - and according to an analysis by CBS News - at least $170 million from foreign entities and individuals.


Maybe "the world" wouldn't be so afraid of Trump if he would sell them his influence like Hillary has.

Maybe foreign gov'ts would love Trump if all they had to do was donate a few million to his favorite foundation.

Maybe they are afraid of Trump because they are afraid what the asking price of a billionaire would be, a billionaire who wrote the book The Art of the Deal.

The Senate Intelligence Committee in 1996-98 focused on whether the Beijing party-state intelligence agencies had tried surreptitiously to influence elections throughout the US at all levels. The Committee's conclusion was yes.

Quoted from the Senate Intelligence Committee Report....

The plan put together by the People's Republic of China (PRC) "applied to various political office holders or candidates at the local, state, and federal level," according to the report.

"There is intelligence information indicating PRC officials provided funds to US political campaigns," said the document.

And [that however] "there is no intelligence information indicating that contributions had any influence on US policy or the US political process, or that any recipients knew the contributions were from a foreign source," the report said.


Once the "China [Promotion] Plan" devised in Beijing had been uncovered and exposed by the Senate committee, the DNC identified previously unknown illegal contributions from previously unknown CCP illegal operatives who were later convicted of illegal contributions and false filing of Federal Election Contribution Reports.

DNC returned all such post-identified donations.

CCP Dictators in Beijing have a long and strong knowledge of working with a Potus and the administration. This goes from the pioneers President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger to GHW Bush who'd been ambassador to the CCP. CCP have worked daily with Bill Clinton and his cabinet secretaries for eight years, GW Bush and Co daily for eight years, Barack Obama daily 7+ years. In 1979 Deng Xiao Peng spend one week in Washington with President Jimmy Carter & Co. during which Deng revealed his grand scheme of China's economic development.

It is the Congress the Boyz know nothing of or about and where anti-trade and CCP currency issues have always been severely criticised, and where pro-Taiwan support is broad and unshakably strong. This is true regardless of which party has majority control of either chamber.

It is also a major reason why President Obama successfully nominated the 30-year veteran of Congress, former Rep then Senator Max Baucus as ambassador to the CCP. Since the arrival of Amb. Baucus in Beijing three years ago he's taken the CCP to school.

Until very recently CCP Boyz had largely ignored Donald Trump. Last week however the Boyz finally issued a comprehensive and strident statement about Trump and about democracy itself:

“The rise of a racist in the US political arena worries the whole world. Usually, the tempo of the evolution of US politics can be predicted, while Trump’s ascent indicates all possibilities and unpredictability. Mussolini and Hitler came to power through elections, a heavy lesson for Western democracy,” the Global Times said in the editorial.

Citing clashes between Trump protesters and supporters at Friday’s canceled rally in Chicago, the editorial compared this year’s nominating contest to an election season in a developing country. “A similar show is shockingly staged in the US, which boasts one of the most developed and mature democratic election systems,” the post read.


CCP has a multiplicy of party-state media. Global Times which CCP identified to speak for it in this is dominated by the PLA.

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China was not invited to join the TPP. Neither was Thailand. Vietnam is in.

CCP Boyz are selling off foreign currency reserves to put some token cash into the wobbling Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank cause their economy is in the tank. AIIB is otherwise bone dry.

CCP had already had to give up the idea of a Brics Development Bank mostly because there isn't any more Brics. Poof. Imagine that.

No more AIIB either, effectively. AIIB ended before it began.

Couple of more years (at the most) and TPP is gonna start looking good in Beijing. Sort of like that gal in the corner of the pub around 2 a.m.

By that time the TPP rules on labor, environment et al will have been fully developed, set and TPP further expanded in its present membership of a dozen countries. Mr. Xi sign here plse thx. In English.

TPP economies total $28 Trillion, which is the same amount as CCP national debt.

TPP with the ready to be signed Trans Atlantic Investment and Trade Partnership equal 50% of global GDP. It's called a global strategy to apply the golden rule to the CCP Dictators in their Tyranny, i.e., he who has the gold makes the rules.

CCP are atheists praying for Trump to win it all.

Donald Gump Trump will be easy pickins for CCP to straighten out and in a quick order. Former SecState Hillary Clinton is in contrast well known in Beijing (and the region) from her days as US Senator from New York State right on through as SecState. She busts their balls every time and they hate and fear Hillary Clinton more than any single American. Even more than Republicans and other rightwingers detest her.

The ignoramus Trump is instead child's play in Beijing.

Beijing has always known how to hunt and cook duck or squirrel alike.

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China was not invited to join the TPP. Neither was Thailand. Vietnam is in.

