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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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What happens when delegates are won, but, the politician eventually quits the race.

Who do those delegates go to?

I think if a candidate "suspends" his race, rather than withdraw, he will retain his delegates. That is why you see most of them announce suspension rather than withdrawal. They can then use those delegates in their "basket" of power for negotiation later which he can pledge to another candidate. (If I explained this wrong, one of our pundits will be along to correct me)

I think that is what is happening now with Florida looming, as the winner-take-all state. Jeb Bush is acting as a power broker, announcing he will meet with 3 candidates (NOT INCLUDING TRUMP) to decide who he will back, then endorse, and throw his family dynasty's weight behind that candidate to defeat Trump. Note: Bush considers Rubio a traitor after having mentored him coming up in Florida. But as we all know, politics is thicker than water or somethin like that.

Not sure I like or understand the merits of the American political system. How democratic is it for the people who think they are voting for a candidate but are actually voting for a delegate who then votes for whoever he likes? Do voters ever get to really vote for a candidate?

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Jorge Ramos confronts Hillary Clinton: Would you drop out of the race if you get indicted?

The debate exchange started when Ramos said that, by directing her staff to use official government email while she used a private server as secretary of state, Clinton seemed to be issuing "one set of rules for" herself and "a different set of rules for the rest of the State Department."

In addition to asking whether she would drop out if she got indicted, Ramos asked who gave Clinton permission to use a private server for her emails while she served as secretary of state.


Edited by lannarebirth
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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Come on now.

Trump is favored for the nomination. Still. Good chance of a contested convention but he would still be favored to take that.

So from there it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Clinton has strong weaknesses too.

So Trump COULD be president. Probably not, but could.

Yes Trump if nominated could thereby be elected Potus.

Romney could have been. McCain could have been. Michael Dukakis could have been but none were. Etc.

Possible yes. Not probable, however, and highly unlikely.

Las Vegas today says the odds of Trump being elected Potus are 3-1 or 25%. Odds aren't everything but they do tells us something.

HRC btw has 1-2 odds or 66.6% probability to be elected Potus. (Barack Obama's best and true odds were 1-5 or 83% probability, in October 2012.)

A new Wall Street Journal poll shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Trump 51 to 38 percent in a general election, but Trump would beat Clinton 53 to 35 percent among white men only.

Now if the Republicans could get the only old white man vote...

How about surround the polls and yelling, "Hey you kids, get off my lawn!"

The Republican race has come down to a Christian Dominionist eager to make America a Christian theocracy or a corrupt Mussolini wannabe.

Two unelectable candidates either one of one them capable of bringing the Republican party down with them. thumbsup.gif

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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Again JD, you may want give Fox News a rest for a few days.


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"Wallpapering Posts on Forum Topics is just another form of Littering designed to drown out the Opposition in order to Claim a Debate Win - Volume of Content is the Intellect of Insecure Egotists"

Well said JD

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The huge conservative/ moderate and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time...for Trump? Cruz?

Where is this happening? I've been distracted by the Republican trainwreck, The Rising coming, you say?

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Come on now.

Trump is favored for the nomination. Still. Good chance of a contested convention but he would still be favored to take that.

So from there it's Trump vs. Clinton.

Clinton has strong weaknesses too.

So Trump COULD be president. Probably not, but could.

Yes Trump if nominated could thereby be elected Potus.

Romney could have been. McCain could have been. Michael Dukakis could have been but none were. Etc.

Possible yes. Not probable, however, and highly unlikely.

Las Vegas today says the odds of Trump being elected Potus are 3-1 or 25%. Odds aren't everything but they do tells us something.

HRC btw has 1-2 odds or 66.6% probability to be elected Potus. (Barack Obama's best and true odds were 1-5 or 83% probability, in October 2012.)

A new Wall Street Journal poll shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Trump 51 to 38 percent in a general election, but Trump would beat Clinton 53 to 35 percent among white men only.

Now if the Republicans could get the only old white man vote...

How about surround the polls and yelling, "Hey you kids, get off my lawn!"

The Republican race has come down to a Christian Dominionist eager to make America a Christian theocracy or a corrupt Mussolini wannabe.

Two unelectable candidates either one of one them capable of bringing the Republican party down with them. thumbsup.gif

Our guyz on the same side at the Forum rarely engage in self-reinforcing posting, preferring individually to engage the right, normally the rightwhingers. Recently however responding has come to include the newly emerged but equally aggressive posting of the conservative hard core right that laffably asserts it is independent minded.

