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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I see Trump has put his foot in it again when asked to quote his favorite verse he quoted Exodus 21:24 An Eye for an Eye which is the one verse that Jesus asked his followers not to follow anymore in his Sermon on the Mount. Always great listening to these so called Christians putting their feet into it. Very much like Ted Cruz wanting to carpet bomb people.

His favorite Bible verse. "Eye fo an Eye"cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Obviously the guy is not religious. That is one of his few positive attributes.

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I see Trump has put his foot in it again when asked to quote his favorite verse he quoted Exodus 21:24 An Eye for an Eye which is the one verse that Jesus asked his followers not to follow anymore in his Sermon on the Mount. Always great listening to these so called Christians putting their feet into it. Very much like Ted Cruz wanting to carpet bomb people.

His favorite Bible verse. "Eye fo an Eye"cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Obviously the guy is not religious. That is one of his few positive attributes.

I agree about Trump. Same with the other outlier, Sanders, he is a Jew more loved by Italian Catholics than Israelis. tongue.png He's not religious either and to boot, he has been critical of the treatment of the Palestinians and definitely is not following the pro-Isreal line of most US Presidential candidates.

Trump has been struggling to get any traction with the church-going set, except those who drive to church in vehicles like this:


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I see Trump has put his foot in it again when asked to quote his favorite verse he quoted Exodus 21:24 An Eye for an Eye which is the one verse that Jesus asked his followers not to follow anymore in his Sermon on the Mount. Always great listening to these so called Christians putting their feet into it. Very much like Ted Cruz wanting to carpet bomb people.

His favorite Bible verse. "Eye fo an Eye"cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Obviously the guy is not religious. That is one of his few positive attributes.

I agree about Trump. Same with the other outlier, Sanders, he is a Jew more loved by Italian Catholics than Israelis. tongue.png He's not religious either and to boot, he has been critical of the treatment of the Palestinians and definitely is not following the pro-Isreal line of most US Presidential candidates.

Trump has been struggling to get any traction with the church-going set, except those who drive to church in vehicles like this:


The gun rack in the truck. On the way to the Creation Theory Museum with Hannity on the radio no doubt.blink.png

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Just watched Trump family Town Hall in New York

Came across really well, of course he did not say much.. Most of talking done by his family

It was more human interest 'get to know' piece than issue based but I think that is what he needs to contradict the 'hitler' comments

Think he does better in the Town hall formats, as he did have previous one and came a cross well in that one as well

Although in debate format, when he feels he is being attacked.. He just lets rip and doesn't come off as well.

Of course. He tells it like it is.

His family loves him...you can tell.

Not many others "love" him, but at least you know where he is coming from.

He is not a politician, and has been scoring big wins on that.

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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

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Trump sweeps New York in a few days.

After that...Lying, Cheating Hillary will be outperformed by Honest, but socialist Bernie.

After that. President Trump

It's pretty clear. HRC outperformed by Bernie. However...Nobody is going to vote Socialist.

Stand in line for your President Trump T Shirts.

signed #NoBitch

Edited by slipperylobster
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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually, this narrative of Trump being cheated out of the nomination (in addition to being largely true clap2.gif) is also a carefully constructed exit plan by Trump to avoid losing face.

He knows he will be viewed in history as an abomination, a joke, a retardation and bastardization of the Republican party failure, and to avoid having that stain is now building the case that he will be a martyr.

Typical persecution myth building strategy, but he can juice this for years with TV appearances on Nascar, country western concerts, Jerry Springer, etc...

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Trump, ever the master of manipulating mass media, is cleverly fanning the flames of violence at the RNC convention by his recent "hope" that there will be no violence.

“I hope it doesn’t involve violence,” Mr. Trump said at a news conference on Staten Island, a stronghold of support, after he was given an award by the New York Veteran Police Association and spoke at a Lincoln Day brunch for Republicans.

“I hope it doesn’t. I’m not suggesting that.”

Rather than admonishing his followers with strongly worded denouncements and condemnations against violence, he is merely throwing out the 'hope' that there won't be, and 'not suggesting' violence.

Clever way to fan the flames of martyrdom, show his benevolence, and cement future talk show spots, conspiracy theories that will rival JFK, etc.. Very clever and predictable.


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This is the kind on nonsense the Trump fans gobble up.

If they had a brain, they would take it out and play with it.

attachicon.gifObama Hates USA.png

Is Obama destroying the country intentionally? I'm not sure. Maybe he is just really ideological and really naïve. However, the rest of this is pretty much factual.

The Republicans want to take us back to the Golden Age of George W Bush.cheesy.gif

Crashing stock market and retirement accounts lost 66%.

20 million lost their house.

Unemployment at 10%+

The worst economic crisis of our time, no doubt.