CCP Boyz are selling off foreign currency reserves to put some token cash into the wobbling Asia Infrastructure and Investment Bank cause their economy is in the tank. AIIB is otherwise bone dry.

CCP had already had to give up the idea of a Brics Development Bank mostly because there isn't any more Brics. Poof. Imagine that.

No more AIIB either, effectively. AIIB ended before it began.

Couple of more years (at the most) and TPP is gonna start looking good in Beijing. Sort of like that gal in the corner of the pub around 2 a.m.

By that time the TPP rules on labor, environment et al will have been fully developed, set and TPP further expanded in its present membership of a dozen countries. Mr. Xi sign here plse thx. In English.

TPP economies total $28 Trillion, which is the same amount as CCP national debt.

TPP with the ready to be signed Trans Atlantic Investment and Trade Partnership equal 50% of global GDP. It's called a global strategy to apply the golden rule to the CCP Dictators in their Tyranny, i.e., he who has the gold makes the rules.

CCP are atheists praying for Trump to win it all.

Donald Gump Trump will be easy pickins for CCP to straighten out and in a quick order. Former SecState Hillary Clinton is in contrast well known in Beijing (and the region) from her days as US Senator from New York State right on through as SecState. She busts their balls every time and they hate and fear Hillary Clinton more than any single American. Even more than Republicans and other rightwingers detest her.

The ignoramus Trump is instead child's play in Beijing.

Beijing has always known how to hunt and cook duck or squirrel alike.

Trump is indeed an ignoramus on this trade issue, and is indeed child's play in Beijing.

However, remember that anyone (especially Thailand and China) who want to join TPP later, will have to adhere to the already-negotiated terms of reference, which effectively locks out these countries in many ways. China, ever-clever, is already moving to circumvent this by buying companies and forming companies in Vietnam, so it can (by proxy) "be a member" of the TPP. Smart companies, and smart people, like the Chinese and American businessmen will always find a way.

Trump is totally a neophyte in dealing internationally and especially with China. He knows fookall really. Honestly. He is a swingin dick NY real estate mogul, local yokul NY Casino guy, and US national media wonder. He is jack squat overseas.

As far as the REAL benefits of TPP, here are some little know facts compiled by the Peterson Institute for International Economics: forecast increase in real income by TPP will mostly benefit these countries: Vietnam (10.5%), Malaysia (5.6%), Japan, NZ, Singapore (2.0%), Peru, Chile, Australia ~ 1%), and the US (.40%).

Before anyone starts screaming "I told you so," remember that the most advanced economies benefit relatively less than the developing ones, hence the numbers for Japan and USA. It is a NET BENEFIT for the USA.

Trump is a jackass.

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The reality is most Asian businesses are more nimble and risk taking compared to corporate America

They don't have to deal with diversity counts , all sorts of EEO lawsuits and are free to explore the business realm as it is and they don't have to worry that the minority counts are upset because in most Asian business setups it's a given that the children takes over for good or bad that is the way it has been set up

TPP is a grand vision set out by the Americas and in all things good natured at the start , the project is too mammoth to manage so that every member feels they have the better deal and will eventually fall quiet on the side

I admire the ambition of it ...I just think the diversity of the members makes the implementation close to impossible

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The reality is most Asian businesses are more nimble and risk taking compared to corporate America

They don't have to deal with diversity counts , all sorts of EEO lawsuits and are free to explore the business realm as it is and they don't have to worry that the minority counts are upset because in most Asian business setups it's a given that the children takes over for good or bad that is the way it has been set up

TPP is a grand vision set out by the Americas and in all things good natured at the start , the project is too mammoth to manage so that every member feels they have the better deal and will eventually fall quiet on the side

I admire the ambition of it ...I just think the diversity of the members makes the implementation close to impossible

Your points are well taken Lawrence, and it is a grand ambition. The hardest part is for countries, like Vietnam, to enact wholesale changes, which means today, with the TPP changes, that Vietnam is the most investor-friendly nation of any developing country in SE Asia, and as a result foreign investment in Vietnam is sky-rocketing. In 2015, of $2 billion in deals, FDI accounted for 46% of total deal value. And, it is one of only 4 nations that is both part of ASEAN and part of TPP. The sweet spot.

Unfortunately for Thailand, it is highly unlikely it could enact the kind of reform that Vietnam has had to do, and as a result is unlikely to ever join TPP until it is too late. It's understandable that those pro-Thai would be pro-Trump and against TPP on this issue. I live in Thailand, but I know a smarter way for Thai companies to "join" TPP, similar to what China is doing.