The newly present conservative hard core right comically believe that supporting either Trump or Sanders is the same thing. Watching the two respective groups of rightists is more fun than a barrel of monkeys - two barrels of monkeys actually.

The most telling part of the recently emergent conservative hard core right and the very familiar rightwhingers is that they don't know or they conveniently forget the blowout in the 1964 election of the Republican rightwinger Sen Barry Goldwater, who won six states and 51 Electoral College votes (270 needed to win).

In these respects, one cites Stu Rothenberg who is a well known and established, independent minded centrist Republican conservative pollster and analyst I've read and respected for more than 25 years. Stu informs many of us across the political spectrum...

Dem Senate Takeover Probable, If Cruz or Trump Nominee

By Stuart Rothenberg

Posted at 5 a.m. on March 8

“With Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz seemingly positioned to fight it out for the Republican presidential nomination, Democrats are now poised to take over the Senate in November.

“No, there is little hard evidence yet that a huge Democratic electoral wave has started to develop and at this point, Democratic control of the Senate is not yet inevitable. But that should not obscure the fact that a fundamental shift has occurred in the electoral cycle over the past six weeks.”

After 25 or so years of reading Stu and catching him on CSPAN and other political programming, from Sunday morning panels to everything else, it is clear Stu is looking for and expects to soon find "a huge Democratic electoral wave."

The right and other Republicans had a huge electoral wave in the 2014 midterm election when they swept to majority control of the Senate and increased their majority control of the House.

The pendulum swings however. And the boom is being lowered -- by the broad and vast centrist and moderate middle American electorate. Yet the right from the recently assertive conservative hard right to the old and tired rightwhingers are not looking out below. So the fun is only beginning thumbsup.gif

This statement is not via any email, still, all the same: President Hillary Clinton.

The world is rightfully nervous while some of 'em are panicking which is fully understandable. However, not to worry...give it time. Give it its due course.

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What happens when delegates are won, but, the politician eventually quits the race.

Who do those delegates go to?

I think if a candidate "suspends" his race, rather than withdraw, he will retain his delegates. That is why you see most of them announce suspension rather than withdrawal. They can then use those delegates in their "basket" of power for negotiation later which he can pledge to another candidate. (If I explained this wrong, one of our pundits will be along to correct me)

I think that is what is happening now with Florida looming, as the winner-take-all state. Jeb Bush is acting as a power broker, announcing he will meet with 3 candidates (NOT INCLUDING TRUMP) to decide who he will back, then endorse, and throw his family dynasty's weight behind that candidate to defeat Trump. Note: Bush considers Rubio a traitor after having mentored him coming up in Florida. But as we all know, politics is thicker than water or somethin like that.

Not sure I like or understand the merits of the American political system. How democratic is it for the people who think they are voting for a candidate but are actually voting for a delegate who then votes for whoever he likes? Do voters ever get to really vote for a candidate?

Keemapoot is accurate in his post (no surprise).

The rules of each party respectively require that delegates won by a candidate in a direct primary election vote or in a direct caucus vote need to vote at the convention for the candidate they are pledged to support.

The rule applies however to the first ballot only.

After that, if there is a second or subsequent ballot, the delegates become free to vote independently for whomever they wish. Been this way in the US party system, time knoweth not to the contrary (well, since 1816).

So what izzit anyway you don't understand about elected representation or its equal, elected delegation.

Yeah, of course Britain has never had a Constitution convention, as the USA had in 1788-89, or a document as written then and there by elected delegates from each of the 13 original states. Still, you Brits have the well known Mother of Parliaments so even or especially commoners over there know, understand, comprehend and live each day with and by elected representation. AKA elected delegation.

You even have political parties over there and each holds its own national convention packed with elected party delegates that vote on various things, such as a party platform, on issues, and the like. Sounds like you might be somewhat unattached; quite disattached in fact.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

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He'll never win. He's got all the votes he's going to get, 35% of 50%, all the angry white men. How many Hispanics, women, middle class, etc will vote for him? F all. He'd lose 66%-33% at best. The only one I've any time for from either party is Kasich.

Yeah! Only white rednecks like Trump! Yeah!

Check out this soon to be classic from left-wing MSNBC news...the reaction of the anchorwoman is hilarious...


Not to worry... I bet who ever picked that clip got a dressing down...