2 major Wars that sent the middle east into chaos.

Dependance on foreign oil.

Oil $130 a barrel.

Weak dollar.

Yea. Obama really messed thing up.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Stock market and retirement accounts up 200%.

Housing inventory at all time low.

Unemployment 5%.

Economic crisis averted.

2 major wars finished.

Oil imports at all time low.

Oil $40 a barrel.

Strong dollar.

US exports at all time high $1.3 trillion.

Edited by CousinEddie
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This is the kind on nonsense the Trump fans gobble up.

If they had a brain, they would take it out and play with it.

attachicon.gifObama Hates USA.png

This Joe Walsh guy and everyone like him who drivels on in this tripe are the most rightist extreme crackpot lunatics of contemporary American society. These lunar types are the ones most attracted to the wild radical and the uniquely American Mussolini that Donald Trump is. The implications of this attitude are profound and ugly, manifested in the worst events ever documented in history, particularly in Europe during the 1920s and the 1930s into the 1940s.

This is the kind on nonsense the Trump fans gobble up.

If they had a brain, they would take it out and play with it.

attachicon.gifObama Hates USA.png

Is Obama destroying the country intentionally? I'm not sure. Maybe he is just really ideological and really naïve. However, the rest of this is pretty much factual.

Walsh is a maliciously dangerous crackpot. He has the right to express his views and I have the right to express mine. Walsh is the classic American paranoid extremist who is completely out of contact with reality. His misinterpretations of Barack Obama and the vast majority of the American people who voted twice for Barack to be Potus places him on the most radical fringe margins of American society, culture, politics. Walsh is the last person on earth anyone should listen to or to grant any measure of credibility or mental stability. Walsh is and he means to be malevolent.

Edited by Publicus
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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

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As an American, it's personally embarrassing that a bozo like Trump can find supporters.

These are actual Trump quotes in his own voice. Hilariously stupid.


..but nobody can say why he is waaaaaaaay out front, as far as delegates.

Stay tuned and try the same weak argument. Next few weeks he should be approaching 1000.

Two more days, he may gain all of the New York delegates. (96 or so?)

You are just like those unemployed, whining, dregs of society (ultra liberals) that can't think of anything solid (or even intelligent) to say about why they hate trump. All they do is insult people. Their true agenda is "free" government handouts. Perhaps you are collecting food stamps or disability, or just don't want to work.

Insulting us is just not going to work. Come up with something solid.

You are a broken record...........ahhhhh..those guys are stupid....ahhh..they are dumb.......ahhhh....they are tin foil hat guys..........ahhhhh.....they are not educated.

makes me laugh...and nobody will take you seriously, unless you have something solid.

This whole anti trump campaign is a just a big bag of stinky air. Nothing wrong with him. He's human. At least what you see is what you get.

Unlike that lying clinton wife. Bernie is ok...but socialists are just not going to win.

Edited by slipperylobster
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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

The world is watching this election. It boggles the mind how a clown like Trump can attract any voters.

These Trump fans are delusional. They can say anything, no matter how crazy. It wacky world. Like entering the Twilight Zone.

This Trump supporter is saying Ted Cruz is a cross dresser, peeping tom, that has left a trail of dead hookers..


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^I think it's really gonna get loony tunes & I expect some violence with Trump supporters soon and leading up to the Convention, particularly the more Trump stokes the fire of a rigged convention. At least he gave equal time to Bernie Sanders and said the Dems have it rigged for Clinton as well. wink.png

I'm not sure how these guys like firefighters he was addressing in NY can say he is 'one of them' unless they have gold plated faucets in their firetrucks too. tongue.png

Emotion clouds reason and you can see that on this forum too.

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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

The world is watching this election. It boggles the mind how a clown like Trump can attract any voters.

These Trump fans are delusional. They can say anything, no matter how crazy. It wacky world. Like entering the Twilight Zone.

This Trump supporter is saying Ted Cruz is a cross dresser, peeping tom, that has left a trail of dead hookers..


Nobody cares a hoot about the world...as they care even less about us.

Thanks to your man...obama.

If a non performing, unpopular, guy like Obama can get elected twice....then there IS something wrong. Even George Bush Jr. was not qualified. He was an idiot.

Tell me they are any better. lol Americans want change. That is for sure. Sometimes it is the Times that make the Man....and not the Man that makes the Times.

It's Trump time. Stay tuned.

And let the rest of the world weep. I am quite tired of their whining, anti american rhetoric, anyways. Time they pulled their own weight, paid equal for their own defense, and surely........it's time to force american business back to american soil.......so more jobs are available for americans.

go trump....(fist pump) yeah.!!!!!!!!!! Making America Great Again.........hoooot. yehawwwwwww


Edited by slipperylobster
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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

The world is watching this election. It boggles the mind how a clown like Trump can attract any voters.

