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I like smoking, but recognize there is a real danger in it so I quit every now and then for a few years.  I also decided to quit vaping as I didnt like being a slave to the damn thing.


I expect I'll return to the vaping in a few weeks.


In my experience, if you really like smoking then the craving won't go.  It's that old thing about really wanting to do something.  If you can convince yourself you hate the habit, it is possible to get rid of cravings quickly.



  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Congratulations! Was smoking for over 30 years. Quit over 10 years ago and never touched a single cigarette since and never will! Quit cold turkey helped only by reading the book Allen Carr's The Easy Way to Stop Smoking (if you like to have a pdf copy, please pm me). Never suffered any withdrawal symptoms.

Join a Gym, go for walks, cycling, swimming etc anything that you enjoy doing. Helps immensely to stop the cravings, keep healthy and control your weight & appetite.

After awhile, the craving will disappear. In fact now, I hate the smell of smoking and stale tobacco more than a non-smoker!


  • 5 weeks later...

Both I and my brother in law recently quit smoking (again)


I'm on a start again stop again program but eventually, I am hoping all cravings will disappear.


A couple of things different with my cessation this time around:


1. Cigars or cigarillos - these cause much fewer cravings during smoking.

It may be possible to wean oneself off of cigarettes by starting smoking cigars 


2. marijuana - now I know this may sound like going from soft smoking to hard smoking but

I noticed while I was trying to stop smoking cigarettes that smoking a joint at night helped me not to smoke cigarettes. Really helped with the first few days especially. I know it is not legal everywhere but it is legal where I am. Plus I feel no addictive quality to marijuana.


3. coffee/alcohol - Desire to smoke cigs is amped up after coffee or alcohol (at least for me it is)

I cut back or did not drink while stopping smoking...helped a lot )


Good luck, it is well worth w/e you need to go through to stop smoking!

  • 1 month later...

Just stick with it, it is not easy. 

I have just been told of a

lifelong heavy smoker who I know slightlywho has lung cancer. That could have been me if I had not stuck it out 30ish years ago.

Best of luck.

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