Didn't he know that was supposed to get the middle age white guy missing 2 teeth wearing over-alls and playing a banjo..

That way the anchor could say... ' see , it's just rednecks, bigots and racists that are for Trump'

She looked genuinely surprised that 'some one chose this clip to show'

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Not sure I like or understand the merits of the American political system. How democratic is it for the people who think they are voting for a candidate but are actually voting for a delegate who then votes for whoever he likes? Do voters ever get to really vote for a candidate?

Keemapoot is accurate in his post (no surprise).

The rules of each party respectively require that delegates won by a candidate in a direct primary election vote or in a direct caucus vote need to vote at the convention for the candidate they are pledged to support.

The rule applies however to the first ballot only.

After that, if there is a second or subsequent ballot, the delegates become free to vote independently for whomever they wish. Been this way in the US party system, time knoweth not to the contrary (well, since 1816).

So what izzit anyway you don't understand about elected representation or its equal, elected delegation.

Yeah, of course Britain has never had a Constitution convention, as the USA had in 1788-89, or a document as written then and there by elected delegates from each of the 13 original states. Still, you Brits have the well known Mother of Parliaments so even or especially commoners over there know, understand, comprehend and live each day with and by elected representation. AKA elected delegation.

You even have political parties over there and each holds its own national convention packed with elected party delegates that vote on various things, such as a party platform, on issues, and the like. Sounds like you might be somewhat unattached; quite disattached in fact.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

No you call it a democracy but the USA's a republic isn't it? If you vote for delegates to represent you and the rules say the delegates can defeat any choice the public make while they jostle for power, and that's the law, is that democracy? Your founding fathers modeled your republic on Rome, not democracy from Athens. Like all republics which devolve into oligarchy's eventually, you're experiencing that today.

Having said that there is no perfect democracy, all systems have weaknesses but you might get closer to democracy when you ditch your system of career politicians. Special interest groups have too much power and the public too little. If citizens do not have equal say in the processes of government, when people see that then that turns into suspicion and then they turn to a Donald Trump. Instead of lambasting him and his supporters every day with disparagement, you should look further afield at what has given rise to him. It is said that you get the government you deserve.

US "has no functioning democracy" said Jimmy Carter in 2013, one of your most upstanding Presidents in my view. Oh and a Democrat too.

Lastly I'm not British so you're wasting your breath, dude.

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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Again JD, you may want give Fox News a rest for a few days.


You are WAY behind the times - completely out of touch with what is happening now in America ... your comment is circa 2008 ... You got to keep up. Fox news ? hahahahah... I have not watched Fox in 6-7 years and then only when changing channels ... I have a plethora of news sources from all over the world. I also keep in touch with Conservatives groups all over America... those who support Trump and those who do not ... Those who support Cruz and those who do not... and a host of other related subject matters... Your political acumen is that of a scratched 45 rpm record that just keeps skipping back to the beginning ... You will see in November of this year... Millions of voters who have not voted in 10-12 years are coming out of the woodwork to support the Anti-Democrat - Anti-Leftist - Anti-Socialist - Anti-Establishment candidates who will sweep Hillary into her jail cell ... and put Sanders in a assisted living home... If your lack of awareness of current events involved in the American political scene of 2016 were a vacuum all the air in Thailand would be sucked out..

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Thank God for Trump. The only people who are shuddering over Trump becoming the next president, are corrupt politicians and the people who want something for nothing. Once Trump gets into the White House, the gravy train will be over for the lobbyist and the greedy, corrupt, soul-less, politicians who accept their money.

How naive........

Naive??? Really??? Lets give that a little thought. A large segment of the population (naive people) voted for Obama, who had been a community organiser and had warmed a seat in the U.S. Senate. Obama had never held a real job, and was totally void of any leadership skills. Obama devastated the American economy, weakened the military, and divided the country as no one who served before him. These same people voted for him twice, and now support Hillary who wants to continue Obama's idiotic policies. So you think I'm naive because I support a successful business man, who can't be influenced by lobbyist or other vermin? How naive......

Out comes the tired old broken record "It's all Obama's fault". And it didn't take long for the racist stuff to reappear. Why is that? The White Right, the Supremacists, the Originalists are all about integration. The great 'Melting Pot' that only melted white Europeans together had definitely gone off the boil by the 20th century. So what do these supremacists want with their integration? That American culture be a monoculture defined by those who control the institutions. That is, the Whites. The Males. No multiculturalism allowed. No diversity here. And when a black man was elected President, the howls of anguish when Obama didn't turn white on 20 January 2009. This was meant to be a post racial America. All Blacks were meant to have become White, or at least honorary Whites and compliant to White culture.