Time will tell if you are right or not, but for Americans to follow Trump home, shut the gate and bar the door on this and on China is the blind squirrel leading the blind mice.

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Diversity is the strength of TPP which an old fashioned Asian family enterprise fails to recognise or appreciate, much less respect.

A bright young MBA hired into CP Group in Thailand for instance, or Hawei in the CCP knows he/she will have to move on because the top floor has only family names on the doors, or the names of trusted friends of a like or a similar nature of over 20 or more years, or the name of some big man CCP.

(Wharton School is not a welcome credential in most US corporations either...too many Wharton grads need their own family or another 'innovative' wheeler-dealer. Those who have known some know...one also wonders how many Wharton grads taught bankruptcy at Trump University.)

It wuz btw amusing to read the "time will tell" statement given the vague and vacuous glib nature of the remark.

Trump and the CCP Boyz have differences and similarities that separate the two from Hillary Clinton and her distinct competence, experience, credentials, qualifications.

Communist Party of China Boyz have their rigid ideological dogma of authoritarian state-corporatism which is superimposed on an ossified 5000 year national culture of authoritarianism, dictatorship, oligarchy, autocracy. Worse part of it is that few there or overseas find anything about it all to complain about fundamentally, to criticise or to believe needs to be chucked.

Trump is what the CCP loves to think of as the wild and rambunctious laughing American cowboy perched on his whining horse which has its front hoofs raised at the edge of the cliff. In the instance of Trump there's a viable truth to this CCP fantasy image come to life which virtually assures CCP will clean the clock of Donald Gump Trump. Every digit of it. Trump is the fulfillment of the CCP's dream American, the image CCP has had to long repress because it is an image of the American they've never met.

Donald Trump is indeed not all there upstairs, which is also true of too many of his loyal but small legions. Yet the CCP in its attitudes and behaviors is unspokenly and therefore diplomatically known in the West as the autistic country and culture. The bottom line for each is that they haven't any clue of right or wrong, propriety or impropriety, justice or much less equal justice, modernity, respectful treatment of others or the like. The consequence is that neither the CCP nor Trump is respected while each is a heavy duty magnet of apprehension.

CCP Boyz in Beijing can however learn from Trump irrespective of whether they know it or not. As the American expert on bankruptcy, Trump can well advise the CCP Boyz on their bankrupt real estate market to include their 63 million unoccupied units while the Chinese lumpenproletarial huddles in shacks outside its new metropolitan centers. State banks teetering on the edge of financial collapse, equity markets crashing around, the shadow banking system collecting overdue debts by smashing kneecaps, daily intraparty brawls and political knife fights among CCP reformers, anti-reformers and those who are neither; how to get tough against guyz who are already ruthlessly tough....unfortunately the list goes on.

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The reason we're even discussing a blog about Trump, is because no one ever thought he would run and now half the country is scared.

And the other half is ecstatic. Is there a serious dichotomy among Americans or what?
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The reason we're even discussing a blog about Trump, is because no one ever thought he would run and now half the country is scared.

And the other half is ecstatic. Is there a serious dichotomy among Americans or what?

It may well be that there are two kinds of people in the world, thoze who dichotomize and thoze who do not. smile.png

The Bloomberg national poll released yesterday, of all registered voters, Democrats, Republicans, Independent voters...all voters:

Clinton 54%

Trump 36%

Tough to see any even steven divide in that. Even tougher to find one. Torturous to create one I should think.

There is no ambiguity or dichotomy about it.

Another finding of the Bloomberg poll is that 73% of all Americans "disapprove" of Donald Trump and his candidacy for the office of Potus. This encompasses registered voters and those Americans not registered to vote. That is, the American people.

It may cheer the dichotomists however that Bloomberg also found 50% of Republican women "disapprove" of the Trump candidacy. It certainly does cheer Democrats


Poll: Clinton would crush Trump in general election

March 23, 2016


(Foreigners thx might want to be more prudent in their thoughts because it does get tiresome from either side of the American political spectrum. This poster had to spend two months last summer and fall pointing out to aliens Trump was getting votes from Republicans, in Republican party state primaries or caucuses, not from all Americans in a general voting procedure. I've saved this post cause I'm certain I'll need to use it again....and again....and again. To include further polls as the campaign continues to progress occur.)

Edited by Publicus
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You forgot to post the Bloomberg link showing Sanders ahead of Clinton and Sanders beating all Republican comers by wider margins than Clinton. You bucking for a job with the DNC?


I think he's probably had a job with the DNC. wink.png

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The reason we're even discussing a blog about Trump, is because no one ever thought he would run and now half the country is scared.