These Trump fans are delusional. They can say anything, no matter how crazy. It wacky world. Like entering the Twilight Zone.

This Trump supporter is saying Ted Cruz is a cross dresser, peeping tom, that has left a trail of dead hookers..


Nobody cares a hoot about the world...as they care even less about us.

Thanks to your man...obama.

If a non performing, unpopular, guy like Obama can get elected twice....then there IS something wrong. Even George Bush Jr. was not qualified. He was an idiot.

Tell me they are any better. lol Americans want change. That is for sure. Sometimes it is the Times that make the Man....and not the Man that makes the Times.

It's Trump time. Stay tuned.

And let the rest of the world weep. I am quite tired of their whining, anti american rhetoric, anyways. Time they pulled their own weight, paid equal for their own defense, and surely........it's time to force american business back to american soil.......so more jobs are available for americans.

go trump....(fist pump) yeah.!!!!!!!!!! Making America Great Again.........hoooot. yehawwwwwww


"Nobody cares a hoot about the world...as they care even less about us. Thanks to your man...obama."

There ya go. Another Trump supporter talking out of his behind, wasting bandwidth.

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slipperylobster "You are just like those unemployed, whining, dregs of society (ultra liberals) that can't think of anything solid (or even intelligent) to say about why they hate trump. All they do is insult people. Their true agenda is "free" government handouts. Perhaps you are collecting food stamps or disability, or just don't want to work."

That's what you and your right-wingnuts think but couldn't be further from the truth. Liberals tend to be far more intelligent white collar workers than blue collar factory workers.

No I don't like Trump because of what he says, and if you stand with him you stand for racism, bigotry,misogyny (big word for you Klu Klux Klan trailer home types) and an overall complete lack of knowledge of world politics.

You're dumb as do*sh*t if you think Trump would be a competent President. Period.

Thar u go agin with ur week alibi....us bein dumb...

youse don mind.....we is smart...like you n yourn.

by the way...thanks for the insult....that is a personal attack...which is your way. nothing intelligent to say.

Forum is not a place for personal insults.

However...being on the losing side (as in your avatar/and as in being a NoTrumper)...I can understand your hostile, beligerent...holier than thou...attitude.

Jealousy...of not being a winner. You get first prize as the "whiner"..nonetheless.

Reminds me of another Latin Phrase....."I Callsum as I seesum"


Edited by slipperylobster
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Trump is an idiot but it can't get any worse after Obama

Obama was one president China could work with ...reasonable in thinking , thoughts and speech and not trigger happy

Trump is an idiot and if elected the world will be laughing at the free world selection process a situation you a dude that is not respectable by most Asian countries

I can't believe the fumbling the idiot will have when he visits his Asian allies like Japan and Korea which places such emphasis on manners and decorum

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In a nutshell overview of a slice of US history:

The 'Founding Fathers' did an amazing job. Several of them became America's first presidents. As well as they could, they tried to set guidelines for an egalitarian peaceful society. A few things had to be tweaked in ensuing decades, such as abolition of slavery, and addition of women's right to vote. If they had to go back and re-write parts of the Constitution, I'm sure a majority of them would gladly change the misconstrued section which includes, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." I don't see people like the lone guy on a Cleveland sidewalk with a loaded rapid-fire weapon strapped to his back as 'a well regulated militia', but I know Republicans will disagree with me on that.

So, the Constitution has been in force for a bit over 200 years, and has served Americans rather well. There's never been even an attempted coup d'etat, and there's always been a president and congress. Not once, in that time, has the US Constitution been suspended for even 5 minutes.

Along comes Trump. He could be the biggest threat to the stability of the Constitution in U.S. history. He's already called for 'delay delay delay' re; the president's Constitutional duty to nominate a S.Court justice. He knows gun-toting folks could descend on Cleveland, taking advantage of Ohio's open-carry law ('open carry' was not mentioned in the Constitution). It's doubtful the Founding Fathers would have wanted to do their business with angry armed men standing around shouting demands. Surprises have been coming forth in his campaign, at a steady clip. One day, he calls for the disbanding of NATO, the next day he advocates breaking int'l law re; torture and killing enemy families, Not even Trump himself knows what tangents his mind will zip down, from one week to the next.

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Trump is an idiot but it can't get any worse after Obama

Obama was one president China could work with ...reasonable in thinking , thoughts and speech and not trigger happy

Trump is an idiot and if elected the world will be laughing at the free world selection process a situation you a dude that is not respectable by most Asian countries

I can't believe the fumbling the idiot will have when he visits his Asian allies like Japan and Korea which places such emphasis on manners and decorum

You're opening sentence says, '...it can't get any worse after Obama'

And your 2nd sentence says good things about Obama.