But what happened? Obama forced the Supremacists to look into the abyss of their racism and they didn't like what they saw staring back. They saw minorities who demanded access to the American culture and require that culture to be inclusive of them. So the Supremacists fought back, inventing nasty terms like 'race baiting' to throw at anyone who dares to suggest that there is not a monoculture in America and there should not be either.

Obama did not divide America. He shone a light on the divisions that already existed. He showed the racists, supremacists, nativists and bigots for what they are. Naturally you do not like that. This constant immoderate anti-Obama crap is stupid. I fully expect it to continue under Hillary Clinton because the sad old white men don't seem to like women either; at least not as an equal deserving of respect.

Long live the Obama legacy.

Edited by lostboy
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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Again JD, you may want give Fox News a rest for a few days.


You are WAY behind the times - completely out of touch with what is happening now in America ... your comment is circa 2008 ... You got to keep up. Fox news ? hahahahah... I have not watched Fox in 6-7 years and then only when changing channels ... I have a plethora of news sources from all over the world. I also keep in touch with Conservatives groups all over America... those who support Trump and those who do not ... Those who support Cruz and those who do not... and a host of other related subject matters... Your political acumen is that of a scratched 45 rpm record that just keeps skipping back to the beginning ... You will see in November of this year... Millions of voters who have not voted in 10-12 years are coming out of the woodwork to support the Anti-Democrat - Anti-Leftist - Anti-Socialist - Anti-Establishment candidates who will sweep Hillary into her jail cell ... and put Sanders in a assisted living home... If your lack of awareness of current events involved in the American political scene of 2016 were a vacuum all the air in Thailand would be sucked out..

I do not believe your Country Club, self-satisfied, selfish billionaire-worshippers will turn out in such numbers. Far easier for them to self medicate behind their gated communities on alcohol and xanax. They only roll up to the rallies because they are good consumers and Trump rallies have now become a bizarre form of tele-marketing.

The 2nd American Revolution? The old white men are certainly revolting. I predict Trump will attempt to start a new religion, like L. Ron Hubbard and continue to squeeze his gullible fanboys for all he can get.

Edited by lostboy
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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Again JD, you may want give Fox News a rest for a few days.


You are WAY behind the times - completely out of touch with what is happening now in America ... your comment is circa 2008 ... You got to keep up. Fox news ? hahahahah... I have not watched Fox in 6-7 years and then only when changing channels ... I have a plethora of news sources from all over the world. I also keep in touch with Conservatives groups all over America... those who support Trump and those who do not ... Those who support Cruz and those who do not... and a host of other related subject matters... Your political acumen is that of a scratched 45 rpm record that just keeps skipping back to the beginning ... You will see in November of this year... Millions of voters who have not voted in 10-12 years are coming out of the woodwork to support the Anti-Democrat - Anti-Leftist - Anti-Socialist - Anti-Establishment candidates who will sweep Hillary into her jail cell ... and put Sanders in a assisted living home... If your lack of awareness of current events involved in the American political scene of 2016 were a vacuum all the air in Thailand would be sucked out..

Drudge and Breitbart, then? No Fox for 6-7 years? I thought that was daily bible study in wingnuttia?

Millions of voters coming out of the woodwork...? HOLY MACKEREL! That's scary. Old white man zombie voters. To be honest I think after 10-12 years they're probably dead. They weren't spring chickens to begin with.

Who told you there were going to be millions of Americans coming out of the woodwork? Leave any link that describes a scenario where any of these upstanding Republican candidates wins this thing. Not your usual nonsense, I mean a real journalism link.

I love the way this "HRC is frog marched off to jail nonsense" runs through every thread. BENGHAZI! It's the rights, ace in the hole for winning.

"If all your lack of awareness was a vacuum...all the air would be sucked out of Thailand?" Anybody?

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Not sure I like or understand the merits of the American political system. How democratic is it for the people who think they are voting for a candidate but are actually voting for a delegate who then votes for whoever he likes? Do voters ever get to really vote for a candidate?

Keemapoot is accurate in his post (no surprise).

The rules of each party respectively require that delegates won by a candidate in a direct primary election vote or in a direct caucus vote need to vote at the convention for the candidate they are pledged to support.