And the other half is ecstatic. Is there a serious dichotomy among Americans or what?

It may well be that there are two kinds of people in the world, thoze who dichotomize and thoze who do not. smile.png

The Bloomberg national poll released yesterday, of all registered voters, Democrats, Republicans, Independent voters...all voters:

Clinton 54%

Trump 36%

Tough to see any even steven divide in that. Even tougher to find one. Torturous to create one I should think.

There is no ambiguity or dichotomy about it.

Another finding of the Bloomberg poll is that 73% of all Americans "disapprove" of Donald Trump and his candidacy for the office of Potus. This encompasses registered voters and those Americans not registered to vote. That is, the American people.

It may cheer the dichotomists however that Bloomberg also found 50% of Republican women "disapprove" of the Trump candidacy. It certainly does cheer Democrats


Poll: Clinton would crush Trump in general election

March 23, 2016


(Foreigners thx might want to be more prudent in their thoughts because it does get tiresome from either side of the American political spectrum. This poster had to spend two months last summer and fall pointing out to aliens Trump was getting votes from Republicans, in Republican party state primaries or caucuses, not from all Americans in a general voting procedure. I've saved this post cause I'm certain I'll need to use it again....and again....and again. To include further polls as the campaign continues to progress occur.)

So if Trump is a slam-dunk (into the toilet), why all the frantic posturing and desperate rebuttals by the anti-Trump crowd on this thread?

Geez! Relax! Stop your own shuddering!

(Or dost thou protesteth too much? )

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Just watched ITV's Piers Morgan interview with Trump.

1. Questions were not exactly hard, but Trump manages to waffle on and change the subject, so he does not really give any clear answers.

2. Piers Morgan does not challenge him at all, he is a very weak interviewer, actually quite hopeless!

I would love to see Jeremy Paxman interview Trump, he would be able to show him up for what he really is.

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You forgot to post the Bloomberg link showing Sanders ahead of Clinton and Sanders beating all Republican comers by wider margins than Clinton. You bucking for a job with the DNC?


For anyone who may be interested, the Bloomberg survey is chock full of fascinating stuff.

A reader should be advised Republicans and other right wingers can't discuss Trump so they retreat to their default position of attacking former SecState Clinton and the Big One. For anything, everything, and then some, irrespective of the thread or the topic.

The rightwhinge also focus on certain posters no matter what the thread or topic.

This poster chose to post the most salient stuff given Clinton and Trump are presently ahead in the respective delegate count. Clinton also leads in the total aggregate popular vote in either party. (We know, we know, the other side has more than two candidates etc etc.)

Bernie is gonna have a super Tuesday next week so we'll take it from there, then.

Las Vegas oddsmakers meanwhile still have HRC at 1-25 to be the nominee of the Democratic party, which converts to the probability percentage of 96.1%. Trump is holding up too, at 1-4 odds or 80%, same as a couple of weeks ago.

I could say more about posting but the right should be getting the picture that this poster considers several factors in his decisions of what to say or post.

The Johnny One Note rightwhingers however keep posting against HRC or Bill or both of 'em together...or anyone who might support 'em. That's because the right has nothing to say about Trump or for the matter Cruz or Kasich.

You forgot to post the Bloomberg link showing Sanders ahead of Clinton and Sanders beating all Republican comers by wider margins than Clinton. You bucking for a job with the DNC?


I think he's probably had a job with the DNC. wink.png

Nope. That would be like keeping the lights on in a tunnel. Awfully incestuous; limiting. Never had an interest in 'em and never got solicited by 'em. Not them.

Keep thinking though. smile.png

Letcha know if you get warmer.

It's all cheerfully in the past anyway.

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The reason we're even discussing a blog about Trump, is because no one ever thought he would run and now half the country is scared.

And the other half is ecstatic. Is there a serious dichotomy among Americans or what?

It may well be that there are two kinds of people in the world, thoze who dichotomize and thoze who do not. smile.png

The Bloomberg national poll released yesterday, of all registered voters, Democrats, Republicans, Independent voters...all voters:

Clinton 54%

Trump 36%

Tough to see any even steven divide in that. Even tougher to find one. Torturous to create one I should think.

There is no ambiguity or dichotomy about it.

Another finding of the Bloomberg poll is that 73% of all Americans "disapprove" of Donald Trump and his candidacy for the office of Potus. This encompasses registered voters and those Americans not registered to vote. That is, the American people.