Which is it?

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The Trump vs Establishment has the conspiracy nut demographic circlejerking. Trump is their guy and he is getting cheated! You can see their wacky comments on the blogs and youtube videos.

This will be as big as the Kennedy assassination, moon landing hoax, Obamas birth certificate, or nano thermite!!! They are just lovin it. Sitting in their mums basement, wearing their tin foil hats, making a mess.

Actually..you are far off the mark.

If hating the status quo, and 8 years of insensitivity and non professional leadership (Obama), makes you crazy. Than I prefer to be a crazy, tin foil hat man.

When people start chanting "Hillary is our Choice", then all of us crazy people are going to make a big sign that says............."We are Crazy...but thank God we are not Stooooooooooopid"

Democrats..eat krap.

lying hillary and her crew are not welcome.

signed. #NoBitch

Trump is the status quo. Definition of status quo = people who adhere to commonly held ways of doing things. Please name one thing which Trump does differently than the status quo. Note I used the word 'does' not 'says.' I can name hundreds of ways in which Trump is status quo.

If you want to look at people who are not status quo, you could look at the type of people who go to Burning Man, for example. Trump wears suits and ties, connives to make as much money as possible, lives in the 2nd biggest city in N.America. His wife wears jewelry, make-up, oversees maids and butlers, married for money. Trump's kids are all status quo also. They all live in houses which suck a whole lot of AC power to feed all their status quo electronic devices. They're as status quo as is humanly possible. About the only thing Trump doesn't do, which most of his peers do, is smoke and drink alcohol.

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slipperylobster "You are just like those unemployed, whining, dregs of society (ultra liberals) that can't think of anything solid (or even intelligent) to say about why they hate trump. All they do is insult people. Their true agenda is "free" government handouts. Perhaps you are collecting food stamps or disability, or just don't want to work."

That's what you and your right-wingnuts think but couldn't be further from the truth. Liberals tend to be far more intelligent white collar workers than blue collar factory workers.

No I don't like Trump because of what he says, and if you stand with him you stand for racism, bigotry,misogyny (big word for you Klu Klux Klan trailer home types) and an overall complete lack of knowledge of world politics.

You're dumb as do*sh*t if you think Trump would be a competent President. Period.

Thar u go agin with ur week alibi....us bein dumb...

youse don mind.....we is smart...like you n yourn.

by the way...thanks for the insult....that is a personal attack...which is your way. nothing intelligent to say.

Forum is not a place for personal insults.

However...being on the losing side (as in your avatar/and as in being a NoTrumper)...I can understand your hostile, beligerent...holier than thou...attitude.

Jealousy...of not being a winner. You get first prize as the "whiner"..nonetheless.

Reminds me of another Latin Phrase....."I Callsum as I seesum"


Scintillating retort, you carry on.

Don't feed the troll.jpeg


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I must say that's quite a journal you're quoting there. Anyway, it says nothing to contradict what I've said. And the notion that lowering taxes on the rich will help the economy is ludicrous. The nation's financial institutions are already awash with liquidity. Money all stacked up and no place to go. That's why interest rates are so low.

I don't know how much this relates to the above, but I've heard through the grapevine that, in states that have legalized pot growing, some growers are renting rooms to store cash. For obvious reasons, they prefer strongly built, well-secured rooms. They then proceed to fill them to the ceilings with boxes of cash. If they were conventional businesspeople, they would likely stash their cash in tax havens. I don't know, but the mention, above of; 'money all stacked up and no place to go,' just brought those issues to mind.

As for Trump's tax proposal: "15% over a million" .....that's too low in my view. Or else tax higher on higher amounts. Example: 20% over 2 million. 25% over 3 million. 30% over 4 million. 35% over 5 million would be fair, if you ask me. Granted some or most millionaires would hide their money overseas, but there are trade-offs with any policy. And then there are lavish bonuses for upper echelon company teat-suckers. Sometimes amounting to several million dollar per person. BP's top exec got a several million $$ bonus right after BP got fined big time for polluting the Caribbean.

Sanders is the only candidate of either party who has the guts to deal with such issues sanely.

Which is why the fix is in to stop him being the candidate.

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Trump is an idiot but it can't get any worse after Obama

Obama was one president China could work with ...reasonable in thinking , thoughts and speech and not trigger happy

Trump is an idiot and if elected the world will be laughing at the free world selection process a situation you a dude that is not respectable by most Asian countries

I can't believe the fumbling the idiot will have when he visits his Asian allies like Japan and Korea which places such emphasis on manners and decorum

You're opening sentence says, '...it can't get any worse after Obama'

And your 2nd sentence says good things about Obama.

Which is it?

It means the last few have been highly ineffective and Obama was at least one the Chinese could work with as he was more sane than the rest ....

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