The rule applies however to the first ballot only.

After that, if there is a second or subsequent ballot, the delegates become free to vote independently for whomever they wish. Been this way in the US party system, time knoweth not to the contrary (well, since 1816).

So what izzit anyway you don't understand about elected representation or its equal, elected delegation.

Yeah, of course Britain has never had a Constitution convention, as the USA had in 1788-89, or a document as written then and there by elected delegates from each of the 13 original states. Still, you Brits have the well known Mother of Parliaments so even or especially commoners over there know, understand, comprehend and live each day with and by elected representation. AKA elected delegation.

You even have political parties over there and each holds its own national convention packed with elected party delegates that vote on various things, such as a party platform, on issues, and the like. Sounds like you might be somewhat unattached; quite disattached in fact.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

No you call it a democracy but the USA's a republic isn't it? If you vote for delegates to represent you and the rules say the delegates can defeat any choice the public make while they jostle for power, and that's the law, is that democracy? Your founding fathers modeled your republic on Rome, not democracy from Athens. Like all republics which devolve into oligarchy's eventually, you're experiencing that today.

Having said that there is no perfect democracy, all systems have weaknesses but you might get closer to democracy when you ditch your system of career politicians. Special interest groups have too much power and the public too little. If citizens do not have equal say in the processes of government, when people see that then that turns into suspicion and then they turn to a Donald Trump. Instead of lambasting him and his supporters every day with disparagement, you should look further afield at what has given rise to him. It is said that you get the government you deserve.

US "has no functioning democracy" said Jimmy Carter in 2013, one of your most upstanding Presidents in my view. Oh and a Democrat too.

Lastly I'm not British so you're wasting your breath, dude.

I'm not British

Maybe, maybe not.

If the sovereign reigning monarch of the UK is sovereign in one's native country you certainly are a subject. That would be, for the purposes of the above nonsense post, namely, Australia, New Zealand, Canada.

Which would mean a person subject of the Crown should know and understand representative democracy whether it is in a Republic, a Commonwealth, or a Constitutional Monarchy.

A person should have some awareness of political parties, the nature of the beast and the respective process, especially in a quadrennial election year of Potus in USA and concerning which one is commenting and denouncing determindly and with a certain ferocity.

A person from another (sort of) native English speaking country, Ireland, should also know it. It's another Republic but you already knew that.

If citizens do not have equal say in the processes of government, when people see that then that turns into suspicion and then they turn to a Donald Trump

The mantra of the conservative hard core right continues....all the way out to the fringe radical right whinge.

Conversely, we who are anti-fascist support Clinton or Sanders; some who prefer another party identification supported the likes of Rand Paul or Carly Fiorina or support Kasich or Rubio -- or especially Ted Cruz who is just an old fashioned (quite) right of center conservative.

It is always the Independent voter who is certain he is open minded and sovereign yet knows less than the low information voter who will choose between the eventual nominee of each party, and who will decide the election against Trump.

Almost all political "Independents" lean D or R and vote that way almost always. Conservative hard core right Independents vote as the conservative hard core voters that they are, hence their support of Trump. Ask any political campaign manager, political scientist, informed commentator, of the left, center or right. Live and learn.

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I love the way this "HRC is frog marched off to jail nonsense" runs through every thread.

Maybe you should inform all those FBI agents that have been investigating Hillary's Emails for months how wrong they are. Include a sample of some of your nutty, ultra-partisan posts on Thai Visa. I'm sure they will listen.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I love the way this "HRC is frog marched off to jail nonsense" runs through every thread.

Maybe you should inform all those FBI agents that have been investigating Hillary's Emails for months how wrong they are. Include a sample of some of your nutty, ultra-partisan posts on Thai Visa. I'm sure they will listen.

The poster you quote made a passing reference in his post.

Your post isolates the passing reference to then pick up on the reference and it treats the reference as a topic in itself. The topic is of course not relevant to the thread, nor is your post germane or material to the thread. In other words, the exclusive content of your post is off-topic.


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There is a huge conservative/ moderate ... and Independent National Uprising going in America that will be of Tsunami proportions by November voting time and a leftist wallpapering egotist here has no clue..

Again JD, you may want give Fox News a rest for a few days.