It may cheer the dichotomists however that Bloomberg also found 50% of Republican women "disapprove" of the Trump candidacy. It certainly does cheer Democrats


Poll: Clinton would crush Trump in general election

March 23, 2016


(Foreigners thx might want to be more prudent in their thoughts because it does get tiresome from either side of the American political spectrum. This poster had to spend two months last summer and fall pointing out to aliens Trump was getting votes from Republicans, in Republican party state primaries or caucuses, not from all Americans in a general voting procedure. I've saved this post cause I'm certain I'll need to use it again....and again....and again. To include further polls as the campaign continues to progress occur.)

So if Trump is a slam-dunk (into the toilet), why all the frantic posturing and desperate rebuttals by the anti-Trump crowd on this thread?

Geez! Relax! Stop your own shuddering!

(Or dost thou protesteth too much? )

Just keeping up with the news....

Poll: Clinton would crush Trump in general election

March 23, 2016


Clinton 54%

Trump 36%.

Jeez, even the extremist Republican Barry Goldwater in 1964 got 38.1% of the popular vote. And Goldwater had said he'd leave it to the field commanders in Vietnam to decide if and when to use nuclear weapons. After all, why burden Potus with such a decision.


It has always been obvious The Donald isn't all there upstairs either.

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Donald Trump hits all-time low in the polls that really matter:

Donald Trump's poll numbers have plunged to new lows after a month of escalating violence at his rallies.

After heavy media coverage of fights at his events and his repeated moves to egg on his backers as they get rough with protestors, Trump is now trailing Hillary Clinton by a gap that would be the largest in decades come election day.


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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Edited by Gary A
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Donald Trump hits all-time low in the polls that really matter:

Donald Trump's poll numbers have plunged to new lows after a month of escalating violence at his rallies.

After heavy media coverage of fights at his events and his repeated moves to egg on his backers as they get rough with protestors, Trump is now trailing Hillary Clinton by a gap that would be the largest in decades come election day.


Poll numbers drop after violence at rallies? Hmmm, maybe Sanders' supporters need to attack Hillary supporters next.

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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Edited by Fookhaht
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Some historic polling data...



Reagan 34%

Carter 41%

November result:

Reagan 51%

Carter 41%




Reagan 54%

Mondale 41%

November result:

Reagan 59%

Mondale 41%




Bush 45%

Dukakis 43%

November result:

Bush 53%

Dukakis 46%




Bush 41%

Clinton 26%

Perot 25%

November result:

Bush 37%

Clinton 43%

Perot 19%




Bush 35%

Clinton 49%

Perot 15%

November result:

Bush 41%

Clinton 49%

Perot 8%




Bush 47%

Gore 41%

November result:

Bush 48%

Gore 48%




Bush 47%

Kerry 43%

November result:

Bush 51%

Kerry 48%




McCain 43%

Obama 46%

November result:

McCain 46%

Obama 53%




Romney 47%

Obama 45%

November result:

Romney 47%

Obama 51%



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Like I say ...there are some strange posters who have seen the worst bits of China and believe they actually understand how the governments work ...

I am really unsure where they go to see things like this but I can assure the rest of the keyboard TVF who have not been there to review some more sensible posters who have spent time and interacted and enjoyed their Chinese experience and understand it better

I find from experience when one is open minded you don't see see the scum of any society which explains while I hate TSA to the core , I continue to head to USA because there are still deals to be done and the Americans I have met and interacted with are really decent folks

I am sure stuck somewhere in some soi in America is a side I don't want to see and for that reason I have no interest in heading to those places to deliberately interact and then form skewed views.

Trump is an idiot but in the spirit of democracy , we can let him win and have his one term fun

China is not opposed to any president and much as it sounds wrong to some sides, Obama came across decent and dignified.

For a cowboy era the Chinese already had the two Bush characters and his Brother in California was another ...so that was enough of that cowboy bullshit stuff . ...they did like the women behind the Bushes and believe they were the ones pulling the strings.

Edited by LawrenceChee
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Why are you liberals so worried about Trump being president? If he doesn't do a good job, he will only get one term. He can't make any major changes without the approval of congress anyways. Look at Obama, no one could be worse than he is. Trump is definitely worth the gamble. He will certainly be better than the candidates the democrats have come up with. It's really pretty simple. Ask yourself if you would be happy with business as usual. I could be a liberal and stand with my hand out looking for benefits from the government. Unfortunately I have a conscience and worry about my children and grandchildren. Eventually someone will have to pay the huge rapidly rising debt.

Having his finger always close to the LAUNCH button does worry me somewhat, given his emotional outbursts and having a clear vindictive nature toward all real or perceived challenges.

And, pushing that button would be a "major change" (starting WW3?) without the approval of congress, in the face of a perceived emergency.

Do you actually believe that the president himself can start a nuclear war?

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