You are WAY behind the times - completely out of touch with what is happening now in America ... your comment is circa 2008 ... You got to keep up. Fox news ? hahahahah... I have not watched Fox in 6-7 years and then only when changing channels ... I have a plethora of news sources from all over the world. I also keep in touch with Conservatives groups all over America... those who support Trump and those who do not ... Those who support Cruz and those who do not... and a host of other related subject matters... Your political acumen is that of a scratched 45 rpm record that just keeps skipping back to the beginning ... You will see in November of this year... Millions of voters who have not voted in 10-12 years are coming out of the woodwork to support the Anti-Democrat - Anti-Leftist - Anti-Socialist - Anti-Establishment candidates who will sweep Hillary into her jail cell ... and put Sanders in a assisted living home... If your lack of awareness of current events involved in the American political scene of 2016 were a vacuum all the air in Thailand would be sucked out..

Drudge and Breitbart, then? No Fox for 6-7 years? I thought that was daily bible study in wingnuttia?

Millions of voters coming out of the woodwork...? HOLY MACKEREL! That's scary. Old white man zombie voters. To be honest I think after 10-12 years they're probably dead. They weren't spring chickens to begin with.

Who told you there were going to be millions of Americans coming out of the woodwork? Leave any link that describes a scenario where any of these upstanding Republican candidates wins this thing. Not your usual nonsense, I mean a real journalism link.

I love the way this "HRC is frog marched off to jail nonsense" runs through every thread. BENGHAZI! It's the rights, ace in the hole for winning.

"If all your lack of awareness was a vacuum...all the air would be sucked out of Thailand?" Anybody?

Yes, do keep up with the good work.

The far out whingenut right is already nuts but you've gone and got right under their thin white skin.

To include on their red necks.


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There are many blood sucking parasites around the world that are opening their mouths to drivel and have a vested interest in the way things are- status quo. From those abusing the US in trade to those racing the nuclear clocks to those building caliphate infrastructure to those racing ahead of realities to force a new EU, their protests against Trump validate why Trump is so popular- because most of these people opposing Trump just suck! In other words, from Merkel to Salon to HRC to Zuckerburg to China to Iran to NK ad naseum, Americas are equally sick of you and all your ilk.

1. People are appalled at the progressive and parasitic ideologies and peoples around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river under the cover of "for the children, the environment, the refugees, the migrants, war on women, war on poverty, war on drugs, war on 1%, 99%, 47%, global warming, climate change, carbon tax, co2, the illegals, the free trade, the right to... NWO, NATO, DAESH, white privilege, al Nursa, NAFTA, GATT, TPP, our lives matter, Arab Spring, cops suck, caliphate, islam, white guilt, islamic jihad," etc.

2. Trump acts as a lightening rod for so much of the angst that is the largely dispossessed American center, left, and right.

3. People around the world taking advantage of the US and selling the US down the river are appalled at Trump.

4. The circle could not be more elementary than this. Each time one of these mouthpieces offers their "sky is falling" diatribe to the media it actually gives testimony to why Trump is popular.

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I just watched CNN sink to a new low today...the shows host asked her "expert" guest flat out if Trump supporters were bigots and racists because there are almost no minorities voting for him. The guest went on to say,that many, not ALL, but MANY Trump supporters think the wrong side won the Civil War. To which the host replied, "so Trump supporters support slavery?". It continued like that for a few minutes. It was truly ridiculous.

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Looks like the Trump base is trying to keep uppity negros in place.

The toxic environment that’s become a trademark of Donald Trump’s raucous campaign turned violent again on Wednesday when a protester at the Republican frontrunner’s rally in Fayetteville, N.C., was sucker-punched by one of Trump’s supporters.

In a video of the incident posted to YouTube, Rakeem Jones, a 26-year-old black protester, was seen being led out of the event by security when he was punched in the face by what appeared to be a white Trump supporter. The audience cheered, and Jones was thrown to the ground by police.


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Not sure I like or understand the merits of the American political system. How democratic is it for the people who think they are voting for a candidate but are actually voting for a delegate who then votes for whoever he likes? Do voters ever get to really vote for a candidate?

Keemapoot is accurate in his post (no surprise).

The rules of each party respectively require that delegates won by a candidate in a direct primary election vote or in a direct caucus vote need to vote at the convention for the candidate they are pledged to support.

The rule applies however to the first ballot only.

After that, if there is a second or subsequent ballot, the delegates become free to vote independently for whomever they wish. Been this way in the US party system, time knoweth not to the contrary (well, since 1816).

So what izzit anyway you don't understand about elected representation or its equal, elected delegation.

Yeah, of course Britain has never had a Constitution convention, as the USA had in 1788-89, or a document as written then and there by elected delegates from each of the 13 original states. Still, you Brits have the well known Mother of Parliaments so even or especially commoners over there know, understand, comprehend and live each day with and by elected representation. AKA elected delegation.

You even have political parties over there and each holds its own national convention packed with elected party delegates that vote on various things, such as a party platform, on issues, and the like. Sounds like you might be somewhat unattached; quite disattached in fact.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

It's called democracy and democratic processes dude.

No you call it a democracy but the USA's a republic isn't it? If you vote for delegates to represent you and the rules say the delegates can defeat any choice the public make while they jostle for power, and that's the law, is that democracy? Your founding fathers modeled your republic on Rome, not democracy from Athens. Like all republics which devolve into oligarchy's eventually, you're experiencing that today.

Having said that there is no perfect democracy, all systems have weaknesses but you might get closer to democracy when you ditch your system of career politicians. Special interest groups have too much power and the public too little. If citizens do not have equal say in the processes of government, when people see that then that turns into suspicion and then they turn to a Donald Trump. Instead of lambasting him and his supporters every day with disparagement, you should look further afield at what has given rise to him. It is said that you get the government you deserve.

US "has no functioning democracy" said Jimmy Carter in 2013, one of your most upstanding Presidents in my view. Oh and a Democrat too.

Lastly I'm not British so you're wasting your breath, dude.

I'm not British

Maybe, maybe not.

If the sovereign reigning monarch of the UK is sovereign in one's native country you certainly are a subject. That would be, for the purposes of the above nonsense post, namely, Australia, New Zealand, Canada.

Which would mean a person subject of the Crown should know and understand representative democracy whether it is in a Republic, a Commonwealth, or a Constitutional Monarchy.

A person should have some awareness of political parties, the nature of the beast and the respective process, especially in a quadrennial election year of Potus in USA and concerning which one is commenting and denouncing determindly and with a certain ferocity.

A person from another (sort of) native English speaking country, Ireland, should also know it. It's another Republic but you already knew that.

If citizens do not have equal say in the processes of government, when people see that then that turns into suspicion and then they turn to a Donald Trump

The mantra of the conservative hard core right continues....all the way out to the fringe radical right whinge.

Conversely, we who are anti-fascist support Clinton or Sanders; some who prefer another party identification supported the likes of Rand Paul or Carly Fiorina or support Kasich or Rubio -- or especially Ted Cruz who is just an old fashioned (quite) right of center conservative.

It is always the Independent voter who is certain he is open minded and sovereign yet knows less than the low information voter who will choose between the eventual nominee of each party, and who will decide the election against Trump.

Almost all political "Independents" lean D or R and vote that way almost always. Conservative hard core right Independents vote as the conservative hard core voters that they are, hence their support of Trump. Ask any political campaign manager, political scientist, informed commentator, of the left, center or right. Live and learn.

Thanks for the arrogant lecture, but for all the words, what did you really say? You should have been a career politician.

Commonwealth countries are based on Westminster parliamentary democracy, but all are very different. Tenure is different 3-5 years. Senate, House of Lords, Single Chamber, voting systems FPP. MMP PR STV are different. Coalitions also but in the UK unusual for coalitions. So? what you want me to say? All you really said was I should really know as much as you. Go figure.

Mantra? Are you telling me that all citizens have equal say in the processes of government, there's no suspicion and people have not turned to Donald Trump? Well I don't think you can dispute that they have, otherwise he would not occupy so much of your time.

So why do YOU think Trump has such a large following that he said even surprised himself? Or have I just imagined he has a following at all?

Can you answer without all the hyperbole you so love to employ? Seriously. I would like to see if you can give me something intelligent rather than puking left wing rhetoric all over the threads or trying to be esoteric and obscure in your answers.

Waiting to hear from you,


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Looks like the Trump base is trying to keep uppity negros in place.

Maybe just uppity A-holes - no matter what their color!

Yeah, possibly and perhaps, but these types of things just reinforce the hillbilly cracker constituency image.

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You think Obama divided the country more than Dubya?

You think it will be the end of the lobbying industry if Trump gets in?

You think Trump will get in?

I stand by my statement.

I never said anything about the lobbying industry ending. I did say they wouldn't be able to influence Trump. Yes, it does look like Trump may be the next president.

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